Re: [Marxism] Gayatri Spivak on Vivek Chibber

2014-04-06 Thread Anon Anon
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Spivak on Chibber?...pox on both their houses...which reminds me of Eagleton's 
masterful dissection of Spivak...even 15 years later it is worth reminding 
people of it:

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Re: [Marxism] Thai capitalism contradicts the Brenner thesis

2014-01-24 Thread Anon Anon
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It only contradicts the Brenner thesis if you believe the origin of capitalism 
in Siam/Thailand was "national"...which pretty much contradicts all serious 
historical work on the subject (I assume that reference [13] in the quote will 
point to the work of Japanese academic Akira Suehiro, who shows that capitalist 
development in Thailand could not be understood as a national phenomenon). 
Ungpakorn's work needs to be located in particular debates in Thailand which he 
is engaged with on the legacies of the CPT's armed struggle ideology.  
Ungpakorn's particular foil is for dependency theory and the Maoist third 
worldism dominant in leftist thinking in the 1960s-80s in Thailand, which 
denied the possibility of capitalist development in Thailand and the emergence 
of a dominant working class (as against an eternal peasant class).

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Re: [Marxism] Movement in Paraguay

2013-06-23 Thread Anon Anon
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It's about electricity privatisation (which seems to have been stopped).

Greg McDonald wrote:
>Anyone else following this story?

Sector eléctrico paraguayo se declara en estado de huelga

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Re: [Marxism] question re Vandana Shiva

2013-01-03 Thread Anon Anon
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Apologist for Hindu nationalism, aligned with the BJP, anti-communist, 
supported India's nuke tests...her politics are grounded in a reactionary third 

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Re: [Marxism] Barbara and German DDR films

2012-09-06 Thread Anon Anon
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Thanks for posting about Barbara, but there are earlier films about the DDR 
which are not formulaic, IMHO.  Volker Schlöndorff's Die Stille nach dem Schuß 
(released in the US/UK as "The Legend of Rita") and Ken Loach's Fatherland both 
deal with the DDR in nuanced ways.  Loach's Fatherland is especially noteworthy 
as a form of comparison between actually (then!) existing socialism and 
actually existing capitalism.

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Re: [Marxism] Robert Hughes will be missed

2012-08-08 Thread Anon Anon
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An elitist snob, paleoconservative rather than radical.

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Re: [Marxism] Swedish Labor history question

2012-01-30 Thread Anon Anon
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In English: Perry Anderson wrote an article about Sweden and the Soc Dems in 
New Left Review in 1961...You can also check out the archive on
And sections of Donald Sasson's 100 Years of Socialism focus on Sweden.

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[Marxism] The Tower of David

2011-05-01 Thread Anon Anon
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In the early '90s Caracas dreamed of a shimmering downtown financial centre—now 
it's the tallest squat in the world

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[Marxism] Icelanders Reject Deal to Repay U.K., Netherlands

2011-04-10 Thread Anon Anon
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hat tip to the Icelanders.

For the second time, Icelanders voted down a deal to repay Britain and the 
Netherlands billions of euros lost in the island nation's 2008 financial 
collapse—at once a bold popular rejection of the notion that taxpayers must 
bear the burden for bankers' woes and a risky outcome that will complicate 
Iceland's efforts to rejoin global markets.

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Re: [Marxism] After unscripted Arab drama, the west sneaks back on set

2011-03-31 Thread Anon Anon
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FWIW, the author of this piece is the daughter of Rashid Al-Ghannushi, 
the leader of Tunisia's main Islamist party.  Basically, a religious reformist.


> After unscripted Arab drama, the west sneaks back on set

> People were not rebelling solely against dictators but the economic model. 
> Yet foreign interests may again be calling the shots

> by Soumaya Ghannoushi

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[Marxism] Last combat WWI vet hates war, says son

2011-03-02 Thread Anon Anon
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March 3, 2011

A 110-year-old West Australian man believed to be the world's last surviving 
WWI combat veteran hated war and only marched in Anzac Day parades when he was 
ordered to, says his son.

Claude Choules is celebrating his 110th birthday with family and friends in 
Perth on Thursday.

He's the last known male survivor of more than 70 million military personnel 
during WWI, after American veteran Frank Buckles passed away on Sunday also 
aged 110.

Born in England in 1901, Mr Choules served with Britain's Royal Navy onboard 
the HMS Impregnable in 1916 at the age of 15.

The only other surviving WWI veteran is believed to be Britain's Florence 
Green, who served with the Royal Air Force in a non-combat role and is now aged 

He joined the battleship HMS Revenge in 1917 and witnessed the surrender of the 
German Fleet near Firth of Forth in Scotland in 1918.

Mr Choules moved to Fremantle where he was seconded to the Royal Australian 
Navy (RAN) in 1926.

He was a commissioning crew member of the HMAS Canberra and served with her 
until 1931 when he discharged from the RAN before rejoining as a torpedo and 
anti-submarine instructor in 1932.

As the acting torpedo officer at Fremantle in WWII, Mr Choules disposed of the 
first German mine to wash up on Australian soil during WWII, near Esperance, on 
WA's south coast.

He was also tasked with destroying harbour and oil storage tanks at the 
Fremantle port in case of a Japanese invasion.

Mr Choules remained in the RAN after WWII, spending his final working years at 
the Naval Dockyard Police and joining the crayfishing industry, at Safety Bay, 
south of Perth.

Mr Choules released his autobiography in 2009 titled The Last of the Last, 
depicting his childhood and move to Australia, as well as his times at war.

Mr Choules, who is now blind and almost completely deaf, now lives in a nursing 

He and his wife, who passed away at the age of 98, had two daughters and a son.

Mr Choules also has 13 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and two 

His son, Adrian Choules, told AAP Mr Choules was not excited about the 
milestone birthday or the attention he was receiving as the last surviving war 
combat veteran.

"He couldn't care less about his birthday. He's a celebrity now but that's only 
because everyone else has died," he said.

"He served in two wars but he hated war. He just saw it as a job.

"He never marched in an Anzac parade he wasn't ordered to."

Mr Choules said although his father was "special" to the family, he did not 
understand all the "celebrity" attention he was getting from the media.

"Someone's got to be the last man standing ... he's just an ordinary man," he 


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[Marxism] (no subject)

2011-02-06 Thread Anon Anon
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sandia wrote:
> Can anyone point me toward reading material that surveys the causes 
> of the fall of the USSR?

Would recommend "Eternal Russia" By Jonathon Steele, excellent journalistic 
account.  It's been more than 10 years since i read it, but it really stuck in 
my mind as giving very detailed analysis of the Yeltsin-Gorbachev conflict and 
how this played out in the collapse (and by extension the role of the 
bureaucracy in bringing down the system).  Most available on google books:

Ken Jowitt's "New World Disorder: The Leninist Extinction" is, although not a 
Marxist text, very good on the internal political breakdown (as opposed to the 
mechanistic "command economy doesn't work so system breaks down" NYT analysis). 
Google books:



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