Problem with captions in floats

2003-01-15 Thread Howard Philips
   I am using LyX 1.2.0, and have come across a rather
annoying problem with captions.

   In order to insert an EPS file in my document I
follow the procedure outline in paragraph of
the LyX User's Guide. 

   Once the figure is inserted, still inside the float
I type a carriage return at the end of the inserted
figure and change to the Caption mode, so that the
caption itself appears below the figure. Next, I add
my label for the figure, and the text of the caption. 

   At this point everything looks all right at the LyX
window. If I view my document by doing View -> DVI or
View -> Postscript from the main menu, the figure
appears just as expected.

   The problem is, when I print the resulting
Postscript file, the captions are printed each in a
page on their own. I have tried in four different
printers, with the same results. I guess there is some
problem with my printer software, but I would like to
know if the way in which I am inserting the EPS files
first, and create the captions afterwards, is correct.

   Feedback will be much appreciated.

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Imported figures in version 1.2.0

2002-06-01 Thread Howard Philips

   I have a number of EPS figures imported into a LyX
document. In LyX 1.1.6 whenever I reached the point in
the document at which a figure is imported, the figure
would show up immediately.

   Now with LyX 1.2.0 the figure is piped through
convert, an ImageMagick utility, in order to translate
it into a loadable format. This takes some time.
Worse, if there are (say) four figures in a document,
the insertion points of which can be seen in a single
LyX page (albeit they might correspond to several
printed pages,) LyX launches four concurrent convert
jobs. This is extremely slow and inefficient, even
with a respectable CPU and lots of RAM. 

   Is there a way to disable this behavior? I mean, if
I am going to have to wait several seconds every time
I stumble upon an EPS figure in my document, before
the actual figure pops up, I'd rather just see its
insertion point only - I can always visualize the
actual document much more conveniently from the View

   In a nutshell, the new approach to graphics, using
ImageMagick, is not such a great idea, from the point
of view of the user - not only is it much slower than
in earlier versions but, in addition, it forces one to
install ImageMagick, a rather big package for which I
have no use, otherwise.

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