Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-04 Thread James Ebright
Yes, however, certain 5xx responses I do not see ANY reason for allowing a 
client to recover, for example, if the client was relaying through a 
blacklisted IP.. there is NOTHING the client can do to change that during the 
same conversation, thus it makes zero sense to allow it to recover or 
potentially blast data at your server... for those violations it makes sense 
to simply return the 5xx code and close the connection. Since the RFC uses 
the SHOULD phrase when describing how a server shoudl react to/after sending 
5xx codes, performing this action would still be RFC compliant and disallow 
any attempts to blast data from blacklisted IP blocks (whether access list or 
DNSRBL). Frankly, it just makes sense to handle it this way and may already 
be this way.. (I have not had a chance to look at the source yet).

I have seen a few hacks that do what you are describing and also as you 
mentioned.. you can do this on a broader bases with 8.13 out of the box and I 
think this would help when the 5xx was generated for some reason other than a 
bad IP block.

Regardless, I agree.. this should be handled long before any costly milters 
if at all possible.

Jim Ebright

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 08:35:16 -0600, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote
> Hm, wouldn't better idea be detecting this in Sendmail.  For example,
>  after sendmail sends 5xx response to DATA, if next command looks 
> like mail header, or if next 5 or 6 commands are invalid, start 
> inserting sleep(60) after every call to read(), and call read() with 
> really small buffer (say only 1k, or even smaller).  Only minimum 
> bandwith will be wasted, spammer would be significantly slowed down, 
> and you are still perfectly RFC compliant (there's nothing in RFC's 
> saying that you are not allowed to slow things down).  It shouldn't 
> be hard to patch Sendmail in this way.  Basically, this would be 
> generalization of already existing Sendmail feature (slowing things 
> down if number of bad RCPT's is detected).  If tactic becomes 
> widespread, spammers might start actually looking for 5xx codes and 
> acting accordingly.
> -- 
> Aleksandar Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Pollard Banknote Limited
> Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
> Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
> ___
> Visit and
> MIMEDefang mailing list

-- Webmail Client

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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-04 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Paul Murphy wrote:
You are correct - Sendmail doesn't log them by default. If you get a null
connection, that gets logged.  If the sender is refused by check_rcpt, that gets
logged.  But invalid commands, including those generated after a sender ignores
a 5xx error and carries on through the DATA phase, aren't logged at all.
Hm, wouldn't better idea be detecting this in Sendmail.  For example, 
after sendmail sends 5xx response to DATA, if next command looks like 
mail header, or if next 5 or 6 commands are invalid, start inserting 
sleep(60) after every call to read(), and call read() with really small 
buffer (say only 1k, or even smaller).  Only minimum bandwith will be 
wasted, spammer would be significantly slowed down, and you are still 
perfectly RFC compliant (there's nothing in RFC's saying that you are 
not allowed to slow things down).  It shouldn't be hard to patch 
Sendmail in this way.  Basically, this would be generalization of 
already existing Sendmail feature (slowing things down if number of bad 
RCPT's is detected).  If tactic becomes widespread, spammers might start 
actually looking for 5xx codes and acting accordingly.

Aleksandar Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-04 Thread Paul Murphy

> Looking at my log files I do NOT see the issue which you describe where a 
> client continues to send data regardless of the commands returned. Of course 
> I am not sure how much, if any, of that would be logged. I suspect only the 
> initial connect and the quit would generate a log antry 

You are correct - Sendmail doesn't log them by default. If you get a null
connection, that gets logged.  If the sender is refused by check_rcpt, that gets
logged.  But invalid commands, including those generated after a sender ignores
a 5xx error and carries on through the DATA phase, aren't logged at all.

In theory, you would set the log level to 12 to get these, but that doesn't
appear to work as described in the documentation, unless of course only valid
commands are logged.  In any case, at this level every milter action is
included, so its pointless.  I could trawl through the source to find out what
level if any will log invalid commands, but it is so deep that the other logged
stuff will swamp the logs very quickly.

Instead, pick a persistent spammer who already gets kicked off by check_rcpt and
dump the raw packets whenever they connect on port 25.

If you still don't believe this happens, see any of the following:

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread James Ebright
The key word in that statement from RFC 2821 is SHOULD which has a very 
specific meaning in an RFC as defined in RFC 2119: 

3. SHOULD   This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there 
  may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a 
  particular item, but the full implications must be understood and 
  carefully weighed before choosing a different course. 

I certainly believe this situation qualifies and dropping a connection due to 
a "blast" would still keep you compliant. 

Looking at my log files I do NOT see the issue which you describe where a 
client continues to send data regardless of the commands returned. Of course 
I am not sure how much, if any, of that would be logged. I suspect only the 
initial connect and the quit would generate a log antry (along with any user 
unknowns generating entries as well) during the course of normal logging. 
Besides, what would it accomplish if the spammer ignored all return codes... 
they would NEVER be able to reliably send any mail. No, I am not claiming 
they (spammers) are "playing nice" but it to believe they are not capable 
programmers is to underestimate them.

We examine between 160-180k messages daily and run a small delay without 
seeing numerous children hanging around either, so I believe I can logically 
conclude either it is not happening often here or sendmail is actually 
closing the connection after a DNSRBL or Access list violation (I would have 
to look at sendmails source to be sure though), or the client is actually 
issuing a quit and trying again. This all happens well before 
milter/Mimedefang/SA are involved.

Also, it looks like I might try sending a 421 back from violations within my 
milters now instead of the 5xx as I see zero reason to allow client recovery 
based on a rule violation within my milter (depending on the particular 


On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 14:40:49 -, Paul Murphy wrote
> James,
> > I am not sure you understand how an SMTP conversaation takes 
> > place... it is my understanding that the client cannot 
> > "ignore" a 5xx response and continue blasting data... since 
> > the server will not talk to a client after sending a 5xx 
> > response and closes the connection. Thus after recieving 
> > a 5xx return code a client would have to start over, 
> > generating another 5xx... etc.
> I understand it very well, thanks.  It appears however that you don't.
> You are incorrect in saying that a client cannot ignore a 5xx 
> response.  Try it via Telnet and see what happens:
> .

-- Webmail Client

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Paul Murphy

> Probably not a good idea, since you don't know how big is remote network 
> block.  It might be something like /24, but it also might be something 
> like /29.  If you blindly assume it is /24, you'll get the spammer 
> blocked (maybe, it just might be that one of your users had .forward 
> file at remote site, and you can't know that either), but you will also 
> penalize everybody else.

My approach is to arbitrarily look across the last octet, work out the
distribution of the addresses which are sending spam, and then take action to
block any address within one standard deviation of the average octet value.
Whether the network is /24 or /29 doesn't matter, until two /29 blocks which are
in the same /24 both start sending me spam which triggers this check, in which
case, yes it is possible that someone in the middle gets burned.

As examples, here is one block which has been sending me spam:

All I can assume is that since all of these addresses are sending me the same
type of spam (recipient address in the subject, mainly consumer electronics or
casino related), they must be owned by the same people.  A check with WHOIS says
the whole range is owned by Vendare (VENDARE-EMAIL), but I can't assume they
haven't subnetted and sold on addresses in blocks.  However, I do know the
extent (16 - 63), and I can assume that they own all of the addresses in that
range.  However, if they owned 1-64, and someone else has 65-128, and I got a
spam from 66, I might assume that their range was 1-66, and accidentally block
someone else.

To counter this, I use the average +/- one SD, which in this particular case
gives a range from 27 to 56, so I block all known spammer addresses, and also
every address between 27 and 56.  If I add an entry for 66, the average changes
from 41.25 to 42.03, the SD from 14.18 to 14.60, and the range changes to be 27
to 57.

If I add a single spammer at, the results are dramatically
different - the range becomes 8 to 88, which is not good.  The reason is because
the average is based on an assumption that we have only one entry per IP
address, but of course it will be weighted based on the number received from
each address, so if the spammer range is showing up to 10 spam messages per
address, and the outlier is showing 1, this sort of skewing should not happen.  

Also, by keeping a spam/ham count for every IP address we see, it would be
possible to also check whether any predicted spammer addresses were in fact
known to us for sending legitimate mail.  This also allows for .forward files
from MSN, Yahoo, etc plus mailing lists which occasionally carry Spam - if we
receive 1000 legitimate e-mails and 5 spams, the total for this domain is -995
which would not trigger the IpTables block at +10. 

Storing this data in a database table with spam and ham counts per IP address
per day/week and then summing over the last week/month to get a current ham/spam
ratio per IP would be relatively simple.  Expiring old totals would be
necessary, but also simple.  Perhaps once per hour, the ratio would be
calculated for each IP, the IPTables list updated to reflect any changes, and a
notification sent to the administrator with a list of the changes made, and the
domain names of any systems now blocked.

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
Fax. 01223 433788

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Fernando Gleiser
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Joseph Brennan wrote:

> Outlook does that too.  You can end up with tens of thousands of
> connections a day trying to send the same couple of messages,
> never mind the 5xx responses.

There are also some broken MTAs which respond to a 4xx as if it were a
5xx and drop the message and send a bounce back.
Lotus Notes is one of such ofenders.

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Re: Forcing Sendmail to close connection (was Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?)

2004-11-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
David F. Skoll wrote:
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

This is because we have only "error" built-in mailer in Sendmail.  If we
had "disconnect" built-in mailer, things would probably be a bit different.

From reading the Sendmail source code, it looks like Sendmail 8.13.1
treats a 421 reply code from a milter "magically", and shuts down the
connection.  See line 3376 of sendmail/milter.c and line 848 of
sendmail/srvsmtp.c.  I do not believe this "feature" exists in Sendmail
It looks like some rule sets can also force the connection to be terminated
by returning 421.
Not treating it magically.  It treats it logically. ;-)
421 is used when server side of connection must close its end.  For 
example, if you send SIGTERM to Sendmail (or any other MTA), it *must* 
attempt to asynchroniously send 421 to all connected clients before it 
exits, in the hope that client will pick it up when it tries to issue 
next command.  Basically, it is a way to say client "Something is 
killing me, I wan't be able to finish this transaction, try again 
later".  Basically, after sending 421, there's no point in keeping the 
connection open anymore.

I've attempted to put this into access file on 8.12.x, and also to send 
it from MIMEDefang, and Sendmail doesn't close the connection.  So I 
guess it is something new in 8.13.x.

Also 4xx codes are temp failures, instructing client to try again 
later...  So there are some drawbacks in case of false positives.  For 
starters.  Legitimate senders will not be notified right away that teir 
mail hasn't made it (usually delay of around 5 days).  If filter becomes 
trigger happy, bunch of sites will constantly retry to deliver bunch of 
emails to you (which is good and bad, you can quicly fix the filter 
before anything is permanently rejected)...  I guess this works nicely 
with logic behind Can-It?

Aleksandar Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
Paul Murphy wrote:
I'd also be interested in implementing a block based on address range check, so
perhaps if more than 10 SPAM messages which scored over 10 were received from an
address block, then the known or estimated range of SPAM senders in that block
would be blacklisted using IPTables, with a daily review.
Probably not a good idea, since you don't know how big is remote network 
block.  It might be something like /24, but it also might be something 
like /29.  If you blindly assume it is /24, you'll get the spammer 
blocked (maybe, it just might be that one of your users had .forward 
file at remote site, and you can't know that either), but you will also 
penalize everybody else.

Plus, some mailing lists will happily forward spam from time to time, 
one popular example is Linux kernel mailing list...  And there are some 
criminally managed lists such as Bugtraq, that don't forward spam 
(probably because it is moderated), but do some other stuff that might 
trigger things here and there.  So you might just as likely end up 
blocking those, to delight of your users.

Aleksandar Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Forcing Sendmail to close connection (was Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?)

2004-11-03 Thread David F. Skoll
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

> This is because we have only "error" built-in mailer in Sendmail.  If we
> had "disconnect" built-in mailer, things would probably be a bit different.

>From reading the Sendmail source code, it looks like Sendmail 8.13.1
treats a 421 reply code from a milter "magically", and shuts down the
connection.  See line 3376 of sendmail/milter.c and line 848 of
sendmail/srvsmtp.c.  I do not believe this "feature" exists in Sendmail

It looks like some rule sets can also force the connection to be terminated
by returning 421.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
James Ebright wrote:
I am not sure you understand how an SMTP conversaation takes place... it is 
my understanding that the client cannot "ignore" a 5xx response and continue 
blasting data... since the server will not talk to a client after sending a 
5xx response and closes the connection. Thus after recieving a 5xx return 
code a client would have to start over, generating another 5xx... etc.
Client can ignore 5xx response from Sendmail.  For example, if you have 
" REJECT" in access file, and client ignores 5xx, conversation 
would look something like:

220 ESMTP Unauthorized access prohibited
ehlo Hello [], pleased to meet you
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
550 5.7.1 Access denied
Subject: buy something
550 5.7.1 Access denied
and so on, until spammer disconnects...  Try it out.  Sendmail will 
close network socket only when other side disconnects, sends QUIT, or in 
case of timeout.

This is because we have only "error" built-in mailer in Sendmail.  If we 
had "disconnect" built-in mailer, things would probably be a bit different.

Aleksandar Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator   1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276 Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7
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MIMEDefang mailing list

RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Paul Murphy

> I am not sure you understand how an SMTP conversaation takes 
> place... it is my understanding that the client cannot 
> "ignore" a 5xx response and continue blasting data... since 
> the server will not talk to a client after sending a 5xx 
> response and closes the connection. Thus after recieving 
> a 5xx return code a client would have to start over, 
> generating another 5xx... etc.

I understand it very well, thanks.  It appears however that you don't.

You are incorrect in saying that a client cannot ignore a 5xx response.  Try it
via Telnet and see what happens:

gate:~# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Ready ESMTP
250 Hello [FFF.GGG.HHH.III], pleased to meet
250 2.1.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender ok
550 5.0.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] We don't accept mail from spammers
503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)
Example data portion
500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "Example data portion"
500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "."
221 2.0.0 closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.

If you code the filter to issue a 5xx error at the MAIL FROM: stage, the effect
is very similar.  Spammers who stuff data down the pipe don't check the response
codes, so you have to accept each line of the message, parse it to see whether
it has a valid command, and then issue the 500/551 error.  Their aim is to
process several million messages quickly, and bandwidth is not generally a
concern (otherwise they'd take more care to clean up their lists to remove
addresses which are known to generate errors), so they don't implement much in
the way of error checking and recovery.  Yes, some will take the hint and go
away, but some don't, and some do but come back later.

To do what you suggest, the mail daemon would have to send the 5xx error, and
then send a TCP RST packet to the sender's port to effectively drop the
connection, but the RFC requires that it is possible to recover from a 5xx error
and to continue, since the server may have one address fail out of a batch of
20, or have 10 messages to deliver in one connection.  In any case, section 3.9
of RFC 2821 states:

"  SMTP clients that experience a connection close, reset, or other
   communications failure due to circumstances not under their control
   (in violation of the intent of this specification but sometimes
   unavoidable) SHOULD, to maintain the robustness of the mail system,
   treat the mail transaction as if a 451 response had been received and
   act accordingly."

Therefore, compliant systems will keep trying, and will keep being dropped, and
will keep using up your resources.  Refusing the connection before the SMTP
server sees the packet is the only way to resolve this issue.

Basically, in a world where some people refuse to play nicely, it is naïve to
run your systems as though everyone does - you already filter for viruses and
spam, so this is just a refinement.

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread James Ebright

No, I understand your point, it is just that by using IP tables to drop the 
connection _very_ few packets before sendmail (postfix, etc) would (if using 
your own DNSRBL, i.e. install the software and lock it down for your own use 
yourself...) you do not gain alot and loose RFC compliancy.

I am not sure you understand how an SMTP conversaation takes place... it is 
my understanding that the client cannot "ignore" a 5xx response and continue 
blasting data... since the server will not talk to a client after sending a 
5xx response and closes the connection. Thus after recieving a 5xx return 
code a client would have to start over, generating another 5xx... etc.

Dropping a connection at the firewall level (IP tables) would indeed save you 
a few bytes of connection data per request... but at the cost of true 
scalability across clusters and RFC compliancy.

If you are looking for a simpler approach than DNSRBL then perhaps you can 
use sendmails (postfix, etc) access list. If you are not delaying checks it 
would have the exact same benefit, and not involve one extra DNS lookup, just 
a hash table lookup, and still be fairly easy to maintain across multiple 

Ultimately.. I think the reason you are seeing the data come in before your 
server finaly sends a 5xx reject is the way your filters/milter are setup, if 
you used an access list or DNSRBL to send the reject earlier you would not 
incur the data phase hit at all. A simple test of this would be to hardcode a 
pattern match for one of them in filter_sender and enable that filter in 
mimedefang and see if  your mail server now drops the connection earlier, 
before the data phase... but.. I still think dropping before you even get to 
a costly milter would be best (access list, DNSRBL, etc).

James Ebright

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 10:51:51 -, Paul Murphy wrote
> James,
> > Seems to me this would be much better served implemented as a DNSRBL than 
> > iptables solution. By using your own DNSRBL, you would have a scalable, 
> > compliant solution that still drops the connection well before the "data" 
> > phase and before any mimedefang/SA processing, if you implement the 
> > inside your mail server software itself.
> You've missed my point - RBL lists have their place, but when the 
> sender is badly behaved, they add nothing to the solution.
> My scenario is a sender who keeps trying no matter how many times we 
> send a 5xx response code, and who in some cases uses a mailer which 
> stuffs the whole message down the connection before you even get a 
> chance to say hello.Even using a RBL, the bandwidth has been 
> used, and the system has incurred the load of handling the packets 
> and doing lookups.  The greeting delay feature introduced in the 
> latest Sendmail incarnation also doesn't help, as the greeting is 
> ignored and the Sendmail daemon still has to process the queued packets.
> At the IPTables level, Sendmail never sees the packets, and the very 
> limited processing is done by the kernel using optimised packet 
> matching and filtering routines.
> Best Wishes,
> Paul.
> __
> Paul Murphy
> Head of Informatics
> Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
> 418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA
> Tel. 01223 433741
> Fax. 01223 433788
> ___
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
> are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
> the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741
> ___

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Joseph Brennan

--On Tuesday, November 2, 2004 3:51 PM + Paul Murphy 

We're dealing with spammers who either ignore the 5xx response and
keep trying,

Outlook does that too.  You can end up with tens of thousands of
connections a day trying to send the same couple of messages,
never mind the 5xx responses.
Joseph Brennan
Academic Technologies Group, Academic Information Systems (AcIS)
Columbia University in the City of New York
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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-03 Thread Paul Murphy

> Seems to me this would be much better served implemented as a DNSRBL than a 
> iptables solution. By using your own DNSRBL, you would have a scalable, RFC 
> compliant solution that still drops the connection well before the "data" 
> phase and before any mimedefang/SA processing, if you implement the DNSRBL 
> inside your mail server software itself.

You've missed my point - RBL lists have their place, but when the sender is
badly behaved, they add nothing to the solution.

My scenario is a sender who keeps trying no matter how many times we send a 5xx
response code, and who in some cases uses a mailer which stuffs the whole
message down the connection before you even get a chance to say hello.Even
using a RBL, the bandwidth has been used, and the system has incurred the load
of handling the packets and doing lookups.  The greeting delay feature
introduced in the latest Sendmail incarnation also doesn't help, as the greeting
is ignored and the Sendmail daemon still has to process the queued packets.

At the IPTables level, Sendmail never sees the packets, and the very limited
processing is done by the kernel using optimised packet matching and filtering

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
Fax. 01223 433788

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread James Ebright
Seems to me this would be much better served implemented as a DNSRBL than a 
iptables solution. By using your own DNSRBL, you would have a scalable, RFC 
compliant solution that still drops the connection well before the "data" 
phase and before any mimedefang/SA processing, if you implement the DNSRBL 
inside your mail server software itself.

As for how you decide who ends up on your DNSRBL (or IPTables) list, well, as 
you say, that is your own policy, However, I would encourage you to implement 
some way to track how items get added and a way for a remote third party that 
may have been added to see if they are on your list, why they were added, and 
a way to request removal/whitelisting. 

Personally, nothing is added to our private "lists" here without a human 
eyeball confirming it and our systems have less than .01% false positive rate 
and block/reject/bounce/quaranteen several million messages a month.

Jim Ebright

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 14:49:22 -, Paul Murphy wrote
> Chris,
> > Watch out for mail services that forward e-mail to your 
> > users.  Think this:
> > A user has an MSN account that gets a lot of spam, and 
> > that user sets his MSN account to forward to his local 
> > mailbox.  Blam!  You no longer receive _any_ email from MSN.
> Accepted - that's why I'd only want to use this approach to target 
> and readily identifiable spammers.  By blocking using this technique,
>  you'd be accepting that any matching system would effectively cease 
> to exist as far as you are concerned.
> The problem I'm trying to address is where your system is flooded by 
> messages from addresses which belong to spammers, and despite 
> greylisting and MD/SA scoring it as 20+ and sending a 500/571 
> permanent error, they keep trying at the same rate.  At the moment,
>  it is an annoying background trickle, but I can see a tidal wave in 
> the distance because for every site which does sensible blocking,
>  there are 100 more who will accept the message, and so it is never 
> for them to edit their lists to remove the addresses which fail. 
>  Some would argue that returning a permanent error for spam is 
> incorrect, but that's my policy, it works for me, and it has the 
> support of the directors here.  If I can cut my bandwidth usage by 
> 5% and reduce the load on my MD/SA system by eradicating the garbage 
> from this one company, the effort will be worth it.
> Best Wishes,
> Paul.
> __
> Paul Murphy
> Head of Informatics
> Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
> 418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA
> Tel. 01223 433741
> Fax. 01223 433788
> ___
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
> are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
> the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741
> ___

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread James Ebright
Seems to me this would be much better served implemented as a DNSRBL than a 
iptables solution. By using your own DNSRBL, you would have a scalable, RFC 
compliant solution that still drops the connection well before the "data" 
phase and before any mimedefang/SA processing, if you implement the DNSRBL 
inside your mail server software itself.

As for how you decide who ends up on your DNSRBL (or IPTables) list, well, as 
you say, that is your own policy, However, I would encourage you to implement 
some way to track how items get added and a way for a remote third party that 
may have been added to see if they are on your list, why they were added, and 
a way to request removal/whitelisting. 

Personally, nothing is added to our private "lists" here without a human 
eyeball confirming it and our systems have less than .01% false positive rate 
and block/reject/bounce/quaranteen several million spam/virus messages a 

Jim Ebright

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 14:49:22 -, Paul Murphy wrote
> Chris,
> > Watch out for mail services that forward e-mail to your 
> > users.  Think this:
> > A user has an MSN account that gets a lot of spam, and 
> > that user sets his MSN account to forward to his local 
> > mailbox.  Blam!  You no longer receive _any_ email from MSN.
> Accepted - that's why I'd only want to use this approach to target 
> and readily identifiable spammers.  By blocking using this technique,
>  you'd be accepting that any matching system would effectively cease 
> to exist as far as you are concerned.
> The problem I'm trying to address is where your system is flooded by 
> messages from addresses which belong to spammers, and despite 
> greylisting and MD/SA scoring it as 20+ and sending a 500/571 
> permanent error, they keep trying at the same rate.  At the moment,
>  it is an annoying background trickle, but I can see a tidal wave in 
> the distance because for every site which does sensible blocking,
>  there are 100 more who will accept the message, and so it is never 
> for them to edit their lists to remove the addresses which fail. 
>  Some would argue that returning a permanent error for spam is 
> incorrect, but that's my policy, it works for me, and it has the 
> support of the directors here.  If I can cut my bandwidth usage by 
> 5% and reduce the load on my MD/SA system by eradicating the garbage 
> from this one company, the effort will be worth it.
> Best Wishes,
> Paul.
> __
> Paul Murphy
> Head of Informatics
> Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
> 418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA
> Tel. 01223 433741
> Fax. 01223 433788
> ___
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
> are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
> the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741
> ___

-- Webmail Client

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread Paul Murphy

> You run the risk of starting a DoS attach against your own box.
> The RFC's state that senders should keep trying for ~5 days
> Quote "
> : Chances are that you would get more DoS by new connections constantly
> : coming in, than by 5xx responses causing at least protocol-compliant
> : senders to give up."
> Search for tcp wrappers in comp.mail.sendmail for details

The problem is that we're not dealing here with protocol-compliant senders.
We're dealing with spammers who either ignore the 5xx response and keep trying,
or who have a seemingly endless supply of garbage to send, all of which gets the
5xx response after I've incurred considerable processing time working out that
it was spam.

TCPWrappers would normally help, but it is too late in the process (they've
already connected to the SMTP server), and too lacking in future possibilities
such as delayed responses and tarpitting.  In many cases, the spammer will
happily still send their data down the pipe, even though every request gets a
5xx response immediately.  You can't expect them to play nicely. 

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
Fax. 01223 433788

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741

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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread Paul Murphy

> Watch out for mail services that forward e-mail to your 
> users.  Think this:
> A user has an MSN account that gets a lot of spam, and 
> that user sets his MSN account to forward to his local 
> mailbox.  Blam!  You no longer receive _any_ email from MSN.

Accepted - that's why I'd only want to use this approach to target persistent
and readily identifiable spammers.  By blocking using this technique, you'd be
accepting that any matching system would effectively cease to exist as far as
you are concerned.

The problem I'm trying to address is where your system is flooded by messages
from addresses which belong to spammers, and despite greylisting and MD/SA
scoring it as 20+ and sending a 500/571 permanent error, they keep trying at the
same rate.  At the moment, it is an annoying background trickle, but I can see a
tidal wave in the distance because for every site which does sensible blocking,
there are 100 more who will accept the message, and so it is never worthwhile
for them to edit their lists to remove the addresses which fail.  Some would
argue that returning a permanent error for spam is incorrect, but that's my
policy, it works for me, and it has the support of the directors here.  If I can
cut my bandwidth usage by 5% and reduce the load on my MD/SA system by
eradicating the garbage from this one company, the effort will be worth it.

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
Fax. 01223 433788

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741

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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread Alberto da Silva

You run the risk of starting a DoS attach against your own box.
The RFC's state that senders should keep trying for ~5 days

Quote "
: Chances are that you would get more DoS by new connections constantly
: coming in, than by 5xx responses causing at least protocol-compliant
: senders to give up.
Search for tcp wrappers in comp.mail.sendmail for details

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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread Chris Myers
- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 10:26 AM
Subject: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

> Given that real mail from these sites is unlikely, I'm tempted to
implement a
> system of blocking all traffic from these IP addresses using the following
> scheme:
> A.  Add a date/time stamped record to a database with that IP address as
> key, and a spam count of 1
> B.  If the number of records matching that IP is now 3 or more, modify the
> IPTables system to drop all traffic from that IP with an ICMP
> message
> C.  Run a daily expiry process which removes all records which are more
than X
> days old (with X starting at 10 days) and which removes the IPTables entry
> the new count is less than 3.

Watch out for mail services that forward e-mail to your users.  Think this:
A user has
an MSN account that gets a lot of spam, and that user sets his MSN account
to forward
to his local mailbox.  Blam!  You no longer receive _any_ email from MSN.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread Jason Gurtz
On 11/2/2004 07:12, Paul Murphy wrote:
> Just a check - is everyone so stunned by my suggestion that they can't speak, or
> too busy laughing at something in it?

I thought it looked like a pretty interesting idea and was waiting to hear
more.  Do please relate your experience with it if you give it a whirl.  :)


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RE: [Mimedefang] Blocking spam senders using IPTables?

2004-11-02 Thread Paul Murphy
Just a check - is everyone so stunned by my suggestion that they can't speak, or
too busy laughing at something in it?

Best Wishes,

Paul Murphy
Head of Informatics
Ionix Pharmaceuticals Ltd
418 Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0PA

Tel. 01223 433741
Fax. 01223 433788

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they
are addressed.  If you have received this email in error please contact
the sender or the Ionix IT Helpdesk on +44 (0) 1223 433741

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