Re: Player messages

2003-12-04 Thread Jack Rarick
I've used the playPaused handler as a part of the player script.  It 
works pretty well - wanted to use playStopped but it never worked.

Hope this helps!

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems
On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 08:41 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I am playing a series of QT sound-only movies by changing the filename 
of a player. A playstopped handler is supposed to trigger when the 
player is done and then loads the next sound file.

I am not getting a playstopped message if the stack containing the 
player is frontmost. As soon as I click on the message box or the 
script editor or otherwise suspend the stack, the playstopped is 
immediately sent and the next sound loads and plays. I have checked to 
make sure that messages are not locked.

I tried running the stack in Revolution and it works fine in the IDE; 
I do get a playstopped message there. However if I suspend the IDE or 
build a standalone, I no longer get the playstopped message and it 
acts just as it does in MC. Can anyone think of anything that would 
cause this?

Below is a simple script that reproduces the problem on my machine. If 
someone can verify it I will post a bug report. I'm testing in OS X 
but I would like to know if the same thing happens in Windows. You'll 
need a stack with a player set to an audio file; type playloop into 
the message box to kick it off. Then try clicking on both the stack 
and the message box as the sound plays. If the message box is 
frontmost, it loops. If the stack is frontmost, it doesn't.

on playLoop
  global gPlay
  if the shiftkey is down then -- stop loop
put false into gPlay
put true into gPlay
start player 1
  end if
end playLoop
on playStopped
  global gPlay
  if gPlay = true then playLoop
end playStopped
I also tried setting a callback message at the duration of the player, 
but that doesn't get called either. It is like the player is in limbo 
when the sounds ends if the stack is frontmost. Am I overlooking 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2003-02-03 Thread Jack Rarick

Are you working in OS 10, OS 9 or Windows? When you talk about text editing
- do you mean adding text to a quicktime movie? Or just text in a
mirrored presentation?

On our web site - - you will find demo's of two
different programs.  One is for football coaches, the other for any coach.
They are both for the Mac. We are releasing a PC version for football this
week. (As soon as our web site has a make-over!) Anyway, to demo either
program you need to download one of the programs and then drop in a
Quicktime file with a .mov added to the filename or an iMovie project
with a .dv added to the folder name. Add this media right to the CVA or
VEC folder.

Let me know if this helps.  I haven't used RR much.  I am programing
strictly in MC.  However, the new RR - which is supposed to be out soon -
has built in hooks to capturing video.  So ... we might move over to RR.

Let me know if we can help in some other way,

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

At 09:48 AM 2/1/03 -0500, you wrote:

I'm a multimedia developer with a serious case of Director antipathy. 
I'm considering Revolution for a project and I'd like to include a text 
editing function. I read in a post from last July that you had a stack 
with simple editing functions. If you could contact me or send me that 
stack I'd appreciate it. I'm also interested in finding out what people 
are doing with Rev, how it stacks up (no pun intended ;-] against 
Director and whatever other x-platform tools there are. Any thoughts 


Bradley S. Borch

Activa Digital Media Design
5 Pine Point Road
Hope, Maine 04847


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Hiding another process in Mac OS 9 and 10

2002-01-15 Thread Jack Rarick

I have written a Metacard app that at some point needs to launch an
Applescript app that uses QuickTime Pro to convert some digital and analog
video to other formats.  Question:  Does anyone know of a way to keep the
Applescript app working in the background so that it cannot be seen?
(Actually, so the QT player can't be seen.) I don't have any problem
figuring out when it is done working and when the Metacard script should
continue .. I just don't want the user to see screens flying around etc.

Thanks in advance,
Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

metacard mailing list

Memory Problems

2001-12-13 Thread Jack Rarick

Using several different Mac's - all running Sys 9.1.  Using put
URL(Binfile .. etc to copy large files (20 to 70 meg is size).  Using a
repeat loop to copy sets of up to 20 of these files. Works fine (1 or 2
file copies) and then hangs - throwing the error Low memory.  All of
these Mac's have at least 128 meg of RAM and the memory on Metacard has
been set all the way from 20 meg to 65 meg - Same results.

Any ideas or workarounds?

Thanks in advance,

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

metacard mailing list

OS X for Macintosh

2001-11-01 Thread Jack Rarick

Could anyone briefly explain to the list where we are in terms of
developing standalones for OS X?  I have a few in the Classic envirnoment
without a hitch - but would prefer to have a native app. Did I use the
correct terms?

Thanks in advance!

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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Re: more quicktime problems

2001-09-18 Thread Jack Rarick

Jeffrey H. Reynolds, Ph.D. writes:

Im having problems with the quicktime player in 2.3. Ive got some higher 
bandwidth movies that are 30fps, sorenson compressed and therefore need 
to play the movies in a player with always buffer false to get the full 
framerate played (thanks Geoff, thought i had tried that). 

I don't think I am about to use the technical jargon but I'll give it to
you the way it works for me.  The player needs to be a single object and
not part of a group.  I had a lot of problems when I grouped the player
with any other button, scroll bar, etc.  When the movie player sits there
all by its lonesome, it will not flash when stopping it or clicking on any
other button or group.

Hope this helps ...

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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Novell Login

2001-09-14 Thread Jack Rarick

Hi all ...

I was possibly dreaming at some point in the last few months but I swear I
read some mail about being able to determine the Novell login of the
current user.  Does anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: Big Blunder, Help!

2001-08-23 Thread Jack Rarick

At 11:15 PM 8/23/01 +0900, you wrote:
There is a single database file accessed by a small Macintosh ethernet
LAN.  The file is kept on the server's shared folder
and a few other computers access it occasionally and make changes.  When
it was in hypercard, if it was currently being used,
then when one of the other computers tried to access it, it got a this
file is busy report and they could not access it
until after the other person was done.  This kept things nice and kosher.
However, after I converted it to Metacard, it no
longer reports this, and I get simultaneous changes from multiple
computers, some of which do not get saved.  This is a big
problem.  Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.


My easiest solution is to use a text file as a flag.  When your client app
starts up it first checks to see if the text file (which resides on your
server's shared folder) contains the words In Use - or Whoa or
something. If it does, the app eithers waits a short time or gives the user
a choice before trying again.

If the text file reads Go! then immediately continue starting your client
app and write In Use to your text file.  Do your DB work and when
quitting, write Go! to the text file.

This works for me in a cross platfrom environment as well.

Good Luck
Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Record Video

2001-05-31 Thread Jack Rarick

As I've begun to see references to record sound - is there any chance we
will begin to think about record video?  Just hoping.  I can launch an
app inside of MC that will input the video - but it would be much nicer if
MC had it's own recorder.

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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Re: MetaCard 2.4A2 libURL

2001-04-25 Thread Jack Rarick

Are there any problems posed when creating a standalone with the features
found in LibURL?

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: QT audio problem

2001-01-25 Thread Jack Rarick

Are you using "Idle" statements while it runs?

At 10:51 PM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:
Remind me again -- what would cause an aiff file played via a QT player
object to stutter or stop playing? I can't reproduce the problem on my
G4, but a client says on his Mac 7300 the audio stutters, and on his G3
powerbook it plays for a few seconds and then stops entirely. The same
files, played from the same CD, play fine in HyperCard on both machines
using the Movie XCMD.

He has plenty of RAM on both machines and the CD-ROM drives appear to be
fast enough, at least for HyperCard. The files play okay in QT Player
too, but I know that isn't a fair test since Player takes over most of
the system resources.

Stuttering and stopping problems are not consistent. A file will play
okay two out of three times, and then stall. The length of the audio
files doesn't matter; short files are just as apt to error as long ones.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | 612-724-1596
Custom hypermedia solutions|

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Re: QT audio problem

2001-01-25 Thread Jack Rarick

At 09:55 AM 1/25/01 -0600, you wrote:
Jack Rarick wrote:
 Are you using "Idle" statements while it runs?

No, there aren't any idle handlers.

Okay - are you running the app from a CD - or is it resident on the HD?
How much memory have you allocated to the app? or to Metacard if NOT
running as a standalone?  I am using multiple movies and adding music and
get barely a hiccup when one stops and the other starts - while several
different videos are playing in succession.  I've set my memory on my
standalones to 15000.  Are you playing video at the same time?  and if you
are, what is the rect of the video? This really sounds like a
processor/memory issue.  Check and make sure the buffer of the player is
NOT set to alwaysbuffer.  That's a pain!

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: ANSWER FILE command

2001-01-17 Thread Jack Rarick

Gregory Lypny wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

  When I use the "answer file" command as below, clicking "Cancel"
 does not cause an exit out of the handler.  What am I doing wrong?

   answer file  "Show me the file."
 if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp



Canceling leaves "it" empty.  Try this:

Answer file "Show me the file:"
if it = "" then exit mouseup

Good luck,

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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Re: QuickTime movie layering

2001-01-12 Thread Jack Rarick

At 12:49 PM 1/12/01 -0500, Robert Beichner wrote:
Are there any QuickTime wizards out there?

I'm not a wizard ... but I'm spending a lot of time with it!

I'm trying to put a small graphic object on top of a quicktime movie. The
basic idea is that a person clicks on the movie and a marker appears at the
spot where they clicked. I can grab the mouseUp on the movie and place the
graphic in the correct position, but the movie refreshes itself
instantaneously and covers the graphic.

Set the alwaysBuffer of the player to True.  It has been my experience so
far that this really degrades performance 

On a related note, I don't suppose there is a direct way to determine which
frame number of the movie happens to be showing? 

The player is constantly pumping out the currenttime of the movie.  I have
placed this small script in the player ("yourPlayerName") and created a
field called "currentTime"

on currentTimeChanged
put (the currenttime of player "yourPlayerName"/600 into field "currentTime"
end currentTimeChanged

This will give you a running clock.  I divided this number by 600 to get
the exact time in secs.  

I hope this helps.

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.


2000-12-15 Thread Jack Rarick

Any idea on what it would take to port a MC standalone to a Palm device.  I
was thinking about the implications of using one with a MC stack to help
users solve problems in the field, collect data etc.  New implications
abound with the ability to use streaming video.

Any ideas?

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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Layering a field over a Movie Player

2000-12-11 Thread Jack

Is it possible to apply a text field over a player object - in order to
see the text? This would be like credits or titles in a movie or video.
Once they are layered over the top - it will be easy to apply many neat
effects.  Any ideas?

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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Writing to www address

2000-12-06 Thread Jack Rarick

I'm a fairly new MC user - but a fairly experienced programmer - but - I'm
missing something here - I hope.

It is very easy to READ data from a web address:
get url ""
put it into field "MyField"

That works very well - super in fact.

Now - is it possible to write a similar text field back to the same
directory on the web?  Appending to the document?  I don't need the server
to respond - I really just want it to provide "web storage".

Any help - or pointers - would be greatly appreciated.

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.