Re: Theorems, lemmas, definitions... in Spanish

2009-04-24 Thread Michael Solis Chacon
I'm going to ckeck it.


Re: Theorems, lemmas, definitions... in Spanish

2009-04-23 Thread Michael Solis Chacon

Ignacio García  writes:

> > Customizing the layout files (from .../share/lyx/layouts/...) in your
> > personal directory, e.g. ~/.lyx/layouts/...
> >
> > I send you a few examples (no definitives, they are tests!) and you
> > can make experiments with them.
> >
> > I hope that is a little help to start
> To complet the set I add some layouts that they were missing in the
> previous mail, for translating "teorema por secciones"
> ¡Suerte!
> Ignacio García
> Attachment (modules2.tar.bz2): application/x-bzip2, 1631 bytes

Thanks for yours replies but, how can I open the attachments, it's a bin file,
how can I open that?

Thanks a lot.

Theorems, lemmas, definitions... in Spanish

2009-04-22 Thread Michael Solis Chacon
Hello guys,

I'm making my thesis in Lyx, and i need to write theorems, definitions, etc; but
its necesary that appear like Teorema, Lema, Definición, etc.(in Spanish)

I selected the document's language in spanish, the encoding is latin1, and the
Theorems(AMS), Theorems(AMS-Extended) and Theorems(By Chapter).

The problems it's the definitions for the theorems still in English,

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

Could someone help me?

Thanks in advance.

PS: The preamble is this, (copy-paste from the source view)

% Preview source code

%% LyX 1.6.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%% A simple dot to overcome graphicx limitations

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.


%% Encabezados
\fancyhead[CE]{\scriptsize \leftmark}
\fancyhead[CO]{\scriptsize \rightmark}
%% Estilos de teoremas
% \swapnumbers
% \theoremstyle{definition}
% \newtheorem{definicion}[teorema]{Definici\'{o}n}
% \newtheorem{ejemplo}[teorema]{Ejemplo}
% \newtheorem{ejercicio}[teorema]{Ejercicio}
% \newtheorem{nota}[teorema]{$ $Nota}
% %\newtheorem*{sol}{Soluci\'{o}n}
% \newcommand{\bsol}{\begin{proof}[Soluci\'{o}n]}
% \newcommand{\esol}{\end{proof}}
% \theoremstyle{remark}
%% Fin Estilos


