Re: [MlMt] Move not copy recipients

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 11 Feb 2017, at 23:45, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

On 10 Feb 2017, at 10:12, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

There's no setting for this. “Move” is supposed to be the 
default. Holding down ⌥ or ⌘ should change it to “Copy”. It's 
a bit of a hack though (most things are with relation to the 
NSTokenField class used for email addresses) and I certainly don't 
rule out that some corner cases won't work as expected. Don't put 
anything into the display of the plus sign (some times) shown. It 
doesn't necessarily reflect what happens.

It looks like dragging _multiple_ recipients does result in a copy and 
not a move in MM 2.0.

I think this is just a side-effect of the hack.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 10 Feb 2017, at 22:39, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Ok. I'll give it some more thought to see if I can come up with 
something more flexible.

don't let my crazy ideas stop you from doing whatever simple solution 
you can do now - your solution described above sounds super for me 
even if I had to set it up on each mailbox.

I dropped this approach and decided on a different approach. I've added 
the minimum needed (I think) for you to do what you want, but it's a 
system that can be extended and made more configurable when needed. For 
now, you can add something like this to your key bindings:

"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread" );

The general idea is that a set of keys can be defined and each of these 
can be toggled to enable/disable various “temporary” filters. The 
current state is not saved between launches of MailMate. Any mailboxes 
based on the currently selected mailbox are also affected when toggling. 
It also works when selecting multiple mailboxes. There's no visual 
feedback on whether or not a key is enabled.

For now, the only supported key is `unread` and it's hardcoded into 
MailMate. This features is in the next update of MailMate.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME Encryption

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 13 Feb 2017, at 11:27, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, I received an encrypted S/MIME message which was successfully 
decrypted. At least that's what MM shows.

1. I'm wondering how this works as I can't remember to send my S/MIME 
certificate. Is there something like a key-server for S/MIME as well?

No, but when you sign a message then the recipient gains the ability to 
encrypt messages to you if they add your certificate to the keychain. I 
think this happens automatically in Apple Mail. In MailMate you have to 
explicitly add it to the keychain.

2. Answering the email with encryption & signing doesn't work. I get: 
"Failed to find valid certificate to encrypt for The 
specified item could not be found in the keychain. Error code: -25300" 
(Note: This text is shown twice). But I can see the certificate for 
the recipient in one of my keychains.

The error code means that it couldn't find a valid certificate. Have you 
checked that it's not expired or otherwise not trusted (view it in 
Keychain Access)?

For debugging, you can send me the certificate off list and I can try 
creating a message myself.

3. When trying to send the email I need to enter the password for a 
signing certificate I own. This is the first keychain in the keychain 
app. But this certificate is not for encryption. Could it be that MM 
just access the first keychain and doesn't search through all of them?

MailMate doesn't specify a specific keychain when doing certificate 
searches, but I think the system library looks in the login keychain 
first. When signing then MailMate only looks for certificates which can 
be used for signing. If you need to then you can force an explicit 
binding between an email address and a certificate using a [hidden 

S/MIME and OpenPGP users should update to the latest test release 
(r5346). I've made several changes which I would like to have tested 
including an important bug fix for S/MIME (which I would like to release 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "counts now support a mailbox condition and color" ?

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 13 Feb 2017, at 10:17, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Saw in release notes for revision 5344 it had the following comment:
"New: Mailbox display counts now support a mailbox condition and a 
color. This is used to emphasize the number of pending unsent drafts."

Is that something exposed to users ?

If you mean setting up your own counters then yes. The only 
documentation is that [this 
page]( lists the 
corresponding file as extendable. This means that you can create a file 

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/countMenu.plist

Make it look like the file in the application bundle, but *only* add 
your new counters.

Note that I'm not sure I ever tested that this works, but it has been a 
feature since before version 1.0.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] attachment exist search through toolbar

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 13 Feb 2017, at 16:14, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Maybe the syntax “A *” would be better, with the asterisk being 
the wild character, so this search means “search for attachments 
with any name.” Maybe the support for the wild character in search 
could be eventually added for other search terms.

The use of `.` is just a hack because it appears in most filenames. A 
`*` would of course be more appropriate if it was a reserved character.

I would actually like to use the “similar search” functionality 
for such things without even having to go to the search box — see 
ticket 1691 

As you probably noticed I'm quite a bit behind on the ticket system. 
I'll get to it eventually although I've already got 64 non-replied 
tickets in 2017 :|

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] don't like auto-add

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 15 Feb 2017, at 6:35, Randy Bush wrote:

i have too many imap mailboxen already.  i am not happy that, if i 
compose or reply, i get subscribed to Sent, Drafts, whatever in 
Sources.  can i stop this from happening?

MailMate has to put emails somewhere when creating drafts or after 
sending. You can assign which mailbox MailMate uses using the “Mailbox 
▸ Mailbox Type” menu item (for each account).

I guess the answer is no then, but I might not have understood the 
question correctly. What you would you like to happen to drafts and sent 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME & PGP preferences

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 15 Feb 2017, at 9:15, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, since I need both I have enabled both in the preferences. For 
S/MIME I have a signing certificate on a special USB device which 
requires a password to access it. My normal encryption & signing is 
done via PGP.

The Problem is, that MM always sets S/MIME as default, when composing 
new mails, which triggers the password entry. There is no way to make 
PGP the default (at least not via the GUI).

Any change to make PGP default for new messages?

I think I already answered this 
[here](, but 
maybe it did not work as advertised?

(Changing the default won't make a difference if the most recent email 
to the recipient uses S/MIME.)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 15 Feb 2017, at 23:03, Annamarie wrote:

Not sure why Benny hasn't replied.

Sorry, I'm just a bit overwhelmed by feedback in general.

I think you all are referring to the flickering. Benny told me via 
email (don't know if I still have it) that it's a bug on the Apple 
side. Yes, it's annoying... I just close the preview window.

If I wrote that then I didn't word it correctly. I don't know if an 
Apple bug might play a role. In fact, I think it's a MailMate bug 
somehow related to how MailMate updates the window when updating the 
preview. So far, my attempts to debug the issue have not helped much and 
I have not been able to reproduce the problem (with or without 
attachments). I've been postponing looking into it until after I've 
finished some code which should make the update of the preview 
asynchronous. That might not help, but at least it'll rule out the 
problem of preview updating being slow.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Have "copy link to mail" in the "mailmate copy" menu ?

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 15 Feb 2017, at 23:30, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

I really like the option+C that let me choose which things to copy 
from sender/receivers.

Any chance to add copy link to mail there too ?
It feels much more natural than the current shift+option+command+C you 
have to do today.

I've added “Copy Links”, but it doesn't do URL encoding of the 
`Message-ID` string. This should rarely be a problem though.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Importing mail issue

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 16 Feb 2017, at 2:41, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I wanted to switch to MM as of the new year but I did not manage to 
actually get going until a week later. I just tried to import mails 
sent in the previous mail program, so I have all mails sent out this 
year in MM, but had to delete them all. The mbox file has the correct 
dates for all messages, but the imported messages have the date 
received set to the import date and time, which makes them useless for 
me, although I can see that logically it is when MM received them. Is 
there a way to import messages and have MM place them properly in 

MailMate should only use the current date if it cannot find any date 
information in the emails. I suspect something else might have added 
headers to the messages. If I remember correctly then Gmail can do this 
under certain circumstances (I cannot remember the details). You can 
send me one of these emails off list (using “Message ▸ Forward as 
Attachment”) and I'll review the headers.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Have "copy link to mail" in the "mailmate copy" menu ?

2017-02-16 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 16 Feb 2017, at 12:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 15 Feb 2017, at 23:30, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

I really like the option+C that let me choose which things to copy 
from sender/receivers.

Any chance to add copy link to mail there too ?
It feels much more natural than the current shift+option+command+C 
you have to do today.

I've added “Copy Links”, but it doesn't do URL encoding of the 
`Message-ID` string. This should rarely be a problem though.


One nitpick - Copy Links get me to think it extract all links in the 
mails selected, not that it Copy the Link to the email ...

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-16 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen
don't let my crazy ideas stop you from doing whatever simple solution 
you can do now - your solution described above sounds super for me 
even if I had to set it up on each mailbox.

I dropped this approach and decided on a different approach. I've 
added the minimum needed (I think) for you to do what you want, but 
it's a system that can be extended and made more configurable when 
needed. For now, you can add something like this to your key bindings:

"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread" );

The general idea is that a set of keys can be defined and each of 
these can be toggled to enable/disable various “temporary” 
filters. The current state is not saved between launches of MailMate. 
Any mailboxes based on the currently selected mailbox are also 
affected when toggling. It also works when selecting multiple 
mailboxes. There's no visual feedback on whether or not a key is 

For now, the only supported key is `unread` and it's hardcoded into 
MailMate. This features is in the next update of MailMate.

Just tried it - This is *AMAZING* !

Mange tusind tak Benny!

Can't wait to see how this can be extended in future :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-16 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen
For now, the only supported key is `unread` and it's hardcoded into 
MailMate. This features is in the next update of MailMate.

Just tried it - This is *AMAZING* !

Mange tusind tak Benny!

Can't wait to see how this can be extended in future :)

and now I tried it a bit more and got some feedback:

first off - it works great and exactly as I hope for when I got single 
folders and its awesome.

Where it do get a bit annoying is with automatic smart subfolders which 
is related to the initial ask in this thread.

Here is what I had before the feature above:
Person A (17)
Person B (12
Person C (2)

A VIP with all mails for a set of people, under it VIPUnread that shows 
all unread and then automatic subfolders based on unread.

Now with the toggle I go and remove the "VIPUnread" layer I get this:

Person A (17)
Person B (12
Person C (2)
  Person D
  Person F
  Person G
  Person H
  Person I
  Person J

And when I press 'x' it does not change that list - thus
I would still like if it was possible to have submailfolders only show 
up if they actually have a "Count > 0".

So now i'm caught between two evils - having a long list of 
submailfolders or reintroduce the VIPUnread "workaround" but then 'x' 
does not work because the folder is already filtered to be only showing 

Hope that makes sense!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Selectively Restore Account?

2017-02-16 Thread Mark Chapman

Thanks I will do that.

It looks like I have to import messages one mailbox at a time (because I 
have to choose which mailbox on import). I have a lot of mailboxes on 
this account.

Is there any way to import them all at once?

RE: my IMAP provider
I have used them for decades without problem but this kind of failure is 
a deal killer.

Much Thanks,


I have sought peace in all, and found it nowhere but in a corner with a 

- Thomas a Kempis

On 15 Feb 2017, at 20:41, wrote:

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 17:57:50 -0500
From: Mark Chapman 
Subject: [MlMt] Selectively Restore Account?

My regular IMAP mail provider has had a catastrophic hardware failure.
Unfortunately, before it went down completely it replaced all my mail
with mail from 2013. I am hoping that they have a good backup that 

restore everything when the hardware is replaced. However, in the
interim I need access to my mail.

I have everything backed up but am uncertain how to selectively 

that one account. I think the mail would be found at:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/account

However, I don't think I can just replace the existing directory with
the one from backup. How do I go about this?




Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 01:32:47 +0100
From: "Benny Kjær Nielsen" 
Subject: Re: [MlMt] Selectively Restore Account?

You need to use “File ▸ Import Messages...” to get the emails 
the account again. MailMate can then upload the emails to the server. 

you have some overlap then “Edit ▸ Select Duplicates” might be
helpful. It selects duplicates and not the originals (the originals 

assumed to be the messages first seen by MailMate). It only looks at
`Message-ID` and size, but that should be good enough for most 

You might also want to consider switching IMAP provider.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Move not copy recipients

2017-02-16 Thread John D. Muccigrosso

On 16 Feb 2017, at 5:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

It looks like dragging _multiple_ recipients does result in a copy and 
not a move in MM 2.0.

I think this is just a side-effect of the hack.

OK, but still on the bug list? :-)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Have "copy link to mail" in the "mailmate copy" menu ?

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 16 Feb 2017, at 14:02, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

One nitpick - Copy Links get me to think it extract all links in the 
mails selected, not that it Copy the Link to the email ...

I've changed it to “Copy Links to Messages”.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 16 Feb 2017, at 14:58, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

and now I tried it a bit more and got some feedback:

This is how you thank me ;-)

I would still like if it was possible to have submailfolders only show 
up if they actually have a "Count > 0".

So now i'm caught between two evils - having a long list of 
submailfolders or reintroduce the VIPUnread "workaround" but then 'x' 
does not work because the folder is already filtered to be only 
showing unread.

It might not be perfect, but would it help if toggling a filter always 
applied to the parent mailbox when dynamic submailboxes are involved? 
That would mean a short list of mailboxes when only looking on unread. 
Hitting the shortcut would then cause all read messages to be included 
(including more emails in the parent mailbox and a longer list of 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-16 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 16 Feb 2017, at 17:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 16 Feb 2017, at 14:58, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

and now I tried it a bit more and got some feedback:

This is how you thank me ;-)

Sorry for the troubles :)

I would still like if it was possible to have submailfolders only 
show up if they actually have a "Count > 0".

So now i'm caught between two evils - having a long list of 
submailfolders or reintroduce the VIPUnread "workaround" but then 'x' 
does not work because the folder is already filtered to be only 
showing unread.

It might not be perfect, but would it help if toggling a filter always 
applied to the parent mailbox when dynamic submailboxes are involved? 
That would mean a short list of mailboxes when only looking on unread. 
Hitting the shortcut would then cause all read messages to be included 
(including more emails in the parent mailbox and a longer list of 

In lack of a "only show submail folders with a count"-feature then the 
above would definitely be better than what is there now.

Then I could at least have a way to control it so the list is not 
constantly big.

+100 :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-16 Thread Richard Rettke
On 16 Feb 2017, at 5:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

If I wrote that then I didn't word it correctly. I don't know if an 
Apple bug might play a role. In fact, I think it's a MailMate bug 
somehow related to how MailMate updates the window when updating the 
preview. So far, my attempts to debug the issue have not helped much 
and I have not been able to reproduce the problem (with or without 
attachments). I've been postponing looking into it until after I've 
finished some code which should make the update of the preview 
asynchronous. That might not help, but at least it'll rule out the 
problem of preview updating being slow.

No rush so far as I'm concerned. It's purely visual so I can live with 
it. You've certainly got bigger fish to fry.

Thanks for all you do Benny.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] don't like auto-add

2017-02-16 Thread Randy Bush
>> i have too many imap mailboxen already.  i am not happy that, if i
>> compose or reply, i get subscribed to Sent, Drafts, whatever in
>> Sources.  can i stop this from happening?
> MailMate has to put emails somewhere when creating drafts or after
> sending. You can assign which mailbox MailMate uses using the “Mailbox
> ▸ Mailbox Type” menu item (for each account).
> I guess the answer is no then, but I might not have understood the
> question correctly. What you would you like to happen to drafts and
> sent messages?

my issue is not that Sent/Drafts/... exist.  i just do not want to be
gratuitously subscribed to them in SOURCES.  the issue is screen real

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-16 Thread Charlie Garrison

On 16 Feb 2017, at 22:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

In fact, I think it's a MailMate bug somehow related to how MailMate 
updates the window when updating the preview.

It doesn’t happen to me often, and the flickering is brief. But based 
on observed behaviour, I had concluded it was a delay in markdown to 
html processing. It ‘feels’ like the preview goes blank (black), the 
markdown->html processor runs, then displays the results. But it happens 
seldom enough that I may not have the right ‘feel’ for it.

until after I've finished some code which should make the update of 
the preview asynchronous.

I suspect that would resolve the flickering.



Charlie Garrison   
Garrison Computer Services  
PO Box 380
Tumbarumba NSW 2653  Australia

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] don't like auto-add

2017-02-16 Thread Thomas Grundberg

2017-02-16 kl 21:44 skrev Randy Bush:

my issue is not that Sent/Drafts/... exist.  i just do not want to be
gratuitously subscribed to them in SOURCES.  the issue is screen real

To the right of the SOURCES label is a “Hide” button, nicely hidden 
from plain view until you mouse over it. Just in case you weren’t 
already aware of this.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] improvement to mailman bundle

2017-02-16 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen


I finally got around to make Unsubscribe use mailto so I don't have to 
leave mailmate to unsubscribe.

Plus added a keyboard shortcut.

PR is at

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] don't like auto-add

2017-02-16 Thread Randy Bush
>> my issue is not that Sent/Drafts/... exist.  i just do not want to be
>> gratuitously subscribed to them in SOURCES.  the issue is screen real
>> estate.
> To the right of the SOURCES label is a “Hide” button, nicely hidden
> from plain view until you mouse over it. Just in case you weren’t
> already aware of this.

i am not trying to hide the SOURCES list; it is my main index.  fwiw, i
have MAILBOXES hidden.

my issue is that i do not want to be gratuitously subscribed to new
mailboxes in SOURCES.  i maintain the list very carefully, and have
a length constraint due to screen real estate.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] don't like auto-add

2017-02-16 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On 16 Feb 2017, at 19:16, Randy Bush wrote:

>>> my issue is not that Sent/Drafts/... exist.  i just do not want to be
>>> gratuitously subscribed to them in SOURCES.  the issue is screen real
>>> estate.
>> To the right of the SOURCES label is a “Hide” button, nicely hidden
>> from plain view until you mouse over it. Just in case you weren’t
>> already aware of this.
> i am not trying to hide the SOURCES list; it is my main index.  fwiw, i
> have MAILBOXES hidden.
> my issue is that i do not want to be gratuitously subscribed to new
> mailboxes in SOURCES.  i maintain the list very carefully, and have
> a length constraint due to screen real estate.
Create subfolders to hold all of the mandatory mailboxes per account and
keep it unexpanded?

--Steve Bellovin,

mailmate mailing list