RE: [Mailman-Users] Since my Host is doing nothing

2002-01-25 Thread Annette @ Hosting Matters

> Subject: [Mailman-Users] Since my Host is doing nothing

> My web host, Hosting Matters has decided to move many of its' clients to a
> new server.  The result is we are being place onto your service for (at
> least) mail lists.  Maybe you do the whole thing, don't know, don't care.
(rest snipped for sanity's sake)

Hmm, resting on our laurels, I guess. As noted to you along with other
items - some of which are mentioned in this post to the list - the mailman
software is something local to the server, not something external to it (and
the data certainly isn't managed by someone else, just as SmartList isn't
handled off network). Mailman has excellent features and is much better in
terms of scalability, IMO, than other list software, but there is the
occasional person that finds it too difficult to use. For them, another
script can be found. It isn't as if mailman is the only list software out
there - but it surely is one of the better ones. I'm not certain that a
mailman mailing list is exactly the place for getting those types of
recommendations, however.


Hosting Matters, Inc.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Since my Host is doing nothing

2002-01-25 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner

"Brian @ Verizon" wrote:

> Perhaps you can at least make some helpful suggestions for the novice.

When your host said they're moving their users to use Mailman for mailing
lists, they were not implying that the service is being done by someone else.
Mailman is a software package that they (your host) installs on their
machine(s).  They run it, they configure it, they host it, period.

However, on the issue of having your pages match your website, all of
Mailman's templates are configurable by the list administrator, so you can
change its looks to your liking.

W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
  Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410 x130
  IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6 . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Wish list

2002-01-25 Thread Caleb Epstein

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 04:06:42PM -0600, Stryzek, Edward wrote:

> To add to the wish list A way to extract and import subscribers from
> the list. either a tool to do this or to store users in a .csv
> format, not in the .db file We have registration databases that have
> lots of email address we would like to add, maybe at a command line
> tool would work for bulk add of users.  Hope to see this in the next
> cut of the code.  Edward L. Stryzek Senior Computer Systems Engineer
> Archdiocese of Chicago

Um, this is QUITE easy to do with the add_members program:

add_members [-n ] [-d ] [-c ] [-w ] [-h] listname


A file containing addresses of the members to be added, one
address per line.  This list of people become non-digest
members.  If  is `-', read addresses from stdin.

Similar to above, but these people become digest members.

set whether or not to send the list members the `there's going to be
big changes to your list' message. defaults to no.

set whether or not to send the list members a welcome message,
overriding whatever the list's `send_welcome_msg' setting is.

Print this help message and exit.

The name of the Mailman list you are adding members to.  It must
already exist.

You must supply at least one of -n and -d options.  At most one of the
files can be `-'.

Caleb Epstein |  bklyn . org  | Let's remind ourselves that last year's fresh
cae at| Brooklyn Dust | idea is today's cliche.
bklyn dot org |   Bunny Mfg.  | -- Austen Briggs

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] export

2002-01-25 Thread Caleb Epstein

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 11:48:12AM -0500, Jonathan Zuck wrote:

> Is there an easy way to export my list from Mailman?

If you mean to export the list of users subscribed to the
list, use ~mailman/bin/get_members  

Caleb Epstein |  bklyn . org  |
cae at| Brooklyn Dust |   1 + 1 = 3, for large values of 1.
bklyn dot org |   Bunny Mfg.  |

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Wish list

2002-01-25 Thread Stryzek, Edward

To add to the wish 
A way to 
extract  and import subscribers from the list. either a tool to do 
this or to store users in a .csv format, not in the .db file
We have registration 
databases that have lots of email address we would like to add, maybe at a 
command line tool would work for bulk add of users.
Hope to see this in the next cut of the 
Edward L. StryzekSenior Computer Systems 
EngineerArchdiocese of Chicago 

[Mailman-Users] export

2002-01-25 Thread Jonathan Zuck

Is there an easy way 
to export my list from Mailman?

[Mailman-Users] Problem running ./configure

2002-01-25 Thread Αλέξανδρος Καρυπίδης (Alexandros Karypidis)

Hello everyone,

Thanks for you help in advance!

I am trying to compile mailman on a SUN Sparc Solaris 7 system.  I've created 
the mailman user and group, also created the destination dir 
(/usr/local/mailman) and changed permissions as described in INSTALL:

% chmod a+rx,g+ws .
% ls -ld .
drwxrwsr-x   2 mailman  mailman  512 Jan 25 19:04 .

I now try:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mailman --with-cgi-gid=nobody \

The command fails at:

=== CUT HERE ===

checking for --with-username... mailman
checking for mailman UID... Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
import pwd, string
ImportError: /usr/local/bin/python: fatal: open 
failed: No such file or directory
cat: cannot open conftest.out

configure: error:
* No "mailman" user found!
* Your system must have a "mailman" user defined
* (usually in your /etc/passwd file).  Please see the INSTALL
* file for details.

=== CUT HERE ===

Seems like some library problem with python.  I have installed binaries of 
version 2.1.1:

% python
Python 2.1.1 (#1, Aug 25 2001, 04:37:28)
[GCC 3.0.1] on sunos5
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] upgrading to python 2.1.2 final.

2002-01-25 Thread Terry Kerr


I upgraded python on my freebsd 4.3 system from 2.1 to 2.1.2.  I was running 
mailman2.0.7 and 3 fairly low traffic lists.  After upgrading python, I noticed 
that neither posting to lists, or confirming to subscription requests worked. 
The mail log shows the mail being passed to the wrapper without error, but 
nothing else happens.

In an attempt to fix the problem, I upgraded to mailman 2.0.8, but it didn't fix 

I also run Zope on my system, and it works fine with the new python 2.1.2 

Any suggestions?


Chief Technical Officer
Bizar Software Pty Ltd (
+61 3 9530 9182

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Can admin do this?

2002-01-25 Thread ECOLING

We are still discovering the new social world of email lists,
and what is needed to maintain respect for all list participants,
to receive more or less what they want to, and to be able to
manage the email effectively.  Here are two questions which
you may be able to answer immediately with your existing software,
or which may require an upgrade.  I and others will greatly appreciate
any assistance you can offer.

Thanks much for any help,
Lloyd Anderson
Ecological Linguistics


An email list that I subscribe to introduced a prefix
several years ago, so that any message coming from
the list will begin

[ANE] ...

This is enormously appreciated, as it facilitates sorting
messages by their subject lines for finding and filing.  
However, the automatic operation of this,
with, as usual, some less-than-careful users, is strings like this
as subjects:

<<[ANE] Re: [ANE] RE: [ANE] Re:Seth animal and ma'at>>

It would be desirable to change it to simply

<<[ANE] Re: Seth animal and ma'at>>

by some string operation which enforces the list name indicator first,
in this case [ANE]
and that no more than one copy of that occur,
and that no more than one "Re:" occur,
and that the "Re:" occur, if at all, after the list name,
so no "Re: [ANE] "
but only "[ANE] Re: ".

Can this be done easily?
Could you forward instructions that I can pass on to the list
administrator?  (That administrator gave me your web site 
address to follow up on this possibility.)

For the future, could you include such a possibility as a single
check-box in for list administrators to use, 
even make it the default operation which a list administrator
can turn off if desired? (Thus encouraging all list administrators
to choose a two-to-four-letter abbreviation for their list name,
with a reminder that each extra letter detracts from the amount
of the remaining subject line that users will see.)


A second question arises on the function of "reply to sender" vs. 
"reply to all" choices, for example in AOL software.

"Reply to sender" should ideally go back to only the one individual
sending the message being replied to, it should not go to the list as a whole.
The reason is of course that one should have to make a deliberate choice
if one is going to burden an entire list with a message, that should not be
the default.  An error made in sending to only one receiver, when an entire
list was desired, is not as serious as an error made in sending to an entire 
when only an individual receiver was desired.  

Can list administrators affect this in how they set up their list?
Can they specify what information goes into which fields of a message header?
For example, are there three sets of information in the header 
(which I as user receive at the end of each message)?
(a) original sender, individual
(b) list as relayer (kind of sender)
(c) list of all recipients

Some list adiminstrators believe that this is controlled by email software,
not by list administrators.  Is this true?  
What is the default behavior (or unmodifiable behavior) of various
email programs?  Do they differ much in this?

This may be relevant to one of your 'to-do" items,
as well as to the previous question I was asking.  
Rather than allowing complete freedom to modify headers etc.,
which you point out might be dangerous, can you provide
particular choices pre-packaged in your next release?



Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] MailMan

2002-01-25 Thread iraoni oniira

Hello! I need URGENT aid! I must make a work for
class, that consists of the installation and
configuration of the MAILMAN in Linux (DEBIAN). We
have installed apache and I believe that we have done
it well. We have introduced a page done by us instead
of the one of Original Apache. Soon we have installed
Postfix. And later the MailMan. One assumes that it is
installed, but we do not know nothing else. Nor how it
is used, nor how the lists are created, nor nothing
else. If you could help you to me it would thank for
it because I must give it for the week that comes. I
wait for your answer shortly. A greeting, 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger
Comunicación instantánea gratis con tu gente.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Since my Host is doing nothing

2002-01-25 Thread Brian @ Verizon

My web host, Hosting Matters has decided to move many of its' clients to a
new server.  The result is we are being place onto your service for (at
least) mail lists.  Maybe you do the whole thing, don't know, don't care.

It's the mail list that is my problem.  I would prefer, desperately prefer
that I not have a link to an alternate web page, one that is not consistent
with my own web pages, one that could at any time start advertising.

Ads on Freefind, my search engine, caused unbelievable problems for me and
is costing me still $300 a year.  I have no desire to repeat that.  I have
no problem crediting the service provider with a logo and link.  I did that
for Hosting Matters on my own.

I have no idea if there is a way to work with you guys in making sure the
web page for mail services matches my site, and also affords me control of
the content (insofar as advertising).

Frankly, I would just as soon continue with the email management style fo
the prior service - found on

I've asked for assistance from Hosting Matters, but am not making progress
fast.  BTW, I am using FP for page development so I truly have limited HTML
skills.  With time, lots of time, I can adapt to your service.  During that
time, the current maillist will have to be shut down.  Not critical, but

I had expected better repsonse from my web host, but . . . .

Perhaps you can at least make some helpful suggestions for the novice.

Brian J. Oster

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] hooking up help?

2002-01-25 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner

ray jones wrote:

> so I made another line, added ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
> /home/mailman/cgi-bin/. Is that OK?


> I see the docs say add Exec, but I
> don't know where to do that, as I don't seem to have any Exec line in
> any of the .conf files.

That's an Options tag...

A typical (customized) setup on my end:

   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * DocumentRoot /home/mailman/www
   ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/home/mailman/cgi-bin/"
   Alias /pipermail/ "/home/mailman/archives/public/"
 * Alias /icons/ "/home/mailman/www/icons/"
 * Alias /errors/ "/home/mailman/www/errors/"

 Options ExecCGI   <--- you need this
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
 *   Options Includes
 * ErrorDocument 500 /errors/500.shtml
 * ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404.shtml
 * ErrorDocument 403 /errors/403.shtml
   ErrorLog logs/
   CustomLog logs/ combined

* - custom mods I added

W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
  Ashley M. Kirchner    .   303.442.6410 x130
  IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6 . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] hooking up help?

2002-01-25 Thread ray jones

OK, guys, I am a newbie. 2 years, and still haven't got a clue. :)
 This is RH6.2, Apache 1.3.6-7, python 1.5.2-27.6x. I assume mailman
will run on the above. I got it compiled, and installed, and the
list-bot is up and happy. He is at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISSUE: Not enough sense to hook up Apache! Can anyone help? The Apache
error logs simply say, file does not exist, for all of the things that
should  play the pages to the users.
What I've done:  This Apache is running a lot of CGI's both in Perl and
in C, and they work fine, but they are in the docroot tree. I can't make
him look "outside" for stuff. In srm.conf I already had a ScriptAlias,
so I made another line, added ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
/home/mailman/cgi-bin/. Is that OK? I see the docs say add Exec, but I
don't know where to do that, as I don't seem to have any Exec line in
any of the .conf files. Httpd.conf seems concerned with setups and
logging, mostly, and access.conf is a null file. Where do I do what to
srm.conf to make Apache "see" where he needs to "see"? Thank you. Ray

Ray R. Jones
Errors have been made. Others will be blamed. 

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] ezmlm to mailman

2002-01-25 Thread Jon Parise

Does anyone have any tips or general advice in converting a bunch
of ezmlm (ezmlm/idx) mailing lists to mailman lists?

I don't mind writing a few scripts to make things easier, but if
there's a quick way to convert my existing archives and
subscription lists (well, that second was is easy), I'd be glad
to hear it.

Jon Parise ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  .  Information Technology (2001)  :  Computer Science House Member

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] migration of mailing lists

2002-01-25 Thread Bert De Vuyst


I would like to migrate some mailman mailing lists to a new computer. The old 
computer is running mailman 1.1, the new one runs mailman 2.0.8. 

Does mailman provide a conversion script? What 's the best way to migrate the 

Thanks for your help,


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mailman-Users] Re: Welcome to the "Mailman-Users" mailing list

2002-01-25 Thread Markus Kachel

Hi Johan,

>Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18766]: MAA18766: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
size=1301, class=0, pri=31301, nrcpts=1, 
msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=SMTP, relay=[]
>Jan 25 12:16:22 learn smrsh: uid 8: attempt to use wrapper post soldev
>Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18766: 
to="|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post soldev", delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, 
mailer=prog, stat=Service unavailable
>Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18766: MAA18767: DSN: Service 
>Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18767: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, 
[], stat=Sent (Ok)

Looks to me that the mailman wrapper could not be called. There are to 
1. wrapper is not allowed to run from smrsh. There ist a smrsh folder on your 
system, in /var, /etc or perhaps a different place. The depends on your 
distribution and I don't know the path for RedHat. Place a symlink to wrapper 
in the smrsh folder.
2. Sendmail is not setup to use the mailer prog. Reconfigure sendmail to use 
the mailer prog.



Gesendet von unterwegs per Webmail

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Re: Welcome to the "Mailman-Users" mailing list

2002-01-25 Thread Udcsweb2


I have just installed mailman on a Linux Redhat 5.2 machine, running multiple virtual 
The actual hostname is, but I have installed the website, and all 
other references to

The website works fine, and if I subscribe someone through the web interface, It sends 
them the welcome message.  As soon as someone sends a email to my list as or,
the server replies to them:
 Service unavailable.

The maillog shows the following:

Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18766]: MAA18766: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
size=1301, class=0, pri=31301, nrcpts=1, msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
proto=SMTP, relay=[]
Jan 25 12:16:22 learn smrsh: uid 8: attempt to use wrapper post soldev
Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18766: to="|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post 
soldev", delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, stat=Service unavailable
Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18766: MAA18767: DSN: Service unavailable
Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18767: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, 
[], stat=Sent (Ok)

Can anyone help?

Johan van den Berg


I have just installed mailman on a Linux Redhat 5.2 machine, 
running multiple virtual hosts.
The actual hostname is, but I have installed 
the website, and all other references to
The website works fine, and if I subscribe someone through the 
web interface, It sends them the welcome message.  As soon as someone sends 
a email to my list as or,
the server replies to them:
 Service unavailable.
The maillog shows the following:
Jan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18766]: MAA18766: from=[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=1301, 
class=0, pri=31301, nrcpts=1, msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
proto=SMTP, relay=[]Jan 25 12:16:22 learn smrsh: uid 8: 
attempt to use wrapper post soldevJan 25 12:16:22 learn sendmail[18767]: 
MAA18766: to="|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post soldev", delay=00:00:00, 
xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=prog, stat=Service unavailableJan 25 12:16:22 learn 
sendmail[18767]: MAA18766: MAA18767: DSN: Service unavailableJan 25 12:16:22 
learn sendmail[18767]: MAA18767: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:00:00, 
xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, [], 
stat=Sent (Ok)
Can anyone help?
Johan van den Berg

Re: [Mailman-Users] host name

2002-01-25 Thread Lito A. Lampitoc

Hi Richard,
Thanks for the tip it works great!
When receiving mail from the lists,why does the To: header reflect the
real host name e.g. To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
instead of To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where lists is the hostname
i want to appear. Is it sendmail's masquerading option
or mailman's?
Richard Barrett wrote:
At 20:05 24/01/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>I was able to remove the hostname by reconfiguring my sendmail, but
>mailing list mainpage
>../mailman/admin/listinfo shows the line "(Send questions and comments
>where "cebu" is the host name of my machine, how will I change this
>I already edited my with the line DEFAULT_HOST_NAME=lists
>nothing happened, but it doesnt work?btw the original one in
>has the value "cebu".
If you have change the value of DEFAULT_HOST_NAME in
$prefix/Mailman/ then you will also need to add the following
to it AFTER the assignment redefining DEFAULT_HOST_NAME:
MAILMAN_OWNER = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
If you do not, then MAILMAN_OWNER will pick up the 'old' value of
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME from $prefix/Mailman/ rather than the
value you have assigned in $prefix/Mailman/
>Richard Barrett wrote:
>>At 16:18 24/01/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>> >i successfuly setup and configure mailman on my server, but the
problem is
>> >the return address
>> >reflect the host name of my machine instead of the "lists" hostname.
>> >checked my file
>> >but masquerading is on. Is there any way on mailman configuration
>> >correct this?
>> >
>>Assuming MM 2.0.x:
>>Check the hostname defaults set up in $prefix/Mailman/
>>override those you don't like with revised assignments in
>>$prefix/Mailman/ - see the $build/INSTALL document for more
>>on the rationale for this way of working
>>For any existing list you can edit (very carefully) the last couple
>>options on the General Options page of the admin web GUI
>> >--
>> >Lito A. Lampitoc
>> >Foundation for Communication
>> Initiatives   
>> >CodeWAN
>> >Project
>> ><>http://www.codewan
>> >--
>> >"If you think you're good, you're not."
>> >
>Lito A. Lampitoc
>Foundation for Communication Initiatives   
>"If you think you're good, you're not."

Lito A. Lampitoc
Foundation for Communication Initiatives    phone:+63(2)8941345
CodeWAN Project
"If you think you're good, you're not."