Re: AddModule mod_perl.c

2002-03-24 Thread Dan Riley

Ged Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > According to the mod_perl Reference Guide the line
> >  AddModule mod_perl.c
> > should be added to my httpd.conf, otherwise mod_perl
> > is not activated.
> I think you'd better have a more careful look at that Guide.  You only
> need that in your config if you have mod_perl built as a DSO (Dynamic
> Shared Object) which means that Apache starts without trhe mod_perl
> module and then loads it later when it reads the line
>   AddModule mod_perl.c
> in httpd.conf.

I think you've confused LoadModule and AddModule.  If you follow the
recommended apache configuration, which does all the LoadModules
followed by a ClearModuleList and a bunch of AddModules, you don't
need the LoadModule for mod_perl (since it is built in), but you do
need the AddModule since *all* the module entries get cleared by the

I believe the point of this somewhat convoluted load/clear/add
procedure is for the static modules to end up in the right spots in
the module list relative to all the DSOs, rather than all bunched up
at one end, since the order does matter (a lot).
 "Mr. Ellison is presently the sole member of the Plan Committee.  The
  Plan Committee did not meet during fiscal year 2001, and during that
   same period, acted 46 times by unanimous written consent."

Re: http -> https for authentication

2000-12-27 Thread Dan Riley

Joshua Gerth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   So, I am running a mod_perl/mod_ssl enabled Apache web server.  
> The home page (and several other unprotected pages) need to listen on both
> the encrypted port 443 and non-encrypted port 80.  However, I would like
> to force all authentication requests to go through the encrypted side so
> the passwords is never passed in plain text.

We do this via an old-fashioned 403 handler on the unencrypted side
that returns a 302 redirect to an https URL.  The vhost for the
encrypted side overrides the 403 handler with our standard handler.
Wilson Lab, Cornell University>
"History teaches us that days like this are best spent in bed"