[Mailman-Users] Upgrade heldmsgs?

2004-01-09 Thread Zoran Dzelajlija

I want to transfer some (not all!) lists from an existing 2.0.13
installation to the latest 2.1.  I'm currently having both 2.0 and 2.1
installed, and am trying to transparently migrate lists to 2.1.  Most
of the stuff is covered in UPGRADE, but I have some unresolved issues. 
Some of our customers' lists have held messages, and I don't want to
lose them on upgrade.  Is there a way to migrate 2.0-style
heldmsg-*.txt (plaintext mail messages) to mailman 2.1 (pickles)?

I would probably need to regenerate lists/*/requests.db,
data/pending.pck, what else?

What about pending subscriptions?


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[Mailman-Users] Re: Add ability for admin to change email addresses inside List database

2004-03-26 Thread Zoran Dzelajlija
Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It almost trivial to write a command line tool that would change an
> email address inside the list database.

I apologize for replying to an old thread, but it seems to me that your
trivial tool already exists:  ;-)

clone_member -l list -r old-address new-address


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[Mailman-Users] Turning off options in GUI [Re: Announce Only]

2004-05-04 Thread Zoran Dzelajlija
Paul Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the feature doesn't work for me via the
> web, then I'd like the option of turning it off.

This idea could be expanded to an novice/advanced view of the options, where
the advanced would show all of the options and categories and the novice
view would show only some.  The site admin could tweak what is visible in
the 'novice' view, add more arbitrary views and the initial default.  The
list admins might be able to select their preferred view (if the site admin
let them), and the list moderators might get only the options that apply
to them.

On top of this, more complex options might be created that combine changing
several list attributes, so you could show your list owners a simple
"open/closed" option which would actually change more than one thing under
the hood.


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[Mailman-Users] Re: Uncaught runner exception: unknown encoding

2004-09-05 Thread Zoran Dzelajlija
David Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,

> FWIW, I've checked email/Charsets.py and it does have a gb2312 entry

If you look carefully, you can see there's a typo in that file, line 109,
where it says "gb2132" not "gb2312".  If you fix that, you then get

Uncaught runner exception: unknown encoding: eucgb2312_cn 

which is admittedly not much better. :-)

I for myself don't care as we have no Chinese lists on my installation, so I
did not bother with installing the additional codecs.  I just assume it's
all spam, and delete the shunted messages in gb2312 every now and then.


> I'm running mailman-2.1.5 on Mandrake 10.0 on Intel with kernel-2.4.22. 
> Any other info needed??

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[Mailman-Users] Re: Getting Mailman to work

2005-03-19 Thread Zoran Dzelajlija
Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks to me like a Postfix configuration problem, i.e. Mailman is
> sending the mail as it should and Postfix is not accepting it because
> it doesn't like the sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Shouldn't that be <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (as per rfc2821, 4.1.3)?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] How to change list name

2005-09-03 Thread Zoran Dzelajlija
Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The post at
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2005-August/046316.html
> gives more detail on how you might actually do this including
> archives, but it does neglect to mention the aliases.

Here's a checklist used here:

What are the steps to rename a mailing list foo to bar?
(Original found at 

 0. Stop Mailman!

 - (2.1 only) mailmanctl stop
 - disable the crontab lines (at least qrunner if still on Mailman 2.0),
   check if something's still running.
 - disable the web interface.

 1. Get hands dirty:

 - cd /var/local/mailman (or wherever your installation is)
 - mv archives/private/foo.mbox archives/private/bar.mbox
 - mv archives/private/foo archives/private/bar
 - [ -h archives/public/foo.mbox ] && \
 rm archives/public/foo.mbox \
 ln -sf ../archives/private/bar.mbox archives/public
 - [ -h archives/public/foo ] && \
 rm archives/public/foo \
 ln -sf ../archives/private/bar archives/public
 - mv lists/foo lists/bar
 - change the real_name attribute, eg.
   2.0:  echo "real_name = 'bar'" > burek
 bin/config_list -i burek bar
 rm burek
   2.1:  like above, or use withlist.
 bin/withlist bar
 >>> m.real_name='bar'
 >>> m.Lock()
 >>> m.Save()
 >>> m.Unlock()
 >>> ^D
 - ls -la data/heldmsg-foo-* # look out for heldmsg-foo-otherlist-*
   for i in data/heldmsg-foo-*
 mv $i `echo $i|sed s/foo/bar/`
 - locks/foo.lock -> locks/bar.lock
 - fix aliases

 2. restart Mailman qrunner:

 - restore crontab
 - /etc/init.d/mailman start
 - enable the web interface

 3. Test:

 - check admin GUI (try changing case in real_name), archives,
   sending mail to list, and headers of received mail for unexpected

 - TODO: (2.0 only) data/pending_subscriptions.db


There must be a reason why the archives ought to be recreated, but
I can't seem to remember it now.  I don't do that because we have
lots of mails without the Date header in the archives, and the
they all get the current date on archive recreation.


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