Re: [Mailman-Users] virtual domain setup with postfix

2007-01-30 Thread Paul Fox
mark wrote:
 > David Newman wrote:
 > > Once I get this running I'd be glad to write up
 > > documentation and submit it for possible inclusion. 
 > I'm sure this can be improved. We'd appreciate the help.

in that vein -- i never saw any yea or nay on the minor doc
addition i submitted on a related aspect of lists at virtual
domains.  at the time i thought i might have sent the change to
the wrong place (i.e.  the users', not the developers' list) but
now i'm just wondering if it fell through the cracks:


p.s. the searchable archives at are nice, but they'd
be a _lot_ more useful if they didn't obscure anything that looked
like an email address.  text describing mailman and postfix config
is rendered practically useless because of it.  at the least, they
shouldn't obscure any address ending in ".tld" or "".  ;-/

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 25.9 degrees)
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Re: [Mailman-Users] virtual domain setup with postfix

2007-01-30 Thread Paul Fox
[ cc'ing the list on reply ]

orlando wrote:
 > I think he still has to issue the genaliases command.

oh, yes.  in addition, all of the hash maps need to have postmap
run on them.


 > the virtual_alias_map is the one that should have a mysql entry:
 >   virtual_alias_maps = hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman,
 >   alias_maps = hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases,
 > Orlando

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 26.4 degrees)
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Re: [Mailman-Users] virtual domain setup with postfix

2007-01-30 Thread Paul Fox
david wrote:
 > I've read and reread and reread the mailman docs, and I don't see where and 
 > how 
 > virtual addresses get piped to the command above. The file 
 > /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases has commands like the above; the file 
 > /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman does not.
 > For example, aliases has:
 > pctest: "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post pctest"
 > but virtual-mailman has:
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]  pctest
 > I'm missing how to glue the two together, and this is NOT covered in the 
 > existing mailman docs.


 > >
 > >i don't use mysql, but my epiphany was when i realized i needed
 > >two separate mappings to be in place to get postfix and mailman
 > >working together.  you need the virtual domain map (which i believe
 > >you have) and you need the map that takes the result of the virtual
 > >domain map, and turns it into a "real" destination.
 > Right. That's really my question -- how is that done?

as i understand it, it's done automatically by postfix, if you
tell it about all the maps.  if you weren't using mysql, the
definition of virtual_alias_maps should include the alias maps
for any virtual domains:

virtual_alias_maps = 

and the postfix definition of "alias_maps" should refer to both
/etc/aliases and /usr/local/mailman/data/aliases:

alias_maps = 

postfix will resolve using first the virtual_alias_maps, and then
the alias_maps.

but i don't know how mysql affects any of that.

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 24.8 degrees)
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Re: [Mailman-Users] virtual domain setup with postfix

2007-01-29 Thread Paul Fox
david wrote:
 > Postfix already handles mail for multiple virtual domains
 > defined in a MySQL database.  I believe virtual domain setup
 > is OK, as individual users have been sending and receiving
 > mail for some time.
 > Having problems with Mailman, though.  I've read these
 > instructions many times:
 > Besides doing what's listed there, I also defined a virtual
 > mailbox for a new "pctest" list (without that, mail sent to
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] bounces).
 > However, MM never distributes the mail to list subscribers. 
 > /var/log/maillog says each message is sent to
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]; however, the only files in
 > /usr/local/mailman/logs that change are smtp and subscribe
 > (and then only when list members are added).

so it sounds like you have postfix aliases set up for "pctest-*", but
not "pctest" itself?  is that right?

 > Basically, postfix delivers message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but nothing happens 
 > after that.

i don't use mysql, but my epiphany was when i realized i needed
two separate mappings to be in place to get postfix and mailman
working together.  you need the virtual domain map (which i believe
you have) and you need the map that takes the result of the virtual
domain map, and turns it into a "real" destination.

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 15.1 degrees)
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[Mailman-Users] doc patch for postfix virtual domain config

2007-01-20 Thread Paul Fox
hi -- i'm new at both mailman and postfix, but i thought i'd
try and reduce someone else's pain when trying to do what i've
been trying to do.

i spent a bunch of time last night very confused because i couldn't
do a configuration of a mailman list in a postfix virtual domain.
from what i read in the docs, it seemed like it should "Just Work".
and it would have, except i made one crucial mistake.

it turns out that the information i needed to do it right was in the
output of "bin/newlist -h", but not in any other doc that i found.
(it may be elsewhere, i just didn't find it elsewhere, even after
a lot of searching.)  the missing piece was that when setting up
the list, _that's_ when you have to declare it as being in a virtual
domain.  not later.  and while there's an oblique reference in
section 6.1.2 to the "host_name attribute" of a list, this didn't
jump out at me, and it might not have helped -- it's the only
reference in the docs.

here's a doc patch that would have helped me a lot.  (i don't have
tex or texinfo installed, so i wasn't able to actually try this

it might also be worth adding mention of the
script that's fairly widely found when googling, if only to explain
why one doesn't need it.  i understand that while this works (and
i assume is similar to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s technique, referenced in
the docs), it's sub-optimal especially in the face of spam
dictionary attacks.  (at least, i read that somewhere on the
internet last night -- so it must be true!)  anyway, i didn't add
anything about this, because i don't really feel qualified, but again,
it would have helped.


--- mailman-install.tex.origSat Jan 20 14:46:39 2007
+++ mailman-install.tex Sat Jan 20 15:03:19 2007
@@ -555,6 +555,23 @@
 against the \var{host_name} attribute of mailing lists objects, and must be an
 exact match.
+Note that virtual alias mappings will only be created (obviously) by
+\program{bin/genaliases} for lists which are addressed in a virtual domain. 
+Thus, if you ran
+% bin/newlist mylist
+then you will not get virtual alias mappings in
+\file{/usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman}, but if you ran
+% bin/newlist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+(which will set the \var{host_name} attribute for the list) then
+you will.  (You will, however, get direct alias entries, i.e. in
+\file{/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases}, for both virtual and non-virtual
+lists -- both sets of entries are necessary for lists in virtual
+domains to work.)
 Here's an example.  Say that Postfix is configured to handle the virtual
 domains \code{dom1.ain}, \code{dom2.ain}, and \code{dom3.ain}, and further
 that in your \file{} file you've got the following settings:

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 21.0 degrees)
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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman without CGI?

2001-10-03 Thread Paul Fox

 > Alex's idea is good, but if you don't want the CGI and therefore you don't
 > want the web-interface controls, you should think about using a different
 > List-Server.  There are many open source list -servers which do not use a
 > web interface.  Majordomo is a prime example of one.  Use the right tool for
 > the job you want to do...

thanks.  i hadn't been sure whether the cgi functionality was integral
to the design, or an optional add-on.  i see it's more like the former.

i'll also take a look at the scripting hooks that alex mentioned.  and
running a cgi-enabled server internally is a good idea too.

thanks all...

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 65.7 degrees)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] mailman without CGI?

2001-10-03 Thread Paul Fox

the web server i run doesn't support CGI scripts.  i kind of like
it that way, in general.

from the mailman docs, and from the little bit of playing i've
done, it looks as if from a users point of view the web interface
isn't strictly needed -- all operations can be accomplished via
email messages to the xxx-request address.  i also believe the
pipermail interface isn't dependent on cgi access, though i might
be mistake on that.

what's not so clear is whether the admin functions (message and
subscription approval, etc) can be done without the web.  is there
a command line interface for any of that stuff?

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 54.9 degrees)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]