[Mailman-Users] content of host_name

2004-05-18 Thread monty
I am experimenting with host_name in the General Options.  It seems to
work equally well if I leave off the w3 before the domain name or use
the w3.

Is there some preference for this?  I would prefer to leave the w3 off
so that the posting address on the list info page does not include the
www in the posting address.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] content of host_name

2004-05-19 Thread Brad Knowles
At 9:24 PM -0400 2004/05/18, monty wrote:
 Is there some preference for this?  I would prefer to leave the w3 off
 so that the posting address on the list info page does not include the
 www in the posting address.
	Mailman doesn't care.  Your web server might care, depending on 
how the virtual host configuration is set.  Your mail server might 
care, depending on how it is configured.

	But as far as Mailman is concerned, you should put whatever you 
want there and it will be used as you supply it.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
  SAGE member since 1995.  See  for more info.
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