[MDaemon-L] Email Muncul dan terdownload Kembali

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
 Apakah mungkin email yang sudah terdelete melalui webmail muncul lagi ?


 Karena saya mendapatkan informasi dari user dimana ketika ada problem
 wifi dan kemudian wifi nya UP lagi, tiba2 email yang sudah terdelete
 melalui webmail, muncul kembali di inbox. 

Kemungkinan instruksi (command) delete dari webmail tidak terkirim dengan
ke server karena keburu koneksi wifi putus.
 Dan satu lagi, ada kasus yang mirip, dimana ada user lain dengan
 setting mail client (ms outlook) “leave message at server”, ketika
 internet putus dan kemudian up lagi, semua email yang sudah terdownload
 di inbox terdownload ulang.

Outlook memang baru update file UIDL (file yang mencatat message mana saja
yang pernah 
di download) setelah transaksi pop3 selesai.
Kalau transaksi POP3 tidak selesai (karena koneksi internet terputus),
maka UIDL file tidak terupdate sehingga mail yang tadi sempat terdownload
akan di download ulang.

Syafril Hermansyah

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Update PTR Record

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Krissanto Julianto
Dear Pak Syafril,

Mohon bantuannya untuk melakukan update PTR terhadap domain berikut

Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] Session 916321; child 0007
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 220 mail.victoriabank.co.id ESMTP 
MDaemon 13.6.1; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 15:19:34 +0700
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- EHLO ex2013.bosowa.co.id
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-mail.victoriabank.co.id Hello 
ex2013.bosowa.co.id, pleased to meet you
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-ETRN
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-8BITMIME
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-STARTTLS
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250 SIZE
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- STARTTLS
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 220 Begin TLS negotiation
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0, 1024 
bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- EHLO ex2013.bosowa.co.id
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-mail.victoriabank.co.id Hello 
ex2013.bosowa.co.id, pleased to meet you
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-ETRN
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250-8BITMIME
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 250 SIZE
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- MAIL 
FROM:endang.rahmawij...@bosowa.co.id SIZE=18205
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] Performing PTR lookup 
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] *  Error: *  Name server reports domain 
name unknown
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] *  MDaemon configured to drop connection 
when domain name unknown
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321]  End PTR results
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- 501 Connecting IP must have valid PTR 
record for
Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Email Muncul dan terdownload Kembali

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
 Apakah mungkin email yang sudah terdelete melalui webmail muncul lagi ?


 Karena saya mendapatkan informasi dari user dimana ketika ada problem
 wifi dan kemudian wifi nya UP lagi, tiba2 email yang sudah terdelete
 melalui webmail, muncul kembali di inbox. 

Kemungkinan instruksi (command) delete dari webmail tidak terkirim dengan baik 
ke server karena keburu koneksi wifi putus.
 Dan satu lagi, ada kasus yang mirip, dimana ada user lain dengan
 setting mail client (ms outlook) “leave message at server”, ketika
 internet putus dan kemudian up lagi, semua email yang sudah terdownload
 di inbox terdownload ulang.

Outlook memang baru update file UIDL (file yang mencatat message mana saja yang 
di download) setelah transaksi pop3 selesai.
Kalau transaksi POP3 tidak selesai (karena koneksi internet terputus), maka 
UIDL file tidak terupdate sehingga mail yang tadi sempat terdownload akan di 
download ulang.

Syafril Hermansyah

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Update PTR Record

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah

 Mohon bantuannya untuk melakukan update PTR terhadap domain berikut :
 Wed 2014-02-19 07:25:22: [882506] Session 882506; child 0002
 Wed 2014-02-19 07:25:22: [882506] Accepting SMTP connection from 
 [] to []
 Wed 2014-02-19 07:25:22: [882506] -- 220 mail.victoriabank.co.id ESMTP
 MDaemon 13.6.1; Wed, 19 Feb 2014 07:25:22 +0700
 Wed 2014-02-19 07:25:22: [882506] -- EHLO mtggsd03.martha-tilaar.com

Sudah diupdate ke 


Syafril Hermansyah

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] User tidak bisa menerima dan mengirim Email

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On February 19, 2014 11:26:56 AM GMT+07:00, Andri - MIS m...@bakrietower.com 

Mohon bantuannya untuk menganalisa log smpt-out kami berikut ini. User
belum bisa menerima atau mengirim email ke alamat tersebut padahal
complete. sebelumnya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:27: [100844:2] -- RCPT

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:28: [100844:2] -- 250 Accepted

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:28: [100844:2] -- RCPT

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:28: [100844:2] -- 250 Accepted

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:28: [100844:2] -- DATA

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:28: [100844:2] Transfer Complete

Wed 2014-02-19 10:03:28: [100844:2] -- 250 OK id=1WFwv3-0005OU-MU

Apakah kedua recipient mengatakan tidak terima?
Minta mereka periksa melalui webmail, periksa spam folder mungkin tersangkut 

Syafril Hermansyah

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse any typo and my brevity.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Update PTR Record

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2014-02-19 15:38, Krissanto Julianto wrote:
 Mohon bantuannya untuk melakukan update PTR terhadap domain berikut
 Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] Accepting SMTP connection from
 [] to []

 Wed 2014-02-19 15:19:34: [916321] -- EHLO ex2013.bosowa.co.id

Sudah diupdate ke


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 14.0 Beta B SecurityPlus 4.1.5
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] User tidak bisa menerima dan mengirim Email

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Andri - MIS
On February 19, 2014 3:55:56 PM, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

 Apakah kedua recipient mengatakan tidak terima?

Benar pak, keduanya tidak menerima

 Minta mereka periksa melalui webmail, periksa spam folder mungkin tersangkut 

Sudah saya periksa melalui webmail, tidak ada pak.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] User tidak bisa menerima dan mengirim Email

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2014-02-19 16:59, Andri - MIS wrote:
 Minta mereka periksa melalui webmail, periksa spam folder mungkin tersangkut 
 Sudah saya periksa melalui webmail, tidak ada pak.

Anda diperbolehkan memeriksa webmail domain @mirbrokers.com untuk akun
penerima itu?
Kalau memang diperbolehkan dan tidak ketemu di spam folder maka minta
mereka menghubungi pengelola mail hosternya (cohosting.mx.cbn.net.id).

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 14.0 Beta B SecurityPlus 4.1.5
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] User tidak bisa menerima dan mengirim Email

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Andri - MIS
On 2014-02-19 5:08 PM, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:
 Minta mereka periksa melalui webmail, periksa spam folder mungkin 
 tersangkut disitu.
 Sudah saya periksa melalui webmail, tidak ada pak.

 Anda diperbolehkan memeriksa webmail domain @mirbrokers.com untuk akun
 penerima itu? 

Oh... saya kira webmail pada user saya, maaf pak salah pengertian. Baik pak 

 Kalau memang diperbolehkan dan tidak ketemu di spam folder maka minta
 mereka menghubungi pengelola mail hosternya (cohosting.mx.cbn.net.id).

Baik pak, terima kasih atas arahannya. Berarti seharusnya dari user 
@mirbrokres.com nya seharusnya dapat diterima yah pak?

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] User tidak bisa menerima dan mengirim Email

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2014-02-19 17:23, Andri - MIS wrote:
 Berarti seharusnya dari user @mirbrokres.com nya seharusnya dapat diterima 
 yah pak?

Ya, tugas MDaemon Anda sudah selesai dengan mengirimkan mail ke receiver
domain mirbrokres.com.
Menjadi tugas receiver untuk meneruskannya ke mailbox user.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 14.0 Beta B SecurityPlus 4.1.5
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Receive email

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Benny Kurniawan C
Dear Pak Syafril,
Kami ada masalah untuk beberapa users kami kadang2 ada beberapa email yg tidak 
dpt diterima di msOutlook nya baik dari luar atau internal.
Tapi kalau dicek di webmail email tersebut ada.
Email users kami menggunakan Ms Outlook 2010 dan 2007 dengan POP3 dan email 
kami setup leave on server beberapa hari.
Mohon advice kira2 masalahnya apa ya?
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 13.6.2, SP 4.1.5, BES 2.0.2, OC 2.3.3, SG 2.1.2, PP 2.0.1

[MDaemon-L] masuk Spam Gmail

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Ivan Leonardo
Pak ada 1 user saya kalau kirim email masuk ke SPAM folder di gmail tapi
kalau user saya coba kirim ke alamat gmail yg sama dengan subject yg
sama tidak masuk spam, kenapa bisa begitu ya ? kedua email dengan domain
yg sama pttdp.com, berikut lognya

Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Session 307767; child 0001
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Parsing message
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  From: her...@pttdp.com
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  To: ivanleo...@gmail.com
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  Subject: test
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  Size (bytes): 37454
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  Message-ID: 53057087.4020...@pttdp.com
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Attempting SMTP connection to [gmail.com]
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Resolving MX records for [gmail.com] (DNS
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  P=005 S=000 D=gmail.com TTL=(55)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  P=010 S=003 D=gmail.com TTL=(55)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  P=020 S=004 D=gmail.com TTL=(55)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  P=030 S=002 D=gmail.com TTL=(55)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  P=040 S=001 D=gmail.com TTL=(55)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Resolving A record for
[gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com] (DNS Server:
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  D=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(1)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Attempting SMTP connection to []
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: *  Connection established (
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: Waiting for protocol to start...
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: -- 220 mx.google.com ESMTP xn1si1566792pbc.158
- gsmtp
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:45: -- EHLO webmail.pttdp.com
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-mx.google.com at your service,
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-SIZE 35882577
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250 CHUNKING
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- STARTTLS
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0, 2048 bit
key exchange, 128 bit RC4 encryption)
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- EHLO webmail.pttdp.com
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-mx.google.com at your service,
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-SIZE 35882577
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- 250 CHUNKING
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:46: -- MAIL From:her...@pttdp.com SIZE=37454
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:47: -- 250 2.1.0 OK xn1si1566792pbc.158 - gsmtp
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:47: -- RCPT To:ivanleo...@gmail.com
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:47: -- 250 2.1.5 OK xn1si1566792pbc.158 - gsmtp
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:47: -- DATA
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:47: -- 354  Go ahead xn1si1566792pbc.158 - gsmtp
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:47: Sending
c:\mdaemon\queues\remote\pd35000136937.msg to []
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:49: Transfer Complete
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:49: -- 250 2.0.0 OK 1392865468 xn1si1566792pbc.158
- gsmtp
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:49: -- QUIT
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:49: -- 221 2.0.0 closing connection
xn1si1566792pbc.158 - gsmtp
Thu 2014-02-20 10:04:49: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out: 585/37977)

Important Notice: This information transmitted (including any attachments)
is intended only for the use of the named addressee, and
may contain material/information that is private, confidential and/or
legally privileged. Any retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
taking of any action in reliance upon, this material/information
by anyone other than the named addressee is prohibited. If you received
this in error, please immediately notify the sender at the address and
telephone/telefax number or e-mail address set forth herein, delete the
material/information from any computer and data carrier and destroy any copies 
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that may have been made of this material/information.

Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. Although this e-mail
and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other
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PT. TIGAKA DISTRINDO PERKASA is not liable for any
loss or damage arising in any way from receipt, use or delay of this e-
mail and any attachments, nor for improper or incomplete transmission
of the information contained therein.



[MDaemon-L] Update PTR Record

2014-02-19 Terurut Topik Krissanto Julianto
Selamat siang Pak Syafril,

Mohon bantuannya untuk melakukan update PTR terhadap domain berikut :

Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] Session 937897; child 0006
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 220 mail.victoriabank.co.id ESMTP 
MDaemon 13.6.1; Thu, 20 Feb 2014 08:48:11 +0700
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- EHLO mail.dima.co.id
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 250-mail.victoriabank.co.id Hello 
mail.dima.co.id, pleased to meet you
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 250-ETRN
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- 250 SIZE
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] -- MAIL 
From:prvs=1128b2628c=monita.wij...@dima.co.id SIZE=7514
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] Performing PTR lookup 
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] *  D= TTL=(221) 
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:11: [937897] *  Gathering A records...
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:13: [937897] *  No A records found
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:13: [937897] *  MDaemon configured to drop connection 
on PTR record miss-match
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:13: [937897]  End PTR results
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:13: [937897] -- 501 Domain must resolve
Thu 2014-02-20 08:48:13: [937897] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 

Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] Session 938945; child 0006
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 220 mail.victoriabank.co.id ESMTP 
MDaemon 13.6.1; Thu, 20 Feb 2014 08:59:34 +0700
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- EHLO sjkh1whpem1.bdf.local
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 250-mail.victoriabank.co.id Hello 
sjkh1whpem1.bdf.local, pleased to meet you
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 250-ETRN
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- 250 SIZE
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] -- MAIL 
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:34: [938945] Performing PTR lookup 
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:35: [938945] *  Error: *  Name server reports domain 
name unknown
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:35: [938945] *  MDaemon configured to drop connection 
when domain name unknown
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:35: [938945]  End PTR results
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:35: [938945] -- 501 Connecting IP must have valid PTR 
record for
Thu 2014-02-20 08:59:35: [938945] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 

Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] Session 955873; child 0002
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] Accepting SMTP connection from 
[] to []
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 220 mail.victoriabank.co.id ESMTP 
MDaemon 13.6.1; Thu, 20 Feb 2014 12:21:24 +0700
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- EHLO grace.connectindo.com
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-mail.victoriabank.co.id Hello 
grace.connectindo.com, pleased to meet you
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-ETRN
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250 SIZE
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- STARTTLS
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 220 Begin TLS negotiation
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0, 1024 
bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- EHLO grace.connectindo.com
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-mail.victoriabank.co.id Hello 
grace.connectindo.com, pleased to meet you
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-ETRN
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 250 SIZE
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- MAIL FROM:h...@ptkas.com SIZE=28665
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] Performing PTR lookup 
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] *  D= TTL=(359) 
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] *  Gathering A records...
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] *  No A records found
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] *  MDaemon configured to drop connection 
on PTR record miss-match
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873]  End PTR results
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] -- 501 Domain must resolve
Thu 2014-02-20 12:21:24: [955873] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon