[Marxism] How the Pentagon Views the World Situation

2017-07-25 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Chapo Traphouse, Masters of Clintonian Triangulation | Noah Berlatsky on Patreon

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Wonder Woman podcast spends a good bit of time mocking Gal Gadot's 
accent; the hosts even compare her to Arnold Schwarzenegger, because he 
also has an accent, get it? They go after Sonny Bunch not just because 
he is a conservative who says stupid shit, but because he is fat and 
looks funny. And Chapo is notorious for sneering at autistic people, The 
podcast's humor targets the different in numerous ways. That is 
considered "irreverence" and "honesty." Accents are funny. Feminism is a 
crock. Fat people and autistic people are ludicrous. Join us, alt right 
brothers; we'll all be cool kids together in a socialist utopia, where 
no elitists will stop us from spitting on the self-pitying marginalized 
folks who are oppressing us.

I'm sure Chapo and its fans will be displeased at the suggestion that 
they are in any way Clintonian. To be fair,  it's worth pointing out 
that the Clinton administration were centrist squishes on economic 
issues and on intervention, not just on the treatment of marginalized 
people. And Chapo has on occasion repudiated their own worst excesses. 
Last week Felix Biederman, one of the hosts, apologized for mocking rape 
victims on social media, as well as for using homophobic terms like 
"cocksucker" to taunt critics. (Update: Melissa McEwan, the woman 
Biederman attacked, has said on twitter that he has made no effort to 
contact her personally, claimed she had blocked him when she had not, 
and that she believes his apology is inadequate.)

full: https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapo-traphouse-13214759
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[Marxism] Fwd: San Diego teacher refuses to answer Border Patrol questions at checkpoint - The San Diego Union-Tribune

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A Poem for the Cruel Majority

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A Poem for the Cruel Majority
by Jerome Rothenberg

The cruel majority emerges!

Hail to the cruel majority!

They will punish the poor for being poor.
They will punish the dead for having died.

Nothing can make the dark turn into light
for the cruel majority.
Nothing can make them feel hunger or terror.

If the cruel majority would only cup their ears
the sea would wash over them.
The sea would help them forget their wayward children.
It would weave a lullaby for young & old.

(See the cruel majority with hands cupped to their ears,
one foot is in the water, one foot is on the clouds.)

One man of them is large enough to hold a cloud
between his thumb & middle finger,
to squeeze a drop of sweat from it before he sleeps.

He is a little god but not a poet.
(See how his body heaves.)

The cruel majority love crowds & picnics.
The cruel majority fill up their parks with little flags.
The cruel majority celebrate their birthday.

Hail to the cruel majority again!

The cruel majority weep for their unborn children,
they weep for the children that they will never bear.
The cruel majority are overwhelmed by sorrow.

(Then why are the cruel majority always laughing?
Is it because night has covered up the city's walls?
Because the poor lie hidden in the darkness?
The maimed no longer come to show their wounds?)

Today the cruel majority vote to enlarge the darkness.

They vote for shadows to take the place of ponds
Whatever they vote for they can bring to pass.
The mountains skip like lambs for the cruel majority.

Hail to the cruel majority!
Hail! hail! to the cruel majority!

The mountains skip like lambs, the hills like rams.
The cruel majority tear up the earth for the cruel majority.
Then the cruel majority line up to be buried.

Those who love death will love the cruel majority.

Those who know themselves will know the fear
the cruel majority feel when they look in the mirror.

The cruel majority order the poor to stay poor.
They order the sun to shine only on weekdays.

The god of the cruel majority is hanging from a tree.
Their god's voice is the tree screaming as it bends.
The tree's voice is as quick as lightning as it streaks across the sky.

(If the cruel majority go to sleep inside their shadows,
they will wake to find their beds filled up with glass.)

Hail to the god of the cruel majority!
Hail to the eyes in the head of their screaming god!

Hail to his face in the mirror!

Hail to their faces as they float around him!

Hail to their blood & to his!

Hail to the blood of the poor they need to feed them!
Hail to their world & their god!

Hail & farewell!
Hail & farewell!
Hail & farewell!
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[Marxism] Behind the Russia Frenzy by Lynn Henderson

2017-07-25 Thread Lynn Henderson and Cindy Burke via Marxism
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[Marxism] Unruly Poems that Illuminate White Supremacy in Everyday Life

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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 Perhaps Clapo Trapo house could host a reading?

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[Marxism] Any regrets about not supporting Clinton last summer?

2017-07-25 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Housing Need Is Even More Skewed by Income Than We Thought -Shelterforce

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] [UCE] Re: ‘Make It So’: ‘Star Trek’ and Its Debt to Revolutionary Socialism - The New York Times

2017-07-25 Thread Sheldon Ranz via Marxism
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"Beginning in 1966, the plot of “Star Trek” closely followed Posadas’s
propositions. After a nuclear third world war (which Posadas also believed
would lead to socialist revolution), Vulcan aliens visit Earth, welcoming
them into a galactic federation and delivering replicator technology that
would abolish scarcity."

This is not from the 1966 original series, but from the eighth Star Trek
motion picture, "Star Trek: First Contact"(1996).  It is not at all clear
that the Vulcans were responsible for replicator rechnology.

During my senior year at the Bronx HS of Science (1976), I published the
school's first SF zine, Phaser Fire!, in which I wrote an essay exploring
the socialist ideology of Star Trek.  It was in response to one of many
trashings of Star Trek in the Village Voice, this one penned by James
Woolcott, whom Alexander Cockburn rightfully lambasted years later.

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 9:35 AM, Dennis Brasky via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> *
> Interest in alien life was not just the domain of scientists and fiction
> writers. U.F.O. flaps worldwide captured pop cultural attention, and many
> believed that flying saucers were here to warn us, or even save us, from
> the danger of nuclear weapons. In the midst of the worldwide worker and
> student uprisings in 1968, the Argentine Trotsykist leader known as J.
> Posadas wrote an essay proposing solidarity between the working class and
> the alien visitors. He argued that their technological advancement
> indicated they would be socialists and could deliver us the technology to
> free Earth from the grip of Yankee imperialism and the bureaucratic
> workers’ states.
> Such views were less fringe and more influential than you might think.
> Beginning in 1966, the plot of “Star Trek” closely followed Posadas’s
> propositions. After a nuclear third world war (which Posadas also believed
> would lead to socialist revolution), Vulcan aliens visit Earth, welcoming
> them into a galactic federation and delivering replicator technology that
> would abolish scarcity. Humans soon unify as a species, formally abolishing
> money and all hierarchies of race, gender and class.
> https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/24/opinion/make-it-so-star-
> trek-and-its-debt-to-revolutionary-socialism.html?
> em_pos=small&emc=edit_ty_20170724&nl=opinion-today&nl_
> art=6&nlid=34832082&ref=headline&te=1&_r=0
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: Menashe | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening in New York and Los Angeles on Friday (locations are here), 
“Menashe” is an extraordinary film on a number of levels. To start with, 
it is first Yiddish-language film in nearly 70 years. The earlier films 
catered to Eastern European immigrants who were interested in being 
entertained just like English-speaking audiences but in their native 
language. As such, the plots were often fairly conventional with at 
least one Western that might remind you of “Johnny Guitar”.

Since the audience for “Menashe” will likely be people who do not speak 
Yiddish, there are subtitles. Indeed, the only people who speak and read 
Yiddish nowadays, except for scholars, are the Hasidic Jews who live in 
Brooklyn and who do not go to movies, watch television or even go on the 
Internet. As the Jewish version of the Salafist sect in the Muslim 
world, the Hasidim are authoritarian-minded religious zealots who live 
in an insular, male-dominated society.

As it happens, that is exactly the world that is portrayed in “Menashe”, 
which has a nonprofessional cast of Hasidim that took considerable risks 
in taking part in a film that while being respectful toward their 
traditions challenges some of their key practices. That indeed 
constitutes the central drama of the film. Menashe is a man in his late 
30s who is attempting to raise his 10-year old son Rieven by himself 
after his wife has died. However, the sect he belongs to will not permit 
single parenting. A full year after her death, he is under intense 
pressure from his brother-in-law Eizek and religious authorities to turn 
Rieven over to Eizek.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/07/25/menashe/
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[Marxism] An outspoken researcher of Stalin's crimes fights for his own fateand freedom in Russia - LA Times

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Evaluation of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in Football Players | Traumatic Brain Injury | JAMA | The JAMA Network

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Key Points
Question  What are the neuropathological and clinical features of a case 
series of deceased players of American football neuropathologically 
diagnosed as having chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)?

Findings  In a convenience sample of 202 deceased players of American 
football from a brain donation program, CTE was neuropathologically 
diagnosed in 177 players across all levels of play (87%), including 110 
of 111 former National Football League players (99%).

Meaning  In a convenience sample of deceased players of American 
football, a high proportion showed pathological evidence of CTE, 
suggesting that CTE may be related to prior participation in football.

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[Marxism] Does David Roediger disagree with Ellen Meiksins Wood?

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Richard Seymour

How does race relate to class in capitalism? Is it intrinsic and 
essential to the reproduction of capital, or merely an accidental 
feature of particular capitals? In this recent essay by Richard Seymour, 
and originally published on his Patreon, Seymour considers a debate 
within Marxism on the relationship between class, race and capitalism.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Trump's Bizarre Boy Scouts Speech - Bragging, Threats, and Wink-Wink About "Hot Parties" - EA WorldView

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] As Trump shores up Assad's genocidal regime, America's hard left is cheering him on

2017-07-25 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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On July 21, a letter appeared which quoted "Michael" who was commenting on
the position of different socialists regarding Assad. He wrote:

*"On the other hand, as Marxmail subscribers know, the Oakland
Socialistshave an excellent take on Syria despite having come from a
Hoxhaitebackground. Hoxha, you may remember, attacked both China and Russia
(then**the Soviet Union) for insufficient Stalinism."*

I am assuming Michael is referring to oaklandsocialist.com, the blog site
which I founded and am the chief writer for. I am not now, nor have I ever
been a Hoxhaite. I started out as a union activist and then was one of the
founding members of "Labor Militant", which was the predecessor to
Socialist Alternative. A small group of us - myself included - were
expelled in the mid '90s from that group.

I am curious where Michael got the impression that I was at one time a
supporter of Hoxha.

John Reimann

"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Asata Shakur
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com and //
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[Marxism] Fwd: CENTENARY OF UKRAINIAN REVOLUTION | Ukraine solidarity campaign солідарність України кампанія

2017-07-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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To mark the Centenary of the Ukrainian Revolution we will be 
republishing histories, analysis and documents of the time.  Below we 
publish for the first time in English a section of the most important 
histories of the by Pavlo Khrystiuk, the four volume Zamitky i 
materiialy do istoriï ukraïns’koï revoliutsiï 1917–1920 rr. (Comments 
and Materials on the History of the Ukrainian Revolution, 1917–20, 4 
vols, 1921–2).

Khrystiuk_PavloKhrystiuk was a Central Committee member of the million 
strong Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (UPSR) and a deputy 
in the autonomous parliament the Central Rada, he held positions in the 
Ukrainian Peoples Republic and later he worked for the Society of 
Scientific and Technical Workers for the Promotion of Socialist 
Construction Kharkiv.  A publisher of several studies Khrystiuk was 
arrested in 1931 and perished in the Stalinist terror in a in a Soviet 
labor camp.  Reproduced here is section of Part I, The National Cultural 
Period of the Revolution, Chapter I, The Beginning of the Revolution.


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Re: [Marxism] As Trump shores up Assad's genocidal regime, America's hard left is cheering him on

2017-07-25 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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John Reimann --

I have no idea who Michael is. I'm the guy who wrote what you quoted.

I apologize for mis-characterizing your political background. Won't do it

I know a couple of guys up here in Seattle from Syria solidarity work who
seem to be close co-thinkers of yours, just guessing from cross-posts and
such, and they are from that background, although many many years ago. I
extrapolated from what I know of them to you.

Interestingly, I came to many of my conclusions about sect life after I
became really good friends, personally and politically, with a guy who was
with one of the pro-Albanian groups. What I discovered was that apparently
totally opposite sorts of politics -- let's call them Hoxhaite and
Trotskyite -- existed in organizations that were FUNCTIONALLY exactly the
same, with the exact same problems of lack of internal democracy, a
leadership with a death grip on power, yada yada yada.
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[Marxism] a query

2017-07-25 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I wonder if anyone one on the list has any thoughts on Frank Furedi's work
on the Culture of Fear.   I have done some work in the past with James
Heartfield's take on this, but unfortunately I cannot locate his book -
lost somewhere in my library.

It seems to me as a general position the Spiked on line mob in their move
out of Marxism migrated along the ancient pathway to libertarianism
inflected by Nietzscheanism with its trope of the chest beating heroic
individual trapped between the unwashed and the indifferent.

Nietzsche was and always will be an abiding temptation for the isolated
intellectual in bad times.

I am currently taking a look at Furedi's Culture of Fear Revisited. Some of
the points he makes are undoubtedly valid but truth to tell I am on the
opposite side of the fence from the libertarians most of the time.

Any comments would be very welcome.


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[Marxism] Poll: 80% say it's time for Mexico's ruling party to go

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] Contract defines rights of domestic workers in Mexico

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] Dismantling Power: The Zapatista Indigenous Presidential Candidate'sVision to Transform Mexico From Below

2017-07-25 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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