Re: 3 Voices mess

2017-05-16 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 16.05.2017 um 09:53 schrieb Johannes Roeßler:
> Hi list :)
> I'm setting an 18th century piano fantasy and need advice.
> There is one spot with 3 Voice in one staff. In the manuscript the direction 
> of the stem seems (to me) to indicate the hand that should be used.
> Now I have to decide to keep this information an receive an ugly and hardly 
> readable print or to drop this information and try to work with chords 
> whenever this is possible.
> Or u guys got a helpful hint...

How about this?

rightOne = \relative c''' {
  \once \override Rest.staff-position = 8
  r8  b16 d, d[ (es)] es (f) f[(g)] c
  \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = 1
  e, e[(f)] f(g)
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(6.5 . 7.5)
  g[ a c8] c4

rightTwo = \relative c'' {
  \once \override Rest.staff-position = 2
  r8 b8
  \once \override Rest.staff-position = 0
  \once \override Rest.X-offset = 1.5
  r8  b8~b c4   c8~c a' a4

rightThree = \relative c'' {
  \voiceTwo r8 as8[ g d] es b' a e f4 r16 d e fis

lilypond-user mailing list

3 Voices mess

2017-05-16 Thread Johannes Roeßler
Hi list :)

I'm setting an 18th century piano fantasy and need advice.

There is one spot with 3 Voice in one staff. In the manuscript the direction of 
the stem seems (to me) to indicate the hand that should be used.

Now I have to decide to keep this information an receive an ugly and hardly 
readable print or to drop this information and try to work with chords whenever 
this is possible.

Or u guys got a helpful hint...

Cheers, Joei

Here my code - the stemUps and Downs are used to force the original setting...

\version "2.19.58"
\language "deutsch"

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 2/4

rightOne = \relative c''' {
r8  b16 d, d[ (es)] es (f) f[(g)] c e, e[(f)] f(g) g[ a c8] c4

rightTwo = \relative c'' {
 r8 \stemUp b8 r8  \stemDown b8~b  \stemUp c4   c8~c \stemDown a' a4

rightThree = \relative c'' {
  \global \stemDown
r8 as8[ g d] es b' a e f4 r16 d e fis

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = "Kl."
  } <<
\new Staff = "right" \with {
  midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo \\ \rightThree >>
  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

beamed stem length (3 voices mess)

2003-11-15 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

I am typesetting a harpsichord score where 3 distinct voices are
placed on the upper staff. Pictures are joined showing that
part. I have to take into account several problems for the middle
voice :
 - unbeamed stem length;
 - beamed stem length;
 - note head shift;
 - tie direction and position.

My question for the moment is: how to shorten beamed stems? I played
with \property Voice.Stem \set #'beamed-lengths = #...
 \property Voice.Beam \set #'beamed-stem-shorten = #...
 \property Voice.Beam \set #'shorten = #...
and others, without success.

I cannot find in the mail archive an accurate answer for LilyPond
2.0. I use LilyPond 2.0.1 on Debian GNU/Linux.

Best regards,

\include ""

\score {
\context Staff <<
\notes { \clef alto \time 2/2 \key f \major }
\context Voice = un { 
\notes { b4^\prall \voiceOne g' ~ g'4 f' ~ 
 f'4 e' ~ e'4 d' ~ 
 d' c' ~ c'2 } }
\context Voice = deux { 
\notes { s4 \voiceOne b8\rest c'8 ~ c'4 ~ c'8 b ~ 
 b4 ~ b8 a ~ a4 ~ a8 g ~ 
 g4. g8 ~ \voiceTwo g a ~ a g } }
\context Voice = trois { 
\notes { s4 \voiceTwo s4 c'8 a ~ a4 ~ 
 a8 g ~ g4 ~ g8 f ~ f4 ~ 
 f8 e ~ e4 } } >>
\paper { raggedright = ##t}
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