Re: Vertical Spacing question

2009-04-24 Thread Mischa Falkenburg

Mark Polesky wrote:

Mischa Falkenburg wrote:



I've been searching through the documentation, and the index for 
same...but I don't see any reference to this. Explain, please?


Don't forget to use "reply to all" so that
your messages show up on the mailing list.

ragged-last-bottom is here:

The documentation for the other 3 were only
added to the source files recently:;a=commit;h=777290146739b3896eacd2b65d5d87b2826603e9

So they won't appear in the docs until 2.13.1
is released. Of the three, it looks like only
systems-per-page is available in 2.13.0.
So you can try this:

\paper {
  systems-per-page = #3

But you should also try this:

\paper {
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t

hope this helps
- Mark



Mark, thanks for your help (ie. Reply to ALL)

My question would be:
WHERE do I plug in the

\paper {
 ragged-last-bottom = ##t


Here is a copy of my score...

\version "2.10.33"

timeAndKey = { \time 4/4 \key g \major}

voiceA = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 210 {g'4 fis d8 e b c d4 fis4 d4 b4 a8 b \times 2/3 {c d 
c}d8 g fis d c4 a2 g4}


voiceB = \relative c { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 420 { d'8 e fis4 g8 a c4 e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis }


voiceC = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 280 { b4 a b e g a fis e~ e c c8 d r4 }


voiceD = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 120 { r1 r1 g'4 fis d8 e b c e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis a8 b 
\times 2/3 {c d c} d8 g fis d e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis r1 }


voiceE = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 168 { c2 b8 d c b a4 b g2~ g b8 d c b c4 fis \times 2/3 
{e8 d e} d4~ d a2 r4 }


voiceF = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 105 { g'2 (e) (c) r2 e2 (c) (a) r2 fis'2 (d) (b) r2 d2 
(b) (g1) }


\score {

\new GrandStaff {<<

\new Staff \voiceA

\new Staff \voiceB

\new Staff \voiceC

\new Staff \voiceD

\new Staff \voiceE

\new Staff \voiceF



\layout { }

\midi { }


Your HELP will always be appreciated...


lilypond-user mailing list

Vertical Spacing question

2009-04-22 Thread Mischa Falkenburg

Hello All,

I'm using version 2.12.1, and my piece utilizes a GrandStaff with 6 Staffs.
The .pdf file generated shows all the pages, except for the final page, 
with a big space between two GrandStaffs.

I would like to modify the spacing so that three GS's would show on each 
page. Is this possible?



lilypond-user mailing list


2009-02-22 Thread mischa falkenburg

Hello All,

I have a piece that currently is 84 pages in length.
It is 6 voices in harmony. When the pdf files is generated, however, 
each page shows six lines at the top, a GAP, and then 6 lines again at 
the bottom...until the final page...when there are 6 lines followed by 
six lines - NO gap.

The other issue is the generating of a midi file. The score has what I 
assume to be the proper \midi { } placement since there are no error 
messages...but I don't see any midi file being created.

The spacing issue is a bit more crucial, since losing that GAP would 
cut-down on the number of printed pages required.

Thanks in advance for your help,

lilypond-user mailing list

that Brick Wall...

2007-07-17 Thread Mischa Falkenburg now DOWN.
Thanks to Neil & Valentin for their suggestions and help. I understand a 
LOT more than I did when I started this project.

I feel confident enough now to continue moving forward :-) .

Thanks again,

lilypond-user mailing list


2007-07-16 Thread Mischa Falkenburg

Valentin Villenave wrote:

I advice you to clean your code this way, and then post again your
score (with all of the 6 voices); then we'll be able to help (if the
cleaning didn't solve your problem, which is nevertheless possible
after all :)

%%% Here's your score --much shorter :)

timeAndKey =  { \time 4/4 \key g \major}

voiceA = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 4 { g'4 fis4 d8 e b c d4 fis4 d4 b4 a8 b \times 2/3 {c
d c}d8 g fis
d c4 a2 g4}
voiceB = \relative c { \timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 8 { d'8 e fis4 g8 a c4 e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis }

\score {
\new GrandStaff {<<
\new Staff  \voiceA
\new Staff  \voiceB

OK Valentin, I tried it (first) totally as you wrote...this did NOT 
generate a .pdf file for me(or anyone else) to see :-( .
But, using some of what you've shown me...but keeping my { }'s & [ ]'s 
;-) , I plugged my code so it was like this:

\version "2.10.0"
timeAndKey = {\time 4/4 \key g \major}
voiceA = \relative c'' {\timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 4 {g'4 fis4 d8[e b c]}{d4 fis4 d4 b4}{a8[b] \times 2/3 {c 
d c} d8[g fis d]}{c4 a2 g4}

voiceB = \relative c {\timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 2 {d'8[e] fis4 g8[a] c4}{e4 c8[b] a4 g8[fis]}
voiceC = \relative c {\timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 3 {b"4 a4 b4 e4}{g4 a4 fis4 e4~}{e4 c4 c8[d] r4}
voiceD = \relative c" {\timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 7 {r1}{r1}{g'4 fis4 d8[e b c]}{e4 c8[b] a4 g8[fis]}{a8[b] 
\times 2/3 {c8 d c} d8[g fis d]}{e4 c8[b] a4 g8[fis]}{r1}

voiceE = \relative c' {\timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 5 {c'2 b8[d c b]}{a4 b4 g2~}{g2 b8[d c b]}{c4 fis4 \times 
2/3 {e8 d e} d4~}{d4 a2 r4}

voiceF = \relative c" {\timeAndKey
\repeat unfold 8 {g'2(e2}{c2) r2}{e2(c2}{c2) r2}{fis'2(d2}{b2) r2}{d2 


\new GrandStaff <<
   \new Staff  \voiceA
   \new Staff  \voiceB
   \new Staff  \voiceC
   \new Staff  \voiceD
   \new Staff  \voiceE
   \new Staff  \voiceF
\layout { }
\midi { }

Now, what happened here is that the first measure of each phrase gets 
repeated, rather than the entire phrase.
How to do THAT? Also, LilypondTool via jEdit isn't generating a MIDI 
file either.
Just to clear-up any confusion, the IDEA behind this piece is that each 
phrase/Voice is repeated UNTIL the "next" vertical chord would be 
identical to the first vertical chord. In other words, the last "chord" 
for this piece is the same as the first...g b d r c g. Pretty cerebral, eh?
Any way, that's where it stands right now. The ball is in anyone's court 
:-D .

lilypond-user mailing list


2007-07-16 Thread Mischa Falkenburg

Valentin Villenave wrote:

2007/7/16, Mischa Falkenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Trying to do a piece with 6 seperate voices. The first 4 measures look
fine, but I'm not able to go any further!

Sounds interesting; can you please post some of your code?


Valentin, thanks for being interested :-) .

I have a feeling, right off the bat, that there's probably too much 
"here" here, so any tips on less code would be appreciated also.

\parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB voiceC voiceD voiceE voiceF) {
voiceA = \relative c'' {
   \time 4/4
   \key g \major
{g'4 fis4 d8[e b c]}{d4 fis4 d4 b4}{a8[b] \times 2/3 {c d c}d8[g fis 
d]}{c4 a2 g4}

(g4 fis...(this phrase repeats)
voiceB = \relative c {
  \time 4/4
  \key g \major
{d'8[e] fis4 g8[a] c4}{e4 c8[b] a4 g8[fis]}{d8[e] fis4 g8[a] c4}{e4 
c8[b] a4 g8[fis]}

{d8[e]...(this also repeats as above)

this set-up is the same all the way through voiceF, with out the 
parenthetical notes for you

\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff \new Voice \voiceA
(etc., to)
\new Staff \new Voice \voiceF
\layout {}
\midi {}

Well, that's the gist of it. Even though I've entered the code for 
additional measures, all the pdf shows is the initial 4.

Thnx again for your help.

lilypond-user mailing list


2007-07-15 Thread Mischa Falkenburg

Hello all.
Trying to do a piece with 6 seperate voices. The first 4 measures look 
fine, but I'm not able to go any further!
Using version 2.10.0, on a Windows 98 box...which has worked fine for me 
this far.
I've written a total of eight measures for each voice, but the pdf only 
will show the first 4. Suggestions?


lilypond-user mailing list

Problem that needs help

2007-03-20 Thread Mischa Falkenburg

Running Lilypond 2.10.0 and jEdit 4.3pre8 and Java 1.5.0_10, and
   "things" have been OK.
   Background...I had a file which I removed ~84 bars from. Decided to
   restore those bars by typing them in.
   Began processing and this is the .pdf file is part of the
   result (but WHY?), and if I try playing the .midi file, what I'm 

   is some kind of "shifting" of the treble and bass parts...hearing
   harmonies that are NOT part of the score.
   Here's the output from Console:
   This is a console shell for running LilyPond and related commands.
   Enter %help to see the available special commands.
   LilyPond ready.
   %lilypond %args "D:\lilypond\OceanicMusics II\"
   Processing `D:/lilypond/OceanicMusics II/'
   Interpreting music...

   Preprocessing graphical objects...
   Interpreting music...
   MIDI output to `firstmeas.midi'...
   Layout output to `'...

- Ignored:
   While reading
   Error: /VMerror in --string--
   VM status: 0 332877 348044
   Current file position is 10591
   Unrecoverable error: undefined in .uninstallpagedevice
   Operand stack:  .rfnstring  8192
   Converting to `firstmeas.pdf'...
   Processing time: 2620 seconds
   LilyPond ready.
   Worst case I need to start from scratch and re-enter all

   of the 432 bars to date?
   Thanks-in-advance for your help/comments,


lilypond-user mailing list