Linux-Misc Digest #343

2001-03-12 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #27   Mon, 12 Mar 01 12:13:01 EST

  Tar for backups - How big? (Doug Poulin)
  Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client ("Eric")
  Re: HELP: Netscape preferences ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client ("Stephane Bourdeaud")
  Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client ("Stephane Bourdeaud")
  Re: Tk based alarm clock ("Donal K. Fellows")
  Unexpected behaviour on UDP ports (Mad@Spammers)
  Re: "Requires RedHat" other Linux distributions (Grant Edwards)
  Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client ("Eric")
  clock one hour ahead ("Thomas G.")
  Re: amanda and reiserfs (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: clock one hour ahead (Adam K Kirchhoff)
  Re: Ipchains vs Checkpoint vs CyberWall ("The Spook")
  C-Media CM8738 board ("JCA")
  Re: clock one hour ahead ("The Spook")
  Memory and other hardware tests? (Leonard Evens)
  Re: how to print with GIMP? (Leonard Evens)
  Re: How To CDRW ?  Not CDR, but CDRW,...
  Re: memory management
  Re: clock one hour ahead (Paul Lew)
  Re: Linux programming
  Re: Unexpected behaviour on UDP ports (David)
  Re: Memory and other hardware tests? (David)

Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:33:28 -0500
From: Doug Poulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tar for backups - How big?

If I use tar for backing up data (maybe with -z for compression), and I
have about 80GB to backup, what do you suppose the size of the
compressed archive might be?  Are there better compression tools I could
use?  I know the size of the compressed archive is highly dependent, but
even rough ideas would be fine.


While I'm at it, anyone have any luck with network attached storage and


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 15:29:13 +0100

> I am having the following interesting problem:
> My Linux RedHat 7.0 client (kernel v2.2.16-22) is using DHCP to get an IP
> address for its eth0 interface.
> When I tried to telnet into it from a Win2k client, it would not accept my
> credentials (login incorrect).  Sometimes the connection would just be
> dropped as well before I had time to enter my credentials.
> But then I noticed that the logon banner was different than what was
> specified in my /etc/
> I then looked at the arp cache on my Win2k client, and the mac address for
> the system did not match!
> I edited manually the entry in the arp cache and then everything started
> working properly, until the cache expires and then sometimes that other
> address re-appears, and my connection is dropped.
> So I figure that some other Linux system is using the same IP address only
> it must have been assigned statically because otherwise the DHCP server
> would not lease me that address...
> My question therefore is:
> How do I tell my Linux server to try and obtain another lease (so that it
> gets another IP address).
> Now in NT (I'm an NT guy), ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew will get
> brand new lease, but how do I do this in Linux?

/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: HELP: Netscape preferences
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 14:24:19 GMT

wroot wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to get my Netscape 4.7 to to play *.au files when I click on links
> to them. In command prompt I play them with
> play *.au
> In Edit/Preferences/Netscape/Applications, what should I put in
> 1) Description
> 2) MIMEType
> 3) Suffixes
> 4) Application
> Thanks in advance
> Wroot
Do you have RealPlayer installed and configured as a Plug-in?  When I
bring up 4.7 and type in file:///usr/share/sndconfig/ in the
URL it automatically pops up Real Player and plays Linus Torval's voice.


Subject: Re: How to release a DHCP lease from a Linux client
Date: 12 Mar 2001 14:29:36 GMT

Stephane Bourdeaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I figure that some other Linux system is using the same IP address only
> it must have been assigned statically because otherwise the DHCP server
> would not lease me that address...

That look quite strange.. if two machine have the same IP address
you should receive a gazillion of 'collision'...

> How do I tell my Linux server to try and obtain another lease (so that it
> gets another I

Linux-Misc Digest #343

2000-11-19 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #26   Sun, 19 Nov 00 07:13:02 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 3 of 6)
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 12:05:21 GMT

are links from the xfsft Home Page to them as well.

You can also compile True Type Font support into your X server
directly. Again, refer to the xfsft Home Page for details.

4.13. How Can I Boot Linux from MS-DOS?

If LILO doesn't work, and if the machine has MS-DOS or Microsoft
Windows, you may be left with a computer that won't boot. This can
also happen on an upgrade to your Linux distribution. Re-installing
LILO is the last thing that the installation does. So it is vitally
important when installing or upgrading Linux on a dual boot machine,
to have a MS-DOS or Windows rescue disk nearby so you can FDISK -MBR.
Then you can go about using LOADLIN.EXE instead of LILO.

This config.sys file is one possible way to invoke LOADLIN.EXE and
boot MS-DOS or Linux.

menuitem=DOS, Dos Boot
menuitem=LINUX, Linux Boot

shell=c:\redhat\loadlin.exe c:\redhat\autoboot\vmlinuz vga=5 root=/dev

STACKS = 0,0
rem all the other DOS drivers get loaded here.

This creates a menu where you can directly jump to LOADLIN.EXE before
all of the MS-DOS drivers get loaded.

The paths and options are peculiar to one machine and should be
intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. See the LOADLIN.EXE
docs for options. They are the same as LILO, and options are just
passed to the kernel, anyhow.

[Jim Harvey]

4.14. How Can I Boot Linux from OS/2's Boot Manager?

 1. Create a partition using OS/2's FDISK.EXE (Not Linux's fdisk).
 2. Format the partition under OS/2, either with FAT or HPFS. This is
so that OS/2 knows about the partition being formatted. (This step
is not necessary with OS/2 `warp' 3.0.)
 3. Add the partition to the Boot Manager.
 4. Boot Linux, and create a file system on the partition using mkfs
-t ext2 or mke2fs. At this point you may, if you like, use Linux's
fdisk to change the code of the new partition to type 83 (Linux
Native)--this may help some automated installation scripts find
the right partition to use.
 5. Install Linux on the partition.
 6. Install LILO on the Linux partition--NOT on the master boot record
of the hard drive. This installs LILO as a second-stage boot
loader on the Linux partition itself, to start up the kernel
specified in the LILO configuration file. To do this, you should

boot = /dev/hda2

(where /dev/hda2 is the partition you want to boot from) in your
/etc/lilo/config or /etc/lilo.config file.
 7. Make sure that it is the Boot Manager partition that is marked
active, so that you can use Boot Manager to choose what to boot.

There is a set of HOWTO's on the subject of multi-boot systems at the
LDP Home Page,

5. File Systems, Disks, and Drives

5.1. How Can I Get Linux to Work with My Disk?

If your disk is an IDE or EIDE drive, you should read the file
/usr/src/linux/drivers/block/README.ide (part of the Linux kernel
source code). This README contains many helpful hints about IDE
drives. Many modern IDE controllers do translation between `physical'
cylinders/heads/sectors, and `logical' ones.

SCSI disks are accessed by linear block numbers. The BIOS invents some
`logical' cylinder/head/sector fiction to support DOS.

An IBM PC-compatible BIOS will usually not be able to access
partitions which extend beyond 1024 logical cylinders, and will make
booting a Linux kernel from such partitions using LILO problematic at

You can still use such partitions for Linux or other operating systems
that access the controller directly.

It's recommend that you create at least one Linux partition entirely
under the 1024 logical cylinder limit, and boot from that. The other
partitions will then be okay.

Also there seems to be a bit of trouble with the newer Ultra-DMA
drives. I haven't gotten the straight scoop on them--but they are
becoming a very common problem at the SVLUG installfests. When you can
get 8 to 12 Gig drives for $200 to $300 it's no wonder.

[Jim Dennis]

5.2. How Can I Undelete Files?

In general, this is very hard to do on unices because of their
multitasking nature. Undelete functionality for the ext2fs file system
is being worked on, but don't hold your breath.

There are a number of packages available which instead provide new
commands for deleting and copying which move deleted files into a
`wastebasket' directory. The files can be recovered until cleaned out
automatically by background processing.

Alternatively, you can search the

Linux-Misc Digest #343

2000-08-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #25Fri, 4 Aug 00 16:13:02 EDT

  RPM and installp ("Stuart D. Gathman")
  "ln -s" on dos partition (Vinod Gupta)
  Problem with kpackage. ("Database")
  Re: "ln -s" on dos partition (Tony Lawrence)
  Book to learn about Server-Side Apps? (Mitchell Timin)
  Re: gzip / zip / compress : 2 gig limit? (Byron A Jeff)
  Refusing telnet connections (Paul)
  Re: Problem with kpackage. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Refusing telnet connections ("Simon")
  Re: Netscape popups (John-Paul Stewart)
  Re: Netscape popups (Josef Drexler)
  reinstalling LILO (Simon Lemieux)
  Re: Deja.Com Daily Summary: comp.os.linux.misc 1/1 ("Mark P. Fister")
  Re: RPM and installp (Nicholas Dronen)
  Re: Learn Unix on which Unix Flavour ? (Andrew Gabriel)
  Re: Learn Unix on which Unix Flavour ? ("m.hoes")
  Re: partitions ("K")
  Re: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps? (Patrick Connors)
  sound card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: sound card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: "Stuart D. Gathman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.aix
Subject: RPM and installp
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 13:50:08 -0400

We have a number of inhouse packages in installp format.  Now we are
supporting RedHat and are creating RPM packages.  To avoid duplicate
effort, I ported RPM to AIX planning to use RPM packages for
everything.  However, I couldn't help noticing that nearly all the
information needed to produce an AIX package is right there in the RPM
spec file.

I am tempted to modify RPM to create AIX installp format as an option. 
Has anyone already thought of this?  Are any efforts underway?  To avoid
naming conflicts, I suggest beginning the installp package name with
"rpm".  So, for example, the RPM sub-package named ncurses-devel would
become the AIX fileset rpm.ncurses.devel.

Stuart D. Gathman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703
"Microsoft is the QWERTY of Operating Systems" - SDG
  "Confutatis maledictis, flamis acribus addictis" - background song
  a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?"
  (HINT: The song is "Dies Irae" from the Mozart Requiem.)


From: Vinod Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "ln -s" on dos partition
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 19:44:03 +0200

We can't create symbolic links on dos/fat partition
using linux "ln -s  ".
Is there any way around?



From: "Database" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with kpackage.
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 18:19:30 GMT

I have Suse 6.4 and the package came with several cd's of apps. The kpackage
icon is next to every app saying that it is using kpackage to open rpm
files. I click on a app and it doesn't do anything. Am I using it wrong?
Please help.



From: Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "ln -s" on dos partition
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 14:42:26 -0400

Vinod Gupta wrote:
> We can't create symbolic links on dos/fat partition
> using linux "ln -s  ".
> Is there any way around?

A symbolic link requires a special flag ( the symlink bit -
duh!) set in the inode.  Dos filesystems don't have that, so
therefore don't have symbolic links.  I can't think of any
clever or idiotic way to get by that..

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SCO/Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


From: Mitchell Timin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Book to learn about Server-Side Apps?
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 18:46:46 GMT

Can someone recommend such a book?  I'm an out-of-date programmer.  I don't
know CGI, PHP, XML, or most of the other acronyms involved in active
websites.  I would like to understand how it all works.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Subject: Re: gzip / zip / compress : 2 gig limit?
Date: 4 Aug 2000 14:42:29 -0400

In article <8mcdu7$6cp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi all,

Hi. I mailed this to Aaron along with posting...

>I have a Linux fileserver for my company of ~60 people.  I have about
>40 gig of data uncompressed.  I back up to tape, but I'd also like to
>be able to tar it (with compression, like tar -cvzf), or zip it, or
>something.  Unfortunately all methods die at the 2 gig limit mark.  I
>assume this is a l

Linux-Misc Digest #343

2000-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #24Tue, 2 May 00 11:13:04 EDT

  Re: Partitioning ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: moving files from windows to linux on same comp ("Art S. Kagel")
  Re: XFree86 4.0 rpms (Kerry Cox)
  Re: Cannot kill a process ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Newbie LILO question (Eric)
  KDE vs Gnome? (Pal Dahle)
  mod_auth_mysql Hilfe dringend gesucht! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  mod_auth_mysql help needing! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Partitioning (Alex Borghgraef)
  Re: KDE vs Gnome? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Gnome Problem (Alejandro Blanca)
  Re: Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56  ?? (steve)
  Re: Gnome Problem (Matthew Haley)
  Re: Interested in purchasing a Linux OS (Rod Smith)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Partitioning
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 13:55:45 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Alex Borghgraef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm trying to install Debian on my pc, but I've run into a problem
> partitioning my hd.
> I have two hd's, one hda which is fully W95, and one hdb which did
> contain a 1Gb W95
> partition, another 1,5Gb W95 partition, a 1Gb SuSE linux ext2
> and a small linux
> swap partition. I wanted more space for linux, so I used cfdisk in the
> Debian setup to delete
> the three big partitions, and make one 1Gb W95 partition and one 2.5Gb
> linux partition.
> When I completed the Debian setup and rebooted, lilo didn't want to
> start, and when I tried
> booting from the created Debian bootfloppy, I got the following
>  e2fsck: Bad magic number in superblock while trying to open /dev/hdb6
> (that was the new
> linux partition).
> Then some more stuff about it not being a correct ext2 file system.
> What did I do wrong, and how can I fix it?

With repartioning you changed the name of your linux partition.
Previously called hdb6 ,it may now probably be hdb1.
I don't know Debian but with SuSE ith should work this way (certainly
you can transform it to Debian):

boot disk:
if there's something like /etc/fstab or fstab on the disk,change
/dev/hdb6 in fstab to wherever your linux system is placed now.

Mount emergency system from cd.
Once it is up, edit /etc/fstab with vi and insert an additional line
with an entry for your linux partition, e.g.
/dev/hdb1   /my-tempext2defaults1 2

Make directory my-temp or whatever you named it.
Try to mount hdb1 and edit /etc/fstab accordingly on success.
Reinstall lilo.

That could work.

If I got you wrong, you should simply run e2fsck by hand.(boot emergency
system,e2fsck /dev/hdb6)

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 10:10:57 -0400
From: "Art S. Kagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: moving files from windows to linux on same comp

> does anyone know of a program(downloadable software) that will move files
> from windows to linux while in windows?

Also the DJGPP Project (GCC on DOS/Windows) has a set of tools that can 
access Linux partitions.  See

Art S. Kagel


From: Kerry Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: XFree86 4.0 rpms
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 08:29:47 -0600

Martin Sanborn wrote:
> Kerry Cox wrote:
> > caused a lot of things to break.  Has anyone had any success in
> > installing XFree86 on their own Linux machine using the RPMs?  And if
> > so, would they be willing to share their experience?
> In my case, all the RPMs from rawhide seem to be ok EXCEPT for
> XFree86-4.0-0.x.i386.rpm. This package is broken. I've tried both the 4.0-0.6
> and 4.0-0.8 versions, and neither work. I think the error is akin to "cpio:
> error file handle broken" or something of the sort.
> I plan on installing the binary packages from that correspond to
> the files contained in XFree86-4.0-0.x.i386.rpm. Specifically, these are
> Xman.tgz, Xmod.tgz, Xbin.tgz, Xlib.tgz, and Xetc.tgz. I won't install the
> others since the rest of the XFree-4.0 RPMs (fonts, board-specific server,
> docs, devel, extra libs) are all OK.
> I'll let you know how it goes.
> Marty

Please let me know how it goes.  I am very interested in hearing what
the success rate is.  It appears to be rather split as of the present
time.  Perhaps some later releases to rawhide will starighten things


  Kerry J. Cox   .,.

Linux-Misc Digest #343

1999-08-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #21Mon, 9 Aug 99 19:13:07 EDT

  Thank you for your help, it works now. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: guaranteed annual income (Martin R. Green)
  Re: Real Audio Play for RH 6.0 ("Christopher R. Redinger")
  Re: yacc libraries (Pretty Boy Mohandas)
  Re: Modules for OPTi924 Sound Card (Bart Schouten)
  Re: Strange bootup message in RH 6.0 (Robin Becker)
  Re: linux networking ("RT")
  Re: Marx vs. Nozick
  Re: why do I lose my entire system at restart, how to minimize loss? (Martin R. 
  Re: How do I tell RH sees a second CPU? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: CDROM driver not supported in RH 6 install ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: NTFS on RH 6.0 ("RT")
  Win to linux floppy? (tans)
  Disappearing tool bar (Ron Tucker)
  Redefine 'jiffie' (Paul Miller)
  Re: Looking for Astronomy (starchart) software. (Carl Johnson)
  Re: 4.5G Seagate Ultra SCSI Barracudas. ("Lee Sharp")

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Thank you for your help, it works now.
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 18:36:41 GMT



Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin R. Green)
Subject: Re: guaranteed annual income
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 20:50:47 GMT

Here in Canada, the welfare benefits are so generous that not only do
recipients have a disincentive to find work since they lose many
benefits us poor working stiffs will never have (such as FREE health
care and food, free transportation via taxis, and subsidized or free
housing), but it is so attractive to some people that *generations* of
some families live off welfare with no desire to ever find work and
stop sponging of the productive members of society. Don't tell me that
in most welfare states there is any limit to how long someone can live
off the state (which really means sponge off your neighbors). Of
course, from what you say, the Netherlands is the exception.

Welfare is supposed to provide for the survival of an individual in
times of great need, but instead has allowed the terminally lazy in
society to obtain colour televisions, cars, stereo systems, etc (you
know, all the *real* necessities of life) at taxpayer expense. I do
not begrudge the truly needy on welfare who use it to stay alive while
they upgrade their skills or find other means of gainful employment,
but the truth is the for every "truly needy" citizen that uses welfare
as it was intended, there are twenty greedy, lazy pigs suckling at the
nipple of society with no intention of ever attempting to find work.

And you can quote me on that. Oh, and if that makes you think I'm a
selfish bastard, thank you, I'm proud of it.

On Mon, 09 Aug 1999 17:49:56 +0200, "A.T.Z." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>De Messemaeker Johan schreef:
>> Jeff wrote:
>> >
>> > > The social security system Europe is totally different from the US system.
>> > > In the US it's generally associated with retirement, while in Europe
>> > > everybody is eligible regardless of the age. One could say, that if you
>> > > combine the welfare with social security, that would be the europian social
>> > > security system. The benefits are also more generous, when compared to the
>> > > states. In some respect, there's no such system in place in the US.
>> >
>> > What you're saying is that eveyone is eligible to sit on their butt and do nothing
>> > if they so desire.
>> >
>> > No thanks, I'll pass.
>> They can, but it won't do them no good.
>> When they do this, they receive
>> very little money.
>> After a while, they don't get anything anymore.
>Not true, at least, not in The Netherlands. One could keep on living on what the gov. 
>giving them, but it's not much.
>> It doesn't work quite as good but it's a nice solution for people who
>> suddenly got very ill or lost their job.
>That's what the whole system is about. If one lose a job and can't find another, he or
>she can eat, pay the rent, gasbills, water etc.


From: "Christopher R. Redinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Real Audio Play for RH 6.0
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 14:53:55 -0400

Kelvin Leung wrote:
> Yes, there is a alpha version of G2 from, I forget the URL,
> anyone knows? It's in
> Kelvin
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ralph Blach
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,

Linux-Misc Digest #343

1999-05-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #20   Tue, 25 May 99 14:13:15 EDT

  Re: Linux: 750 million users by 2004? (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: autobackup with tar and RCS (root)
  do i need to upgrade ? (benjamin)
  Backup Software (Brian Stewart)
  Re: SB PCI 128 under RH 6.0 (Ted Summers)
  Re: problems with glibc2 (Derek Shaw)
  Re: PHB ammunition - microsoft hate links (Robert Washburne)
  OMNIS Studio RAD Tool available Soon.. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
  Re: Large CD-ROM file errors...? (Matt Starnes)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Marco Antoniotti)
  Re: Linux supporting UPS? (Peter)
  About SuSE Linux 6.1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: epson drivers (Rod Smith)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Ottavio G. Rizzo)
  Re: SB PCI 128 under RH 6.0 ("Anonym")
  Re: Kernel 2.2.3 mystery (brian moore)
  Re: What has happened to (oscarh)
  help with kernel error (Stefano Ghirlanda)
  Re: Odd Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Using SCO object files under Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: WAV file editing/filtering under Linux? (Robert Washburne)
  Re: my machine name (mike murray)
  Re: Good 10/100 Mb ethernet cards for Linux (Rod Smith)
  ftape/Jumbo Track 250/Kernel 2.2.9 (Matthew Vanecek)
  Re: Streaming Live Audio/Video with Linux??? (Henrik Carlqvist)

From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux: 750 million users by 2004?
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 07:22:31 -0700

On Tue, 25 May 1999, Gilles Pelletier wrote:

> I certainly realize this. No later than yesterday, I was telling a
> friend that if you exclude Linux users who boot Windows by default,
> there might be no more than 100,000 linux users left.

and I'm one of them - how nice. You didn't try to convert him/her to linux
with this argument, did you? It seems as baseless a speculation to me as
the subject promised.


Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:38:37 -0400
From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: autobackup with tar and RCS

i'd use cron and tar.

read the man pages.  tar will let you A) choose which files to backup b) do
incremental backup c) keep old user information.  If you don't like cron,
then you could put the script in rc.d or could have it run at login.

but cron and tar are the way to go.

> I want to make regular automated backups, without user interaction. So
> far, this surely is a classic procedure that about anyone (including
> myself) can do with tar and a script. Now let's say, for simplicity's
> sake, that the files to backup are the directories X and Y and all
> dotfiles (".*" but not "." or ".." or "./*" or "../*" etc.) in $HOME,
> and no other files should be backed up.
> Moreover (and now comes the interesting part): Since I want incremental
> backup with infinite past *all in one file*, all files in X and all
> dotfiles should first be processed via some revision control software,
> which means a certain command, let's just call it "Store", has to be
> applied to each of those files (and to files in subfolders, etc.). (For
> example, if that software is my favourite, RCS, then "Store" would be a
> script like "ci -l  questions:
> - How do I apply "Store" non-interactively to all files mentioned? Can I
> use "find" for that? Remember, some files may have strange filenames
> starting with dots or containing funny characters.
> - How do I make all this happen at startup? In other words, where do I
> place the script when written? OS is RH5.2/Mandrake.
> - How do I make sure that the revision control part of the script runs
> with $USER permissions, not as root? The reason is that if run as root,
> all revision control files stored in $HOME become owned by root and
> cannot be accessed by $USER any more. Other parts of the script, such as
> actually writing to the backup tape, might have to be run as root,
> however.
> --
> Replies please cc my email (my server expires
> postings very fast): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No spam please.
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From: benjamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: do i need to upgrade ?
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 03:10:34 +0200

Hello ,
I am runing Linux RedHat 5.1 and i upgraded the Kernel 2.2.4
Now, i try to compile gs4.03 (ghostscript) to install a new driver :
It didn't find several libs, and i installed jpeglib, zlib, and libpng;
but i had error messages like:
Conflicting types for 'file'
The qu

Linux-Misc Digest #343

1999-03-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #343, Volume #19Sun, 7 Mar 99 03:13:10 EST

  Re: Labels crashing WP8 for Linux (Ralph Alvy)
  Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME! (jik-)
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Jan Panteltje)
  Re: BEST HW For Linux NoteBook Project ("David Thornewill von Essen")
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Jan Panteltje)
  Re: Install Linux on intel-based Sequent server (Stuart Eichert)
  How does rpm check dependencies? (David M. Siegel)
  linux for beginers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: xdm problems - can't shutdown (Jason Kircher)
  Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME! (brian moore)
  smbmount: Can't get it to work... (Jason Kircher)

From: Ralph Alvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Labels crashing WP8 for Linux
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 17:27:19 GMT

In article <7bp8et$o7b$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem with the labels function of WordPerfect 8 for Linux.
> This is the feature that you get by selecting Format->Labels from the main
> menu.  When I try this, I get the list of labels, and I can select one,
> but when I click on OK, WordPerfect crashes.  I get no warning, no core
> dump, just a crashed program.  If I then re-start WordPerfect, I get the
> "Timed Backup" dialog, and if I click the "File Manager" button and select
> the listed file, I get the envelopes template and can use it.  That's
> rather a flaky way to load a template, though.  So:
> 1) Has anybody else seen this bug?
> 2) Does anybody else NOT get this bug?
> 3) Does anybody have a suggested workaround or fix for this bug?
> FWIW, this happens with both the downloadable and retail versions of WP8
> for Linux, on a system with Red Hat 5.2 using kernel 2.2.1.  I'm running
> XFree86 (from a Red Hat RPM), using a Matrox Millennium via the
> XF86_SVGA server.  The problem does *NOT* occur if I use WP 7 for Linux;
> it's specific to WP 8.


I just tried this as non-root on my shipped shrink-wrap WP8-Linux with no
problem. I'm running it on RedHat 5.2, with Kernel 2.0.36, XFree86-,
and a Matrox Millenium video card.

In case it matters, it looks like WP8-Linux was compiled for libc5 instead of
libc6. That's why, on some systems, it can give incorrect date/time. I had to
create a smbolic link like this to solve that:

ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/lib/zoneinfo


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From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help: Newbie doesn't know where to start with GNOME!
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:44:34 -0800

> To install gnome 1.0 :
> This is what I've done:
> 1. get all rpm packages except those marked 'devel' (I assume you' you're
> not interested in developing)
> 1.5 put them all in a new temporary dir (eg.  mkdir gnome)
> 2. # rpm -ivh glib-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm
> 3. # rpm -ivh gtk+-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm
> 4. # rpm -Uvh ORBit*
> 5. # rpm -Uvh au*
> 6. # rpm -Uvh esou*
> 7. # rpm -Uvh gnome-libs-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm
> 8. # rpm -Uvh gu*
> 9. # rpm -Uvh lib*
> 10. # rpm -Uvh gnom*
> 11. # rpm -Uvh x*
> 12. # rpm -Uvh GX*
> 13. # rpm -Uvh co*
> 14. # rpm -Uvh e*
> 15. # rpm -Uvh f*
> 16. # rpm -Uvh ...
> well I don't have to type it all - you can find out yourself what depends
> on what.

Jesus Christ!! You mean there is more to install then that  I mean,
sure when I tried it there was a whole shitload, but I thought that by
NOW they might have shirinked it just a little maybeguess not.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Panteltje)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 99 17:45:20 GMT

>Kevin & Chelby Geiss enlightened this group thus:
>> I'm a new linux user. my only gripe is reading usenet news (in fact
>> I'm in windows right now!! blech!)
>> I'm using free agent in windows. I can't find an off line news reader
>> for linux whihc is as good!!!
>> with agent you can select the headers you want downloaded and delete
>> the rest from your account so they are gone forever. you can select
>> multiple headers at once, using shift and the arrow keys. I can sift
>> through 1000 messages in 15 minutes and end up with only the bodies I
>> want to read.
>> Please tell me there is something as good for linux!!!