Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-09 Thread PhilipPirrip
Remember that the commands in LaTeX are just macros, they collect any 
text and expand it where needed.

What you need is a command in the preamble of your LyX document of this 

\degree{Master of Science\\ \vspace{\baselineskip} in\\ 
\vspace{\baselineskip} Nuclear Engineering}

As I said, commands containing a @ have only been made for internal 
class use, they are not in user space.

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread Steve Burnham
On June 4, 2014 at 15:32:27 PM, Benedict Holland ( 
Would you be willing to do this in ERT? I find that the first page, cover page, 
etc. are notoriously difficult to get correctly specified in Lyx. The ERT would 
be someting like

Also, it might be linebreak but I think it should be newline. Honestly, I find 
that if I have to edit or modify class files and the like, I just find a 
library to do it for me and write it up in latex. It seems to be much easier 
that way. 


Masters of Science \newline
in \newline
Nuclear Engineering \newline



I have no problem going the ERT route, especially since it is scattered all 
throughout my document.  Implementing this looks like it works though.  Hard to 
know exactly if the spacing is correct until I print it out and measure it like 
the thesis editors but all appears correct.


Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread Benedict Holland
Would you be willing to do this in ERT? I find that the first page, cover
page, etc. are notoriously difficult to get correctly specified in Lyx. The
ERT would be someting like

Also, it might be linebreak but I think it should be newline. Honestly, I
find that if I have to edit or modify class files and the like, I just find
a library to do it for me and write it up in latex. It seems to be much
easier that way.


Masters of Science \newline
in \newline
Nuclear Engineering \newline



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Steve Burnham  wrote:

> On June 4, 2014 at 12:50:48 PM, PhilipPirrip ( wrote:
> It's hard to guess what you're supposed to have without knowing anything
> about your latex class.
> What's obvious from the excerpt you've given is that \@degree is meant
> to be an internal command of the class (because of the @). There must be
> some part of the class file that fills the \@degree command with user's
> data.
> Where can we find the class file?
> I’m attaching the class file.  Starting at line 1351 is where I made my
> modifications.  I guess I don’t fully understand how to use the @ command.
>  It sounds like I have to define it first earlier in the class file before
> I can add it to my preamble to be defined?
> -Steve

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread PhilipPirrip
It's hard to guess what you're supposed to have without knowing anything 
about your latex class.
What's obvious from the excerpt you've given is that \@degree is meant 
to be an internal command of the class (because of the @). There must be 
some part of the class file that fills the \@degree command with user's 

Where can we find the class file?

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread Steve Burnham

On June 3, 2014 at 17:26:57 PM, PhilipPirrip ( wrote:

Insert > Formatting > Vertical space instead of just adding empty lines.  
Then, VFill is a stretchable vertical space that could help you keep the  
things on one page.  

This would work if the cover page was actually written in LyX but instead it is 
defined in the class file.  I specify the degree type in the preamble .  I 
manage to remove the blank page being created but the way the degree is defined 
in the class I am not sure how to break it up.

        A \@thesistype ~submitted to the faculty of\\ 
        The University of Utah\\ 
        in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
      \@degree \\

You can see the \@degree\\ simply takes what is written in the preamble and 
pastes in there as one line rather than “Master of Science” double space “In” 
double space “Nuclear Engineering”  I managed to get it formatted properly by 
adding the following in the class file after \@degree \\

 \@degree \\
  \mbox{} \\
  in \\
  \mbox{} \\
  Nuclear Engineering \\
  \mbox{} \\

I would like to make this a little more robust and allow for others to use the 
class file without having to edit it as much as I have.  In the preamble I 
specify the degree by entering after the \degree{} entry so I tried to add 
something like \degreein{} where someone can enter the information and replaced 
“Nuclear Engineering” in the class file with \@degreein but I get compile 
errors.  Is there a better way to go about this?


Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-03 Thread PhilipPirrip

Insert > Formatting > Vertical space instead of just adding empty lines.
Then, VFill is a stretchable vertical space that could help you keep the 
things on one page.

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-03 Thread Steve Burnham

On June 3, 2014 at 11:25:06 AM, Steve Burnham ( wrote:

I am working through some formatting revisions from my thesis office and have a 
couple of initial questions:

1.  My degree on the cover page was originally written on one line but it is 
supposed to use three lines and double spaced.  I have it set to three lines 
now but cannot get it double spaced.  Also, when I move it to three lines a new 
blank page is created at the beginning of the document causing the title page 
to become a numbered page.  Instead, the vertical whitespace surrounding the 
degree title should simply be reduced to accommodate.  

I tried to fix this by adding \begin{doublespace} and \end{doublespace} around 
the degree title in the preamble but this resulted in errors so I am still 
stuck on this one.

2.  I have a numbered list where the spacing between each number is greater 
than the spacing of the rest of the document.  The space before the first 
number and after each subsequent number should be the same double space as the 
rest of the document and the double spacing occurring within each numbered 
item.  It looks like I should use the Enumitem package to fix this but I’m only 
finding examples on how to use it to change horizontal spacing, not vertical.  
Could someone help with this?  
I managed to fix this one after some more lengthy searching.  I added the 
following to my preamble:

% no big dumb spaces inbetween list items   
% no big dumb spaces inbetween list items   


Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread Richard Heck

The answers to a lot of these questions can be found in /The LaTeX
Companion/ or /A Guide to LaTeX/. All of these are LaTeX issues and have
nothing much to do with Lyx. How LaTeX typesets things is controlled by
the class and style files you load, and it uses complicated algorithms
to decide where to put things and how to format pages. To change the
kinds of things you want to change, you will need either to load
packages that allow you to do it, in such cases as there are such
packages, or else to redefine the LaTeX commands that control
formatting. That is to say: You'll have to learn some LaTeX to do this.
Lyx won't do it, because it doesn't provide access to every package that
is available for LaTeX, let alone to LaTeX internals.
> 1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a 
> double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b) 
> need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.
Try the tocloft package. That will probably do what you need. If not,
you'll need to redefine commands like [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
are in whatever class file you are using, book.cls, or whatever.
> 4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.
Try resetting \widowpenalty and \clubpenalty, e.g.:

\widowpenalty = 1000
\clubpenalty = 1000

That should go in the preamble.
> 5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break needs 
> to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?
Try \clearpage. Otherwise, just \pagebreak should do.
> 6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text (not 
> the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to change 
> it.
In book.cls, this is controlled by setting the length \belowcaptionskip,
if I understand what you're asking. So you could reset it in your
preamble, e.g.: \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{1ex}.
> 7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section (or 
> subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily place 
> triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.
You can try the titlesec package. Otherwise, you will need to redefine
\section and \subsection. Look at the class file in question (e.g.,
book.cls) to see what the old definitions are. These are all defined in
terms of [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm not presently remembering exactly how this
command works, but I believe the space before the heading is controlled
by the fourth argument, which is a "rubber length": LaTeX is allowed to
stretch or shrink the space. You could try just:

{-2.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.5ex \minus -.2ex}%
{-2.25ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] -.5ex \minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] .2ex}%

to make the space smaller. These are just modified from the book.cls
definition. If you're not using book.cls, then you won't want these, but
they might work as a guide.
> 8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page heading and 
> the first listed reference.  I need to change to double space but see no way 
> to do this.
The References heading is probably produced as a \chapter*. That's
certainly how it's done in book.cls. So you'll either need to redefine
\chapter, though you may not want to do so for the entire document (you
could do so right before yo do the bibliography, though), or else you'll
need to redefine the thebibliography environment not to use \chapter*.
As you'll see if you look at book.cls, though, that would not be
entirely easy, since the definition of \chapter is very complex.

If you're using the Koma-script book format, then you just need to
redefine \chapterheadendvskip right before creating the bibliography.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread John Pye

John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> On 3/14/06, Nate Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
>> the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
>> you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
>> pages or b) make the columns narrower?
> How can you make the columns narrower without reducing the font size?
I had this problem as well. It's covered in the User's Manual under
section 4.4.4 (the chapter on tables).


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 3/14/06, Nate Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a
> double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b)
> need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.

I'm not sure, I think this is the default for Book(koma-script).
Generally Book (koma-script) is the best choice for Theses.

> 2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
> the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
> you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
> pages or b) make the columns narrower?

How can you make the columns narrower without reducing the font size?

> 3.  Page bottom margins are set to 1" but on some pages, the text goes
> below 1" (to about 0.75").  I don't understand why--seems to be a bug.

I am not sure why this is happening, but...

By default, LaTeX puts the header and footer inside the margins. For
some reason LyX doesn't let you set the "head" or "foot" options in
the geometry package or the "includehead" and "includefoot" options. I
have manually added:


to my Layout->Document->preamble. This may help. (change the margins
to what you want ofcourse, i.e. replace some of the "2cm" with "1in").

> 4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.

what is this?

> 5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break
> needs to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?

I am using 1.3.7, which doesn't give these options. I would say just
use which ever looks right when you output pdf.

> 6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text
> (not the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to
> change it.

I don't know, I just use the defaults.

> 7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section
> (or subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily
> place triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.

This sounds like something that LaTeX does automatically because it
thinks it is in some sense correct.

You can manually remove a bit of space by starting a Evil Red Text
(i.e. press Cntl-L).

in this ERT, you can type

this will remove vertical space equal to twice the height of the "M" character.

> 8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page
> heading and the first listed reference.  I need to change to double
> space but see no way to do this.

I use the default, which LaTeX thinks is correct. If it is a
requirement to remove this text... it would be nice if universities
gave sample .tex files demonstrating the approved formatting.

Perhaps other people will be able to help you more.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread Nate Mullins

My name is Nate Mullins and I am a graduate student at the University of
Utah.  I have written my Master's thesis in Lyx but am experiencing some
formatting issues that neither my academic advisor nor I have been able to

1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a
double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b)
need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.

2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
pages or b) make the columns narrower?

3.  Page bottom margins are set to 1" but on some pages, the text goes
below 1" (to about 0.75").  I don't understand why--seems to be a bug.

4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.

5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break
needs to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?

6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text
(not the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to
change it.

7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section (or
subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily place
triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.

8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page heading
and the first listed reference.  I need to change to double space but see
no way to do this.

I will greatly appreciate any help.
