Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Rick Lewis
I hope you have saved all of the suggestions. They will allow you to do what 
you want without affecting anyone else on the system.
I've done these things myself. They work, and will achieve what you want.

-Original Message-
From: Lynx-dev [] On 
Behalf Of Karen Lewellen
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 8:05 PM
To: Halaasz Saandor 
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

do you mind providing the exact command?

On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, Halaasz Saandor via Lynx-dev wrote:

> 2019/11/15 18:26 ... Larry Hynes via Lynx-dev:
>>  If you can set the WWW_HOME environment variable, lynx will use that as
>>  the startfile.
> I use this method, although I have complete control of my "lynx.cfg".
> ___
> Lynx-dev mailing list

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Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Karen Lewellen

do you mind providing the exact command?

On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, Halaasz Saandor via Lynx-dev wrote:

2019/11/15 18:26 ... Larry Hynes via Lynx-dev:

 If you can set the WWW_HOME environment variable, lynx will use that as
 the startfile.

I use this method, although I have complete control of my "lynx.cfg".

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Karen Lewellen

to be sure, there are ten of them, none  of which have my name on it.
Which is why I have stated my goal has never been to involve the lynx.cfg 
file  in  any fashion.

On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, Jude DaShiell wrote:

run locate lynx.cfg and you will have an idea.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:32:20
From: Karen Lewellen 
To: Thorsten Glaser 
Cc: "" 
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

The reason why I want a command to do this, say like the useragent  option Tom
provided in another thread is because, since this is not my system, I have no
idea where the lynx.cfg file is.
I wish to change the site that displays when I type lynx, without impacting
thesystem whatsoever.
How does that seem confusing?

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Karen Lewellen dixit:

I am seeking a command line method  to override the site  listed as the
homepage for lynx regularly,  i. e. the page that appears if i just entre

Then don?t enter just lynx ;-)

Otherwise, you can override the homepage in the lynx.cfg file.
Since you?re on a shellserver you cannot do that system-wide,
but you can copy the system-wide one into your home directory
and use the -cfg=FILENAME option to point to the changed file.

The idea is  to change this  default homepage, not just simply visit a
new site once.

But the ?homepage? is only shown if you don?t tell it a site
to visit when starting.

It?s probably easiest to make an alias, something like this:

echo "alias 'ly=lynx'" >>~/.bashrc

Then typing ly will start lynx with the other start page.
Easier than doing the config dance, unless you need that anyway.

FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was much
*much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living hell out of
ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my daily use if I hadn't
wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) -- Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh

Lynx-dev mailing list


Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Karen Lewellen

 i. do. not. want. to. make. this. change. in all!
How hard is that to understand?
I  asked for *command line* not all the ways I might screw up another 
person's setup.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Bela Lubkin wrote:

Karen Lewellen wrote:

since this is not my system,
I have no idea where the lynx.cfg file is.

While in Lynx, hit 'o' for options.  Near the very bottom is a line,

   View the file lynx.cfg.

Following the 'lynx.cfg' link, you see a rendition of the active
portions of your lynx.cfg.  Near the top of that is a comment:

   #Your primary configuration /path/to/system/lynx.cfg

We can reduce that somewhat.  'LYNXCFG:/' is the URL used in that
'lynx.cfg' link; we can dump that from the shell:

   $ lynx -dump LYNXCFG:/ | grep primary.config
   #Your primary configuration [4]/path/to/system/lynx.cfg

One way to make use of this:

   $ cd $HOME
   $ echo 'INCLUDE:/path/to/system/lynx.cfg' > .lynx_cfg
   $ echo 'STARTFILE:' >> .lynx_cfg
   $ lynx -cfg $HOME/.lynx_cfg   ### opens

This uses lynx.cfg's INCLUDE command to include the system lynx.cfg by
reference.  That way it will keep up with any changes the system
administrator might make (as long as they don't replace the lynx binary
with one compiled to look in a different location).  Setting STARTFILE
*after* the INCLUDE ensures that your setting overrides the system's.

Now all you need is one of the various alias techniques mentioned by


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Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Karen Lewellen
I appreciate all of the suggestions, even if not the strict command line 
only  option I desired.
i do not know where the lynx.cfg file is located.  I imagine this is wise 
to prevent accidents with  individuals  making changes.
if no strict command line only solution exists, I will  ask the admin to 
make the change for me.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Tim Chase wrote:


While you might not be able to modify the system-wide lynx.cfg file,
you can copy the system one to your local directory and then use a
function/alias to start lynx with that lynx.cfg file instead of the
system one (see my previous message).  I do this all the time to get
the functionality that I want while still only needing to type "lynx"
at the command-prompt.


On 2019-11-15 18:42, Karen Lewellen wrote:

I cannot edit my lynx.cfg file, which is why I seek a command line
method. I am going to try the www_home method, I must not have
followed as I got locked into a >
window with no change.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Larry Hynes wrote:

Karen Lewellen  wrote:

I am seeking a command line method  to override the site  listed
as the homepage for lynx regularly,  i. e. the page that appears
if i just entre lynx.
The idea is  to change this  default homepage, not just simply
visit a new site  once.
does that make more sense?

If you can set the WWW_HOME environment variable, lynx will use
that as the startfile.

If you can edit your lynx.cfg file, you can specify the startfile
in that, as in:


I suppose a command line method would be something like entering

WWW_HOME=''; lynx

on the command line or exporting the WWW_HOME environment
variable from your .profile or .bash_profile i.e. ensuring that
the line

export WWW_HOME=''

is in your .profile (or wherever bash looks for environment
variables), in which case when you launch lynx it will go to that

There is also an option to launch lynx with the '-book' switch
which will use the bookmark page (if set) as the startfile. (See
'man lynx' for details.)

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Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Karen Lewellen
because this is not my service I wish to tamper with config files as 
little  as possible.
If there is not a command line only method to accomplish this task, much 
like  the -useragent one, then never mind.
thanks for all the ideas but  again  I am not interested in altering 
lynx.cfg in any fashion.


On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Tim Chase wrote:


You can combine Thorsten's advice to use "-cfg=FILENAME" with my
previous shell-alias suggestion, which is what I've done in the past
to specify a local config file.  With that in place, you can set your
default home-page in your local lynx config file (say, ~/.lynx.cfg)

 echo "STARTFILE:"; >> ~/.lynx.cfg

and then have your function/alias specify the config file:

 lynx() { command lynx -cfg=$HOME/.lynx.cfg "$@" ; }

I happen to like the TEXTFIELDS_NEED_ACTIVATION:TRUE set in my .cfg
file too, so this is how I get that behavior every time.


On 2019-11-15 22:56, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Karen Lewellen dixit:

I am seeking a command line method  to override the site  listed
as the homepage for lynx regularly,  i. e. the page that appears
if i just entre lynx.

Then don’t enter just lynx ;-)

Otherwise, you can override the homepage in the lynx.cfg file.
Since you’re on a shellserver you cannot do that system-wide,
but you can copy the system-wide one into your home directory
and use the -cfg=FILENAME option to point to the changed file.

The idea is  to change this  default homepage, not just simply
visit a new site once.

But the “homepage” is only shown if you don’t tell it a site
to visit when starting.

It’s probably easiest to make an alias, something like this:

echo "alias 'ly=lynx'" >>~/.bashrc

Then typing ly will start lynx with the other start page.
Easier than doing the config dance, unless you need that anyway.

FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was
much *much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living
hell out of ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my
daily use if I hadn't wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) --
Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh

Lynx-dev mailing list

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] after follows without separation

2019-11-16 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
Thorsten Glaser wrote in :
 |Steffen Nurpmeso dixit:
 |>Ok.  But you could as well "cat|sed -e s/^  //" when pasting
 |>however, that does not bite anything preformatted.
 |Not when pasting commands directly (also, don’t abuse the
 |poor cat), and it breaks tabstops, so, no.

You could simply sed <<_EOT directly, true.
Hm.  Seems correct, at least in tmux and via st/mouse select.
I do not use tabulators for many years, so did not affect me yet.

 |>|You can disable the left margin for the other elements
 |>|nowadays, though.
 |>Interesting!  May i ask how?

Ah.  Ok, well thanks.  Actually i do not want to disable margins,
since they reflect the page, at least duly ones, which use p,
blockquote, whatever.  Also i like the outstanding of headers,
easy for the eye.  It is just


Wuff. Wuff.

|Der Kragenbaer,The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter   he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] after follows without separation

2019-11-16 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Steffen Nurpmeso dixit:

>Ok.  But you could as well "cat|sed -e s/^  //" when pasting
>however, that does not bite anything preformatted.

Not when pasting commands directly (also, don’t abuse the
poor cat), and it breaks tabstops, so, no.

> |You can disable the left margin for the other elements
> |nowadays, though.
>Interesting!  May i ask how?



“ah that reminds me, thanks for the stellar entertainment that you and certain
other people provide on the Debian mailing lists │ sole reason I subscribed to
them (I'm not using Debian anywhere) is the entertainment factor │ Debian does
not strike me as a place for good humour, much less German admin-style humour”

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] after follows without separation

2019-11-16 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <>:
 | I customize DefaultStyle.c to my preferences.

Maybe the next time when i compile the 2.8.9rel.1 i have a look.
I'd rather not, i am buried alive here.  Thanks nonetheless,
Mr. Bell.

The thing, well, however, is that we are talking about block
elements, in a conforming very simple web site.

|Der Kragenbaer,The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter   he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] Copyright violation? How?

2019-11-16 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
Stefan Caunter wrote in :
 |> On Nov 15, 2019, at 20:00, Ian Collier  wrote:
 |> On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 09:55:43PM +, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
 |>> Mouse dixit:
 |>>> #define UA_COPYRIGHT_WARNING \
 |>>> "WARNING: Misrepresentation of the User-Agent may be a copyright \
 |>>> violation!"
 |>> Eh, I've never seen that one... not between 2.8.6 and 2.9 anyway.
 |>> If it existed it must be positively ancient.
 |> Yes, you are right.  It appears to me that this text was present in 2.8.2
 |> but was eliminated in 2.8.3dev.13, released October 1999.
 |Indeed I have never seen that message, but in the 90s, servers did \
 |not screw with clients based on UA headers (much), so it was uncommon \
 |to set it. I remember reading the Washington Post and hotmail with \
 |no issues back then. 

From my memory i think you are totally mistaken.  At least
regarding anything Javascript alike, which was *anything* by then.
And it had to be done because of different ways of accessing the
document object model with Netscape and Microsoft.  Also Opera
used Subwindows in a main Window, which you better adhered to at
least a bit.  And if i recall correctly many sites blocked early
even if it was completely unnecessary, which is why that UA thing
popped up at first -- right?

Sorry you are the one who hears it, but very generally speaking
that current top-post hype makes me sad.

A nice Sunday i wish.

|Der Kragenbaer,The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter   he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] after follows without separation

2019-11-16 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
Thorsten Glaser wrote in :
 |Steffen Nurpmeso dixit:
 |>Also i wonder why  is always left aligned, like the headings
 |>are, whereas all other elements have some left margin.  This
 |>looks pretty odd.
 |Because it’s preformatted. Needed to make copy/paste and
 |tabstops work.

Ok.  But you could as well "cat|sed -e s/^  //" when pasting
however, that does not bite anything preformatted.

 |You can disable the left margin for the other elements
 |nowadays, though.

Interesting!  May i ask how?

|Der Kragenbaer,The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter   he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread dan d.

Your best bet would be to set an alias with all commandline optionss desired, 
including the start url.

This alias could be put in a local to your account .bashrc or .bash_profile, or 
similar depending on the system os and shell used.

I use a custom local start.html page I constructed with the most commonly 
visited urls in one place as my start url.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2019, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> no,
> What I am asking for is a way to *change the site  shown when I type lynx*
> for  good, without using the lynx.cfg file.
> Since this is not registering,  let me be very specific.
> For many years  the default site displayed when typing lynx here was
> google news.
> For me I could gather things for work,   then use the g command to move
> to different sites.
> I am in Canada discovering that
> produces something a great deal like the  old  google news, desiring it to
> be the site I reach when opening lynx, without having to type the url
> Presently in fact lur lynx default page produces an error making moving
> forward sometimes an issue.
> Still, I am  likely the only person needing Canadian news easy to hand
> regularly. and all of the g files belong to the service manager.
> so...the goal is a permanent change to the default one.
> On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> > Karen Lewellen dixit:
> >
> >> I wish to change the site that displays when I type lynx, without 
> >> impacting the
> >
> > You can fix that the easiest way by not typing lynx.
> >
> > This is precisely what you asked for: the command-line way to
> > solve your request. The startpage is only ever displayed right
> > after starting lynx, so giving it an URL effectively changes it.
> >
> > bye,
> > //m.
> >
> >
> ___
> Lynx-dev mailing list


Lynx-dev mailing list

[Lynx-dev] after follows without separation

2019-11-16 Thread russellbell
I customize DefaultStyle.c to my preferences.

russell bell

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] changing lynx default homepage from the comand line?

2019-11-16 Thread Halaasz Saandor via Lynx-dev

2019/11/15 18:26 ... Larry Hynes via Lynx-dev:

If you can set the WWW_HOME environment variable, lynx will use that as
the startfile.

I use this method, although I have complete control of my "lynx.cfg".

Lynx-dev mailing list

Re: [Lynx-dev] google problem

2019-11-16 Thread Halaasz Saandor via Lynx-dev

2019/11/15 12:03 ... dan d.:

Google made a server side change to affect chrome behavior on wed.,  It was a 
mess.  Wasn't that about the time the lynx behavior changed?
-- Google Chrome experiment crashes browser tabs, impacts companies worldwide 

I doubt that if the administrators knew that Google installed outside 
"push"ing into Chrome they would have allowed installing it in their 
enterprises. It is hard for me to imagine a worse security fault, a 
built-in opening for outside interference ("Finch"), although it be from 
the vendor.

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