[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-08-10 Thread Alberto di Bene

Joe Taylor wrote:

The other option that I'm beginning to think very attractive 
is running both Linrad and MAP65 in a single machine.  TIMF2 
data could go from Linrad to MAP65 over the loopback (lo) 
interface -- or by way of shared memory, or ???


  have you ever considered the possibility to use VmWare ? With it, you can start two instances of Linux on the same 
PC, one running Linrad, the other MAP65, and the two can talk each other via virtualized Ethernet ports. You won't have 
to change anything either in Linrad or in MAP65. Of course, a Pentium II with 128 MB of RAM will not be enough for 
that...but with the falling prices of very powerful PCs found today, that should not be a problem.

VmWare Player is free for personal use. Look here :

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-20 Thread Rick Kunath

Stan wrote:

Hello Rick,

can you point me to some specific models for managed switches, so I can 
read up ?

This should get you started:


There are also some really good docs available on Cisco's site after you 

The good stuff is Cisco gear, and has a wide range of prices, depending 
on whether you are looking at a high-speed backbone app or just wiring 
closet use. Some of the stuff at Cisco is pretty reasonably priced. Ebay 
has better deals on used Cisco gear

There are a wide variety of manufacturers out there, but again the best 
is Cisco IMHO, but almost anything with IGMP snooping will handle 
segmentation of multicast traffic.

There are some pretty good deals on used gear on Ebay, some even cheaper 
than a do-nothing typical consumer switch in a plastic case.

Rick Kunath, k9ao

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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-19 Thread Stan

Hello Rick,

can you point me to some specific models for managed switches, so I can 
read up ?

Thanks   Stan,W1LE

Unfortunately neither of the switches you tested with had the 
horsepower (i.e. were managed switches) to control the multicast 
traffic, though they will segment the unicast traffic. A managed 
switch (capable of IGMP snooping) would handle the multicast traffic 
also and eliminate the swamping of machine A.

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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-19 Thread Joe Taylor

Rick and all,

Well, it seems I'm learning more about computer networking 
than I ever wanted to know...  ;-)

Why did you use a mask of instead of in your 
multicast route statement on the Linux box?

(Your: # route add -net netmask dev eth1 statement.)

My mistake when typing it into the email message.  I had it 
right when the tests were made.

Unfortunately neither of the switches you tested with had the horsepower 
(i.e. were managed switches) to control the multicast traffic, though 
they will segment the unicast traffic. 

Yes, this is exactly what I discovered.

You asked some more good questions, and I will follow up on 
them soon.

In the meantime, I've realized that there is really no 
reason to use multicasting for the Linrad --> MAP65 
connection.  I could just as well "unicast" the UDP data 
stream between the two machines, using a crossover cable and 
explicit private-LAN (192.168.x.x) addresses on each end, 
and have none of the problems I've been worrying about. 
This solution causes the data go where I want it to go, and 
nowhere else.

The other option that I'm beginning to think very attractive 
is running both Linrad and MAP65 in a single machine.  TIMF2 
data could go from Linrad to MAP65 over the loopback (lo) 
interface -- or by way of shared memory, or ???

-- Joe, K1JT

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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-19 Thread Rick Kunath

Rick Kunath wrote:

Looks like I missed a few center-click inadvertent pastes in 
proofreading the previous post, but nothing that shouldn't be obvious :(

(Reminds self not to multi-task while replying to email messages.)


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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-19 Thread Rick Kunath

Joe Taylor wrote:

Additional information: "ipconfig" on Windows, "ifconfig" on Linux, 
report the following IP addresses:

Computer A:
Computer B(1):
Computer B(2):
Computer C(1):
Computer C(2):

This works fine (but of course, still sends the heavy multicast 
traffic through the hub).  If I remove this routing instruction and 
instead enter

# route add -net netmask dev eth1

 Connections to the Hub are assigned dynamic IP addresses;

I assume these addresses are in the 192.168.1.x range?

No, see above.  I was probably wrong to call them dynamic IP addresses. 
 They are assigned by DHCP, but I believe they are always the same.

I assigned hard-coded addresses and for 
the direct inter-machine connection

between B and C.

I see.

These are likely dynamic, but assigned from the ISP IP pool based on the 
MAC address of the NIC requesting the IP. In a lot of cases, though they 
are dynamic, they hardly ever change as long as the MAC address of the 
NIC remains the same. Many cable ISPs do something similar on dynamic IP 
addresses. Though in your case, the actual Internet IP assigned is 
unimportant, as long as you get one assigned :) The addresses in the are private addresses as are the addresses.

Why did you use a mask of instead of in your 
multicast route statement on the Linux box?

(Your: # route add -net netmask dev eth1 statement.)


What is in /etc/network-scripts/eth(x).route?

Have you considered replacing the hub with a 100 Mbps full-duplex 
Ethernet switch? There are many advantages in this over a hub.

Yes.  That was my first attempt at a solution.  I tried replacing the 10 
Mb/s hub with a 10/100 Mb/s switch.  The result was the same: when 
Computer C was multicasting 16-bit Linrad data at about 0.77 MB/s, 
Computer A was essentially unable to use the internet.  The switch 
apparently did not prevent multicast traffic from reaching A.

This was with a "D-Link 10/100 Desktop Ethernet Switch.  I also tried it 
with a Linksys model EZXS55W "EtherFast 10/100 5-port Workgroup Switch." 
 Same result.

I then tried using both the hub and the switch:

 ADSL  10 Mb/s  --> Computer A
 DSL --> Modem --> Ethernet
   Hub  --> Ethernet --> Computer_B
Switch  |
 --> Computer_C

Again, no change.  This time I checked and confirmed that packets were 
arriving at A at the correct rate for them to be the multicast packets 
from C.

Unfortunately neither of the switches you tested with had the horsepower 
(i.e. were managed switches) to control the multicast traffic, though 
they will segment the unicast traffic. A managed switch (capable of IGMP 
snooping) would handle the multicast traffic also and eliminate the 
swamping of machine A.

Do you know if your ADSL modem is doing routing? I would guess it is, 
and likely is ignoring the multicast traffic as it probably can't (and 
shouldn't) route it to the Internet at large, but I'd check this to make 
sure. (It's likely OK, though.) I am curious about this because the IP 
addresses you have DHCP'd to your machines from the ADSL modem are in 
the private range. So there is network address translation going on 
somewhere. How configurable is that ADSL modem?

I can use the 100 Mb/s direct line for many purposes.  I can ping 
over it in either direction; I can ssh into Linux from  Windows; I 
can use Cygwin/X (as described above) to display Linux X programs on 
the Windows screen.

However, I cannot seem to persuade Windows 2000 Pro to accept 
multicast packets over the direct line.  When I run Linrad on 
computer C and MAP65 on B, the multicast traffic is always received 
over the slow line, through the Hub. This uses most of the 10 Mb/s 
link's bandwidth, and my wife can't read her email when I'm on the 
air.  This is NOT GOOD.

Have you set the multicast boundaries on the W2K box? Do you have the 
Microsoft w2k Resource Kit installed on the W2k box?


It sounds like the w2k box isn't routing the multicast traffic correctly 
to the direct interface, instead using the interface to the hub. Or am I 
misunderstanding in that the direct interface is never used for 
multicast traffic when 2 interfaces are connected to a machine?reserved 

If I unplug the crossover cable from the Windows machine and instead 
plug it into a laptop running Win/XP, the laptop receives the 
multicast packets without a problem.

But in this case there is but one network interface, only the direct 
interface, right?

And is the Linux box then routing Internet traffic over this direct 
interface also to the XP mach

[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-18 Thread Joe Taylor

Well, I found the following information about Ethernet switches:

"Data received on any port of a repeating hub will be repeated on all of 
its ports. Unicast, broadcast and multicast messages are all the same to 
a repeating hub. With a switching hub or switch, unicast messages are 
only sent to the ports involved in a conversation. However, a standard 
unmanaged switch without IGMP snooping will handle a multicast message 
just like a broadcast message: it will receive the message on one port 
and transmit the message onwards on all other ports."


It would appear that a direct inter-machine connection is the way to go.

Now I need to understand why it works fine into my WinXP laptop, but not 
into the Win2k machine.

Any further comments or suggestions would be welcome!

-- 73, Joe, K1JT

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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-18 Thread Joe Taylor

Rick, and all --

OK, I've a chance to make some more tests.

My computer network looks like this:

ADSL  10 Mb/s  --> Computer_A
DSL --> Modem --> Ethernet --> Computer_B
   --> Computer_C

Three computers are connected to a 10 Mb/s Ethernet Hub.

Additional information: "ipconfig" on Windows, "ifconfig" on Linux, 
report the following IP addresses:

Computer A:
Computer B(1):
Computer B(2):
Computer C(1):
Computer C(2):

Have you considered replacing the hub with a 100 Mbps full-duplex 
Ethernet switch? There are many advantages in this over a hub.

Yes.  That was my first attempt at a solution.  I tried replacing the 10 
Mb/s hub with a 10/100 Mb/s switch.  The result was the same: when 
Computer C was multicasting 16-bit Linrad data at about 0.77 MB/s, 
Computer A was essentially unable to use the internet.  The switch 
apparently did not prevent multicast traffic from reaching A.

This was with a "D-Link 10/100 Desktop Ethernet Switch.  I also tried it 
with a Linksys model EZXS55W "EtherFast 10/100 5-port Workgroup Switch." 
 Same result.

I then tried using both the hub and the switch:

 ADSL  10 Mb/s  --> Computer A
 DSL --> Modem --> Ethernet
   Hub  --> Ethernet --> Computer_B
Switch  |
 --> Computer_C

Again, no change.  This time I checked and confirmed that packets were 
arriving at A at the correct rate for them to be the multicast packets 
from C.

Computer_A is my XYL's machine.  Computer_B runs Windows 2000 Pro, and 
Computer_C runs Linux (presently the Kubuntu 6.06 distribution).  In 
addition to the connections of all three machines to the hub, a 
crossover cable makes a direct 100 Mb/s connection between computers B 
and C.

The ethernet interfaces on B and C appear to be configured correctly.  
On Linux they appear as eth0 and eth1 (occasionally they boot up as 
eth0 and eth2, I don't know why???).

This is configurable, generally, and should be fixed if you intend to 
use interface based static routes. Check here for more info on iftab 


RRR, thanks.

 Connections to the Hub are assigned dynamic IP addresses;

I assume these addresses are in the 192.168.1.x range?

No, see above.  I was probably wrong to call them dynamic IP addresses. 
 They are assigned by DHCP, but I believe they are always the same.

I assigned hard-coded addresses and for 
the direct inter-machine connection

between B and C.

I can use the 100 Mb/s direct line for many purposes.  I can ping over 
it in either direction; I can ssh into Linux from  Windows; I can use 
Cygwin/X (as described above) to display Linux X programs on the 
Windows screen.

However, I cannot seem to persuade Windows 2000 Pro to accept 
multicast packets over the direct line.  When I run Linrad on computer 
C and MAP65 on B, the multicast traffic is always received over the 
slow line, through the Hub. This uses most of the 10 Mb/s link's 
bandwidth, and my wife can't read her email when I'm on the air.  This 

An Ethernet switch would eliminate this, as traffic passing between two 
machines (B-C) does not use any bandwidth, nor is it seen, by any other 
machines. Internet access by machine A would be unaffected by a transfer 
occurring between machines B and C. Machine A would not see the traffic, 
nor would there be any contention for bandwidth on it's connection 
because of the B-C traffic.

Well, as far as I can see this does not seem to be the case.  Can it be 
that your statement is true for normal one-to-one IP traffic, but not 
for multicast traffic?  Or is it true for a router, but not for a switch?

By default the multicast traffic generated by Computer_C goes to 
eth0.  I can use the Linux "route" command to explicitly tell the 
system to use eth0:

# route add -net netmask dev eth0

This works fine (but of course, still sends the heavy multicast 
traffic through the hub).  If I remove this routing instruction and 
instead enter

# route add -net netmask dev eth1

the multicast data are not received by MAP65 running on the other 

If I unplug the crossover cable from the Windows machine and instead 
plug it into a laptop running Win/XP, the laptop receives the 
multicast packets without a problem.

Thus, it would seem that the problem must be in my setup of the Win2k 
machine -- the one with two ethernet interfaces. Can anyone shed any 
light on this situation for me?

Would there be sufficient bandwidth in a 100baseTx connection (100 Mbps 
full-duplex) to handle both of the networking streams, i.e. the hub and 
the direct stream? If so, replacing the inefficient hub with a faster 
switch, thus confining network traffi

[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-18 Thread Joe Taylor

Rick --

Thanks for the suggestions, they are much appreciated.  I have been tied 
up since yesterday afternoon, but hope to find time to try them out soon 
... maybe even later today.  I will report back here on any success or 

-- 73, Joe, K1JT

Rick Kunath wrote:

Joe Taylor wrote:

My earlier problem with dropped multicast packets seems to be fixed in 
MAP65 v0.8.  However, when running the Linrad-MAP65 combination on two 
separate computers I still have some network-related problems.  
Perhaps someone on this list who knows much more than I about 
networking can help.

My computer network looks like this:

ADSL  10 Mb/s  --> Computer_A
DSL --> Modem --> Ethernet --> Computer_B
   --> Computer_C

Three computers are connected to a 10 Mb/s Ethernet Hub.

Have you considered replacing the hub with a 100 Mbps full-duplex 
Ethernet switch? There are many advantages in this over a hub.

Computer_A is my XYL's machine.  Computer_B runs Windows 2000 Pro, and 
Computer_C runs Linux (presently the Kubuntu 6.06 distribution).  In 
addition to the connections of all three machines to the hub, a 
crossover cable makes a direct 100 Mb/s connection between computers B 
and C.

The ethernet interfaces on B and C appear to be configured correctly.  
On Linux they appear as eth0 and eth1 (occasionally they boot up as 
eth0 and eth2, I don't know why???).

This is configurable, generally, and should be fixed if you intend to 
use interface based static routes. Check here for more info on iftab 


 Connections to the Hub are assigned dynamic IP addresses;

I assume these addresses are in the 192.168.1.x range?

I assigned hard-coded addresses and for 
the direct inter-machine connection

between B and C.

I can use the 100 Mb/s direct line for many purposes.  I can ping over 
it in either direction; I can ssh into Linux from  Windows; I can use 
Cygwin/X (as described above) to display Linux X programs on the 
Windows screen.

However, I cannot seem to persuade Windows 2000 Pro to accept 
multicast packets over the direct line.  When I run Linrad on computer 
C and MAP65 on B, the multicast traffic is always received over the 
slow line, through the Hub. This uses most of the 10 Mb/s link's 
bandwidth, and my wife can't read her email when I'm on the air.  This 

An Ethernet switch would eliminate this, as traffic passing between two 
machines (B-C) does not use any bandwidth, nor is it seen, by any other 
machines. Internet access by machine A would be unaffected by a transfer 
occurring between machines B and C. Machine A would not see the traffic, 
nor would there be any contention for bandwidth on it's connection 
because of the B-C traffic.

By default the multicast traffic generated by Computer_C goes to 
eth0.  I can use the Linux "route" command to explicitly tell the 
system to use eth0:

# route add -net netmask dev eth0

This works fine (but of course, still sends the heavy multicast 
traffic through the hub).  If I remove this routing instruction and 
instead enter

# route add -net netmask dev eth1

the multicast data are not received by MAP65 running on the other 

If I unplug the crossover cable from the Windows machine and instead 
plug it into a laptop running Win/XP, the laptop receives the 
multicast packets without a problem.

Thus, it would seem that the problem must be in my setup of the Win2k 
machine -- the one with two ethernet interfaces. Can anyone shed any 
light on this situation for me?

Would there be sufficient bandwidth in a 100baseTx connection (100 Mbps 
full-duplex) to handle both of the networking streams, i.e. the hub and 
the direct stream? If so, replacing the inefficient hub with a faster 
switch, thus confining network traffic to only the ports of the involved 
machines, might solve the issue. This might allow you to eliminate the 
direct connection between machines B and C.

As to W2k the unicast and multicast routes are handled in separate 
tables, check here for more info:


Hope some of this is of some use :)

Rick Kunath, k9ao

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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

2007-07-17 Thread Rick Kunath

Joe Taylor wrote:

My earlier problem with dropped multicast packets seems to be fixed in 
MAP65 v0.8.  However, when running the Linrad-MAP65 combination on two 
separate computers I still have some network-related problems.  Perhaps 
someone on this list who knows much more than I about networking can help.

My computer network looks like this:

ADSL  10 Mb/s  --> Computer_A
DSL --> Modem --> Ethernet --> Computer_B
   --> Computer_C

Three computers are connected to a 10 Mb/s Ethernet Hub.

Have you considered replacing the hub with a 100 Mbps full-duplex 
Ethernet switch? There are many advantages in this over a hub.

Computer_A is 
my XYL's machine.  Computer_B runs Windows 2000 Pro, and Computer_C runs 
Linux (presently the Kubuntu 6.06 distribution).  In addition to the 
connections of all three machines to the hub, a crossover cable makes a 
direct 100 Mb/s connection between computers B and C.

The ethernet interfaces on B and C appear to be configured correctly.  
On Linux they appear as eth0 and eth1 (occasionally they boot up as eth0 
and eth2, I don't know why???).

This is configurable, generally, and should be fixed if you intend to 
use interface based static routes. Check here for more info on iftab 


 Connections to the Hub are assigned 
dynamic IP addresses;

I assume these addresses are in the 192.168.1.x range?

I assigned hard-coded addresses and for the direct inter-machine connection

between B and C.

I can use the 100 Mb/s direct line for many purposes.  I can ping over 
it in either direction; I can ssh into Linux from  Windows; I can use 
Cygwin/X (as described above) to display Linux X programs on the Windows 

However, I cannot seem to persuade Windows 2000 Pro to accept multicast 
packets over the direct line.  When I run Linrad on computer C and MAP65 
on B, the multicast traffic is always received over the slow line, 
through the Hub. This uses most of the 10 Mb/s link's bandwidth, and my 
wife can't read her email when I'm on the air.  This is NOT GOOD.

An Ethernet switch would eliminate this, as traffic passing between two 
machines (B-C) does not use any bandwidth, nor is it seen, by any other 
machines. Internet access by machine A would be unaffected by a transfer 
occurring between machines B and C. Machine A would not see the traffic, 
nor would there be any contention for bandwidth on it's connection 
because of the B-C traffic.

By default the multicast traffic generated by Computer_C goes to eth0.  
I can use the Linux "route" command to explicitly tell the system to use 

# route add -net netmask dev eth0

This works fine (but of course, still sends the heavy multicast traffic 
through the hub).  If I remove this routing instruction and instead enter

# route add -net netmask dev eth1

the multicast data are not received by MAP65 running on the other machine.

If I unplug the crossover cable from the Windows machine and instead 
plug it into a laptop running Win/XP, the laptop receives the multicast 
packets without a problem.

Thus, it would seem that the problem must be in my setup of the Win2k 
machine -- the one with two ethernet interfaces. Can anyone shed any 
light on this situation for me?

Would there be sufficient bandwidth in a 100baseTx connection (100 Mbps 
full-duplex) to handle both of the networking streams, i.e. the hub and 
the direct stream? If so, replacing the inefficient hub with a faster 
switch, thus confining network traffic to only the ports of the involved 
machines, might solve the issue. This might allow you to eliminate the 
direct connection between machines B and C.

As to W2k the unicast and multicast routes are handled in separate 
tables, check here for more info:


Hope some of this is of some use :)

Rick Kunath, k9ao

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