RE: stk7700d problem

2012-08-01 Thread Peter Tilley

Apologies for resending.   Mailing list bounced the email the first time 
becuase it wasn't plain text format.

I have a dual USB DVB-T tuner which is sold under the brand Kaiser Baas KBA 
01004 but under the hood looks pretty much the same as the Emtec s830
Whilst the device is recognised and seems to load ok, locally the only station 
that it seems to be able to tune is the a community TV station which transmits 
on QPSK. All the other TV stations are detected but the BER is too high which 
to me would imply that the devices LNA is proably not being turned on correctly.
In heading down that path I have sat and captured the USB communications both 
under windows and Linux with the intent to compare the two and work out which 
gpio is being used to turn on the LNA under windows and then duplicate that 
under Linux. Well that was the intent but the behaviour I am seeing under Linux 
is a bit strange and I think resolving that might explain why the device has 
not worked in the past.
Specifically, the device is identified as 1164:1e8c and within 
dib0700_devices.c proceeds to do a stk7700d_frontend_attach. This tries to set 
GPIOs 6,9,4 and 7 to 1, then it tries to set GPIO10 to 0 before resetting it to 
1 and then finally tries to set GPIO 0 to 1. The driver reports no problem 
doing this but when you drill deeper you find that it does not seem to be doing 
what it is supposed to. That is, irrespective of which GPIO is set to 1 or 0 
the same message is sent to the device over the USB interface. Specifically the 
USB message as seen in wireshark is 40 0C 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00.
Drilling further still I can see that stk7700d_front_end_attach calls 
dib0700_set_gpio within dib0700_core.c. Within dib0700_set_gpio the main data 
seems to be loaded into st->buf. The contents of st->buf seem to be ok. That 
is, when setting any of the GPIOs st->buf[0] is always 0x0C, st->buf[1] follows 
the GPIOs eg GPIO6=8, GPIO9=14, GPIO4=5, GPIO7=10, GPIO10=15 and GPIO0=0 and 
finally st->buf[3] is 0x80 when setting GPIO10 to 0 and 0xC0 when setting any 
of the GPIOs to 1.
dib0700_set_gpio subsequently calls dib0700_ctrl_wr within dib0700_core.c but 
it was at this point I decided that surely this part of the code is pretty 
robust as it seems to be common for a number of devices and a problem would 
have been spotted long ago.
My question is whether any one has any ideas why I am seeing the same USB 
message irrespective of which GPIO is being set/reset?
Patrick, I have CC'd you specifically as your fingerprints seem to be all over 
the Dibcom code and presumably you are very familiar with it.
Happy to run additional tests and captures as required.
Pete  --
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RE: Dib7000/mt2266 help

2011-03-13 Thread Peter Tilley

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for replying. In answer to your questions:

> Are you sure it is a driver problem?
No but given the very same device on the very same antenna system works ok 
under Windows it seemed like a good place to start.

> If the BER stays at this value it could also mean that the 
> channel-configuration is wrong.
> Are you using a channels.conf which has all parameters set, or are you doing 
> a channel-scan-like tune (all values are set to AUTO).
I have attached a copy of the channels.conf file I have been using. It was 
generated by hand based because the scan and w_scan commands would time out for 
all stations except C31. The information was obtained from a variety of sources 
on the internet but mostly from I am 
located in Melbourne Australia. Looking in the file you can see that most 
paramaters are defined except for inversion which is left as auto.

> There are usually some adaptations board-designing companies do to improve 
> reception quality (adding external LNAs and things like that) that are of 
> course handled by the Window-driver, because it is created by the 
> manufacturer and not by the Linux-driver, because (in this case) the driver 
> was released by the chip-manufacturer.
I agree this could be the case and indeed changing the force_lna_activation 
module parameter seemed to do nothing which would make me suspect that the lna 
control GPIO on this device is not that same as what is implemented in the 
driver. Challenge is there seems to be no information around about the DIB7000 
or the MT2266 otherwise I would just trace the connections manually using 
device pinouts.

> Is the device toggling between FE_HAS_LOCK and no FE_HAS_LOCK or does it 
> stay constantly at 
The device stays constantly on FE LOCK after the initial tune. Attached are 
brief snapshots of tuning using tzap for the different frequencies. Whilst this 
only shows a few seconds worth of data, the output is more or less the same 
over an extended period.

> Please try whether you can achieve the BER lowering by moving the antenna or 
> using a better one. If this helps, it really means that the windows-driver 
> does something more the board.
Not really practical to move the antenna its up on a mast and indeed as the 
existing analogue stations are still transmitting from the same tower I know 
that I have a good signal with no multipath. Other TV sets with digital tuners 
on the same antenna also report excellent signal levels.

> I doubt that the chip-driver needs to be changed, more likely the GPIOs of 
> the dib0700 (in dib0700_core.c) or of the dib7000 are used to turn on or off 
> a frequency switch or a LNA.
Yes, I suspect that you are right. Challenge is that without any documentation 
on the devices you are flying blind to reverse engineer the design.

> Good point, what are the frequencies you're tuning ?
The frequencies I have been tuning are listed below but also of interest is 
that they all use 64QAM whereas the station that works uses QPSK which to me 
says this is a signal problem and as you state above, probably tied in with a 
LNA as QPSK is more robust in comparison to 64QAM which is why it has probably 
been used by C31 as they don't have the need for the higher throughput and have 
a more modest transmission power compared to the others.So they get more 
bang for their buck but have the down side of only a single SD stream.

C31   557.625 MHz   QPSK Works ok.

ABC   226.5 MHz 64QAMDoesn't work
7 177.5 MHz 64QAMDoesn't work
9 191.625 MHz   64QAMDoesn't work
10219.5 MHz 64QAMDoesn't work
SBS   536.625 Mhz   64QAMDoesn't work

Happy to hear your or anyone else's thoughts.


> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Dib7000/mt2266 help
> Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 16:47:40 +0100
> Hi Peter,
> (adding back the list to CC)
> On Saturday 12 March 2011 11:48:38 Peter Tilley wrote:
> > Hi Patrick,
> > My sincerest apologies for coming to you directly but I have tried the
> > Linux mailing list and received no response and noticed you seem to have
> > been heavily involved with much of the Dibcom driver development.
> > 
> > I have an issue with a dual tuner which is sold under the brand of Kaiser
> > Baas KBA01004 but identifies itself as 1164:1e8c which is a Yaun device
> > and this device seems to have already been included in the driver files.
> > 
> > It loads ok and reports not problems. It tunes ok and reports FE lock on
> > all channels however on all but one channel upon receiving FE lock the
> > BER stays at 1 instead of dropping to a low number which would
> > indicate I am not getting viterbi.

USB DVB-T too much signal?

2011-03-03 Thread Peter Tilley

I have a USB DVB-T dual digital TV reciver which has the branding Kaiser Baas 
KBA 01004 on it. The device consists of a pair of DIBCOM DIB7000Ps and a pair 
of Microtune MT2266F tuners to provide dual tuner functionality. The USB device 
identities are 1164:1e8c which has been seen before in a range of devices and 
seems to have been supported by the V4L drivers for a while. I am using it with 
kernel version 2.6.35 (Ubuntu 10.10) The device is recognised ok and 
successfully loads the 1.20 release firmware. On the surface checks of syslog, 
etc everything seems to be ok. However used under Linux it demonstrates issues 
which do not appear when used with Windows.

That is, when used with an external antenna, etc on Windows the unit functions 
fine whereas when used with Linux and using the DVButils scan, w_scan and tzap 
I am able to successfully tune only 1 out of 6 stations. Coincidently that 
station is the only one tranmitting with QPSK whereas all the others are using 
64QAM. I live in an area with good signal level and I get the feeling that 
maybe the Linux agc implementation is not all it should be as you will see from 
the attached tzap screen dumps I have lots of signal, low SNR but high BER 
which is causing me to not get viterbi on any station using 64QAM. I can 
receive the local community tv station which is using QPSK. I have a hunch that 
maybe the frontend is being overdriven and the Linux agc implementation is not 
driving down the input signal. With QPSK being a more robust transmission mode 
in comparison to 64QAM, I suspect I am getting away with the high signal level 
and also the community TV station transmits with lower power and therefore is 
probably not hitting the front end with quite as much signal in the first place 

I do not believe this is a firmware issue as in addition to using the 1.20 
firmware I have also complied and used Hans-Frieder Vogt's firmware extraction 
tool to pull the firmware out of the windows driver this uses and after after 
renaming it to replace the existing 1.2 firmware the same issues remain. The 
attached channels.conf file was constructed by hand as neither scan or W_scan 
were able to create entries for ither than C31. They would just time out for 
other stations.

Does anyone have any suggestions or comment on my thoughts and how the agc is 
implemented? I was thinking I would probably have to tweak the settings for 
this device in dib0700_devices.c

The other issue I have is that to make sure that I had the latest and greatest 
drivers and tried to rebuild them from the latest git using the basic approach 
 The problem I found was that when I ran the build script it ran for a while 
and then came back and complained I was missing some source files. See 

If anyone has any pointers on this they would be greatly appreciated.

Pete  peter@Garage2:~/media_build$ ./

* This script will download the latest tarball and build it*
* Assuming that your kernel is compatible with the latest  *
* drivers. If not, you'll need to add some extra backports,*
* ./backports/ directory.  *
* It will also update this tree to be sure that all compat *
* bits are there, to avoid compilation failures*

Note: requires git/perl/make/gcc/patch/perl-Digest-SHA1/patchutils packages to 
git pull git:// master
From git://
 * branchmaster -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
make -C linux/ download
make: Entering directory `/home/peter/media_build/linux'
wget -O 
--2011-03-03 19:05:21--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 93 [application/x-bzip2]
Saving to: `linux-media.tar.bz2.md5.tmp'

100%[==>] 93  
--.-K/s   in 0s  

2011-03-03 19:05:22 (5.36 MB/s) - `linux-media.tar.bz2.md5.tmp' saved [93/93]

--2011-03-03 19:05:22--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3573711 (3.4M) [application/x-bzip2]
Saving to: `linux-media.tar.bz2'

100%[==>] 3,573,711
541K/s   in 8.5s

2011-03-03 19:05:32 (411 KB/s) - `linux-media.tar.bz2' saved [3573711/3573711]

make: Leaving directory `/home/peter/media_build/linux'