Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Evolution of Culture

2010-04-02 Thread CeJ
Languages (that is, communities of speakers who use a language or a form of
it in communication) in their current state of play (parole, collective
performance) have to balance competing but not negating, for want of a
better word, 'principles' of 'redundancy' and 'efficiency'. Without
redundancy, too much is lost in transmission (since the listener or reader
must 'perceive' a message by sampling it sufficiently and then re-encoding
it). Without 'efficiency' the message's producer (speaker, writer) can be
cognitively over-strained and/or the message's perceiver can be overwhelmed.
The term 'evolution' is popularly associated with an idea of driven
development towards some higher level or even end goal. That idea is not
supported in even the most reactionary branches of academic linguistics
since the influence of the structuralists from a 50-100 years ago.
Linguistic nationalists still drag it out--with notions that this or that
language is superior to another--we even see a disguised form of it in
arguments for 'global English' (which, as I am well aware, always runs smack
hard into issues of 'learnability').

I think the one post about evolutionary linguistics fits with the material
CB earlier posted about cultural evolution.

But you are right, CC, that such terms do not easily cross disciplines, and
more importantly, into the vernacular without much potential for misleading
or misunderstanding.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Evolution of Culture

2010-04-02 Thread Carrol Cox
This was a fascinating post, & I learned a lot from it.

But it seems to me the understandings of language and change it
describes could be expressed in other terms than the metaphor of
"evolution." Natural selection, applied to human history, including the
history of language, seems to caught up in false notions of "Progress"
as a comprehensive theory of histoy.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Evolution of Culture

2010-04-02 Thread CeJ

Natural selection as we speak

Final devoicing has evolved many times in the history of the world's
languages. Sounds, like biological organisms, show convergent
evolution. Image: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Click here for a high resolution photograph.

The forces of variation and selection which shape human language have
become issues of extensive research. Documentation of sounds and sound
patterns, and their evolution over the past 7000-8000 years allows
linguists to quantify the important role of human perception,
articulation and imperfect learning as language is passed from one
generation to the next. At this year's AAAS conference in Washington,
DC, Juliette Blevins, senior scientist at the Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, presents a new approach to the
problem of how genetically unrelated languages across the world often
show similar sound patterns, without invoking innate mechanisms
specific to grammar. Languages as far apart as Native American,
Australian Aboriginal, Austronesian and Indo-European show similar
patterns of vowel and consonant inventory and distribution, but
exceptions to sound patterns regarded as universal show that these
similarities are best viewed as the result of convergent evolution.

A new model of sound change shows that evolutionary principles can
account for striking phonetic similarities across unrelated languages,
as well as the rarity of certain sounds. German and Russian are not
the only languages in the world where sounds like b, d, and g lose
their characteristic vocal fold 'buzz' at the end of the word. Dozens
of unrelated languages, from Afar on the sands of Ethiopia, to Ingush
in the northern Caucasus have similar sound patterns.

Clicks as speech sounds have likely evolved only once in human
history, and have spread through contact. There is no natural phonetic
pathway from non-click to click sounds, explaining their rarity.
Image: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Click here for a high resolution photograph.

Why are these patterns found in unrelated languages? Why do languages
favour silent p t k sounds over noisy b d g sounds at the end of the
word? And why are these sounds common, while clicks have arisen only
once in human history? Dr. Juliette Blevins, Senior Scientist at the
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, provides
answers to these and many other phonological puzzles in a symposium on
Evolutionary Phonology at the 2005 AAAS Annual Meeting, in Washington,

Building on the work of a 16th century Chinese scholar, the famous
19th century Junggrammatiker of Leipzig, and Darwin, of course,
Blevins shows that parallel evolution is the primary source of shared
sound patterns. As language is naturally transmitted from one
generation to the next, human perception and articulation makes
certain kinds of sound change (like the shift of final b d g to p t k)
more frequent than others. At the same time, people are very unlikely
to mispronounce or mishear a simple consonant as a click-sound,
providing few opportunities for clicks to evolve naturally.

The implications of this work go far beyond our understanding of
vowels, consonants, buzzes and clicks. By showing how universal
tendencies in sound structure emerge from phonetically motivated sound
change, Evolutionary Phonology undermines a central tenet of modern
Chomskyan linguistics: that Universal Grammar, an innate human
cognitive capacity, plays a dominant role in shaping grammars. Blevins
argues that humans learn sound patterns on the basis of their exposure
to hundreds of thousands of examples of them in the first years of
life. Where universal tendencies exist, they are emergent properties
of language as a self-organizing system.

Other participants in the AAAS symposium on Evolutionary Phonology are
Prof. Terrence Deacon (University of California, Berkeley), Prof.
Janet Pierrehumbert (Northwestern University), and Prof Andrew Wedel
(University of Arizona, Tucson).

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