Re: [Mailman-Developers] Author_is_list option in upcoming mailman 2.1.16

2013-09-22 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Sep 18, 2013, at 05:04 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>I don't read German, but I don't see anything that looks like data,
>nor is there room for "analysis."  Nor does the blog by Patrick
>Koettner referenced therein.  (The Google translations confirm that.)
>Please show us something that looks like data and analysis.
>Specifically of interest:
>Number of lists, number of users on each list (min, mean, max
>would do), duration of operation in this mode, type of users (mail
>admins vs. general technical vs non-technical), the MUAs in use,
>any discussion from the users themselves.

Indeed.  I'm skeptical about how well encapsulation will go over with
end-users who have no understanding about these issues (nor should they).

End users just care about how the email looks in their mail readers.  I'm
concerned that this will be a nice, RFC-compliant feature that makes things
easy and workable for all the automated systems involved, but will look
horrible to end-users and just make them upset.  If that's the case then IMHO,
it a failure.

OTOH, maybe we won't know for sure until it gets *a lot* more testing.  But I
think it's a mistake to say "well, we just have to force MUA developers to
catch up".  As we've seen with something presumably as simple as
reply-to-list, it (almost) never happens.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Author_is_list option in upcoming mailman 2.1.16

2013-09-22 Thread Mark Sapiro
On 09/22/2013 02:12 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> OTOH, maybe we won't know for sure until it gets *a lot* more testing.  But I
> think it's a mistake to say "well, we just have to force MUA developers to
> catch up".  As we've seen with something presumably as simple as
> reply-to-list, it (almost) never happens.

I think what we already know for sure is that people will continue to
use their favorite, brain dead MUA regardless of how well or how often
we point out the better choices. I think we have some limited influence,
but we are definitely not the 600 lb. gorilla in this jungle.

Because of that and because of the need for better real world data, I am
convinced that I need to release 2.1.16 final with the options of going
with simple From: munging (as in RC2) or encapsulation and a default of

To that end, I will work on getting it out as soon as I can and will
definitely describe the feature as experimental and subject to change in
future releases, but encourage people to try it and report so their
experience can influence future direction.

OT - I just registered for PyCon. I haven't been to Montreal since 1975.
I'm committed. I'm stoked!

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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