Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

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At the 5th of September Qualys released a Security Warning regarding a Linux
based virus. This virus was called  the Remote Shell Trojan (RST) and it
attacks Linux ELF binaries. It has replicating abilities: when run it will
infect all binaries in /bin and the current working directory. Besides that
it also spawns a process listening on UDP port 5503. When a properly crafted
packet is received by this process it will connect back with a system shell.


Very often viri are not seen as a real security threat for UNIX. A virus can
not infect binaries where the userID it is running under has no write access
to. Even under this situation viri can be a threat for UNIX based operating-
systems: Everytime a infected binary is run it will infect all binaries in the
current working directory. It is not unthinkeble that a user with increased
privileges will later run a binary infected by the RST. In this way the virus
can transparently spread itself over the system. This is especially the case
in production environments of in an environment where many users share files.
This process will get into a rapid once the /bin binaries are infected. Every
execution of normal system commands like 'ls' will infect all binaries in the
current working directory. In spite of the theoretical immunity UNIX has is
the situation described here not unlikely to happen in many human situations.
The backdoor process can give unpriviledged people access to your system under
the UserID the backdoor process is running. Attackers can attempt to get 
privileges on the system from there.


RST was developed by us as a research project and intended only for internal 
use on our systems. Our goal was to analyse how a non-priviledged virus could
affect a system running Linux in a normal work-environment. Things however 
go as they were intended to go. An infected binary accidentely leaked out our
research lab and came into the hands of so called scriptkiddies. They 
their own systems and other systems where they had access to. From this point
the virus seemed to spread in the wild. This should never have happened and we
truely apologize that it did.

Our main concern now is that the spread of this virus gets stopped and that al
the infected hosts get cleaned as soon as possible. As of now the format of 
specially crafted packet send to the listening backdoor process is unknown to
the public. But this might eventually get reverse engineered in the future and
RST can then be actively abused by other people. 


We have created a set of utilities which can recursively detect and remove the
virus from the system. It also has the option to make binaries IMMUNE for 
infection by the RST. We put our best effort in making these utilities as easy
to use as possible. And we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you run these to see if you
are infected and to remove the RST from all the infected binaries. We 
recommend that multiuser systems make their system immune for the RST as the 
for these systems are much higher. Immunisation works by increasing the size 
the text segment by 4096 bytes so that the hole between the text and data 
is gone. After this there's no space for the RST to add it self to the binary 

The interface to these programs is simple and self-explanating. The user can 
decide wether he wants to automatically detect and remove the RST on the 
recursively or if he wants to apply the remover on a per binary base. In this
mode he can also get a individual status report on wheter this binary is 
immune or innocent. Sample usage would be:

% perl remove

For more information regarding this read the included documentation.


Again we strongly recommand that anybody running Linux runs the detector to 
if their system is infected. Even if they do not expect anything, they can 
optionally immunise their system. This is the only way we can fight the 
spread of this virus. Again we apologise for all the inconvenience this may 
caused. But maybe we can see it as a lesson that Linux and UNIX are not immune
for viri.

        - anonymous
- -- 
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

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Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread Rick Sivernell


  I got the program  it did not find any problems here.

Thanks  cheers
Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread Joel Hammer

 We have created a set of utilities which can recursively detect and remove the
 virus from the system. It also has the option to make binaries IMMUNE for 
 This sounds like a hoax.  The utils might be the actual trojan...
Amen, Brother.
IMMUNE binaries? Give me a break. 

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Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread Douglas J. Hunley

On Monday 10 September 2001 22:27, Joel Hammer babbled:
  We have created a set of utilities which can recursively detect and
   remove the virus from the system. It also has the option to make
   binaries IMMUNE for future
  This sounds like a hoax.  The utils might be the actual trojan...

except that it was on bugtraq. and it's a perl script that can be reviewed. 
and nobody has debunked it yet

Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

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Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread burns

On September 10, 2001 10:54 pm, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
 On Monday 10 September 2001 22:27, Joel Hammer babbled:

   This sounds like a hoax.  The utils might be the actual trojan...

 except that it was on bugtraq. and it's a perl script that can be reviewed.
 and nobody has debunked it yet

except that there isn't a single mention by CERT.
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Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread dep

On Monday 10 September 2001 11:00, burns wrote:

| except that there isn't a single mention by CERT.

cert is primarily a reactive, report-after-the-fact outfit. we'd none 
of us have working computers if we based our security solely on cert 

though from bugtraq:

Has any expert c programers examined the c code to see if it actually
does what the remarks say?
I am suspicious of anything that is posted anonymously no matter how
well it's documented. I 
don't know C well enough to tell if the documentation is accurately
portraying what the code is
really doing.

If it's not then this a one very well crafted socially engineered


I'm not an expert in C or the ELF filestructure.  Here is what I did:

1) Read the file.  It's essentially the command:
  find ${directory} -type f -chmod +x -exec ${cleaner} ${options}
\{\} \;

   $directory defaults to '/'
   $cleaner   defaults to './kill'
   $options   defaults to ''

  Nothing to see here, move along.

2) Read the Makefile.  It compiles the executable (using a potentially
compromized gcc, ld, etc.) and copies it (using a potentially
compromized cp) so that there are two versions of the executable
(./temp and ./kill).  It runs ./temp on ./kill, ostensibly to
clean it, then deletes ./temp

3) Read kill.c.

   When you ask it to analyze a file, kill appears to do only that-
   it reads but does not write.  It reads the ELF header.  If the
   ELF header doesn't exist or is not an executable header, it dies.
   If the ELF header exists and is executable, it reads the text
   segment and then the data segment.  It accepts only the text 
   with an offset from the beginning of the file of 0 (that is, the
   first text segment).

   It calculates the following:

   padding = datasegment's virtual address - ( textsegment's address +
   textsegment's size )
   = amount of information between beginning of data segment
 and end of text segment

   psize   = ( end of textsegment ) - execution entry point
   = amount of information between end of textsegment
 and beginning of execution

   poffset = ( end of textsegment ) - psize
   = ( end of textsegment ) - (end of textsegment) + execution
 entry point
   = execution entry point

   If the padding is too large (there is too much space between the
   data segment and text segment) then the file is judged to be
   non-infected, and non-protected.

   If the padding is not too large, and the psize is 4096 then the
   trojan is declared active.  If the psize is not 4096 then the
   trojan is declared inactive and the file protected.

   When you ask it to disinfect a file, it first analyzes the file
   and makes the calculations, above.  Then it alters the ELF header,
   so that execution will begin with the actual program code, not
   the trojan code (assuming the trojan stores the offset of the
   program code at offset 1).  It leaves the trojan in place, though
   inactive, presumably so that the file will not become reinfected
   with an active trojan.  This step bothers me.

   When you ask it to make an innocent file immune, it does all of
   the above calculations, with one change:

   poffset  = end of the first textsegment in the file

   Then it walks through the all of the program headers named in the 
   ELF header.  For each one except the textsegment itself, it pushes
   it forward in the file by 4096 bytes.  Then it grows the 
   by 4096 bytes.  It updates the section header, and pushes the end
   of the file out by 4096 bytes.  I have some trouble with how it
   does this.

4) Created an unpriveleged user account, put some executable files
   in a directory owned by this user, moved the sources of this
   stuff to that directory, and created a symlink from `./kill' to
   '/bin/touch'.  Modified the Perl script to start with '.' instead
   of '/', and had it execute.  This effectively executed /bin/touch
   on all of the files in the directory.  The Perl script appeared
   to perform as advertised.

5) Copied fresh copies of an executable (GNU bash, in this case)
   to the directory.  Ran strace and saved the output to a file.
   (the command was 'strace ./bash -c touch bleh 2 nonimmune').
   Immunized the executable with `./kill 3 executable', then
   ran strace again ('strace ./bash -C touch bleh 2 immune').
   Checked the differences between the two strace outputs.  Aside
   from predictable differences (times and PIDs had changed,
   of course,) the executable behaved the same as observed by
   strace before and after immunization.  The file before immunization
   differed from the file after immunization, however (diff
   reports 'Binary files original and immunized differ').

From what I can tell, this program does more or less what it claims
it does- that is, it ensures that the space between the text segment

Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread Shawn Tayler

That was the kicker for me..

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 22:27:32 -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:

 We have created a set of utilities which can recursively detect and remove the
 virus from the system. It also has the option to make binaries IMMUNE for 
 This sounds like a hoax.  The utils might be the actual trojan...
Amen, Brother.
IMMUNE binaries? Give me a break. 

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Re: Linux Remote Shell Trojan: Threat, Origian and the Solution

2001-09-10 Thread Shawn Tayler

That is a valid point.  However, this whole Immune issue just gives
me the heeby-jeebies

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 22:54:56 -0400, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:

On Monday 10 September 2001 22:27, Joel Hammer babbled:
  We have created a set of utilities which can recursively detect and
   remove the virus from the system. It also has the option to make
   binaries IMMUNE for future
  This sounds like a hoax.  The utils might be the actual trojan...

except that it was on bugtraq. and it's a perl script that can be reviewed. 
and nobody has debunked it yet

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