top left corner

2010-02-24 Thread William Ehrich
Since one of the recent system updates all new windows open near the 
upper left corner instead of where they closed or (apparently) where 
programs put them. It's a damn nuisance. Is there a workaround?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

DVD Player and disk image

2010-03-03 Thread William Ehrich
I made a disk image from a video DVD but DVD Player won't play it. I can 
play it by burning it to a disk and playing that, but that seems awkward 
and wasteful. What am I doing wrong? Or is this a known bug?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: DVD Player and disk image

2010-03-04 Thread William Ehrich

Ashley Aitken wrote:

If it is mounted it shouldn't be any different from a DVD in the
drive, unless the DVD has copy protection built-in, but that should
also effect burnt images.

Thanks. Setting Finder prefs to show mounted disks in the sidebar seemed 
to help or just make it clearer. If it's there, DVD Player just plays it.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Unibody Macbook with Silver-Zinc battery - rumors as to *when*? - power-brick iMac (smaller, more energy efficient?) - standardizing power and micro-USB (camera) plugs

2010-03-24 Thread William Ehrich
Someone (Apple?) also *really* needs to come up with a standard 
micro-USB connector for cameras.

The mini-USB connector seems to be a usable standard. It fits my Canon 
camera, my Motorola cell phone, my Seagate external disk drive, most new 
GPS units. I think people got this one right.

On the other subject: I think we all hate power bricks.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

wake up

2010-04-01 Thread William Ehrich
I like the Elgato EyeTV program for recording the 6am BBC news. 
Unfortunately I updated both it and OS X at the same time (stupid, and 
I'm old enough to know better). Now it sometimes doesn't work. For 
instance it recorded two TV shows last night but nothing this morning.

How does the alarm clock work in OS X? Is it different for wake from 
sleep and wake from shutdown? Can I look somewhere for stored wakeup 
times? I'm guessing that there must be a queue in a disk file, that the 
front entry is transferred to a hardware clock (which runs in shutdown), 
and that the new OS (10.6.3) sometimes fails to do this. Or maybe EyeTV 
needs to enter the next wakeup time when it stops and its new version 
(3.3.2) sometimes forgets to do this. Trying fixes and testing them 
takes forever, so any help or hint would be very welcome.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: wake up

2010-04-01 Thread William Ehrich

I wrote:

How does the alarm clock work in OS X?

found pmset which I can use for further diagnostics
MacOSX-talk mailing list


2010-04-06 Thread William Ehrich
I'm trying to find out why eyetv wakeups only work sometimes. Among 
other things I see lots of "Can't create kext cache / - owner not root" 
lines in system log and wonder what they mean. Google has lots of 
references to lists and discussion groups where people ask about this 
and some people make guesses.


Presumably someone at Apple knows. Is there any forum, list, or 
newsgroup that Apple people read and on which they give real answers?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

eyetv wakeup

2010-04-14 Thread William Ehrich
I like to have EyeTV store the 6AM BBC news to watch later. Sometimes it 
does and sometimes not. System logs show a lot of interaction between 
the PM and eyetv and eyetv helper, much too much, as though someone is 
recording everything for bug chasing. I looked up Mac power manager in 
wikipedia and it does look very ugly to work with.

Recording evening programs seems more reliable.

Does anyone else use EyeTV and have similar experiences?

New MacBook, 10.6.3, EyeTV build 5851 and 6036 behave the same.

-- Bill Ehrich

Of course there is always a workaround: I could probably do a pmset 
wakeup for 6AM on weekdays, but I'd like to solve the problem.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: eyetv wakeup

2010-04-14 Thread William Ehrich

John Musbach wrote:

Your question would probably be best addressed at the manufacturers

I think my problems may have started when I updated from 10.6.2 to 
10.6.3 so I wondered whether others might also have seen problems with 
pmset wakeup calls. What are they used for besides EyeTV? I'd like to 
avoid reverting to 10.6.2.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

log from applescript?

2010-05-05 Thread William Ehrich

How can I make a console message from an Applescript?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

new text edit window

2010-06-09 Thread William Ehrich
How can I make a new plain text file in TextEdit without the frame for a 
paper printout? Is there a hidden preference for this?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: new text edit window

2010-06-09 Thread William Ehrich

How can I make a new plain text file in TextEdit without the frame
for a paper printout? Is there a hidden preference for this?

If you "Make Plain Text" from the Format menu, then TextEdit will
make a simple .txt file, and that has no provisions for page margins
(which is what I assume you are referring to). When you print from
any application, TextEdit included, then the printing system will
give you margins when printing because many printers can't go
edge-to-edge, and 99% of the time people want/expect margins on their

I only want to make simple text files. I gave my printer away 20 years 
ago and go to Kinkos three or four times a year if I need to print.

To format for paper pages I use a word processor like Open Office, etc.

It's not that hard to start a file in TextEdit (I usually only use it 
for plain text), close it, and open it again to make the page boundary 
go away, but that's an irritating nuisance and I was hoping in could be 
made unnecessary.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

DVD Player

2010-07-01 Thread William Ehrich
I copied a video DVD to a DMG file and tried to play it but couldn't 
find any way to make DVD open it. What does work is to 
drag-drop it to Toast, which then uses DVD Player to play it. What am I 

People talk about copying a movie to hard disk to watch on a plane trip. 
How is that done?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: DVD Player

2010-07-01 Thread William Ehrich
I copied a video DVD to a DMG file and tried to play it but couldn't 
find any way to make DVD open it. What does work is to 
drag-drop it to Toast, which then uses DVD Player to play it. What am 
I missing?

Michael Winter wrote:

I'm guessing part of the answer is that Toast mounts the DMG file in the 
Finder when you drag-drop it. You could do that by simply 
double-clicking on the DMG file. The next step would be to drag the 
mounted "disk" that shows up under "Devices" and drop it onto DVD 

No. It thinks I want to remove it from the side bar.

If that doesn't work, make sure the mounted disk has a VIDEO_TS 
folder in it and drop that onto DVD Player.

Yes, thanks. That works.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Apple Mail vs. Mozilla Thunderbird [comparison]

2010-09-01 Thread William Ehrich

Whats the main differences between Apple Mail vs. Mozilla Thunderbird?
What are their advantages and disadvantages? Which mail client
performs better (faster)? What are you using?

I used Eudora until I needed utf-8 character coding.

Eudora let me have a list of mails in a window and quickly, conveniently 
read each one in turn in a separate window. Thunderbird does this;, following the MS-DOS and Outlook tradition, doesn't. (Yes, as 
so often, there's an awkward workaround.) We used to complain about that 
in this group when there was a development group and we could 
talk with them.

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: network usage statistics since last reboot

2010-09-13 Thread William Ehrich
'network usage' reminds me that I've been curious about Soft Ware 
Update. It downloads 4MB and collects almost 300k (slow on my dialup). 
The download seems to be fairly well compressed so I wonder whether it's 
a great pile of XML.

Does anyone know what's in it that makes it so fat?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Safari toolbars

2010-09-16 Thread William Ehrich
Can anything be done about the dark gray backgrounds which make Safari's 
toolbars, especially the tabs, so hard to read? Something like Personas 
which solved the problem for Firefox?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Color profiles

2010-10-04 Thread William Ehrich

On 2010-10-4 2:44 PM, LuKreme wrote:

The default color profile is ridiculously bright. I went through the
calibration process and ended up with a color profile that looks ok
in the finder or mail, but has much too defined shadows on the
windows and is nearly unreadable with white-on-black windows. And WoW
is a sea of mushy dark shapes.

Sounds like my MacBook (Nov 2009). The gamma set by OSX 10.6 is too 
high. I changed it to 1.8, leaving everything else unchanged. Much better.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Color profiles

2010-10-04 Thread William Ehrich

On 2010-10-4 6:21 PM, LuKreme wrote:

Is there a quick way to change the gamma without walking through the
entire calibration process again?

System Preferences > Display > Color > Calibrate
Don't check Expert Mode
Go through the steps with continue, changing gamma to 1.8
I use Neutral White: D65
At the end I called my resulting profile "gamma 1.8".

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Mac Mini and EyeTV as a DVR?

2010-10-11 Thread William Ehrich
I've been using an EyeTV Hybrid with my MacBook to watch and record 
broadcast TV. It works quite well, simply recording the raw digital TV 
(MPEG-2?) stream and displaying it. It can also translate the TV format 
to several formats, but Toast (~$80) is needed to record in the DVD 
format used by most players. Picture quality is much better than the 
Comcast basic cable that I subscribed to when local interference made 
analogue TV unusable, or my old Panasonic DVD recorder.

Unlicensed 'white space' Wifi will probably kill broadcast TV here in 
the next few years, so it's not something to invest a lot of money in, 
but EyeTV is a very good interim solution.

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Mac Mini and EyeTV as a DVR?

2010-10-12 Thread William Ehrich

I had figured that a lifetime TiVo subscription would be best

What do you get for a TiVo subscription? Is it like the TV Guide 
subscription that is offered with EyeTV? When I first read about TiVo 
etc I thought that it could record a scheduled program if the program 
was delayed (like when the preceding football game lasted longer  than 
scheduled) rather than just recording the scheduled time slot. Can it?

Is it just a license to use the device? What happens if you stop paying?

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: lion

2010-10-21 Thread William Ehrich

On 2010-10-21 12:41 AM, Michael Brian Bentley wrote:

The Mac desktop becomes program-centric, while it remains
document-centric for some. The full-screen thing is part of the deal

Like MS-DOS and Windows?
First bog standard intel hardware, then...
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: lion

2010-10-25 Thread William Ehrich

On 2010-10-24 10:55 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

Give me one consistent look and feel.

When I read this list I have the message that I'm reading fill most of 
the center of my screen (13 inch MacBook, not very big). I go to the 
next one with just 'F', or delete it and read the next with just 
'delete'. That is different from other Mac programs and very convenient.

On the other hand I've gotten used to two finger scrolling which is a 
wonderful invention, but on a Google map that zooms, while scrolling has 
to be done with one finger. Yuk!

One size does NOT fit all.

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Snow Leopard Exposé Bug - Anyone Else?

2010-11-18 Thread William Ehrich

On Nov 17, 2010, at 1:06 PM, lrr wrote:

 Killing the Dock fixes it briefly. Is there any fix?

How can you kill the dock?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

WiFi traffic

2010-12-09 Thread William Ehrich
I'm seeing fairly severe WiFi congestion. Is there a program which can 
show all the traffic, its distribution through the day, and perhaps who 
is using how much?

I also see about 20 intrusion attempts per minute, but that isn't much 
traffic. Unfortunately I can't use the 5GHz channel.

-- Bill Ehrich

MacBook  OSX 10.6.5
MacOSX-talk mailing list

updating Xcode

2010-12-21 Thread William Ehrich
S/W Update says I should update Xcode to 3.2.5 and that the file size is 
618.6 MB but, it no longer offers the file download option, sending me 
to a general downloads site which never heard of Xcode.

Apple dev made me fill out a lot of registration (after accepting my 20 
year old user name and passwd and assigning me my old person number) and 
then pointed me at a 3.5 GB download which includes an unwanted iOS SDK.

How can I get the file that Update is telling me to get?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Manton Reece on the Mac App Store

2011-01-10 Thread William Ehrich

This says Jan 6, but  is still there 
for updates. Useful because S/W Update doesn't work well with a flaky 
internet connection.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

deleting files

2011-02-27 Thread William Ehrich
Why does cmd-delete sometimes delete immediately (after a warning) 
instead of moving to trash?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: deleting files

2011-02-27 Thread William Ehrich

Why does cmd-delete sometimes delete immediately (after a warning)
instead of moving to trash?

If there is no Trash directory on the volume (network volume, or
perhaps an unsupported file system), Finder will delete files from it
(after a warning) instead of trashing them.

This is a partition ("Data") on my HD. It has a .Trashes file which has 
plausible old stuff in it, but wasn't emptied by empty trash.

Oddly this has read and write permissions, but the .Trashes files on my 
boot partitions are write only for everybody and have a small + in the 
corner of the icon.

I now deleted that .Trashes file and rebooted. Now everything works 
normally again.


MacOSX-talk mailing list

data received

2011-03-05 Thread William Ehrich
Activity Monitor shows number of network bytes received since start up. 
I there any easy way to accumulate this over a month or week?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Adobe flash installer

2011-03-07 Thread William Ehrich
Firefox says update Flash, but Adobe's installer's splash screen has 
'install' grayed out. Is OSX trying to protect me from doing something 
stupid (installing Adobe S/W)?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Your recent email to:

2011-03-07 Thread William Ehrich

This came from my ISP without my knowledge. Thanks for letting me know.
It's a new 'feature' which I have persuaded their support person to turn 
off for my account, so it won't happen again.

-- Bill Ehrich

On 2011-3-7 11:16 AM, John Musbach wrote:

please get rid of this spam.

On 3/7/11,  wrote:

Regarding your recent email sent to my address: (20110307110503002731600012)

To reduce the amount of junk mail I receive, I request that
you perform a one-time authentication by clicking on the link
below (or copy and paste it into your browser's address bar).
This will ensure your recent email to me is delivered normally.
It will also ensure that future emails from you are delivered
without delay.

The email will be retained for one week, after which the
delivery link will no longer function.

If you have trouble making the link work, you might want
to wait a few minutes and retry or try an alternate browser.
If the problems persist, you are welcome to forward this
email (the notification email you are now reading) to:

The delivery link is completely automated, so clicking the
link will instantly deliver the email you sent.  However,
requests sent to the above address are processed manually,
so, if you do forward to that address, the delivery of
the email you sent will be much delayed.

This is an automated message.  Please do not click reply.

Thank you.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Adobe flash installer

2011-03-07 Thread William Ehrich

On 2011-3-7 12:02 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

On Mar 7, 2011, at 11:47 AM, William Ehrich wrote:

Firefox says update Flash, but Adobe's installer's splash screen
has 'install' grayed out. Is OSX trying to protect me from doing
something stupid (installing Adobe S/W)?

There's a teeny-tiny checkbox buried in the middle of the splash
screen that says "I've read the license" or words to similar effect.
Right? Once you check it, the Install button undims.

Yes, that worked after I looked again.
I thought you meant the read the license bit, but there is indeed a 
small gray on gray, almost invisible, check box.

(See also discussion of hard to read grey on grey in Macintouch.)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

finder windows

2011-03-23 Thread William Ehrich
On one of my boot drives new finder windows open where they were closed 
and on the other one they always open in the upper left corner. Where is 
the preference for changing that?

And is there a preference for whether unmounting a dmg closes the finder 
window? It seems to happen sometimes, but not always. ??

(It would be nice to have something like Firefox about:config.)
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: OS X is ten years old today

2011-03-25 Thread William Ehrich

I think a multitouch IDE app will need to (and will) have very good
keyboard control and equivalents.  And the terminal will, of course,
always be keyboard centric, so EMACS and vi will live on (until their
users don't).

Especially for people who still prefer their model 33 teletype.

That said, a lot of things in an IDE can be done with multitouch,
e.g. GUI layout. I'm not one for "visual programming" (laying out
code pieces) though, never thought that was a practical solution for
anyone other than absolute beginners.

I was amused to find that the new touchpad  gesture system is good 
enough for playing solitaire. But it's easier with the mouse because of 
the mouse buttons. And editing text is faster with the mouse because my 
mouse pad is much bigger than my touchpad and has multiple buttons.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: OS X is ten years old today

2011-03-26 Thread William Ehrich
"Planned obsolescence" is the old term for what y'all are writing about. 
Another example is the tight restriction on memory expansion: always 
just slightly more than standard so you will have to keep buying new 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: OS X is ten years old today

2011-03-26 Thread William Ehrich
I would like an iMac if it weren't on that rigid stand, if I could 
position it where I want it today and move it tomorrow.

A giant iPad with lots of connectors for mouse, keyboard, TV tuner, comm 
devices, etc, but not on the back where they make it hard to lay it on 

With WiMax built in, easily tunable to the various wireless internet 

MacOSX-talk mailing list


2011-04-08 Thread William Ehrich
Is there any way to grep OSX preferences as I do for Firefox with 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

look-up service

2011-04-10 Thread William Ehrich
In several programs Services lets me look up a selection in Google using 
Safari. Is there a way to change this to use my default browser, Firefox?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

faster video conversion?

2011-05-20 Thread William Ehrich
Are there any good programs yet to convert and compress an mpeg2 stream 
to h.264, making good use of the video processor?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: USB GPS dongle on OSX?

2011-05-26 Thread William Ehrich

Does anyone have recommendations for a good USB GPS dongle that
return NMEA strings? I've tried numerous GlobalSat units; they're
cheap and lousy, rarely holding lock, and just sitting in one place
return changing coordinates and garbage NMEA strings. Plus, they
update only once/second. The only alternatives I've been able to find
are the ones made by/for Microsoft (Pharos, etc), which won't work on
OSX, as far as I can tell.

Where were you testing? GPS can be bad between tall buildings or under 
trees. It also helps to put the antenna on your car roof. There should 
be a magnetic base for that.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Safari Trojan

2011-05-30 Thread William Ehrich

>  It isn't a Mac problem.

Yes it is, and aggravated by complacency.

On my machine (white laptop) a pop-up comes up whenever I try run a 
downloaded program, or even a pdf, for the first time, warning me that 
this is a file from the internet and not to be trusted. (I don't 
remember the exact text.) I don't know whether this is optional. It 
seems like a good idea if people take it seriously. Of course it won't 
help the people who think a user manual is part of the wrapping paper. I 
don't know whether it can be turned off.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: MSS2 :: Windows Media Video 9 screen codec on Mac OS X?

2011-06-02 Thread William Ehrich

On 2011-6-2 7:50 AM, Jared Earle wrote:

Sent with Sparrow 

Fancy web page :-)
Why do you prefer it to T'bird?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Multiple accounts and iCloud?

2011-06-07 Thread William Ehrich

With the iCloud paradigm, you no longer own your data; you're only
granted access to it, and then only according to their rules. Did I
not drink the right KoolAid or something?

I got upset about this too, but the realized that I don't have to use it 
and can still keep my data at home.

I did make a new super password to help prevent unexpected charges from 
the Apple store when I realized that my old Apple ID made me vulnerable.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: associating arbitrary files to a script

2011-06-09 Thread William Ehrich

I'm thinking of associating files with an arbitrary extension to a
"standard" shell script so that when the file is double-clicked it
automatically launches the script and is used as its argument.

The file wants to be a 'unix executable'.

Mine are simple text files with no extension, type = creator = 0, and 
the first line something like:

#!/bin/tcsh -f
Maybe starting with #! is enough.
Use chmod to set the execute bits.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Open Source and simple video editing software (with trim function) for Mac

2011-08-01 Thread William Ehrich

I am searching for a simple and user friendly software who is able to
trim all video formats. Best would be Open Source, also free as in
free beer is acceptable.


MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: The new Mac mini

2011-08-02 Thread William Ehrich

A lot of people still consume media on their computer.   I know
people who use their PCs or Macs to watch movies on a regular basis.

CDs and DVDs compete with the iTunes store.

MacOSX-talk mailing list


2011-08-02 Thread William Ehrich
A friend's PC broke so we shopped for a new one. Best Buy has a wide 
selection with the same processors and often more memory and disk space 
than comparable Macs, for about half the price. USB-3 (and a shelf full 
of cheap external drives most of which are now USB-3). HDMI port. Built 
in WiMax for Clearnet ($45 per month). Built in S/W for TV and making 
DVDs. hp are sending a set of system restore disks for $16.

When we got it home I spent time setting it up for her which was slow 
because I've mostly done Apple for 20 years and DOS and Unix before 
that. I quickly learned again how much and why I hate Windows. Windows-7 
is better, but...

And Linux and BSD aren't quite housebroken for non-geek civilians.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: The new Mac mini

2011-08-03 Thread William Ehrich

As of Lion and the latest hardware it will actually net boot from
apple servers from what I understand.

I've wondered about that. Will it save my WiFi password etc in PRAM?
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: The new Mac mini

2011-08-03 Thread William Ehrich

Maybe not but are these the target audience Apple really cares about?
Apple seems to be more focused on the market segment that will have
broadband of some sort.  I don't doubt the merit of what you are
saying but I don't think Apple cares all that much.  There is a
vision they have

Hoping to teach you complete dependence on iTunes and App Store.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: The new Mac mini

2011-08-04 Thread William Ehrich

The machines that they did ship USB drives with because they didn't
have optical drives have even dropped the recovery media in favor of
network transfer.

hp tells users to make their own on disk or flash memory. They will also 
send you a recovery set for $16. A fast HDLC card would be good for this 
and I've wondered whether Apple had that in mind when including the card 

MacOSX-talk mailing list


2011-08-22 Thread William Ehrich, hosted by Google, apparently always changes whatever From: 
line I put into a message to my address, so I had to change it 
for this mailing list. Let's see if it worked  :-)

MacOSX-talk mailing list


2011-08-22 Thread William Ehrich

just test
MacOSX-talk mailing list


2011-08-23 Thread William Ehrich
checking clear account
MacOSX-talk mailing list

mail test

2011-08-24 Thread William Ehrich
If I send mail via my (actually Google) account it changes my 
From: address from whatever I set.

It also refused an e-mail with an included .exe file until I changed it 
to .xe

Now back to the SMTP server at my old local ISP.

- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: survey: what software from Mac App Store do you using?

2011-08-28 Thread William Ehrich

OS X Lion OS X Lion Server BBEdit TextSoap Better Rename 8
QuickAlarm GraphicConverter Numbers Keynote Pages Mousepose Kindle
FaceTime Stuffit Expander Evernote Skitch

How many of these did you get from the App Store instead of directly?
I would save Bare Bones or Thorsten Lemke the 30 percent.
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: survey: what software from Mac App Store do you using?

2011-08-28 Thread William Ehrich

OS X Lion OS X Lion Server BBEdit TextSoap Better Rename 8
QuickAlarm GraphicConverter Numbers Keynote Pages Mousepose
Kindle FaceTime Stuffit Expander Evernote Skitch

How many of these did you get from the App Store instead of
directly? I would save Bare Bones or Thorsten Lemke the 30

All from the App store. I understand the 30% issue, but the App store
has better licensing terms (i.e. - I can install on all my Macs.)

I haven't used the App Store so I don't know. I thought that family pack 
thing only applies to Lion. Does it apply to S/W from BB and Lemke et al 
from whom you would otherwise have to buy for each machine? Don't you 
still have to get separate user keys from them?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: password management

2011-09-12 Thread William Ehrich
How long would it take to try 20 wrong passwords to get into your bank 
account or whatever? Try it.

Phishing, especially spear phishing, works better.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Lion restore partition

2011-11-17 Thread William Ehrich
Instead of Lion's internet dependent little recovery partition can I 
simply use disk utility to 'restore' InstallESD.dmg to a 5GB partition 
for emergency recovery?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

new user setup

2011-11-22 Thread William Ehrich
To make a separate admin user is there any way to set him up to have the 
same environment without going through all the new user setup procedure?

Or is there a better way to turn admin abilities on and off?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list


2011-12-08 Thread William Ehrich
Is there a way to turn off the cute elastic bumper effect at scrolling 
limits? It's only a minor annoyance, but I would prefer not to have it.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Upgrading an air?

2011-12-24 Thread William Ehrich

there are several places in the overall procedure where you can
damage your soft battery if not extremely careful.

How hard to replace that? It and the SSD are most likely to wear out.
Why do you call it 'soft' battery?

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

pmset log

2012-01-19 Thread William Ehrich

pmset events no longer show up in system logs and
pmset -g log   returns:
  Couldn't complete search - no "powermanagement" matches found in
  MessageTracer database.

Is there some way fix this? I want to have another try at getting Elgato 
to fix some old old bugs.

And does anyone know how to reach Elgato or whoever maintains EyeTV? 
Their 'support' is now outsourced to a dead end call center company.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: strange Pref file

2012-02-07 Thread William Ehrich

On 2012-2-7 4:51 PM, Rudolf O. Durrer wrote:

??? SNMP  ??? Can I eat that   :-)
More seriously: I do not have the slightest idea, what this acronym stands 

Wikipedia is really good at such acronyms.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iPad 3: More of the same?

2012-03-07 Thread William Ehrich

On 2012-3-7 4:37 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

All the great stuff on your iPad — your music, photos, and videos —
can stream wirelessly
to your HDTV and speakers via Apple TV or to AirPlay-enabled
speakers over a Wi-Fi network.

Can it input files from a USB memory or a disk player?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: USB modem and Lion

2012-04-29 Thread William Ehrich
I use a USB Zoom modem to send faxes to the hospital, which doesn't 
accept e-mail. When it is plugged in the printer setup routine accepts it.

-- Bill Ehrich

MacBook 6,1  OSX 10.7.3
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: DVD Player missing slider in 10.8?

2012-08-11 Thread William Ehrich

I could swear DVD Player had a slider at the bottom of the main
window that I could use to scroll to an arbitrary position in the
movie. I don't see it in 10.8. Am I missing something, or is this
another feature that Mountain Lion takes away?

In 10.7 it's at the bottom of the window, unless displayed in full 
screen mode. Then only when the movie is running and I move the mouse 
pointer. I don't know about 10.8.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Impressed with Safari ...

2012-10-29 Thread William Ehrich

However, I'm generally really impressed with Safari and its great to back.

I tried it again after reading this, but prefer reading text on Firefox.
It's harder to set the font size on Safari: it lets me choose 14 or 18, 
but not 16. I can zoom to make the small print big enough but then the 
various headers are much too large. And there are some differences in 
displaying what should be the same Times font: larger spacing between 
letters and a slightly rougher rendering. (This should be an operating 
system function; how can it be different??)

Does Safari have anything like Firefox about:config which I might be 
able to use to improve things?

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Quicktime color

2012-11-01 Thread William Ehrich
I sometimes record programs with EyeTV and tried exporting to mp4 to 
save space (a miserably slow process). When I display the .mp4 files 
with VLC they are beautiful but when I use Quicktime they are grossly 
over-chroma. Is there some way to fix this?

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Uninstalling quicktime 7 on 10.6.8

2012-12-07 Thread William Ehrich

I'm having a little problem. I've got a 10.6.8 system. I want
everything to open with "QuickTime Player". Instead, stuff keeps
getting reverted to "QuickTime Player 7".

How can I uninstall the older version, and force everything to the up
to date version?

and you won't have to uninstall anything.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Uninstalling quicktime 7 on 10.6.8

2012-12-11 Thread William Ehrich

But I haven't looked at VLC yet. Time to, I think.

It has a lot of controls and isn't over-chroma like QT on mp4.
It's only fault is that it doesn't remember your place in whatever you 
were watching.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Best Windows codec in QuickTime?

2012-12-12 Thread William Ehrich

I was under the impression Windows played MP4 now.

Windows 7 plays mpg (mpeg-2) and mp4 files exported from EyeTV.
The mpg is nice because it's the raw data stream from HD TV.
Sony Blu-ray players also play mp4, but only the most recent ones play mpg.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

shell script

2012-12-30 Thread William Ehrich
I'm trying to write a shell script (in a tcsh) which uses a filename 
argument without its extension:

  echo filename

doesn't work. What is the right way to do it?
MacOSX-talk mailing list

dot files

2013-01-01 Thread William Ehrich
When I give a USB stick to friends they are confused by the 'invisible' 
dot files which are very visible on a DVD player or at Kinkos. Is there 
any way to get rid of them? Or a way to have OS X take the NTFS file 
system as a hint that they are not needed?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

too safe?

2013-01-01 Thread William Ehrich
Sometimes I can't edit ~/.cshrc because "unknown developer" -- myself, 
even when I had just edited it without a problem. Same with running 
small programs in Terminal. Why only sometimes? How fix?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: shell script

2013-01-04 Thread William Ehrich

I wrote:

I'm trying to write a shell script (in a tcsh) which uses a filename
argument without its extension:

   echo filename

doesn't work. What is the right way to do it?

This works (it just needed the #!):

  echo $1:r

~/pp > shellscript

MacOSX-talk mailing list

helpd telestream

2013-01-15 Thread William Ehrich
Why does helpd try to access every morning when I start 
the Mac?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: super-focused text editor

2013-01-19 Thread William Ehrich

There are a number of text editors designed for focused,
distraction-free writing.

I seem to recall at least one that only allows forward progress. I
forget the exact features, but they were along the lines of limited
backspacing, no undo, maybe focusing on one line at a time.

Anybody know the editor(s) I'm thinking of?

My first reaction was that I could never do that. Too sloppy.
But then I remembered when (1960s?) I learned to use a dictating machine 
that cut a track in a plastic disk. It's possible, but the new way is 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

middle button

2013-03-24 Thread William Ehrich

I have a mac book and no mouse. How can I do 'middle click' on the touchpad?
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: middle button

2013-03-24 Thread William Ehrich

I have a mac book and no mouse. How can I do 'middle click' on the touchpad?

What Mac application is expecting a middle-click?

Firefox NoScript, but probably not important, which is why I never 
bothered to think about it before.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

small dmg

2013-09-18 Thread William Ehrich
How can I make a small (40KB) dmg? Disk Utility seems to insist on at 
least 40MB.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

safari headings map

2013-12-20 Thread William Ehrich

Is there a Safari extension like 'headings map' for FireFox,
to navigate in a blog with lots of entries.
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Setting up a dual boot 10.7 and 10.9

2014-07-08 Thread William Ehrich

On 2014-7-8, 9:15 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

I'd like to hear from anyone that has done a dual boot setup for 10.7.5
and 10.9.4.

I have:
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*500.1 GB   disk0
   1:EFI  EFI209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:Apple_HFS V9 59.5 GB   disk0s2
   3:Apple_Boot Recovery   HD650.0 MB   disk0s3
   4:Apple_HFS V7 60.0 GB   disk0s4
   5:Apple_HFS   Data379.5 GB   disk0s5

Installed 10.7.5 in V7 a long time ago.
Simply cleared (format) and installed 10.9 in V9.
Migration assistant V7 > V9 made V9 ready to boot into and run.
Each of these has its own /Users, /Applications etc.
Data is for T'Bird and Firefox profiles, downloads, DMGs, video, etc,
as well as a copy of the downloaded 'Install OS X' and
combo updates. (Be sure to copy the install app before running it!)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Photos public beta - GUI mistakes

2015-03-03 Thread William Ehrich

On 2015-3-3 11:33 AM, Jacob Danilchik wrote:

They removed drag and drop functionality and a finder like side bar.
These omissions make this the most un-Mac like application Apple has
ever created.

Neither one is really appropriate on the iPhone.
MacOSX-talk mailing list

remount usb memory

2015-12-19 Thread William Ehrich
When I have a USB memory plugged in and unmount it in Finder, how can I 
mount it again without physically unplugging it?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

printing txt file

2016-06-08 Thread William Ehrich
I have an unformatted text file with lines of up to 72 monospace, 7 bit 
ASCII, characters which I want to print on a PC. How can I do this?
When I print to pdf in TextEdit the lines are wrapped at 54 characters 
in a page with lots of empty space. I just want it to look like the 
unformatted TextEdit window. As though typed on a Teletype.

I've done this before and can't remember how.

-- Bill Ehrich
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: printing txt file

2016-06-13 Thread William Ehrich

I thought you wanted to print it on a PC? I am confused.

I need to print at Kinko's which wants a .pdf file.
At some point I seemed to end up in something like pdf presets which 
controls things like headers and footers and margins, but could find no 
way to change them.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

extend text selection

2017-09-22 Thread William Ehrich
Double click selects an alphanumeric string. Is there any way to extend 
that to include, for instance, '-' so that I can copy-paste a phone 
number or date or a password for some awkward web site?

-- Bill Ehrich

MacOSX-talk mailing list

itunes eula

2018-02-05 Thread William Ehrich
iTunes launched itself and made me 'accept' a huge license agreement 
(tl;dr). What is that all about? I don't use iTunes and never bought 
music from Apple.

-- William Ehrich
   Edina, Minnesota

I sent this via my other ISP by mistake, so it was refused. Mea culpa.
MacOSX-talk mailing list

32-bit apps?

2018-02-05 Thread William Ehrich

System Information > software > applications  "no information available" ???

-- William Ehrich
   Edina, Minnesota
MacOSX-talk mailing list