Re: N810 GPS and bluetooth

2008-07-15 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 01:06:36PM +0200, Christoph Eckert wrote:
> > Related but different question: Can the N810 internal GPS be used by
> > other devices as a bluetooth GPS?
> at least it should be possible to connect to its gpsd via IP.

My solution a while back was to configure /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf so
that my bluetooth GPS receiver was accessible as /dev/rfcomm0. I then
created my own init script to start gpsd to, let it read from
/dev/rfcomm0. Gpsd would only start reading from the device when there
were clients requesting data; no problem in letting it run even when
un-needed.. Maemo mapper, kismet, etc could then share the gps by
reading from gpsd.

I can't seem to get rfcomm to install from the apt-get or application
manager. But I found it here and installed it with dpkg:

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: how to put apps in 'My Selection' tab

2008-07-03 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Thu, Jul 03, 2008 at 09:25:01AM -0400, Ryan Abel wrote:
> 3rd-party upgrades don't have anything to do with SSU. Nokia hasn't  
> pushed any SSU updates yet, but you wont get them when they do if you've 
> removed osso-software-version-rx*4 (and trust me, it was removed).

Alright, I stand corrected.

I just tried installing osso-software-version-rx34 again, but obviously
this package depends on stuff I specifically removed as I don't need it.
Not just skype and gizmo, but some of the games and the handwriting
input system. Any way to keep those off of my system and still get
system updates? Seems rather silly to me if you're forced to have
unimportant games installed if you want important system updates.

I know you can just install and remove skype and gizmo to get their
installers removed permanently, but can't I get to that state without
installing them at all?

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: how to put apps in 'My Selection' tab

2008-07-03 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 03:01:00PM -0400, Ryan Abel wrote:
> NO! Do not do this. osso-version-rx*4 depends on skype-installer, so  
> removing it will also remove that, and, tada, no more SSU updates. :)

I removed that (and gizmo-installer, and a lot of other crud) as one of
the first things when I upgraded to diablo. I don't remember whether
osso-version-rx*4 got thrown out with the trash, but I do certainly
still get the automatic "Updates available" icon regularly.

Maybe I'm just too naiive, in expecting the dependencies to actually
make sense?

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo released

2008-06-25 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 09:05:33PM +0200, Frederic Crozat wrote:
> problem is not the browser but autoconfiguration for ipv6 is not working.

Hmm, but I do get a proper ipv6 address, through router solicitations. I
don't get dns servers advertised that way (yet, on my todo list), but it
should still be able to do dns lookups over ipv4. That's how it works on
my laptop.

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Diablo released

2008-06-25 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:10:46PM +0200, Aniello Del Sorbo wrote:
> Diablo has been released guys :)

And it includes some ipv6 support!

[Gain root]
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ipv6.ko
ip -6 addr show

It seems to only be a half-hearted support, as ifconfig doesn't show the
ipv6 addresses, and there's no such thing as ping6. The browser also
seems to not be ipv6 compatible; while my laptop loads just fine, the browser in N800 says "server not

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: How to Get Root Access on the N810

2008-06-25 Thread ext Jesper Cheetah
On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 10:04:38AM +0300, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> ext Jesper Cheetah wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:48:00PM -0400, Jonathan Greene wrote:
>>> install becomeroot -
>> Are you sure that's still necessary? I'm fairly confident that for the
>> last.. several firmware versions, at least since xterm became default,
>> I've been able to just jump right in and do sudo gainroot.
> Are you using RD mode?  I think RD mode setting is in the CAL area[1].
> At least it's not cleared when you flash the device.

Hmm, now that you mention it.. I vaguely remember setting that flag when
flashing a long time ago. So that explains why I never need to jump
through hoops just to get root :)

Any negative effect of leaving RD on?

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: How to Get Root Access on the N810

2008-06-24 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:48:00PM -0400, Jonathan Greene wrote:
> install becomeroot -

Are you sure that's still necessary? I'm fairly confident that for the
last.. several firmware versions, at least since xterm became default,
I've been able to just jump right in and do sudo gainroot.

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: anyone else notice a speed improvement with diablo?

2008-06-24 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 05:43:18PM -0700, Joshua Layne wrote:
> I am just noticing a much snappier overall experience, particularly in 
> the use of the app mgr, but really in all respects.
> now that could just be because I haven't finished hacking it up with all 
> the garbage I like to install on it...
> anyone else notice this?

So I'm not the only one.. I've also noticed a significant increase in
speed and "snappiness", particularly with inputting text using a USB
keyboard. I've previously been rather frustrated at the delays and even
degraded my N800 from being my cool pocket-sized laptop to being just my
slow electronic calendar. That might change now :)

But then, this could just be because I'm temporarily using the internal
memory as rootfs instead of the class 2 SDHC card I used before
flashing.. :) I'll be moving everything to an 8 GB class 6 SDHC card as
soon as I can. Seems that fanoush has already updated the bootmenu
system to support diablo:

All in all I'm quite satisfied with diablo. Well done Nokia!

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-17 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 04:34:09PM -0600, Mark wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Kevin T. Neely
> > But the tablet *can* send e-mail and it *can* initiate voice
> > communications,
> >  which is a good reason for it to store e-mail addresses.  I
> > believe the RTcomm update allows you to initiate voice calls
> > to phone numbers that are stored in the contacts database but
> > I have not played with this.
> Let's see if I've got this straight: you're saying that it's somehow
> easier to drag out the tablet, start up Contacts, look up the person,
> make sure you're tethered to your phone with bluetooth, then use the
> tablet to tell the phone to dial the number, than to simply open the
> phone, press a few buttons and make the call? (Or better yet, press
> one button and use voice recognition to make the call.) Uh, I confess
> you've got me speechless over that one...

Nope, you didn't get that straight. N800 (and I pressume the N810 as
well) can do VoIP/SIP by itself, thanks to rtcomm. It would require that
your N8x0 is online though, which admittedly isn't always the case.

> > The internal contacts database also works with Modest, which is what
> > I use.  Therefore, the e-mail program I use /does/ use the the
> > contacts database.
> ...and you don't have an address book in Modest? Or you don't use it?
> Again, you're saying that it's easier to open up a separate program
> and deal with it than to simply use the features of the program you're
> using. Modest's address book must really be a pile of crap!...

Obviously you've not tried Modest. As Kevin tried to explain, Modest
uses the Contacts database, not some silly seperate database, and thus
integrates very nicely with all the other Maemo software.

Jesper Cheetah
maemo-users mailing list

Re: network priority and autoreconnect (OS2008)

2008-01-18 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 07:08:27AM +0200, Kalle Valo wrote:
> "ext Joshua Layne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The biggest problem for me is that if I am connected to my phone (say, on
> > my commute...) it keeps the phone connection even if the Home wireless
> > network is available.  Same is true of the work network, although the work
> > network never autoconnects.  The real problem here is it drains my phone
> > battery unnecessarily when a WLAN is available.
> >
> > I have no problem editing configuration files by hand, but is this even
> > possible?  It is really a source of irritation for me.
> Our current software implementation does not support this, not even
> with some tweaking. Sorry.

I believe I have seen wpa_supplicant for the N800 somewhere (probably
OS2007 at that time). Wouldn't that work, with the regular network
selection set to a dummy AP?

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: How to access the flash rootfs?

2008-01-15 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 07:51:41PM +0100, Jesper wrote:
> I was tinkering with a few files on my N800 (OS2008), then rebooted
> it. Now it doesn't get any futher than the startup screen with the
> Nokia logo..
> Could it be the result of putting this into /etc/sudoers?:
> user ALL = PASSWD: ALL

I've been thinking.. Right now I think my best bet is to figure out the
pinout of the pads near the battery, and connect to the serial port
there, pressuming that it's waiting for me to enter the password. But
searching the web and wiki only revealed pinout for the N770 (I believe)
which seems to have 11 pins, whereas my N800 has one set with 7 pins and
another set with 4 pins.  Which ones should I use?

I am aware that it probably operates at 3.3V, and I do have a proper
converter. I just need to know where to connect it.

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: How to access the flash rootfs?

2008-01-15 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 10:01:36PM +0100, Frantisek Dufka wrote:
>> I really don't want to flash and loose all of my stuff, again.. 
> Then you may still flash already prepared initfs image for your firmware 
> version with linux USB flasher and use usb network recovery mode to ssh in 
> and fix stuff. If you have no such image you may try get it from somewhere. 
> But I'm afraid it is not legal for anyone to send it to you :-)

Meh, too bad that I can't just get a copy. License issues I pressume?

But would it be possible to create such an initfs in e.g. scratchbox?
And if so, how? I'm already trying to get familiar with scratchbox for
the purpose of cross compiling some of my favorite utilities.

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: offline installation request

2008-01-14 Thread Jesper Cheetah
On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 10:29:47PM +0800, Josh Z wrote:
> I think you missed my point here. And yes, wired connection on regular
> PC/Laptop is way faster than wifi, and thus it saves time by
> downloading via ethernet cable, not to mention the fact that not every
> user has wifi as available as cable network, which  is my
> case...sadly.

So it's a question of wifi vs. cable? Then I'd suggest following one of
the guides on the wiki for USB networking. That way you can download
stuff to the N8x0 through USB. No wifi required :)

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Maemo-mapper unwantedly kills gpsd

2007-12-25 Thread Jesper Cheetah
Jesper Cheetah wrote:
> [...]
> However, maemo-mapper seems to not play well with others. The latest 
> version on OS2008 will kill gpsd when I close it down, which brutally 
> breaks my plans.. This didn't happen in OS2007 with an older maemo-mapper.
> [...]

Ah, I was too quick. It seems that it's gpsd itself that exists when the 
last client disconnects, completely unrelated to maemo-mapper (sorry):

gpsd: no more clients, quitting.

Still, any way to keep it running? Aside from running it in a respawn 

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Maemo-mapper unwantedly kills gpsd

2007-12-25 Thread Jesper Cheetah
Background: My goal is to have gpsd running constantly, connecting to a 
bluetooth GPS whenever a client connects. This should allow me to have 
both kismet, maemo-mapper and a few scripts I'll write myself all share 
the GPS and play along nicely.

I've already installed bluez-utils, configured rfcomm.conf, written init 
scripts for rfcomm (bluez-utils itself did not seem to bind) and gpsd.

However, maemo-mapper seems to not play well with others. The latest 
version on OS2008 will kill gpsd when I close it down, which brutally 
breaks my plans.. This didn't happen in OS2007 with an older maemo-mapper.

Any way to avoid this?

I attempted running gpsd as gpsd-foo instead, to try and evade this 
killing, but no luck. Maemo-mapper still manages to find and kill the 

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: help!? my N810 seems dead(ish)

2007-12-23 Thread Jesper Cheetah
Ah yes, the fragile charger cable.. I think my charger lasted no longer 
than a month before it stopped working. Possibly due to the wear and 
tear of bringing it with me to and from work in a pocket every day, but 
really that shouldn't be a problem? I used the N800 a _lot_ so I didn't 
have time to deal with return services, and just bought a new one in the 
nearest phone shop. The exact same model, which I now leave at home as 
much as possible..

A few days after that, I had figured out that the problem was in the 
cable, no more than a few cm from the charger. Snipped off the charger 
and spliced the good end with a USB cable - Tada, instant DIY combined 
USB charger and data cable :)

Works well, though it seems that the voltage or current delivered by USB 
isn't quite as high as the "real" charger. Sometimes, when the battery 
is really low, this makes the N800 refuse to charge, so I still need to 
bring the real charger when traveling or using the N800 for critical 

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

OS2008 Danish keyboard layout with bluetooth seems broken

2007-12-22 Thread Jesper Cheetah
It seems that changing the keyboard layout to Danish/Dansk doesn't do 
anything at all. The actual layout seems to be completely unchanged from 
the previously used layout.

E.g. if I've just had it on English (USA), then change to Danish, the 
key left of shift continues to produce slash "/", whereas I would expect 
dash "-". Also, the key left of enter produces appostrophe "'", whereas 
I would expect the Danish o-slash "ø".

Then I tried switching to Norwegian/Norge, as it should be fairly 
similar. Except, they don't have our combined a and e "æ". And 
altgr-shift-z/x doesn't produce "<" and ">" as it used to do with Danish 
layout in OS2007, which means I can't do something as simple as 
redirecting output in the shell..

This is all quite frustrating as it means my keyboard is useless for 
most day-to-day tasks. I have to use the on-screen keyboard which is 
much slower to type on.

Can anyone confirm this? Does the same problem exist with other keyboard 

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: further beating on OS2008 beta

2007-11-29 Thread Jesper Cheetah
Martin Grimme wrote:
> I'm still wondering why Nokia now includes an X Terminal by default. Or is
> it just there in the beta releases?

Maybe they listened to the crowd and figured it was best this way? Which 
I totally agree on. A Linux computer without some sort of terminal 
access makes me feel crippled. Thanks Nokia :)

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: I have USB host!

2007-11-29 Thread Jesper Cheetah
James Sparenberg wrote:
> Ok.  On OS2008 I did the following.
> 1.  Got a femail to femail connector so I can attach keyboard cable to 
> the IT USB cable.
 > [...]

On an N800, not using any power-injector? I was quite certain, based on 
what others said, that the USB-chip relied on external power to get 
powered up. Thus, even when working as a host, it still needed to have 
power injected from "outside" of the N800.

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: OS2008 on n800 - Nice Job

2007-11-29 Thread Jesper Cheetah
Eero Tamminen wrote:
>>>> Also lot of scrolling in launch menu will need getting used to. Is 
>>>> there some secret gconf setting to bring old stylus optimized menu 
>>>> layout with small items back?
>>> AFAIK no. The good side is that you can use it with thumb.
>> This was posible in OS2007 too, thumb hit popped up large menu, stylus 
>> hit smaller menu which was consistent with behaviour or virtual 
>> keyboard. Looks like small menu just silently went away. I will miss that.
> AFAIK it was not possible to make thumb detection reliable enough.
> The detection was based on "pressure" information, but strong press
> with stylus gives as much pressure as light press with thumb (=larger
> area) and the touchscreen sensitivity might differ a bit between
> devices, different parts of the screen and that changes over time too.

I don't use OS2008, but I know I'll miss the stylus-sized menus. If 
automatic detection isn't reliable enough, then I really think there 
should be an option somewhere to set choose either one or the other. 
It's all about giving the user the choice. I happen to maintain "claws", 
pointy fingernails, that function as natural styluses. I don't need 
large thumb-sized icons, so why not give me the option to change it?

And in general, this reflects one of the things I really don't like 
about N800/Maemo/OS2007. In too many places it seems like the author of 
the software designed it to fit his/her way of working with the device, 
ignoring the fact that others might have different ways. Please don't 
hardcode so many settings, give us the option to change them to our 
individual needs. The email-application is a really good example...

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list

Re: SIP with VPNC

2007-11-29 Thread Jesper Cheetah
Phillip Neumann wrote:
> Dear Maemos!
> Im trying out OS2008 (looks greate!).
> Im connecting to the office with vpnc (cisco client vpn).
> When when the connection is established, then the SIP phone seem to now
> know how to reach the remote SIP server.
> I've sniff my router, and i see the N800 is not sending any packets out.
> Can anyone confirm this bug?
> thanks!
> PS: SIP works just fine without VPNC.

I think I have the same bug in OS2007 with OpenVPN. Works fine without 
VPN, but not with VPN. Web and email work fine through VPN, as expected. 
I haven't investigated it closer though.

Jesper Cheetah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
maemo-users mailing list