[Mono-dev] A segement fault on PPC host

2015-12-28 Thread Pin Cheng
Hi there,
I am trying to porting Mono 4.2.1 into aix 6.1, it was compiled in 32bits mode.
At present, I faced a segment fault at :
return runtime_invoke (obj, params, exc, info->compiled_method);
this is line is the last one in function mono_jit_runtime_invoke.
It seems  'runtime_invoke' could not be invoked so it leads to core dump.  The 
call stack is following:
#0  0x7c0802a4 in ?? ()
#1  0x102ff224 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke (method=0x200def38, obj=0x30400038, 
params=0x2ff22800, exc=0x0) at mini-runtime.c:2343
#2  0x100db4d8 in mono_runtime_invoke (method=0x200def38, obj=0x30400038, 
params=0x2ff22800, exc=0x0) at object.c:2783
#3  0x10184580 in create_exception_two_strings (klass=0x200dca60, 
a1=0x30400010, a2=0x0) at exception.c:142
#4  0x10184624 in mono_exception_from_name_two_strings (image=0x2009cad8, 
name_space=0x1046e2cc <__popcount_tab+15548> "System",
name=0x1046e2d4 <__popcount_tab+15556> "OutOfMemoryException", 
a1=0x30400010, a2=0x0) at exception.c:165
#5  0x1017d358 in create_domain_objects (domain=0x20099078) at appdomain.c:186
#6  0x1017d630 in mono_runtime_init (domain=0x20099078, start_cb=@0x200230e0: 
0x102fb84c ,
attach_cb=@0x200230ec: 0x102fb988 ) at 
#7  0x103012c0 in mini_init (filename=0x2ff22ce6 "./hello.exe", 
runtime_version=0x0) at mini-runtime.c:3140
#8  0x10013db4 in mono_main (argc=2, argv=0x2ff22c48) at driver.c:1906
#9  0x1a20 in mono_main_with_options (argc=2, argv=0x2ff22c48) at main.c:91
#10 0x1aa8 in main (argc=2, argv=0x2ff22c48) at main.c:122

Hello.exe is a simple C# program compiled on linux platform.
public class HelloWorld
static public void Main ()

I think the runtime_invoke is just a invoke wrapper, the actual function is 
I could print out those function debug info:
invoker:  (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object 
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x0 (303cdde8 303cdf50) [20099078 - hello.exe]
compiled method:  System.OutOfMemoryException:.ctor (string) + 0x0 (303cdd80 
303cddcc) [20099078 - hello.exe]

My question are:
1. why use a invoker wrapper? Where did runtime_invoke_void__this___object 
comes from?
2.  I guess JIT could not compile such runtime_invoke_void__this___object 
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) correctly. But how could I find out the problem 
Should I inspect the native definition places. Such as cpu-ppc.md and 
mini-ppc.c and so on. Is my direction correct? Is there any another simpler way 
to resolve the problem?

I am new to Mono, many thing I need to learn. Please help me.
Thank you in advance!


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[Mono-dev] How to debug native code?

2016-01-18 Thread Pin Cheng
Hi all,
I am trying to port Mono into Aix host, I have am very fundamental question:
How are you guys debug native code?
Because JIT compiler compiles assembly into native code then JIT invoke it,
I am very curious if there errors in native code How do you find out the bug 
and fix it.
And if you updates the cpu-.md or -codegen.h how do you verify your 
changes is ok?
There must be somewhat effect method to debug the JIT and it specific 

Since I am porting Mono into Aix, I got  assembler code which disassembled from 
native code:
   0: 7c 08 02 a6   mflrr0
   4: 90 01 00 04  stw r0,4(r1)
   8: 94 21 ff b0   stwur1,-80(r1)
   c:  93 61 00 48  stw r27,72(r1)
  10:93 e1 00 4c  stw r31,76(r1)
  14:7c 3f 0b 78   mr  r31,r1
  18:90 7f 00 28   stw r3,40(r31)
  1c:90 9f 00 2c   stw r4,44(r31)
  20:90 bf 00 30   stw r5,48(r31)
  24:90 df 00 34   stw r6,52(r31)
  28:38 60 00 00  li  r3,0
  2c:90 7f 00 20   stw r3,32(r31)
  30:38 60 00 00  li  r3,0
  34:90 7f 00 24   stw r3,36(r31)
  38:80 7f 00 30   lwz r3,48(r31)
  3c:2c 03 00 00   cmpwi   r3,0
  40:41 82 00 a4  beq 0xe4
  44:3c 60 20 03   lis r3,8195
  48:60 63 e5 04  ori r3,r3,58628
  4c:80 63 00 00  lwz r3,0(r3)
  50:2c 03 00 00   cmpwi   r3,0
  54:41 82 00 38  beq 0x8c
  58:3d 80 30 3c  lis r12,12348
  5c:61 8c cd d8  ori r12,r12,52696
  60:7d 88 03 a6  mtlrr12
  64:4e 80 00 21  blrl
  68:7c 64 1b 78  mr  r4,r3
  6c:7c 9b 23 78  mr  r27,r4
  70:2c 03 00 00   cmpwi   r3,0
  74:41 82 00 18  beq 0x8c
  78:7f 63 db 78  mr  r3,r27
  7c:3d 80 30 00  lis r12,12288
  80:61 8c 82 90   ori r12,r12,33424
  84:7d 88 03 a6  mtlrr12
  88:4e 80 00 21  blrl
  8c:80 7f 00 2c   lwz r3,44(r31)
  90:80 83 00 00  lwz r4,0(r3)
  94:80 7f 00 28   lwz r3,40(r31)
  98:80 bf 00 34   lwz r5,52(r31)
  9c:7c a8 03 a6   mtlrr5
  a0:4e 80 00 21  blrl
  a4:48 00 00 38  b   0xdc
  a8:80 7f 00 1c   lwz r3,28(r31)
  ac:80 7f 00 1c   lwz r3,28(r31)
  b0:90 7f 00 24   stw r3,36(r31)
  b4:80 7f 00 30   lwz r3,48(r31)
  b8:80 9f 00 24   lwz r4,36(r31)
  bc:90 9f 00 40   stw r4,64(r31)
  c0:90 83 00 00  stw r4,0(r3)
  c4:3d 80 30 3c  lis r12,12348
  c8:61 8c cf 50ori r12,r12,53072
  cc: 7d 88 03 a6  mtlrr12
  d0:4e 80 00 21  blrl
  d4:80 7f 00 40   lwz r3,64(r31)
  d8:48 00 00 04  b   0xdc
  dc:80 7f 00 20   lwz r3,32(r31)
  e0:48 00 00 38  b   0x118
  e4:3c 60 20 03   lis r3,8195
  e8:60 63 e5 04  ori r3,r3,58628
  ec:80 63 00 00  lwz r3,0(r3)
  f0: 28 03 00 00  cmplwi  r3,0
  f4: 40 82 00 40  bne 0x134
  f8: 48 00 00 04  b   0xfc
  fc: 80 7f 00 2c   lwz r3,44(r31)
100:   80 83 00 00  lwz r4,0(r3)
104:   80 7f 00 28   lwz r3,40(r31)
108:   80 bf 00 34   lwz r5,52(r31)
10c:   7c a8 03 a6   mtlrr5
110:   4e 80 00 21  blrl
114:   80 7f 00 20   lwz r3,32(r31)
118:   80 1f 00 54   lwz r0,84(r31)
11c:   7c 08 03 a6   mtlrr0
120:   7f ec fb 78   mr  r12,r31
124:   83 7f 00 48   lwz r27,72(r31)
128:   83 ff 00 4clwz r31,76(r31)
12c:   38 2c 00 50   addir1,r12,80
130:   4e 80 00 20  blr
134:   3d 80 30 3c  lis r12,12348
138:   61 8c cd d8  ori r12,r12,52696
13c:   7d 88 03 a6  mtlrr12
140:   4e 80 00 21  blrl
144:   7c 64 1b 78  mr  r4,r3
148:   7c 9b 23 78  mr  r27,r4
14c:   2c 03 00 00   cmpwi   r3,0
150:   41 82 ff acbeq 0xfc
154:   7f 63 db 78  mr  r3,r27
158:   3d 80 30 00  lis r12,12288
15c:   61 8c 82 90   ori r12,r12,33424
160:   7d 88 03 a6  mtlrr12
164:   4e 80 00 21 

[Mono-dev] Could sgen works with pthread?

2016-04-05 Thread Pin Cheng
Hi All,
I am porting mono into old aix host, my platform doesn't support __thread
Key word. I notice https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=660413
Described that mono doesn't support sgen with pthread.
I am using Mono 4.2.1, does this release overcome the limitation?
I have research the source code it seems not. But I am not very sure.

Thank you in advance.

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[Mono-dev] How to stop and debug native code of a method?

2016-07-12 Thread Pin Cheng
Hi All,
I am porting mono to a platform,
I wander if I want to trace a method(compiled into native code) how do
You stop the program running when entering into this method? Gdb can
Watch the PC register, but it is very slow, I have wait for tens of minutes.
Is there any efficient way to interrupt some method running?
Thank you in advance.


Rocket Software, Inc. and subsidiaries ? 77 Fourth Avenue, Waltham MA 02451 ? 
+1 877.328.2932 ? +1 781.577.4321
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