Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 / externals?

2002-05-21 Thread Yennie

The million dollar question for me... how do I use externals with the new 
release? My 2.4.2 stacks with CODE resources all crash immediately when 
launched. Do I need to somehow add externals to the bundle? Do I compile a 
UNIX-style external with ProjectBuilder- if so, will that work if I link 
against Carbon libs?

Best Regards,
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 alpha 1 release

2002-05-21 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 7:27 PM -0600 5/19/02, Scott Raney wrote:
The major feature implemented in this release is that the Carbon
engine for OS X is now a Mach-O format executable

You rock the world, Scott. Seriously.

I assume this means that you can no longer run a Carbon executable on a non-OS X 
system (i.e. OS 9 or 8.6), correct? 


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Applescript and MacOS 8.1

2002-05-21 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab

Anyone know if

send tAddress to program Finder with GURLGURL


  put tell application   quote  Finderquote to open file 
quotefilePath quote  into tScript
   send tScript to program Finder with sysodsct

will work with Mac OS 8.1? I have a user that can't do either of 
these, though Applescript is enabled. Both were supported in 
Applescript v1, so is this probably just a bum installation of 



Mark Luetzelschwab
Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts
metacard mailing list


2002-05-21 Thread MMessieh

can you play asx audio files found on the net with Metacard?
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 alpha 1 release

2002-05-21 Thread Signe Marie Sanne

The first public alpha test of MetaCard 2.4.3 is now available in the

The download of MacOSPPC.sit contains mctools from 7 April which 
yields Warning:  tools stack version (2.4.2) does not match the 
engine (2.4.3A1).

1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Romansk Institutttel:  +47 55 58 21 27
Oysteins gt. 1   
5007 Bergen

metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 / externals?

2002-05-21 Thread Yennie

Sorry if this comes through twice, it looks like it was lost...

The million dollar question for me... how do I use externals with the new 
release? My 2.4.2 stacks with CODE resources all crash immediately when 
launched. Do I need to somehow add externals to the bundle? Do I compile a 
UNIX-style external with ProjectBuilder- if so, will that work if I link 
against Carbon libs?

Best Regards,
metacard mailing list

GGI works and then doesn't work--global replace (Sivakatirswami)

2002-05-21 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

| Today's Topics:
|1. GGI works and then doesn't work--global replace (Sivakatirswami)


This doesn't solve the problem but may give you a clue?  As you know,
the premature end of headers message from apache occurs when the cgi
script returns something that is not html.

In your program it appears that the only way this could happen is if
you got a fatal error prior to getting down to the lines of code that
put the content type, etc.  So my first suggestion is - put that stuff
at the very beginning of your program then you might have a chance to
see what is happening  (ah, maybe depending on if when the mc
interpreter fails it sends to standard out or standard error, and if
stderr it would be picked up by apache, not sure.)

Of course, if you only had a SHELL account then you could simply trap
the raw input from the get into a file, then test by piping that input
directly into your script and see what error message you are getting
back and then track it down that way.  Oh well.  I suppose there are
tedious ways around it using SSI.

Anyway, I would ask myself the question - how could a fatal error
possibly occur?  Such as, what if variable y is empty?  or .. etc.
It is always a good practice, IMHO, to initialize variables even
though MC doesn't require it.

Also, I have some shell script code at home that would probably do
your directory walk a lot faster, I'll dig it up and send it later.

Aum Aum

| --__--__--
| Message: 1
| Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 08:04:36 -1000
| Subject: GGI works and then doesn't work--global replace
| From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| To: Metacard List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| There's a mystery with the following CGI running on a SPARC-Solaris -- two
| questions.
| FYI The intent is to have a global search and replace function for strings
| in HTML files.
| 1-Mystery... I ran this script using GET and about 3 minutes later, after
| processing  792 files it returned Done. and a manual check of files showed
| that it had succeeded in processing the file.
|   Then, a few minutes later I changed the text in the string to be replaced
| and, inexplicably, the server returns a configuration error and the error
| log indicates premature end of script headers which I know to be a generic
| error message that tells one very little about what actually went wrong.
| Any one have any ideas why it could work the first time and fail the next
| time? 
| 2) This script is a little slower than expected running on such a powerful
| CPU... though perhaps my expectations are too high... but, is there a better
| strategy, perhaps issuing shell command to get UNIX to do the work?  Just
| the directory walk itself to get a file list was fairly time consuming.
| #!/export/[snip]/www/public_html/cgi-bin/mc
| global gHierList,gMainFolder
| on startup
| set the directory to ../ ## gets us up and out of /cgi-bin/
| put the directory into gMainFolder
|   directoryWalk gMainFolder
| repeat for each line y in gHierList
| ## following line does the work.
| Replace copyright (C) 2001 Himalayan Academy with \
|  copyright (C) 2002 Himalayan Academy in URL (file:y)
| end repeat 
| put done into buffer
| put Content-Type: text/plain  cr
| put Content-Length:  the length of buffer  cr  cr
| put buffer
| end startUp
| on directoryWalk whatFolder
|   set the itemDel to /
|   set the directory to whatFolder
|   put the files into temp
| filter temp with *.html
|   add the number of lines of temp to tCount
|   sort temp
|   repeat for each line x in temp
| put whatFolder  /  x  cr after gHierList
|   end repeat
|   put the folders into tDirList
|   sort tDirList
| delete line 1 of tDirList
|   repeat for each line x in tDirList
| if (x = ..  or x = webmaster) then next repeat
|directoryWalk (whatFolder  /  x)
| end repeat
| --__--__--
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 / externals?

2002-05-21 Thread Scott Raney

On Mon, 20 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The million dollar question for me... how do I use externals with the new 
 release? My 2.4.2 stacks with CODE resources all crash immediately when 
 launched. Do I need to somehow add externals to the bundle? Do I compile a 
 UNIX-style external with ProjectBuilder- if so, will that work if I link 
 against Carbon libs?

Unfortunately there is no practical way to support access to CODE
resources from Mach-O executables (the Mach-O to CFM bridge only works
one direction), so you will have to recompile your externals.  And the
new dynamic loading stuff isn't finished yet, so you'll also have to
wait a bit longer.  The new external system will work more like it
does on Win32, where the externals are specified by name in a stack
property rather than loading automatically from the resource fork of a
stack like it does on MacOS.

 Best Regards,

MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 / externals?

2002-05-21 Thread Yennie

 Unfortunately there is no practical way to support access to CODE
resources from Mach-O executables (the Mach-O to CFM bridge only works
one direction), so you will have to recompile your externals.  

I can live with this- just a recompile away. I simply didn't want to start 
trying until I knew it was even supported. So, I'll stick with 2.4.2 until 
2.4.3 implements externals. Just make sure to note this in the README when 
it's back of course =).


metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 alpha 1 release

2002-05-21 Thread rmaclemale

Wow, wow, and wow.  THIS is huge.  Scott Raney rules.  MetaCard is now a 
very, very serious OS X development tool.  This will enable me to make 
lots of money... err, I mean, cool programs!  This announcement made my 
whole week.  Awesome!  Now I'll be dreaming shell scripts and metatalk 

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list