2000-04-13 Thread victor

Hi listers,

What do you think,is there any chance in the future to see a
Rebol version for (MS/DR/IBM)-DOS ?
Or  the  Rebol  team  just consider DOS meaning Defunct Operating
System ;-)...

Best regards,

[REBOL] free web hosting with rebol Re:(3)

2000-04-11 Thread victor

Hello kracik,

Monday, April 10, 2000, 10:37:16 AM, you wrote:

kmdc> Since you are the third person to ask on this ML in a week, I give up
kmdc> and post my incomplete guide written in terrible English at:
kmdc> http://hammer.prohosting.com/~rebol/rebol-cgi-prohosting.html

Thanks Kracik for giving up and post your guide :-)

kmdc> Write me if you succeed in running REBOL on Prohosting following this
kmdc> guide.

I  will.BTW  how  could one  query  a  server  about what OS is running
from REBOL command-line?

Best regards,

[REBOL] free web hosting with rebol Re:

2000-04-10 Thread victor

Hello kracik,

Sunday, April 09, 2000, 3:15:01 AM, you wrote:

kmdc> you can use free.prohosting.com, but you have to upload REBOL yourself.

kmdc> You can run my example REBOL script at
kmdc> http://hammer.prohosting.com/~rebol/cgi-bin/cgitest.cgi

I didn't understand well,can I upload REBOL by myself???
I thought that it has to have some permits to run on that server...
This means that probably it'll work with other providers too?
(If it works you made my day :-))

How shall I do it? Just upload the rebol.exe ?

Thank you for your answer.

Best regards,

[REBOL] free web hosting with rebol

2000-04-08 Thread victor

Hi listers!

Can  anybody  tell  me  a  free web space provider,such as tripod
etc,where one can run rebol scripts?

Best regards,