Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-31 Thread Todd C . Miller
This thread is now closed, please don't try to continue it.

 - todd

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-31 Thread Dan
If I'm explaining security or lack of security, or saying things like "this
is not enough", it's not as part of a speech that's meant to whine. I'll
explain: I could've just asked, in my first message, whether OpenBSD has a
mechanism like Ctrl-Alt-Delete on Windows, and whether it has sandboxing
for desktop apps, without explaining the rationale of having such security
features. Then, someone could've come and tell me that these security
features aren't necessary, or that I'm focusing on a minor security aspect.
I wanted an informed discussion, so I was explaining the rationale behind
these to make readers understand why I was asking about them. Furthermore,
in my recent message about the faking of a doas/sudo prompt and User
Account Control (UAC) on Windows, there was a part where I said that the
sandboxing that OpenBSD provides for certain apps "[that alone] is not
enough"; I said that in the context of explaining the security that UAC
provides on Windows compared to what there seems to be with the default
installation of OpenBSD, notice the rest of the message and how that
comment of mine was in parantheses. It may sound like I'm completely
knowledgeable about OpenBSD, but I'm not. I understand certain
generally-applying concepts, but I don't know if, for example, there's a
sysctl(2) or something that can optionally toggle into that. (As an
example, until recently, I didn't know there was an optional sysctl(2) that
can enable extra hardening for malloc.) I hope this clears up why I'm
writing things the way I do.

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-31 Thread Dan
On Sunday, March 31, 2024, Jose Maldonado  wrote:

> El Sun, 31 Mar 2024 01:10:15 +
> Dan  escribió:
> > On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Dan  wrote:
> >
> Hi @list!
> Lots of discussion and useless talk when the solution is in your hands
> @Dan:
> 1.- Are you worried about the fact that apps on X11 may suffer

Emphasis on "may".

> input-spoofing? Great, start writing all the code necessary to prevent
> that from happening and help us improve the security of OpenBSD and any
> other OS that uses X11.

There's already rootless X on OpenBSD, it may prevent that? The thing is, I
don't know. So I asked. And there's already efforts to replace X11 with
Wayland, and already efforts to port Wayland to OpenBSD.

> Coming here and saying that we are not attentive to security and that

Where did I say that? False accusation.

> is why we "HAVE" to do something, is utter

Where did I say anybody has to do anything? False accusation.

> idiocy. Start doing
> something yourself, if you want to collaborate beyond a stupid speech.

"Speech"? These are important questions.

> 2.- Do you want a mechanism that prevents logins being stolen? Same

Why should I want something to be added when it might already exist and I'm
missing it? Again, I asked.

> story, start writing kid, crying at the list doesn't help.

Where did I "cry" or whine about OpenBSD? False accusation. Quite the
contrary, I praised OpenBSD at various times, and I wouldn't have come here
in the first place if I wouldn't have had appreciation for OpenBSD.

> 3.- Do you want more applications to have pledge/unveil to improve

Which "more" applications? I do not know whether this:
Is the exhaustive list of all third-party apps that are sandboxed with
pledge/unveil. I asked whether people knew of other programs or whether
it's possible to list other programs beyond that. It seems that you expect
me to assume that these links list all sandboxed programs exhaustively, but
I do not assume, I ask.

> security? Same story...start writing the code necessary for it and stop
> crying.

Where did I "cry" or whine about OpenBSD? False accusation.

> Nobody is here to serve your designs or needs.

Which ones? I didn't know I had any.

> Want something? Write it
> down, it contributes to the project more than

What if it's already written down?

> tantrums and tears.

Which ones?

> My last and unique message in this thread: Don´t feed the fucking
> troll!

In case you're referring to me feeding trolls rather than being the troll:
Peter N. M. Hansteen said he blocked me after merely my second message in
this thread. Because of his reputation, I lost sense of whether I'm
perceived as a troll here.

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-31 Thread Jose Maldonado
El Sun, 31 Mar 2024 01:10:15 +
Dan  escribió:
> On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Dan  wrote:

Hi @list!

Lots of discussion and useless talk when the solution is in your hands

1.- Are you worried about the fact that apps on X11 may suffer
input-spoofing? Great, start writing all the code necessary to prevent
that from happening and help us improve the security of OpenBSD and any
other OS that uses X11.

Coming here and saying that we are not attentive to security and that
is why we "HAVE" to do something, is utter idiocy. Start doing
something yourself, if you want to collaborate beyond a stupid speech.

2.- Do you want a mechanism that prevents logins being stolen? Same
story, start writing kid, crying at the list doesn't help.

3.- Do you want more applications to have pledge/unveil to improve
security? Same story...start writing the code necessary for it and stop

Nobody is here to serve your designs or needs. Want something? Write it
down, it contributes to the project more than tantrums and tears.

My last and unique message in this thread: Don´t feed the fucking

This thread to /dev/null 

Dios en su cielo, todo bien en la Tierra

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-31 Thread Dan
On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Dan  wrote:

> Hello, I have 3 security-related questions:
> (1) Does OpenBSD have a mechanism like Ctrl-Alt-Delete on Windows (Secure
> Attention Key, or SAK) to prevent malware (or a website in fullscreen, for
> example) from faking a logout process and/or faking a login prompt? On
> Windows the kernel ensures that the operating system captures this key
> combination and takes over with a real login prompt that malware can't fake
> without first defeating the OS security.

(Let me clarify for the rest of this message: malware is any program that
acts maliciously; it doesn't *necessarily* bypass exploit mitigations or
security features of the OS (e.g. it could work around them, or abuse the
lack of them).)

Something recent that I found that's relevant:
(From March 28, 2024. Note that this isn't a vulnerability in how the OS
separates users or enforces security, this is a vulnerability that could be
used to make a convincing "phishing" attack.)
This isn't exactly the issue that SAK prevents, because the SAK is meant to
be used at login time (not when already logged in as one user and trying to
doas/sudo one program/command into another user), but I'll repeat the two
links I sent before:
The second link being the more relevant one. Notice how Microsoft describes
that User Account Control takes over the screen with a secure desktop mode.
UAC is the equivalent of doas/sudo. There's an additional problem though:
malware and websites in fullscreen could mimic the sound and visual dimming
effect that UAC does on Windows. While UAC doesn't ask the user to press a
privileged key combination like Ctrl-Alt-Delete (so the user has no
guarantee that the UAC prompt is authentic, even with the said perceptual
effects), it does something else: it asks for authorization (and details
what is authorized exactly) without relying on knowledge of the passphrase
as proof for authorization. Malware on OpenBSD that knows the root
passphrase, or the passphrase of a doas-capable/sudoer user, can escalate
its privileges; malware on Windows (including web content that escapes the
browser's sandbox) that knows the passphrase of a user in the
Administrators group cannot escalate its privileges without first
compromising the integrity of Windows, because asking Windows to escalate
privileges would ensure that the user authorizes the escalation regardless
of the passphrase (let's assume that UAC is set to its highest (fourth)
level, rather than the default (third) level that excepts some system
programs from causing a UAC prompt when escalating). (Web content that
escapes the browser's sandbox of Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on
OpenBSD would need to compromise the integrity of OpenBSD, because it
sandboxes them further using pledge(2) and unveil(2) (or find a weakness in
how these two are set up). So that's already a very good thing, but that
alone is not enough.) It's important to emphasize that it doesn't matter
whether UAC asks or doesn't ask for a passphrase to authorize, rather the
important thing here is that it takes over the computer temporarily in a
way that cannot be interfered with by normal programs and asks for explicit
authorization; it could as well ask for a passphrase too as a second
factor. Malware that fakes a UAC prompt and get "authorized" by the user
would achieve nothing, as it hasn't really asked Windows to escalate,
whereas malware on OpenBSD that convincingly fakes a doas prompt and gets
"authorized" by the user can then impersonate the "authorizing" user going

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-30 Thread Dan
On Saturday, March 30, 2024, hahahahacker2009 

> Vào Th 7, 30 thg 3, 2024 vào lúc 11:19 Dan  đã
> viết:
> >>
> >>
> >> > I've looked at the
> >> > source code and issue tracker of upstream Firefox in the past and it
> has
> >> > upstream support for pledge(2) and unveil(2).
> >>
> >> Great, you figured it out: if you want to know if a given piece of
> >> software uses pledge, grep its source code for pledge.
> >
> >
> > Sounds very tiresome and cumbersome to check. You failed to point at any
> rule according to which I'm not permitted to ask a general question about
> such software without resorting to tiresome and cumbersome manual methods
> like what you're suggesting here, and you consistently ignore this by
> bringing the same manual grep/find suggestion again and again with no
> sensible reason given what I explained now.
> Even "friendly" linux communities would tell you to check yourself.

There's no problem in being told to do that, just as there's no problem in
asking if people know about such programs without me having to tiresomely
check everything. Perhaps there's a website somewhere that lists all
pledged/unveiled apps and I'd be duplicating the effort needlessly?

> You are wasting people's time.


> And before spamming in the list can you make your message
> fit 72 character per line and disable HTML?

First, I'm not spamming. Second, no, I can't. The Gmail web interface for
mobile (which I'm using) doesn't let me disable HTML, and I don't see how I
could limit line length except by manually counting characters and breaking
lines, and I'm obviously not gonna do that. Sorry. I may switch to a
different email client/interface in the future, this Gmail interface seems
to not be paid much attention to by Google.

> >
> >>
> >> You really need to shut the fuck up now.
> >>
> >> Please note that I am replying to you directly, off-list.
> >> Hint: there is a reason for that.
> >
> >
> > I am deliberately shaming you on a public mailing list because you're a
> troll. I may also block you in my Gmail settings if I'll find the setting
> in mobile. I'm giving you a middle finger.
> >
> > ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~
> >
> > (Note for everyone: This message is intended to shame a troll; if you're
> here to follow the technical discussion only, feel free to skip reading
> this message.)
> Dan, I see you are a troll too.

False. I asked legitimate questions and I answer honestly and precisely.

> You are sending HTML emails and it doesn't fit 72 char per line.


> It is annoying. Your message include a bunch of not needed trash.

I answer everything that's brought up as comprehensively as needed, so I
don't see what's "not needed".

> You ask the whole list things that you can research yourself, they are


> not highly advanced topics. These topics are repeatedly asked by people
> who will never read man pages or faq. That

That doesn't appear in the man pages or FAQ, and in my very first message
I've already mentioned how Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser are
sandboxed, so I obviously did look up things before asking here. So you're
wrong here in two aspects.

attitude should only exist
on reddit/lemmy and other linux communities which tries to be "friendly".

Please elaborate, what attitude are you referring to precisely? That's a
vague statement. Also, please explain the reasoning (or point to a rule)
whereby the attitude should not exist here.

> So please:
> > Do your homework before you post.


> I saw Jan Stary's messages
> (
> are mostly answering people's question.
> But your messages are asking people to do research for you.

False. I didn't tell anyone to do anything for me. I asked questions.

> If you can't do research yourself, why expecting people to do it for you?

Both premises are false. Ditto.

> They might think that you don't have any knowledge and thus ignore you
> (for example, they think you might not understand what they are writing).

I'm not sure what logic follows from asking questions about specific things
(specific as they are in the question) to drawing a conclusion that the
asker lacks knowledge about things not specified/asked about in the
questions. Regarding the things that are specified/asked about in the
question, it's obvious that the asker doesn't know about them, because I
wasn't presenting a riddle, and this is true universally to everyone. I
don't understand how I'm special here from any other people that ask
questions here.

> Or simply, if you cannot respect yourself, why expect others to respect
> you?

Excuse me?

> In Viet Nam, you are simply called "animals" (súc vật, very offensive) and
> then ignored.

Excuse me? What the fuck did you call me??

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-30 Thread Dan
On Saturday, March 30, 2024, hahahahacker2009 

> Vào Th 6, 29 thg 3, 2024 vào lúc 07:40 Dan  đã
> viết:
> > This only lists third-party packages that have an OpenBSD
> ports-originated addition of pledge/unveil configuration files; packages
> that use pledge/unveil without configuration files, or whose pledge/unveil
> configuration files originate from the upstream distribution, are not
> listed. Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium, Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Tor Browser
> are sandboxed, which is excellent because Web browsing is one of the most
> popular desktop activity and browsers are meant to use networking and
> execute untrusted JavaScript/WebAssembly code, and parse untrusted data
> like media, CSS, etc. Contrary to servers, that if they're hacked then some
> business might be ruined, personal computers are used to do banking and
> shopping online, chat with distant friends/family 
> members/doctors/lawyers/coworkers/etc.,
> and hold our personal thoughts and memories, so I believe that they
> shouldn't get compromised just because the user entered the wrong website
> on a bad day, or opened the wrong video, or the wrong file, etc. OpenBSD
> already has the excellent system calls pledge(2) and unveil(2), and already
> uses them extensively in the base system and for the aforementioned
> browsers, but what about other programs?
> You can help on applying pledge and unveil to your other programs
> now, instead of spamming on mailing list like this. Are you the
> Nowarez Market guy again?

What spam exactly? I have no idea who is "Nowarez Market guy".

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-30 Thread Dan

James Huddle :

> I live in post-2016 USA and have essentially given up hope of any sort of 
> computer security.

Personal thought and from USA where the core of private data business resides.

Due to different reasons and the env I work in I results attacked very often 
under OpenBSD, in X.
Having the name of the vulnerability makes not such a difference to me, thanks 
for the insight anyway.
However, I think to not say it wrong recalling that most of people are here for 
the sempliticy applied to security and portability subjects
In OpenBSD. Minimize the security subject at this point seems having a purpose, 


Mar 30, 2024 18:23:38 James Huddle :

> I live in post-2016 USA and have essentially given up hope of any sort of 
> computer security.

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-30 Thread James Huddle
When X11 came to my attention, in the 1980's, it was called X11.  "What," I
wondered back then, "could that mean?"
Back then, we would get to know new software long before version 11, so it
seemed an odd name.  Back then.
It's been X11 for millennia.  I discovered Exfiltrator (or Exfiltration,
'ex'+10) about a year ago. LOL.
I actually did not know about the vulnerability.  Thanks, Matthew.
And yes, I was voicing the untested theory of precisely what you
articulated, Luke.
I live in post-2016 USA and have essentially given up hope of any sort of
computer security.
The mantra I developed, as my coworkers insisted on using (for instance)
the React JS package
that had "Exfil" as a dependency, was:

   "When in Rome."

On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 4:44 PM  wrote:

> Luke A. Call writes:
> >
> > On 2024-03-29 09:01:07-0400, James Huddle 
> wrote:
> > > Exfiltrator.  There's an 11-letter word that starts with "ex".  X11.
> >
> > After a quick web search, I'm not sure I follow.  Is that a reference to
> > a program that exfiltrates data after a computer is compromised? Can you
> > elaborate a little? I realize this is an ignorant question.
> In short, there is a well known shortcoming or feature depending
> on who you ask inherent in the X protocol's design where any
> application which uses the X server (ie. can access the tcp port
> or unix socket and has the correct xauth key, which is to say all
> of them) can request (and get) the ability to read all of the X
> events, which includes every key press and mouse movement in every
> application.
> Exfiltrator is 11 letters and we are at X protocol version 11.
> There are common mitigations against this problem, such as not
> giving strangers the ability to run unknown programs on your console.
> Matthew

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-29 Thread Dan
Replying now to
>[…] any
>application which uses the X server (ie. can access the tcp port
>or unix socket and has the correct xauth key […]
The default PF configuration blocks access to the ports, but only on
non-loopback interfaces.
Again, I'm not an X11 expert, but it looks like the X auth file exists
because anyone can connect to these ports on localhost, so the file would
mediate it further. PF can match packets based on UIDs, but if I understand
pf.conf(5) correctly, it matches based on the user owning the listening
socket (which would be the dedicated X11 account) rather than the user that
tries to connect to the X server. The xauth(1) and Xsecurity(7) man pages
seem relevant, I'll have a deeper look at them later.

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-29 Thread Dan
(Note for everyone: This message is intended to shame a troll; if you're
here to follow the technical discussion only, feel free to skip reading
this message.)

~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~

On Friday, March 29, 2024, Jan Stary  wrote:

> > > > (The person
> > > > you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list
> in the
> > > > Cc field.)
> > >
> > > I replied to the list.
> > > If you are not subscribed to the list,
> > > you don't get the list replies.
> >
> > I did not know that.
> Please don't send anything else to this mailing list.

Shut up. That's warranted given that this is essentially what you're
telling me here (also more explicitly in the last part of your message, as
quoted at the bottom here).

> > > Repeat after me: I can display what looks like a login screen;
> > > I don't to have anything to do with ctrl-alt-del to display that.
> >
> > I do not need to repeat mantras. I did not deny that programs can do
> that,
> > quite the opposite: I explicitly acknowledged that programs can do that,
> > and asked what mechanism OpenBSD provides to ensure, at the user's
> request,
> > that the operating system temporarily takes over with a real login prompt
> > that cannot be interfered with or snooped on.
> OpenBSD provides no "mechanism" to make it impossible for a user
> to display something that looks like a login screen; just like
> no other OS provides no such mechanism.

Once again, that's the opposite of what I said, and completely missing what
I said.

> > I've looked at the
> > source code and issue tracker of upstream Firefox in the past and it has
> > upstream support for pledge(2) and unveil(2).
> Great, you figured it out: if you want to know if a given piece of
> software uses pledge, grep its source code for pledge.

Sounds very tiresome and cumbersome to check. You failed to point at any
rule according to which I'm not permitted to ask a general question about
such software without resorting to tiresome and cumbersome manual methods
like what you're suggesting here, and you consistently ignore this by
bringing the same manual grep/find suggestion again and again with no
sensible reason given what I explained now.

> > Your "if there is one [program I care about]", "duh", and other things
> > you've said so far to me and I haven't pointed out in this paragraph show
> > that you're very disrespectful towards me.
> Nothing gets past you.

False. I strive to exercise critical thinking, analytical thinking, and
logic as much as possible. Nonsense, however, doesn't "get past me", as I
rightfully evaluate it as nonsense and therefore dismiss it. Ditto
regarding true but irrelevant things.

> > I saw that I got replied to using,
> No you didn't.

Maybe you'll understand it better if I'll rephrase, because you're
definitely lying here, with no basis:
I saw, using, that I got replied to.

> > and proceeded to log into my
> > email to reply, but then I didn't see that reply in my inbox. So I looked
> > at an old thread I had a few years ago on this mailing list that I knew
> > that worked well, and looked at the To and Cc fields in the exchange of
> > messages, and I assumed this is how it's always meant to be.
> You assumed wrong.

Correct; I assumed you made a honest mistake. I had no better way to know
what's true, however, so it's not really my fault, because I acted in a
good way within the limits of my then-current knowledge and range of
possible reactions I could react in the situation.

> > this isn't my first time using a mailing list,
> > but I'm pretty sure it's my second time, and I'm fairly new
> > to how mailing lists work. I deserve none of your disrespectful attitude
> > and your wrong assumption of ill intentions from me; furthermore, you
> > completely ignored the substance of the discussion in this thread, and
> did
> > not contribute anything useful to the discussion. Your entire reply was
> > meant to purposely be rude to me and attack me ad hominem. Take an
> example
> > from Luke (, they actually contributed something
> > meaningful to the discussion and didn't act like an asshole to me. I
> > recognize your name, I know you publish lots of material about OpenBSD,
> for
> > example the links in your signature, and you're also part of the
> editorial
> > team of, which I frequently visit. It's a shame you're
> such an
> > asshole, though. Disgusting.
> Right, everybody knows PNH is a disgusting asshole contributing nothing.

Peter N. M. Hansteen's disgusting behavior has absolutely nothing to do
with any contribution he may or may not have contributed whatsoever.
Furthermore, I said quite the opposite: I mentioned how he's part of the
OpenBSD news website that I love to visit and that I've seen his name in
many places (for example, I found his networking tutorials in the past, and
saved the links for myself because it's good learning material and
interesting). I explicit

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-29 Thread chohag
Luke A. Call writes:
> On 2024-03-29 09:01:07-0400, James Huddle  wrote:
> > Exfiltrator.  There's an 11-letter word that starts with "ex".  X11.
> After a quick web search, I'm not sure I follow.  Is that a reference to
> a program that exfiltrates data after a computer is compromised? Can you
> elaborate a little? I realize this is an ignorant question.

In short, there is a well known shortcoming or feature depending
on who you ask inherent in the X protocol's design where any
application which uses the X server (ie. can access the tcp port
or unix socket and has the correct xauth key, which is to say all
of them) can request (and get) the ability to read all of the X
events, which includes every key press and mouse movement in every

Exfiltrator is 11 letters and we are at X protocol version 11.

There are common mitigations against this problem, such as not
giving strangers the ability to run unknown programs on your console.


Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-29 Thread Luke A. Call

On 2024-03-29 09:01:07-0400, James Huddle  wrote:
> Exfiltrator.  There's an 11-letter word that starts with "ex".  X11.

After a quick web search, I'm not sure I follow.  Is that a reference to
a program that exfiltrates data after a computer is compromised? Can you
elaborate a little? I realize this is an ignorant question.

> On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 7:39???PM Luke A. Call  wrote:
> > On 2024-03-28 17:28:56+0100, Jan Stary  wrote:
> > > > (2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the
> > > > keystrokes input to any other X11-using app running under any user.
> > >
> > > I don't believe that's true.
> > > Where have you "learned" that, and how does that work?
> > > "Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?
> >
> > I'm no X expert, but I think what you are saying is technically correct
> > across users, but I believe it is possible for one application to
> > sniff the keystrokes input to another app running under the *same* user, at
> > least, and under different users in the same X session depending on how
> > they connect.  Specifically:
> >
> > 1) Under `man xterm' in the "SECURITY" section it says some related
> > things that sound like that is what they are saying.  I can't elaborate
> > on what it says there but that made me want to be cautious.
> >
> > 2) running
> >xinput list
> > ...shows some devices, where on my system the /dev/wskbd has "id=6".
> > Then taking that number 6 and doing
> >xinput test 6
> > ...and typing in a separate xterm window shows the keystrokes from the
> > second window, in the first.   I believe the same would be true for any
> > X application running as the *same* user.
> >
> > 3) I did some experimenting in the past with "ssh -X user@..." and
> > "ssh -Y user@...", and only when using -Y were keystrokes visible across
> > users.  Similar things can be done with less cpu overhead using xauth
> > and magic cookies etc (I played with that, with help from people on this
> > list, scripted it for myself using what they and man pages helped me
> > learn, and haven't
> > thought about it much since then, except to use the scripts--but it is very
> > handy for me to have things running as different users within the same X
> > session, because of these boundaries around keyboard sniffing and also
> > filesystem etc restrictions across users).
> >
> > 4) I am under the impression that the clipboard sharing between X users is
> > not restricted as the above things are.  Ie, one can spy on another
> > freely.
> >
> > Luke Call
> >
> >

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-29 Thread James Huddle
Exfiltrator.  There's an 11-letter word that starts with "ex".  X11.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 7:39 PM Luke A. Call  wrote:

> On 2024-03-28 17:28:56+0100, Jan Stary  wrote:
> > > (2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the
> > > keystrokes input to any other X11-using app running under any user.
> >
> > I don't believe that's true.
> > Where have you "learned" that, and how does that work?
> > "Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?
> I'm no X expert, but I think what you are saying is technically correct
> across users, but I believe it is possible for one application to
> sniff the keystrokes input to another app running under the *same* user, at
> least, and under different users in the same X session depending on how
> they connect.  Specifically:
> 1) Under `man xterm' in the "SECURITY" section it says some related
> things that sound like that is what they are saying.  I can't elaborate
> on what it says there but that made me want to be cautious.
> 2) running
>xinput list
> ...shows some devices, where on my system the /dev/wskbd has "id=6".
> Then taking that number 6 and doing
>xinput test 6
> ...and typing in a separate xterm window shows the keystrokes from the
> second window, in the first.   I believe the same would be true for any
> X application running as the *same* user.
> 3) I did some experimenting in the past with "ssh -X user@..." and
> "ssh -Y user@...", and only when using -Y were keystrokes visible across
> users.  Similar things can be done with less cpu overhead using xauth
> and magic cookies etc (I played with that, with help from people on this
> list, scripted it for myself using what they and man pages helped me
> learn, and haven't
> thought about it much since then, except to use the scripts--but it is very
> handy for me to have things running as different users within the same X
> session, because of these boundaries around keyboard sniffing and also
> filesystem etc restrictions across users).
> 4) I am under the impression that the clipboard sharing between X users is
> not restricted as the above things are.  Ie, one can spy on another
> freely.
> Luke Call

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Dan
Replying now to Luke (
Thank you, that's interesting! I appreciate that you're contributing a
meaningful answer to my questions, and I also appreciate that you're nice
to me. :)
Also seems to be nice to me, unless I misinterpreted what
they said (I'm not sure, sorry).

~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~

On Thursday, March 28, 2024, Jan Stary  wrote:

> On Mar 28 21:16:45, wrote:
> > You didn't "Reply All", so I didn't get your reply in my inbox.
> Apparently, you did.

No, I did not. You're assuming I reply to your message in my inbox; that's
a wrong (and fallacious) assumption. I checked for replies when
not logged into my email (as this is more convenient than logging in
repeatedly). When I saw your reply in, I logged into my email to
reply to you but couldn't find your message in my inbox, and didn't know
why. Fortunately, I am smart, so I created a new message with the same
subject line (including the "Re:" part at the start) and CCed the mailing
list so would detect it as if it's in the same thread, and
apparently I succeeded. I also copied your sentences from and
pasted them into my reply, along with prepending > signs.

> > (The person
> > you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list in the
> > Cc field.)
> I replied to the list.
> If you are not subscribed to the list,
> you don't get the list replies.

I did not know that. I really am not subscribed. I don't want to subscribe
to the entire mailing list, I just think it's useful to get replies to my
thread only; perhaps there's a way to accomplish that?

> > >Even on windows; this has nothing to do with intercepting ctrl-alt-del.
> > False. Ctrl-Alt-Delete cannot be intercepted on Windows without first
> > compromising the integrity of the operating system. The Windows kernel is
> > hardcoded to forward Ctrl-Alt-Delete to Winlogon, and Winlogon runs in a
> > separate Secure Desktop mode that takes over the entire screen and no
> other
> > programs can intercept keystrokes from or send keystrokes to.
> >
> >
> Repeat after me: I can display what looks like a login screen;
> I don't to have anything to do with ctrl-alt-del to display that.

I do not need to repeat mantras. I did not deny that programs can do that,
quite the opposite: I explicitly acknowledged that programs can do that,
and asked what mechanism OpenBSD provides to ensure, at the user's request,
that the operating system temporarily takes over with a real login prompt
that cannot be interfered with or snooped on. Windows can already do that
with Ctrl-Alt-Delete, but I couldn't find anything on the web to suggest
that OpenBSD can do that.

> And it has nothing to do with OpenBSD.


> > >I don't believe that's true.
> > >"Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?
> > I'm not an X11 expert, and I'm not sure if the example provided in the
> > following link is because the program and the desktop it's running under
> > have different UIDs (rather than locking the desktop, logging into a
> > different user with a new desktop session using a SAK like
> Ctrl-Alt-Delete,
> > and running it there), but I found this old blog post, by whom I believe
> is
> > the founder of Qubes OS, being cited somewhere:
> >
> security-circus-on-gui-isolation.html
> > It is common knowledge that X11 is insecure by design, not (only) by the
> > ancient code, so even if the blog post isn't relevant anymore, it
> wouldn't
> > surprise me if such attacks could still be done.
> Ah,  so that's what you have "learned": a 13y old blogpost.

Which is supposed to be relevant. Age isn't directly related to relevancy,
especially when talking about much older tech (X11, which is 39 years old
according to Wikipedia) that's still used today (2024, which is 0 years
ago). Furthermore, I was linked to that article from (a blog of one of the developers of

> Fine, show me how you read another user's keystrokes under X.

Showing a proof of concept is not a necessity to convey or prove a point in
an online discussion, and I don't follow orders from you. So I have no
obligation whatsoever (including for the sake of argument, which is the
most important here) to do that.

> > >>I saw that Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on OpenBSD (at least when
> > installed from the OpenBSD package manager/ports) are sandboxed with
> > pledge(2) and unveil(2).
> > >find /usr/ports/ -name pledge\*
> > Already done:
> >
> > This only lists third-party packages that have an OpenBSD
> ports-originated
> > addition of pledge/unveil configuration files; packages that use
> > pledge/unveil without configuration files, or whose pledge/unveil
> > configu

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Luke A. Call
On 2024-03-28 17:28:56+0100, Jan Stary  wrote:
> > (2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the
> > keystrokes input to any other X11-using app running under any user.
> I don't believe that's true.
> Where have you "learned" that, and how does that work?
> "Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?

I'm no X expert, but I think what you are saying is technically correct
across users, but I believe it is possible for one application to
sniff the keystrokes input to another app running under the *same* user, at
least, and under different users in the same X session depending on how
they connect.  Specifically:

1) Under `man xterm' in the "SECURITY" section it says some related
things that sound like that is what they are saying.  I can't elaborate
on what it says there but that made me want to be cautious.

2) running 
   xinput list
...shows some devices, where on my system the /dev/wskbd has "id=6".
Then taking that number 6 and doing
   xinput test 6
...and typing in a separate xterm window shows the keystrokes from the
second window, in the first.   I believe the same would be true for any
X application running as the *same* user.

3) I did some experimenting in the past with "ssh -X user@..." and
"ssh -Y user@...", and only when using -Y were keystrokes visible across
users.  Similar things can be done with less cpu overhead using xauth
and magic cookies etc (I played with that, with help from people on this
list, scripted it for myself using what they and man pages helped me learn, and 
thought about it much since then, except to use the scripts--but it is very
handy for me to have things running as different users within the same X
session, because of these boundaries around keyboard sniffing and also
filesystem etc restrictions across users).

4) I am under the impression that the clipboard sharing between X users is
not restricted as the above things are.  Ie, one can spy on another

Luke Call

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Peter N. M. Hansteen
On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 09:16:45PM +, Dan wrote:
> You didn't "Reply All", so I didn't get your reply in my inbox. (The person
> you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list in the
> Cc field.)



You send to a mailing list, people are supposed to reply to the mailing list. 

A select few may have their mail clients configured so the author of the 
will receive a courtesy copy (aka Cc:).

If I seem unresponsive to any followups to this thread, a likely reason will be 
I will not see messages with your From: without putting in some extra effort.

- Peter

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread h . kampmann

when I read posts like @Dan's, I say to myself: Don't feed the troll.

Wish you all a nice weekend,

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. März 2024 um 23:02 Uhr
Von: "Jan Stary" 
Betreff: Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed 
go away

On Mar 28 21:16:45, wrote:
> You didn't "Reply All", so I didn't get your reply in my inbox. (The person
> you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list in the
> Cc field.)
> >Even on windows; this has nothing to do with intercepting ctrl-alt-del.
> False. Ctrl-Alt-Delete cannot be intercepted on Windows without first
> compromising the integrity of the operating system. The Windows kernel is
> hardcoded to forward Ctrl-Alt-Delete to Winlogon, and Winlogon runs in a
> separate Secure Desktop mode that takes over the entire screen and no other
> programs can intercept keystrokes from or send keystrokes to.
> >I don't believe that's true.
> >"Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?
> I'm not an X11 expert, and I'm not sure if the example provided in the
> following link is because the program and the desktop it's running under
> have different UIDs (rather than locking the desktop, logging into a
> different user with a new desktop session using a SAK like Ctrl-Alt-Delete,
> and running it there), but I found this old blog post, by whom I believe is
> the founder of Qubes OS, being cited somewhere:
> It is common knowledge that X11 is insecure by design, not (only) by the
> ancient code, so even if the blog post isn't relevant anymore, it wouldn't
> surprise me if such attacks could still be done.
> >>I saw that Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on OpenBSD (at least when
> installed from the OpenBSD package manager/ports) are sandboxed with
> pledge(2) and unveil(2).
> >find /usr/ports/ -name pledge\*
> Already done:
> This only lists third-party packages that have an OpenBSD ports-originated
> addition of pledge/unveil configuration files; packages that use
> pledge/unveil without configuration files, or whose pledge/unveil
> configuration files originate from the upstream distribution, are not
> listed. Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium, Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Tor Browser
> are sandboxed, which is excellent because Web browsing is one of the most
> popular desktop activity and browsers are meant to use networking and
> execute untrusted JavaScript/WebAssembly code, and parse untrusted data
> like media, CSS, etc. Contrary to servers, that if they're hacked then some
> business might be ruined, personal computers are used to do banking and
> shopping online, chat with distant friends/family
> members/doctors/lawyers/coworkers/etc., and hold our personal thoughts and
> memories, so I believe that they shouldn't get compromised just because the
> user entered the wrong website on a bad day, or opened the wrong video, or
> the wrong file, etc. OpenBSD already has the excellent system calls
> pledge(2) and unveil(2), and already uses them extensively in the base
> system and for the aforementioned browsers, but what about other programs?

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Jan Stary
go away

On Mar 28 21:16:45, wrote:
> You didn't "Reply All", so I didn't get your reply in my inbox. (The person
> you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list in the
> Cc field.)
> >Even on windows; this has nothing to do with intercepting ctrl-alt-del.
> False. Ctrl-Alt-Delete cannot be intercepted on Windows without first
> compromising the integrity of the operating system. The Windows kernel is
> hardcoded to forward Ctrl-Alt-Delete to Winlogon, and Winlogon runs in a
> separate Secure Desktop mode that takes over the entire screen and no other
> programs can intercept keystrokes from or send keystrokes to.
> >I don't believe that's true.
> >"Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?
> I'm not an X11 expert, and I'm not sure if the example provided in the
> following link is because the program and the desktop it's running under
> have different UIDs (rather than locking the desktop, logging into a
> different user with a new desktop session using a SAK like Ctrl-Alt-Delete,
> and running it there), but I found this old blog post, by whom I believe is
> the founder of Qubes OS, being cited somewhere:
> It is common knowledge that X11 is insecure by design, not (only) by the
> ancient code, so even if the blog post isn't relevant anymore, it wouldn't
> surprise me if such attacks could still be done.
> >>I saw that Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on OpenBSD (at least when
> installed from the OpenBSD package manager/ports) are sandboxed with
> pledge(2) and unveil(2).
> >find /usr/ports/ -name pledge\*
> Already done:
> This only lists third-party packages that have an OpenBSD ports-originated
> addition of pledge/unveil configuration files; packages that use
> pledge/unveil without configuration files, or whose pledge/unveil
> configuration files originate from the upstream distribution, are not
> listed. Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium, Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Tor Browser
> are sandboxed, which is excellent because Web browsing is one of the most
> popular desktop activity and browsers are meant to use networking and
> execute untrusted JavaScript/WebAssembly code, and parse untrusted data
> like media, CSS, etc. Contrary to servers, that if they're hacked then some
> business might be ruined, personal computers are used to do banking and
> shopping online, chat with distant friends/family
> members/doctors/lawyers/coworkers/etc., and hold our personal thoughts and
> memories, so I believe that they shouldn't get compromised just because the
> user entered the wrong website on a bad day, or opened the wrong video, or
> the wrong file, etc. OpenBSD already has the excellent system calls
> pledge(2) and unveil(2), and already uses them extensively in the base
> system and for the aforementioned browsers, but what about other programs?

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread
not in the mailing list world I've been using for close to 30 years 

if you post to the mailing list I reply to the mailing list 

On March 28, 2024 3:16:45 PM MDT, Dan  wrote:
>You didn't "Reply All", so I didn't get your reply in my inbox. (The person
>you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list in the
>Cc field.)

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Dan
You didn't "Reply All", so I didn't get your reply in my inbox. (The person
you're replying to should be in the To field, and the mailing list in the
Cc field.)

>Even on windows; this has nothing to do with intercepting ctrl-alt-del.
False. Ctrl-Alt-Delete cannot be intercepted on Windows without first
compromising the integrity of the operating system. The Windows kernel is
hardcoded to forward Ctrl-Alt-Delete to Winlogon, and Winlogon runs in a
separate Secure Desktop mode that takes over the entire screen and no other
programs can intercept keystrokes from or send keystrokes to.

>I don't believe that's true.
>"Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?
I'm not an X11 expert, and I'm not sure if the example provided in the
following link is because the program and the desktop it's running under
have different UIDs (rather than locking the desktop, logging into a
different user with a new desktop session using a SAK like Ctrl-Alt-Delete,
and running it there), but I found this old blog post, by whom I believe is
the founder of Qubes OS, being cited somewhere:
It is common knowledge that X11 is insecure by design, not (only) by the
ancient code, so even if the blog post isn't relevant anymore, it wouldn't
surprise me if such attacks could still be done.

>>I saw that Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on OpenBSD (at least when
installed from the OpenBSD package manager/ports) are sandboxed with
pledge(2) and unveil(2).
>find /usr/ports/ -name pledge\*
Already done:
This only lists third-party packages that have an OpenBSD ports-originated
addition of pledge/unveil configuration files; packages that use
pledge/unveil without configuration files, or whose pledge/unveil
configuration files originate from the upstream distribution, are not
listed. Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium, Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Tor Browser
are sandboxed, which is excellent because Web browsing is one of the most
popular desktop activity and browsers are meant to use networking and
execute untrusted JavaScript/WebAssembly code, and parse untrusted data
like media, CSS, etc. Contrary to servers, that if they're hacked then some
business might be ruined, personal computers are used to do banking and
shopping online, chat with distant friends/family
members/doctors/lawyers/coworkers/etc., and hold our personal thoughts and
memories, so I believe that they shouldn't get compromised just because the
user entered the wrong website on a bad day, or opened the wrong video, or
the wrong file, etc. OpenBSD already has the excellent system calls
pledge(2) and unveil(2), and already uses them extensively in the base
system and for the aforementioned browsers, but what about other programs?

Re: Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-28 Thread Jan Stary
> (1) Does OpenBSD have a mechanism like Ctrl-Alt-Delete on Windows (Secure
> Attention Key, or SAK) to prevent malware (or a website in fullscreen, for
> example) from faking a logout process and/or faking a login prompt? On
> Windows the kernel ensures that the operating system captures this key
> combination and takes over with a real login prompt that malware can't fake
> without first defeating the OS security.

Any X11 program can display a screen that looks like the login screen.
Even on windows; this has nothing to do with intercepting ctrl-alt-del.

> (2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the
> keystrokes input to any other X11-using app running under any user.

I don't believe that's true.
Where have you "learned" that, and how does that work?
"Dear X11, what is $user typing into his firefox textarea"?

> (3) I saw that Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on OpenBSD (at least when
> installed from the OpenBSD package manager/ports) are sandboxed with
> pledge(2) and unveil(2). Are there any other major apps, especially that
> commonly accept untrusted input, that are also sandboxed like that on
> OpenBSD? Especially email clients, media players, word processors, apps to
> send/receive/sync files, etc.

find /usr/ports/ -name pledge\*  

Security questions: Login spoofing, X11 keylogging, and sandboxed apps

2024-03-27 Thread Dan
Hello, I have 3 security-related questions:
(1) Does OpenBSD have a mechanism like Ctrl-Alt-Delete on Windows (Secure
Attention Key, or SAK) to prevent malware (or a website in fullscreen, for
example) from faking a logout process and/or faking a login prompt? On
Windows the kernel ensures that the operating system captures this key
combination and takes over with a real login prompt that malware can't fake
without first defeating the OS security.
(2) I've learned that X11 allows locally running malware to sniff the
keystrokes input to any other X11-using app running under any user. Does
Xenocara/rootless X on OpenBSD prevent or limit this?
(3) I saw that Chromium, Firefox, and Tor Browser on OpenBSD (at least when
installed from the OpenBSD package manager/ports) are sandboxed with
pledge(2) and unveil(2). Are there any other major apps, especially that
commonly accept untrusted input, that are also sandboxed like that on
OpenBSD? Especially email clients, media players, word processors, apps to
send/receive/sync files, etc.

Thank you.