[Marxism] Letter from London | Shane Boyle

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A journal on Brexit and the opposition to it.

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[Marxism] Mississippi Beaches Have Been Vacant For 2 Months As A Toxic Algae Bloom Lurks Offshore | HuffPost

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How "Succession" Skewers the Rich | The New Republic

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Glimmer

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Ministry of Truth: A Biography of George Orwell’s 1984, by Dorian 
Lynskey, Picador, 368 pp, £16.99, 978-1509890736

“It wouldn’t have been so gloomy if I had not been so ill,” Orwell 
supposedly said of Nineteen Eighty-Four. And even on the closest reading 
the novel seems a relentlessly cheerless affair. Airstrip One ‑ 
previously England ‑ is shabby and neglected, a grim place: “underfed 
people … in leaky shoes … patched up nineteenth century houses that 
smelt always of cabbage and bad lavatories”. Winston Smith ends up not 
so much defeated as effaced. The Party’s rule seems total. It can snoop 
into your house and scan your face for symptoms of dissent ‑ anything 
less than the compulsory look of “quiet optimism”. Not only that, it can 
make you doubt your own memory, question the very evidence of your 
senses, reject that most basic a priori: 2+2=4. And if it hasn’t got 
you, chances are it has your child, schooled to dob you in without a 
second thought.

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[Marxism] The Capitalists Are Afraid

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Obvious stuff from Chris Hedges but fun to read.

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[Marxism] The Battle for a Paycheck in Kentucky Coal Country | The New Yorker

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Trump won eighty-five per cent of the vote in Harlan County. But the 
blockade has showcased an aspirational sort of progressive coalition. A 
local community nonprofit, With Love from Harlan, has provided 
overwhelming support, raising tens of thousands of dollars to help the 
miners. One of its top individual donors has been Joyce Cheng, the owner 
of Panda Garden, Harlan’s only Chinese restaurant, who emigrated from 
Fujian when she was fourteen years old and moved to Kentucky with no 
money when she was twenty-three. Her first donation, of five thousand 
dollars, was money that she had received as a gift from her husband, 
which he had saved for the previous two decades, so that Cheng could 
finally buy herself a diamond wedding ring. She then decided to run 
fifty miles around the county—she is also an ultra-marathoner—in a 
miner’s outfit, from business to business and house to house, collecting 
individual dollars. When I went to see her at her restaurant, she was 
wearing a shirt that read “Hi, I’m the Bitch OWNER,” and made the four 
high-school students that she employed stay for an interview, even 
though their shifts had ended, as she thought they could learn 
something. “I feel for the miners,” she told me. “People say, ‘Go find 
another job.’ But it’s hard.” She went on, “You do what you know. I 
worked in the restaurant. They go and work in coal mine. And they work 
so hard, night and day, twelve-hour shifts.” She smiled. “Then they come 
and eat here. I appreciate them so much.”


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[Marxism] Alabama dean resigns following Breitbart article on Tweets

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The latest evidence that Twitter is the last place in the world 
university professors should use for expressing strong leftist opinion. 
If you want to make a point about racism or imperialism, do it on a blog 
rather than social media. I say this not only in the interests of seeing 
the left having a presence in the academy but growing tired of academics 
"slumming" on Twitter.

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[Marxism] Global Trade War: “If That Takes a Decade, So Be It!”

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Global Trade War: “If That Takes a Decade, So Be It!”

A telling statement of Trump’s economic adviser Larry Kudlow about the 
U.S.-China Cold War

by Michael Pröbsting, 9 September 2019


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[Marxism] American Immigration: A Century of Racism

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Review of Books, SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 ISSUE
American Immigration: A Century of Racism
by Sarah Churchwell

The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two 
Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America

by Daniel Okrent
Scribner, 478 pp., $32.00

In May 1921 The Saturday Evening Post, America’s most popular magazine, 
warned its readers of the grave “immigration problem” threatening to 
bring about “racial degeneration” in the United States. Yet happily, 
scientific advances based on the discoveries of Gregor Mendel would 
ensure Americans need never “forfeit their high estate and join the 
lowly ranks of the mongrel races.” Poor Mendel, quietly cultivating his 
peas sixty years earlier, never said a word about racial degeneration, 
but that didn’t stop anti-immigration campaigners like the Post’s 
editor, George Horace Lorimer, from claiming that Mendel’s work on 
heredity corroborated a new science validating ancient bigotries—namely, 
eugenics. In offering a supposedly scientific foundation for nativism, 
eugenics kicked off a national epidemic of confirmation bias.

“Nordicism,” as American scientific racism was known, held that people 
of Northern European “stock” were biologically superior to everyone 
else. “The mental ability of the Southeastern European is below that of 
the Northern and Western European,” readers were instructed, in typical 
terms. “Northern and Western Europeans govern themselves better than 
Southern and Eastern Europeans govern themselves.” Every few weeks, 
Lorimer used his bully pulpit to hammer the same restrictionist message, 
railing against “our policy of putting the alien and his interests 
first,” in editorials such as “America Last.” The Post’s two million 
readers in 1922 would have recognized in that title a clear allusion to 
a familiar, belligerently nativist slogan—“America First.”

Lorimer also hired a mouthpiece named Kenneth L. Roberts and sent him to 
Europe to issue scaremongering diatribes from the immigration front 
lines, expounding upon “certain biological laws which govern the 
crossing of different breeds, whether the breeds be dogs or horses or 
men.” In “Plain Remarks on Immigration for Plain Americans,” Roberts 
claimed that stopping immigration was “a matter of life and death for 
America,” repeating the same ominous phrase four times in the essay’s 
first five paragraphs. He acknowledged that millions of Europeans were 
living in abject misery after World War I, only to rhetorically shrug 
his shoulders:

The economic distress of these wretched people, for one reason or 
another, has always been so close to the extreme limit, that they were 
dulled to distress’s finer points. If they lived on beans and beets in 
1912 their distress didn’t increase if the beans were moldy and the 
beets decayed in 1920.

The people, too dull to appreciate the finer points of their own misery, 
were, Roberts explains, “Hebrews” from Poland and Russia.

Such arguments borrowed their authority primarily from two hugely 
influential books, Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race (1916) 
and Lothrop Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color Against White 
World-Supremacy (1920), both heralded as offering scientific proof, 
thanks to “recent advances in the study of heredity and other life 
sciences,” of white supremacy. In fact, Grant and Stoddard were simply 
repackaging old ideas in scientistic new containers. The word “nativism” 
had been coined to make the same argument in the mid-1840s, urging 
“native Americans” (i.e., descendants of earlier European settlers) to 
defend against the legions of Irish and German immigrants invading the 

The federal government, however, did not begin restricting immigration 
until the 1880s. There were local and state laws to control it, but they 
were rarely enforced. Immigrants who arrived before 1880 for the most 
part did so in the absence of any meaningful restrictions, or 
disregarded them and were permitted to stay. Claiming ancestry on the 
basis of “legal” immigration to the United States before the 1880s and 
1890s is to all intents and purposes nonsense; the vast majority of 
immigrants just came.*

By 1882, the threat from Chinese “coolie” labor led Congress to pass the 
Chinese Exclusion Act, placing a ten-year moratorium on the immigration 
of Chinese laborers. The following year, Emma Lazarus invited the 
world’s tired and poor, its wretched refuse, to America’s shores. She 
was raising money for the Statue of Liberty, which arrived in New York 
harbor in 1885—the same year Congress passed the Alien Contract Labor 
Law, forbidding the impo

[Marxism] Review: Notre histoire intellectuelle et politique. 1968 – 2018. Pierre Rosanvallon.

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"History, writes Pierre 
Rosanvallon, has meted out a 
long series of disappointments, and still bites at our neck. One of France’s 
leading public intellectuals, who began his career working in the secularised, 
once Catholic, trade union, the CFDT, developing their radical approach to 
autogestion, self-management, Notre Histoire starts with reflections on the 
ordeals of politics today."

"Rosanvallon lays claim to the influence of Cornelius Castoriadis on his 1970s 
work for the CFDT and development of ideas about autogestion, and close 
relations with the Socialisme ou Barbarie (SouB) thinkers. His approach to 
labour history was influenced by E.P.Thompson and Gareth Stedman Jones and 
History Workshop. He was informed by Michel Foucault’s ideas on liberalism as a 
“une technologie politique”, and the writings of Jacques Rancière, André Gorz 
and Marcel Gauchet. Rosanvallon, fortified with these influences, could he be 
conveniently classed amongst the hysterical anti-Marxist nouveaux philosophes. 
Not only is Rosanvallon refuse to be called 'anti-Marxist', but for him 
totalitarianism was a wider phenomenon of modernity, marked by the abolition of 
politics as an autonomous realm, and a disregard for democratic processes.


Andrew Coates
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Re: [Marxism] Karl Marx: Prophet of the Present

2019-09-09 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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I have read that book. The most interesting parts of the book are those that 
discuss Marx's Jewish background. Avineri does provide interesting information 
concerning the Jewish community in Trier. The weakest aspect of the book, is 
that Avineri, much like in his earlier book, from a half century ago, The 
Social & Political Thought of Karl Marx, insists on presenting Marx as being 
much like a contemporary European social democrat. In contrast with the 
revisionist, Eduard Bernstein (who had been a protege of Friedrich Engels),  
Avineri has never seemed to grasp that Marx had a Bolshevik streak to him, as 
Bernstein once confessed to Sidney Hook.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
Subject: [Marxism] Karl Marx: Prophet of the Present
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2019 13:46:16 -0400

(A FYI, not a recommendation.)

NY Times Sunday Book Review, September 8, 2019
Karl Marx: Prophet of the Present
By James Miller

Philosophy and Revolution
By Shlomo Avineri
217 pp. Yale University Press. $26.

Do This Before Bed, Watch Your Belly Fat Melt Like Crazy

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[Marxism] Apocalypse Now | Boston Review

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Bolsonaro’s anti-environmentalism should come as no surprise to anyone. 
He campaigned on an explicitly anti-environment platform and rode to 
victory on a wave of anti-establishment sentiment. He has rapidly 
dismantled institutions not only regarding the environment but also in 
education and health, as well as the country’s participatory councils. 
He spoke several times of not giving “one centimeter” to indigenous or 
maroon communities that enjoy some legal protection in the Amazon. Part 
of his original government program was to merge the Ministry of the 
Environment with the Ministry of Agriculture. And a loyal part of his 
base of support in congress has the so-called ruralist lobby, 
conservative politicians catering to oriented by commercial agricultural 
interests and hostility to the landless movement, indigenous land 
claims, and environmental regulation.

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[Marxism] 'Development' is colonialism in disguise | openDemocracy

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] ‘Using power builds power’: meet the woman tipped to lead the labor movement | Lauren Gambino | The Guardian

2019-09-09 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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Sent from my iPhone

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[Marxism] The Florida Activist Is 78. The Legal Judgment Against Her Is $4 Million.

2019-09-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 9, 2019
The Florida Activist Is 78. The Legal Judgment Against Her Is $4 Million.
By Patricia Mazzei

STUART, Fla. — Maggy Hurchalla’s piece of Florida heaven is a patch of 
pristine Atlantic shore accessible only by boat in St. Lucie Inlet 
Preserve State Park. She and her husband nicknamed it the “End of the 
World” when they first came upon it half a century ago, after paddling 
south along the barrier island to the water’s end. She still likes to 
skinny-dip at the beach.

Ms. Hurchalla, 78, could spend her remaining years kayaking here, 
readily outpacing paddlers less than half her age. Or traveling the 
country, giving speeches about the legacy of her sister, Janet Reno, the 
first female attorney general of the United States.

But instead of reveling in her retirement, Ms. Hurchalla, who has 
devoted her life to protecting the untamed Florida wilderness that she 
loved, has been fighting a public battle with a rock-mining company — 
and losing.

A jury decided last year that Ms. Hurchalla should pay $4.4 million in 
damages to Lake Point Restoration, a company that has a limestone mining 
operation in Martin County, along Florida’s Treasure Coast.

Lake Point sued her for interfering with a contract after she emailed 
Martin County commissioners, urging them to back out of a water deal 
with the company that had initially been approved as a public-private 
partnership that could keep polluted water out of a nearby estuary. Ms. 
Hurchalla argued that she had merely exercised her First Amendment rights.

The legal saga involved secret emails, the ownership of Florida’s fresh 
water, and the constitutional rights to free speech and to petition the 

Three months ago, a state appeals court upheld the verdict, alarming 
environmental and free speech organizations that had implored the 
three-judge panel to consider how profoundly such a precedent could 
chill citizens’ ability to question their leaders.

Ms. Hurchalla appealed again, this time asking for a hearing before the 
full Fourth District Court of Appeal. On Friday, the court denied her 
request. She could still petition the Florida Supreme Court to consider 
her case.

She does not have the money to pay the judgment. But Ms. Hurchalla does 
not worry about that.

“What I worry about now,” she said, “is dying before we win.”

She is one of the few remaining voices of a generation that remembers 
hurricanes before they had names, the last surviving child of a mother 
who built the family homestead by hand. Her life has spanned much of the 
state’s modern history, a story of growth inextricable from development.

The sale of 650 acres on the southern tip of Hutchinson Island in 1972 
first spurred Ms. Hurchalla into activism. She wanted the land protected 
for conservation. Instead, a developer bought it and built a gated 
residential community. Ms. Hurchalla became Martin County’s first female 
commissioner in 1974, a liberal Democrat in a town of Republicans.

The commission adopted strict protections for wetlands and a four-story 
height limit for buildings. Growth happened anyway, but slowly and 
“sanely,” Ms. Hurchalla said, keeping the county green and preserving an 
Old Florida way of life.

In 1994, she lost re-election to an opponent largely bankrolled by 
developers. Ms. Hurchalla returned to activism. Even now, she says, “I 
spend too much time at the computer, trying to save the world.”

That is how she got in trouble with Lake Point, which in 2008 bought 
2,200 acres of former sugar cane fields in the western fringes of Martin 
County, near Lake Okeechobee.

Behind Lake Point was George Lindemann Jr., a billionaire real estate 
investor and heir to a cellphone and cable TV fortune. He served prison 
time after being convicted in 1995 of paying a man $25,000 to 
electrocute his horse so Mr. Lindemann could collect a $250,000 
insurance payout.

Mr. Lindemann’s consortium wanted to mine for limestone and use the 
leftover pits to store lake water and clean its pollution, which would 
otherwise be flushed down the fragile St. Lucie Estuary, contributing to 
toxic algae blooms. The South Florida Water Management District and 
Martin County signed off on the project.

But a few years later, Lake Point partnered with another company to try 
to sell the water to the city of West Palm Beach, troubling Ms. 
Hurchalla and Martin County officials, who questioned whether the 
revised plan would really result in environmental benefits. (West Palm 
Beach ultimately did not buy Lake Point’s water.)

Ms. Hurchalla fired off emails to county commissioners encouraging them 
to get out of the 

[Marxism] Donald Trump Is Not Well - The Atlantic

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[Marxism] Union solidarity with the land occupation at Ihumatao

2019-09-09 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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