Re: Using mod_perl handlers for max speed?

2001-07-12 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Philip Mak wrote:

 In the recent Hello World 2000 benchmark posted by Joshua Chamas, mod_perl
 handler was shown to be even faster than static HTML (at least for running
 hello world), and twice as fast as using Apache::Registry to run a perl

I honestly think something is up there. The code that mod_perl goes
through before executing the actual perl script is a lot slower than the
code the static HTML (http_core) handler goes through.

FWIW, In AxKit 1.4_80 on (beta, has bugs), I've implemented
something I call a mod_perl fast handler, which skips most of the stuff in
mod_perl, allowing you to go: AddHandler axkit .xml in your httpd.conf,
and it works much the same way as SetHandler/PerlHandler does, except
faster. Obviously though you lose the benefit of being able to write
handlers for the different handler phases with this method. And it
requires XS code.

 Does this mean that if there's a heavily used script on my system that
 needs to be VERY fast, then it may be worth making it into a mod_perl
 handler? What are the caveats of using mod_perl handlers instead of normal

Using handlers is better. Hands down. :-)

Personally I just find handlers more logical than CGI scripts. They have a
known entry point, which I think makes life a hell of a lot easier in
structuring complex code. Rather than the entry point being the top of
your script.

There's a beginners article on take23 about writing your first handler


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Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Javier Chicharro

  I've compiled mod_perl-1.26 (and I tried with 1.25 too) for Apache
1.3.20 in a Solaris 8.   When I start apache I get this error :

Syntax error on line 222 of /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /opt/apache/libexec/ into server:
/opt/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
symbol PL_markstack_ptr: referenced symbol not found
/etc/init.d/apache start: httpd could not be started

(The line 222 is the LoadModule for mod_perl)

  When I do ldd of and httpd, seems that it finds all

  Has somebody any idea about this problem?


Edificio Sertram, Acer 30-32   Tlf: 93 289 63 00
08038 - BARCELONA  Fax: 93 223 12 66

Performance stories

2001-07-12 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen


At TPC5 I'll be doing a talk on Real World Performance Tuning,

I'll be talking about what things to work on to make your system
scale better by not 10% or 20%, but hundreds of percent. That sort
of thing.

If you have a cool story about how you made your system a fraction
of the memory it used to, or how it could serve thousands of
requests per second instead of hundreds, then please send them to

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen,   !try; do();

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-12 Thread Issac Goldstand

 On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Issac Goldstand wrote:

IG == Issac Goldstand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   IG Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on port
   IG 443 which will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but
   IG will, in reality, not necessarily be over a secure connection.
   I think you've never actually tried this.  You will not get the page
   because the client is expecting SSL and you're not providing it.  Try
   it.  Go ahead, try it.
  I did.  Look at my follow-up to Geoffrey's esponse to the post you're
  quoting for details... It worked from most simple clients...

 your most simple clients example did the same as accessing

 That's about as different from https:// as if you had shown that
 stuff on port 443 can be other stuff than HTTP over SSL by
 installing an ftp server on that port.

  Some clients, like Netscape and MSIE think that they're smarter
  than the servers, though, and incorrectly assume they know
  whether to go secure or not.

 They don't assume, you tell them what transport method to use by
 using https// or http://.

OK.  Let me see if I can explain myself a bit better.  You're all correct
that by entering an https:// scheme the _intention_ is to advise the browser
to use a secure layer - which most common browsers do.  My point is not that
this is not what should happen, but rather that in many situations the
programmer cannot know in advance what kind of weird server setups may be in
use, and cannot know what kind of client will be accessing them.  The fact
that my simple browsers just did telnet server 443 is EXACTLY the point
I'm trying to make.  In order to ensure that an SSL layer is actually
active, checking the port OR scheme is not enough.  You must actually
query for the presense of the layer itself, which mod_ssl conveniently
provides a means to do by giving us $ENV{HTTPS}.


PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B


2001-07-12 Thread Matt Glosson

Hello. I've searched the internet and found many things relating to this,
but I thought I would present my own specific problem. I'm trying to
install mod_perl with IBM HTTP Server (which is really just apache 1.3.12)
on AIX 4.3.3.

Everything installs fine, but when I tried to use Net::LDAP, apache
segfaults. When I analyze the core file, I'm told that boot_IO is where
the problem occurred. Has anyone conquered this problem? The mod_perl
readme says that if you are installing on AIX with perl 5.00503 you have
to apply a patch to prevent segfaulting when an XS module is called. I
applied it and re-compiled.

I also tried using perl 5.6.1, which yielded the same results. I've traced
it down to the 'use IO::Handle;' clause. I'm using the VisualAge C (vac)
compiler to compile everything (gcc hasn't worked very well for most
things on this platform.)

All things in this message that don't work in mod_perl work fine if
they're not run from apache under mod_perl.

The following details the method to my madness:

# lslpp -l |grep vac
  vac.msg.en_US.C5.0.1.0  COMMITTED  C for AIX Compiler
  vacpp.cmp.rte  COMMITTED  VisualAge C++ Compiler
  vac.C  COMMITTED  C for AIX Compiler
# lslpp -l |grep xlC
  xlC.aix43.rte  APPLIEDC Set ++ Runtime for AIX
  xlC.cpp4.3.0.1  COMMITTED  C for AIX Preprocessor
  xlC.msg.en_US.cpp  COMMITTED  C for AIX Preprocessor
  xlC.msg.en_US.rte  COMMITTED  C Set ++ Runtime
  xlC.rte4.0.2.0  COMMITTED  C Set ++ Runtime

installed the mod_perl patch on perl_5.00503/ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs

# cd /usr/build/perl_5.00503
# ./Configure -de
# make
# make install

# perl -MCPAN -e shell;
(answer configuration questions...)

cpan install HTML::HeadParser
cpan install LWP::UserAgent

# cd /usr/build/mod_perl-1.25
# perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/usr/HTTPServer/bin/apxs \
# make
# make install

# cd /usr/HTTPServer/bin
# ./apachectl configtest
Syntax OK

At this point, lots of perl scripts will run fine under mod_perl, until
one of them calls 'use IO::Handle;' ... then:

# ./apachectl configtest
./apachectl[145]: 19372 Segmentation fault(coredump)

Now I analyze the core file to find out what is causing the dump..

# dbx /usr/HTTPServer/bin/httpd core
Type 'help' for help.
reading symbolic information ...warning: no source compiled with -g

[using memory image in core]

Segmentation fault in boot_IO at 0xd178d39c ($t1)
0xd178d39c (boot_IO+0xc) 8083lwz   r4,0x0(r3)

Thinking it might be IBM HTTP Server implementation, I built apache from
source with the following method (I did this with Apache 1.3.12 and Apache

# cd /usr/build/apache_1.3.12
# ./configure --enable-module=so \
  --enable-module=proxy \
  --enable-shared=proxy \
# make
# make install

Then I repeated the mod_perl installation. Same darn segfault.

Does anyone have any insight into this? It's becoming a very painful

If you're curious, here's my output from perl -V:

Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=aix, osvers=, archname=aix
uname='aix proxysvr 3 4 0025507c4c00 '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O', gccversion=
cppflags='-D_ALL_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE -D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=8192
ccflags ='-D_ALL_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE -D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=8192
stdchar='unsigned char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lnsl -lgdbm -ldbm -ldl -lld -lm -lc -lcrypt -lbsd -lPW
libc=, so=a, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_aix.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-bE:perl.exp'
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-bhalt:4 -bM:SRE -bI:$(PERL_INC)/perl.exp
-bE:$(BASEEXT).exp -b noentry -lc -L/usr/local/

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under aix
  Compiled at Jul  8 2001 23:40:44

Thanks for your time,

having problems getting started with mod_perl

2001-07-12 Thread Bruce Kleinman

I'm a mod_perl newbie trying to get my first installation working, and I'm
hitting a brick wall.  I can get Apache to come up, but as soon as I try to
access it, just using the machine and port as the URL, I get a core dump.
make test doesn't work at all, the server never even comes up.  Hope you can
give me some pointers, I'm completely at a loss here.

Bruce Kleinman


I'm using:

Apache 1.3.19
Perl 5.6.1
mod_perl 1.25


I built mod_perl with these Makefile.PL options:  APACHE_SRC=...,


perl -V output:

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.7, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos avicenna 5.7 generic_106541-12 sun4u sparc sunw,ultra-4 '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
cc='cc', ccflags
='-I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
ccversion='WorkShop Compilers 4.2 30 Oct 1996 C 4.2', gccversion='',
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/lib '
libpth=/usr/local/lib /opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
perllibs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
lddlflags='-G -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Jul  5 2001 13:42:17



error_log extract:

[Wed Jul 11 15:27:23 2001] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr
[Wed Jul 11 15:27:24 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jul 11 15:27:24 2001] [info] Server built: Jul 11 2001 15:22:22
[Wed Jul 11 15:28:08 2001] [notice] child pid 20565 exit signal Segmentation
lt (11), possible coredump in


back trace from the core file using dbx:

program terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
(dbx) where
=[1] perl_header_parser(0xdf5c0, 0xfec256a0, 0xfed3ced8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at
  [2] run_method(0xdf5c0, 0x2e, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2f), at 0x1e158
  [3] ap_header_parse(0xdf5c0, 0x86c80, 0x86c00, 0x75, 0x45, 0x65), at
  [4] process_request_internal(0xdf5c0, 0x0, 0x3, 0x0, 0xec00, 0x0), at
  [5] ap_process_request(0xdf5c0, 0xc8, 0xdf5c0, 0xffbef378, 0xffbef388,
0x0), at 0x3b35c
  [6] child_main(0x0, 0x2ce54, 0x2cc00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x2eb58
  [7] make_child(0xa2f60, 0x0, 0x3b4cd9f2, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0), at 0x2edc0
  [8] startup_children(0x5, 0x0, 0x5, 0x9bc00, 0xadef0, 0xfed3ced8), at
  [9] standalone_main(0x4, 0xffbef63c, 0x0, 0x1, 0xff236768, 0xff236aa4), at
  [10] main(0x4, 0xffbef63c, 0xffbef650, 0x9eb88, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x30450


perl 5.6 + mod_perl in production environment

2001-07-12 Thread Eric Kolve

I was wondering if anyone is currently using perl 5.6 + mod_perl in a
prod environment.

What kinds of problems, if any are people seeing with this?


Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Javier Chicharro wrote:

   I've compiled mod_perl-1.26 (and I tried with 1.25 too) for Apache
 1.3.20 in a Solaris 8.   When I start apache I get this error :
 Syntax error on line 222 of /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
 Cannot load /opt/apache/libexec/ into server:
 /opt/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
 symbol PL_markstack_ptr: referenced symbol not found
 /etc/init.d/apache start: httpd could not be started

Have a look in mod_perl-1.26/SUPPORT and post the information it suggests.

Did you compile your Perl?  What compiler are you using?


Re: perl 5.6 + mod_perl in production environment

2001-07-12 Thread Eric Cholet

--On 11/07/01 07:57 -0700 Eric Kolve wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone is currently using perl 5.6 + mod_perl in a
 prod environment.

 What kinds of problems, if any are people seeing with this?

I've been using 5.6.1 in production for a while, no problems.

Eric Cholet
B995 E519 1594 10D0 4271 1EA5 8DF3 8004

Newbie question

2001-07-12 Thread Jason

Sorry if this is in an FAQ somehere (googled for it, but no luck).

Does anyone know of a *good* guide to compiling/configuring/installing
Apache + mod_perl on a Windows NT system?

The impression I get from scouting newsgrops is that most people resort to
using a prebuild binary - so I figure it must be tricky?


Re:perl 5.6 + mod_perl in production environment

2001-07-12 Thread Mike Miller

On Thursday, July 12, 2001, Eric Kolve wrote the
following about perl 5.6 + mod_perl in production environment

EK I was wondering if anyone is currently using perl 5.6 + mod_perl
EK in a prod environment. What kinds of problems, if any are people
EK seeing with this?

Server Version: Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.5 mod_perl/1.25
perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1)

None here, other than problems I cause myself from bad coding.  That
tends to happen a lot more than I care to admit. grin

Best Regards,

Mike Miller

Re: APXS make problems with mod_perl 1.26

2001-07-12 Thread Neil Mansilla

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

 On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Neil Mansilla wrote:
  I've successfully performed the same APXS make with mod_perl 1.25 and
  1.25_01, but it breaks with the following error with 1.26:
  perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 \
 WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache_1.3.20/bin/apxs \
 [standard Makefile.PL output is fine...]
 that works just fine here, however..
  make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mod_perl-1.26/Apache'
  cc -c -I../ -I/usr/local/apache_1.3.20/include -I/usr/local/apache_1.3.20/include 
-fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 
-DVERSION=\1.27\ -DXS_VERSION=\1.27\ -fpic 
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux/CORE  Apache.c
  Apache.xs:51: mod_perl.h: No such file or directory
  Apache.xs:52: mod_perl_xs.h: No such file or directory
  Apache.xs:292: parse error
 .. i had exactly the same error when i first tried, in a mod_perl-1.26
 directory i had earlier built with other options, including DYNAMIC=1
 the new build tried to compile the old Apache/Apache.c
 did you happen to try another build in that tree prior?

.. Okay, started with a clean tree, and what do you know -- worked just
fine.  Thanks, Doug.

Re: perl 5.6 + mod_perl in production environment

2001-07-12 Thread Neil Mansilla

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Eric Kolve wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone is currently using perl 5.6 + mod_perl in a
 prod environment.
 What kinds of problems, if any are people seeing with this?

.. No problems at all.  We use 5.6.0 as well as 5.6.1, with mod_perl 1.25,
1.25_01, and 1.26 all in heavy-hit production environment.

Re: Apache::Upload filehandle

2001-07-12 Thread darren chamberlain

Jay Buffington [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something to this effect on 07/11/2001:
 I'm trying to use image magick to manipulate images that are
 uploaded via http.  To handle the uploaded images I'm using
 libapreq's Apache::Upload.
 I wrote the below simple example script to help explain my problem.
 When an image is uploaded to it I get this error in the apache
 error log: ImageMagick error: Warning 320: no delegate for this
 image format (:Upload=GLOB(0x873bcec)) [No such file or
 I'm confused why this happens.  Could someone please explain
 this behaviour to me? 

This looks like $r-upload-fh is being stringified, probably
because of the context.  What happens when you assign the glob
returned by $r-upload-fh to a lexical scalar, and then pass
that into $image-Read()?  I hit this a few days ago, when
passing a glob reference into a subroutine (not
mod_perl-related), and this is the only thing that worked.

 package UploadFile;
 use Apache;
 use Apache::Request;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
 use CGI qw(-compile :standard);
 use Image::Magick;
 sub handler {
 my $r = new Apache::Request(shift);
 if ($r-param('action') eq upload) {
 my $image = new Image::Magick;

Add these changes: 

  my $fh = $r-upload-fh;
  my $error = $image-Read(file = $fh);

 $r-log_error(ImageMagick error: $error) if $error;
 $r-print(image geometry:  . join  x ,
   $image-Get('width', 'height'));
 undef $image;
 $r-print(start_html() . start_multipart_form() . Upload an image:  .
   filefield(-name=uploadedfile) . submit(-name=action,
   -value=upload) . end_form() . end_html());
 return OK;


Death to all fanatics!

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::AuthenLDAP 0.61

2001-07-12 Thread Christian Gilmore

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/C/CG/CGILMORE/Apache-AuthenLDAP-0.61.tar.gz
  size: 8287 bytes
   md5: 51603e4084fd448e9f72e6e5e0f26baa

No action is required on your part
Request entered by: CGILMORE (Christian Gilmore)
Request entered on: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:30:49 GMT
Request completed:  Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:31:55 GMT

Virtually Yours,
Id: paused,v 1.74 2001/05/20 14:59:52 k Exp k 

Apache::AuthenLDAP is designed to work with mod_perl and
Net::LDAP. This module authenticates a user against an LDAP
backend. It can be combined with Apache::AuthzLDAP to provide
LDAP authorization as well.

See pod for detailed documentation.

$Id: README,v 1.1 2000/09/26 18:27:36 cgilmore Exp $

2001-07-12  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Removed test for mod_perl-1.26 or higher.
o  Cleaned up documentation
o  Made release 0.61

2001-05-27  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Deprecated generic variable naming in favor of
   module specific to reduce potential conflict with
   other auth modules: 
  LDAPServer  - AuthenLDAPServer
  LDAPPort- AuthenLDAPPort
  UidAttrType - AuthenUidAttrType
   Original variable names are still accepted but will be removed
   on the next major release.
o  Made release 0.60

2001-01-08  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Added handling of blank userid input
o  Better handling of pre-1.26 set_handlers bugs
o  Made release 0.52

2000-09-26  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Made first public releases 0.50 and 0.51

$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.6 2001/07/12 14:06:35 cgilmore Exp $


Christian Gilmore
Infrastructure  Tools Team Lead
Web  Multimedia Development
IBM Software Group 

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::AuthzCache 0.06

2001-07-12 Thread Christian Gilmore

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/C/CG/CGILMORE/Apache-AuthzCache-0.06.tar.gz
  size: 8800 bytes
   md5: e4b15058f8b67b4906248f27c3f62fbd

No action is required on your part
Request entered by: CGILMORE (Christian Gilmore)
Request entered on: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:32:02 GMT
Request completed:  Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:33:46 GMT

Virtually Yours,
Id: paused,v 1.74 2001/05/20 14:59:52 k Exp k 

Apache::AuthzCache is designed to work with a mod_perl
authorization module to provide caching of group membership for
site users. For a list of mod_perl authorization modules see:
When a request that requires authorization is received,
Apache::AuthzCache looks up the REMOTE_USER in a shared-memory
cache (using IPC::Cache) and compares the list of groups in the
cache against the groups enumerated within the require
configuration directive. If a match is found, the handler returns
OK and clears the downstream Authz handlers from the
stack. Otherwise, it returns DECLINED and allows the next
PerlAuthzHandler in the chain to be called.
After the primary authorization handler completes with an OK,
Apache::AuthzCache::manage_cache adds the new group (listed in
REMOTE_GROUP) to the cache.

See pod for detailed documentation.

$Id: README,v 1.1 2000/09/26 20:11:50 cgilmore Exp $

2001-07-12  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Removed test for mod_perl-1.26 or higher.
o  Cleaned up documentation.
o  Made release 0.06.

2001-05-29  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
o  Bug fix on strict syntax error.
o  Made release 0.05.

2001-02-28  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Added requirement that Apache::Log be imported. Oversight found
   by Rod Bloodgood.
o  Made release 0.04.

2001-01-08  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Better handled pre-1.26 set_handlers bugs.
o  Made release 0.03.

2000-09-26  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Made first public release 0.02.

$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.6 2001/07/12 14:12:48 cgilmore Exp $


Christian Gilmore
Infrastructure  Tools Team Lead
Web  Multimedia Development
IBM Software Group

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::AuthzLDAP 0.61

2001-07-12 Thread Christian Gilmore

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/C/CG/CGILMORE/Apache-AuthzLDAP-0.61.tar.gz
  size: 9821 bytes
   md5: 0942df504a5569cc8db4aff00a8980e1

No action is required on your part
Request entered by: CGILMORE (Christian Gilmore)
Request entered on: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:32:12 GMT
Request completed:  Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:34:02 GMT

Virtually Yours,
Id: paused,v 1.74 2001/05/20 14:59:52 k Exp k 

Apache::AuthzLDAP is designed to work with mod_perl and
Net::LDAP. This module authorizes a user against an LDAP
backend. It can be combined with Apache::AuthenLDAP to provide
LDAP authentication as well.

See pod for detailed documentation.

$Id: README,v 1.1 2000/09/26 18:51:51 cgilmore Exp $

2001-07-12  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Removed test for mod_perl-1.26 or higher.
o  Cleaned up documentation.
o  Made release 0.61.

2001-05-27  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Deprecated generic variable naming in favor of
   module specific to reduce potential conflict with
   other auth modules: 
  GroupAttrType   - AuthzGroupAttrType
  GroupAttrValue  - AuthzGroupAttrValue
  LDAPServer  - AuthzLDAPServer
  LDAPPort- AuthzLDAPPort
  MemberAttrType  - AuthzMemberAttrType
  MemberAttrValue - AuthzMemberAttrValue
  NestedGroups- AuthzNestedGroups
  UidAttrType - AuthzUidAttrType
   Original variable names are still accepted but will be removed
   on the next major release. This change allows for user
   information to be hosted on one LDAP while group information is
   hosted on another.
o  Made release 0.60.

2001-01-08  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Fixed bug regarding nested groups whose membership was by dn.
o  Better handled of pre-1.26 set_handlers bugs.
o  Made release 0.51.

2000-09-26  Christian Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

o  Made first public release 0.50.

$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.5 2001/07/12 14:18:52 cgilmore Exp $


Christian Gilmore
Infrastructure  Tools Team Lead
Web  Multimedia Development
IBM Software Group

Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Javier Chicharro

Ged Haywood wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Javier Chicharro wrote:
I've compiled mod_perl-1.26 (and I tried with 1.25 too) for Apache
  1.3.20 in a Solaris 8.   When I start apache I get this error :
  Syntax error on line 222 of /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
  Cannot load /opt/apache/libexec/ into server:
  /opt/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
  symbol PL_markstack_ptr: referenced symbol not found
  /etc/init.d/apache start: httpd could not be started
 Have a look in mod_perl-1.26/SUPPORT and post the information it suggests.
 Did you compile your Perl?  What compiler are you using?

  Yes, I compiled my Perl using Solaris cc.

  This is the output of perl -V :

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.8, archname=i86pc-solaris
uname='sunos srvnoc2 5.8 generic_108529-08 i86pc i386 i86pc '
config_args='-Dprefix=/opt/perl-5.6.1 -Duseshrplib -Doptimize=-O
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.2/include
ccversion='Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C 5.2 Patch 109514-03
gccversion='', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.2/lib
-L/opt/SUNWspro/WS6U1/lib '
libpth=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.2/lib /opt/SUNWspro/WS6U1/lib
/usr/ccs/lib /usr/local/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldb -ldl -lm -lc
perllibs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=true,
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef,
ccdlflags='-R/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.2/lib -R
cccdlflags='-KPIC', lddlflags='-G -L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.2/lib

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Jul 11 2001 16:39:06

  And the configure options of mod_perl (v1.26) are : 

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.20/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1

  The configure of apache is :

./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE


Edificio Sertram, Acer 30-32   Tlf: 93 289 63 00
08038 - BARCELONA  Fax: 93 223 12 66

RE: Newbie question

2001-07-12 Thread Purcell, Scott

Go to Ron Savages site. He has a binary build of Apache + mod_perl and also
the latest perl.
go to the navigation and press on Perl, and look under Perl Modules and look
three bullet items down ... It is there. Follow along.

I have used it twice and it gets you operational in about an hour.

Yell if you have any questions, as I have done this twice on NT.


-Original Message-
From: Randy Kobes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:20 AM
To: Jason
Subject: Re: Newbie question

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Jason wrote:

 Sorry if this is in an FAQ somehere (googled for it, but no luck).

 Does anyone know of a *good* guide to compiling/configuring/installing
 Apache + mod_perl on a Windows NT system?

INSTALL.win32 in the mod_perl sources describes how to build
and install mod_perl - this is geared towards using VC++.

As for configuring, if you have Apache set up already, the
configuration and use is very similar to Unix - see
and, especially the guide, for lots
more info on that. There's a sample Win32 httpd.conf at
that contains a number of common directives used for mod_perl
related things.

 The impression I get from scouting newsgrops is that most people resort to
 using a prebuild binary - so I figure it must be tricky?

No, not really - the build process differs from Unix, but after that,
and taking into account the differences in general with Perl/Apache
on Win32, it's relatively straightforward to use.

best regards,
randy kobes

How may I recognize cgi-bin dir in URITranslation phase?

2001-07-12 Thread Alberto Canzi

Hi, how may my Uri Translation handler recognize that requested url is a
cgi? How could it get cgi-bin directory path?


Alberto Canzi
OpenFor s.r.l.

Mod Perl 1.26, ApacheSSL and Apache 1.3.20

2001-07-12 Thread The Doctor

Why is this going on?

Script started on Thu Jul 12 14:22:28 2001$ make test
(cd /usr/source/apache_1.3.20  PERL5LIB=/usr/source/mod_perl-1.26/lib make)
=== src
=== src/os/unix
=== src/os/unix
=== src/ap
=== src/ap
=== src/main
=== src/main
=== src/lib
=== src/lib/expat-lite
=== src/lib/expat-lite
=== src/lib
=== src/modules
=== src/modules/standard
=== src/modules/standard
=== src/modules/experimental
=== src/modules/experimental
=== src/modules/proxy
=== src/modules/proxy
=== src/modules/ssl
=== src/modules/ssl
=== src/modules/perl
=== src/modules/perl
=== src/modules/php4
cp libmodphp4.a libphp4.a
ar r libphp4.a mod_php4.o
ranlib libphp4.a
=== src/modules/php4
=== src/modules/dav
=== src/modules/dav
=== src/modules
env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/libdata/perl5/5.00503/i386-bsdos/CORE cc -c -I. 
-I/usr/libdata/perl5/5.00503/i386-bsdos/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include 
-I/usr/source/openssl-engine-0.9.6/include   -DTARGET=\httpsd\ 
-DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/random -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6 -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/main -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/main 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/TSRM 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/TSRM -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6 -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite 
-DAPACHE_SSL -DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 `./apaci` modules.c
env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/libdata/perl5/5.00503/i386-bsdos/CORE cc -c -I. 
-I/usr/libdata/perl5/5.00503/i386-bsdos/CORE -I./os/unix -I./include 
-I/usr/source/openssl-engine-0.9.6/include   -DTARGET=\httpsd\ 
-DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/random -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6 -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/main -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/main 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/TSRM 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/TSRM -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6 -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite 
-DAPACHE_SSL -DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 `./apaci` buildmark.c
env LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/libdata/perl5/5.00503/i386-bsdos/CORE cc  -DTARGET=\httpsd\ 
-DDEV_RANDOM=/dev/random -DMOD_PERL -DUSE_PERL_SSI -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6 -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/main -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/main 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/TSRM 
-I/usr/source/php-4.0.6/TSRM -I/usr/source/php-4.0.6 -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite 
-DAPACHE_SSL -DPERL_MARK_WHERE=1 `./apaci`   -rdynamic  -o httpsd buildmark.o 
modules.o  modules/ssl/libssl.a  modules/perl/libperl.a  modules/php4/libphp4.a  
modules/dav/libdav.a  modules/standard/libstandard.a  
modules/experimental/libexperimental.a  modules/proxy/libproxy.a  main/libmain.a  
./os/unix/libos.a  ap/libap.a  lib/expat-lite/libexpat.a  -Wl,-rpath,/usr/contrib/lib 
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/source/gd-1.8.3 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/contrib/lib/mysql  -rdynamic 
-L/usr/contrib/lib -L/usr/source/gd-1.8.3 -L/usr/contrib/lib/mysql -Lmodules/php4 
-L../modules/php4 -L../../modules/php4 -lmodphp4   -ldl -lmysqlclient -lz -lgd -lz 
-lssl -lcrypto -lresolv -lm -ldl  -lresolv   -ldb   -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/usr/libdata/perl5/5.00503/i386-bsdos/CORE -lperl -ldl -lm -lc  -ldl 
-L/usr/contrib/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto
=== src/support
`suexec' is up to date.
=== src/support
=== src
cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
/usr/source/apache_1.3.20/src/httpsd -f `pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/source/apache_1.3.20/src/httpsd: can't resolve symbol 'PL_beginav_save'
/usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
Launching... /tmp
still waiting for server to warm up..Launching... /tmp
modules/cookie..skipping test on this platform
modules/module..skipping test on this platform
modules/psections...skipping test on this platform
modules/request.skipping test on this platform
modules/ssi.FAILED before any test output arrived
modules/stage...skipping test on this platform
modules/symbol..skipping test on this platform
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed

Re: [aliasing] Using mod_perl handlers for max speed?

2001-07-12 Thread raptor

!!! Is it possible to have  reference on the left side of the equation !!!
I've tried this to alias HASH :) but didn't succeeded...
sub {
 my \$hash = shift; # $_[0] is  \%myhash

Yes I know that there is aliasing : my *hash = \%{$hashref}..
And I see that here u use  : \$r-blah
...Never mind it is cute construct anyway. Do U have any benefit in speed
using it in this way ?!

PS. didn't u think that there must finaly alias keyword in perl

 Files ~ (hello\.bench)
# ModPerl Handler
  package Apache::bench;
  sub handler {
my(\$r) = shift;
\$r-print('Hello ');
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::bench

Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi again,

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Javier Chicharro wrote:

   Yes, I compiled my Perl using Solaris cc.

Is there any reason you don't want to compile static?


Re: having problems getting started with mod_perl

2001-07-12 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Bruce Kleinman wrote:

 Apache 1.3.19
 Perl 5.6.1
 mod_perl 1.25
 Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
 ccversion='WorkShop Compilers 4.2 30 Oct 1996 C 4.2', gccversion='',

Is this the compiler you used to compile mod_perl?


Re: Mod Perl 1.26, ApacheSSL and Apache 1.3.20

2001-07-12 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, The Doctor wrote:

 Why is this going on?

you forgot to post your perl -V and Makefile.PL options

Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Javier Chicharro wrote:

   I've compiled mod_perl-1.26 (and I tried with 1.25 too) for Apache
 1.3.20 in a Solaris 8.   When I start apache I get this error :

you forgot to post your perl -V and Makefile.PL options

Re: having problems getting started with mod_perl

2001-07-12 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Bruce Kleinman wrote:

 I'm a mod_perl newbie trying to get my first installation working, and I'm
 hitting a brick wall.  I can get Apache to come up, but as soon as I try to
 access it, just using the machine and port as the URL, I get a core dump.
 make test doesn't work at all, the server never even comes up.  Hope you can
 give me some pointers, I'm completely at a loss here.

Makefile.PL should have warned, you need to give mod_perl's Makefile.PL
the PERL_USELARGEFILES=0 flag or rebuild perl with 
Configure -des -Uuselargefiles

Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Javier Chicharro wrote:
 perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.20/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1

your original post had an error trying to load
/opt/apache/libexec/, but these options are for a static
build.  do you have an old modperl dso configured?

Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Ged Haywood wrote:

 Hi again,
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Javier Chicharro wrote:
Yes, I compiled my Perl using Solaris cc.
 Is there any reason you don't want to compile static?

is there any reason he should?  the only issue using dso with solaris (and
any other Perls that default to using Perl's malloc) is that perl needs to
be built with 'Configure -des -Ubincompat5005'

Re: Can't load mod_perl in Solaris 8

2001-07-12 Thread Jie Gao

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

 pitty perl -V does not report usebincompat5005, if you are trying to build
 modperl as a dso, Makefile.PL should have warned you:

 Your current configuration will most likely trigger core dumps,
*) Do not configure mod_perl as a DSO
*) Upgrade your Perl version to 5.6.0 or higher (w/ -Ubincompat5005)
*) Configure Perl with -Uusemymalloc (not recommended for performance)

This is different from what I have been hearing for the past few years:

Solaris' malloc is better than perl's.



JOB: White box tester/developer

2001-07-12 Thread Tom Mornini

My company is looking for someone to break our code!

We're early in development of a new system that will be perl, mod_perl, 
DBI and DBD::Oracle on Linux.

We're trying very hard to do it right and we're writing tests as we go. 
This is giving us huge benefits already, but we want to go further.

If you're a good Perl programmer who has a strong sense of the way it 
should be and can be simultaneously mean, nasty, angry, distrustful and 
unforgiving to Perl code and the opposite to people then we'd like to 
talk to you.

Ideally you'd live in San Francisco, or thereabouts. I don't, however, 
so telecommuting is definitely an option.

Pay and benefits are good, though it's no longer 1998. :-) Best benefit 
is working with a small group of people that are highly motivated by 
doing it right.

-- Tom Mornini
-- eWingz Systems, Inc.
-- ICQ 113526784

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-12 Thread Vivek Khera

 IG == Issac Goldstand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

IG I did.  Look at my follow-up to Geoffrey's esponse to the post you're
IG quoting for details... It worked from most simple clients...

Then those clients are wrong.  You're requeting SSL when you say
https://whatver/.   You should get SSL in that case.

IG Some clients, like Netscape and MSIE think that they're smarter than the
IG servers, though, and incorrectly assume they know whether to go secure or

They are correct, IMO, because you asked for an https connection.  To
do otherwise would be violate the POLA.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Hello World Benchmarks, updated

2001-07-12 Thread Joshua Chamas

Joshua Chamas wrote:
 used to look a lot faster, but my testing methodology changed.
 I used to take the results of the second benchmark run, and
 publish those, but this time only ran the -test for minor
 caching after starting resin (  tomcat ).  So, I'm guessing
 that mod_caucho compiles aggresively in the beginning, killing
 performance for a dry run ( even 60 seconds! ).  To improve
 the numbers for mod_caucho using this methodology might require
 and longer test cycle than 60 seconds.

Perrin convinced me that getting steady-state numbers 
was important enough to ignore the compile penalties 
for such apps as mod_caucho which does runtime java

To this end, I have added a -prime switch to the 
which will run all the tests for a couple seconds, before
doing the real benchmark where the results are scored.  
This allows any system caching to be done before the 
numbers start counting.

However, despite the new -prime setting, I was still not
getting reproducable resin/mod_caucho results, varying 
from 80 hits/sec one run to 280 hits/sec the next for
the Hello World 2000 JSP benchmark.

What I found is that in order for the mod_caucho results
to be reproducable to 5% variation from one run to the 
next, I need to run the benchmark for 10 minutes!  At 3-5 
minutes, there was a 10-15% variation, which seems too high.
Benchmarks  120 seconds, which were my benchmarks from before
seem next to meaningless now.

Here's some #s to show what I mean:

Test Name   Test File  Hits/sec   # of Hits  Time(sec)  
secs/Hit   Bytes/Hit  
-   -  -  -  -  
-  -  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp75.4   9069 120.33 
0.013269   28965
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   249.4   2505  10.05 
0.004010   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   274.5   4118  15.00 
0.003643   28965 
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   191.9   5760  30.01 
0.005211   28965 
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   133.7   8022  60.01 
0.007481   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   104.8  12591 120.10 
0.009539   28965
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp96.0  11581 120.66 
0.010419   28965
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   113.6  19937 175.51 
0.008803   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   103.9  18283 175.98 
0.009625   28965 
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp91.4  27146 297.16 
0.010947   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp   105.0  31335 298.57 
0.009528   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp91.4  27210 297.76 
0.010943   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp88.8  52440 590.56 
0.011262   28965  
mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp93.5  55129 589.64 
0.010696   28965  

The numbers seem to indicate that the resin/mod_caucho java 
environment gets slow the longer tests are run for, but also
that the results stabilize the longer tests are run for.

As a result, when I post benchmarks, it will be with
10 minute tests run in the future.  The idea here is
stable, repeatable benchmarks we can use.

Here were the 60 second #s I had posted before just to show
how far off the mod_caucho #s were.

 Test Name   Test File  Hits/sec   Total Hits Total Time 
sec/Hits   Bytes/Hit
 -- -- -- -- 
-- --
 Apache::ASP v2.19 2000  h2000.asp   226.2 13578 hits 60.02 sec  
0.004421   28998 byte
 Apache::Registry v2.01 2000 mod_per h2000.reg   339.5 20376 hits 60.02 sec  
0.002945   28179 byte
 HTML::Embperl v1.3.0 2000   h2000.epl   111.3 6677 hits  60.00 sec  
0.008987   28841 byte
 HTML::Mason v1.03 2000  h2000.mas83.5 5014 hits  60.02 sec  
0.011969   28799 byte
 HTML::Template v2.3 2000h2000.htmp   98.2 5892 hits  60.00 sec  
0.010183   29152 byte
 mod_caucho JSP 2000 h2000.jsp76.6 4595 hits  60.01 sec  
0.013060   28965 byte
