[mou-net] Dakota County: Spring Lake Park

2009-03-21 Thread Steve Weston
This morning a I joined a small group of birders including Vincent Vieth (aged 
2 and half) and Katie Vieth (not yet a year old) in birding Spring Lake Park.  
First we headed down from the Archary Range to the observation point on Spring 
Lake, a wide spot on the Mississippi.  We passed Jim Mattson in the parking 
lot.  We found 14 species of waterfowl, including White Fronted Goose, Cackling 
Goose, and Red-breasted Merganser.  We had a flock of Cackling Geese fly by 
with a couple of Canadas mixed in to catch our attention.  At the parking lot 
there were Phoebes, Bluebirds, and Song Sparrows.  

After the hike down to the river, we headed into the back country of the park 
with a hike of probably a couple of miles each way down to river.  While it was 
for the most part not particularly birdy, we did enjoy the late winter walk.  
We had several singing Brown Creepers, but saw only one.  The most interesting 
bird of the day was a calling loon that was heard down at the end of the trail. 
 We saw lots of Bald Eagles and Red-tailed Hawks, and a probable Rough-legged 
heading upstream.

After the hike I made it home without falling asleep at the wheel, made lunch, 
and slept for about four or five hours.  

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

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[mou-net] Oriole sighted?

2009-03-21 Thread john c. nelson
Today at Pet Expo in Mankato a customer reported a male Northern  
oriole in his yard Friday, 3/20. I was very busy and didn't have time  
to go into detail, but they were residential. I would be sceptical  
were it not for all the unusual sightings this winter/spring. Also a  
male oriole would be one of the more difficult birds to misidentify  
even by a total novice-and I have no reason to believe these folks  
were that. I know we're in an economical crisis but I ran my tail off  
at work today. Bird lovers are not quitting on their feathered friends.

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN

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[mou-net] Ross's Goose / Northern Shoveler

2009-03-21 Thread Andrew Longtin
Hi all,

Got two new yard birds today!!  


This morning while looking out the window for PFW I had a lone Ross's Goose
following right behind a lone Canada Goose!!! I ran out on the deck to watch
then pass and about two minutes later I had a pair (hen and drake) Northern
Shoveler do a fly over two, been a while since I got two new yard birds in 3





Andrew Longtin

Corcoran (Hennepin Co.) Minnesota

See my WEB pages at: www.birderguy.com

Email: birder...@comcast.net


I'm looking for a job!!  Please see http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewlongtin


Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory Supporter


Minnesota Ornithologists Union Member

Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) Member


Cornell Lab Member (PFW)



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[mou-net] Common Loon & PB Grebe in Washington County

2009-03-21 Thread Linda Sparling
While searching for GWF Geese in Washington County (no luck) I found an early 
Common Loon and an early (I think) Pied-billed Grebe out from the marina in 
Afton.  Lots of ducks, nothing new or unusual.

Linda Sparling

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[mou-net] McLeod farm marshpond

2009-03-21 Thread Milton Blomberg
One nice hotspot today SW of Hutchinson (~1mi N on CR58 from CR89 
Ross Goose-1
Cackling Goose-2 maybe a few others (sleeping in the hummocks)
Greater White-Fronted Goose-~40
Lesser Scaup-few
Amer. Coot-few
Northern Shoveler-few
Blue-winged Teal-2
back near the T-intersection a horde of Red-wings & Grackles, mixed in were 
Brewer's Blackbirds and a few Rusty's.
Other places of note: Meeker County-Kingston area FOY GreenWinged Teal, 3-crows 
harassing a Great Horned Owl, Brewers and Rusty Blackbird, Killdeer, Amer.Tree 
Sparrows, many Bluebirds. mjb

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[mou-net] Common Loon, Rock County

2009-03-21 Thread Bob Dunlap
Today Chad Gustafson and I went birding SW in search of early geese  
and waterfowl. The highlight may have been finding an early Common  
Loon at the gravel pit quarry ponds a couple miles north of Luverne  
just east of Hwy. 75 (just south of Blue Mounds State Park). There was  
also a total of 19 Ross's Geese at this location, as well as flocks of  
Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese flying overhead.

Other highlights from today:

-10 Great-tailed Grackles (3 males, 7 females) along Hwy. 86 in  
Jackson County just north of CR 4

-single Ross's Goose at this same location
-Mixed flock of Greater White-fronted, Snow, Ross's, and Cackling  
Geese totaling around 8,000 birds along Hwy. 86 a couple miles north  
of Lakefield in Jackson County
-Bald Eagles in Jackson, Rock, and Murray County (including 12 on one  
small lake in Murray)

Most of the lakes were still frozen, but the majority of sewage ponds  
and small bodies of water were ice-free.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Cross-border challenge

2009-03-21 Thread christian artuso
Well, I’m not the type of guy to let a border stand in my way so I thought I 
might try to get a few Minnesotans interested in our little fund-raising effort 
up here in Manitoba. After all, the birds don’t care much about that abstract 
line between us.
Every year the Baillie Birdathon raises money for Birds Studies Canada and the 
James L. Baillie Memorial Fund. More than 7,000 people from Canada and around 
the world participate in and/or sponsor the Baillie Birdathon in May of every 
year. During a 24-hour period in May, they attempt to find as many bird species 
as they can, sponsored at a flat rate, or on a per-species basis.  Birders can 
designate a favourite conservation organisation to receive a portion of the 
funds they raise. 
Every year there is a celebrity birder. Last year this was none other than 
David Sibley. This year it will be the “Manitoba All-Stars”. Cal Cuthbert, Ken 
De Smet, Rudolf Koes, Peter Taylor and Adam Walleyn will attempt to break their 
own Canada big day record of 214 species set in 2008. This year, they are not 
just showing off their extraordinary birding skills, they’re also raising money 
at the same time.  To sponsor them go to: 
http://www.bsc-eoc.org/support/birdathon   then on the left click "sponsor a 
participant" and select the first item from the drop-down menu on our website, 
which is "Manitoba All-stars." (alternatively enter the Participant ID # 100093)
Now… to make this even more interesting… perhaps some folks in MN might like to 
try to beat the Manitoba big day total? Nothing like a little friendly 
competition to spur people on! If you feel like biting, why not register as a 
participant at the above website by clicking on “register now” and get in touch 
with me if you do.  It’s a lot of fun and all for a great cause! Anyway, what 
better way of doubling the tremendous joy of birding than by raising money for 
the birds at the same time!
Contact Christian Artuso (Bird Studies Canada’s Manitoba Program Manager) at 
cartuso[AT]birdscanada.org  or (204) 945-6816 for more details.

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[mou-net] McLeod Co. Ross's Goose, N. Shrike

2009-03-21 Thread Joshua Christian
I birded several areas in McLeod Co. today with good success.  I started at 
Lake Marion, which has a good deal of open water.  


Birds at Lake Marion included:


Canada Goose



Northern Shoveler

Canvasback--the largest group I've seen in a while, almost as numerous as the 


Ring-necked Duck

Lesser Scaup


Common Merganser

Ruddy Duck


My next stop was a small pond/flooded field on Yacht Ave. just north of 115th 
St.  There was a large group of Greater White-fronted Geese there.  After 
several minutes of watching them, a lone Ross's Goose swam to the middle of the 
pond (I had apparently missed it on my first 3-4 scans of the pond).  I first 
confidently called it a Ross's, but I took a step back when I noticed a hint of 
a grin patch.  But after closer study the grin patch seemed to be more a trick 
of the light (it disappeared at certain angles), and because of that, coupled 
with the triangular bill, I'm fairly certain it's a true Ross's.  While there, 
several hundred more White-fronted Geese flew over, with a single white goose 
in one flock.  Because its size seemed to be on par with the rest of the geese, 
I'm leaning toward Snow Goose, but I can't say definitively.  I also added 
Green-winged Teal to the list.


My last stop was on the east end 190th St. just south of Hwy 7 along the Crow 
River.  While there I spotted an impressive 15 Bald Eagles (8 of them in a 
single tree) and several Hooded Mergansers.  Ring-billed and Herring Gulls had 
also come to feast on the dead carp lining the shore.  In the brushy field just 
to the west of those birds a Northern Shrike was feeding.  I was able to get a 
scope on it and confirm that the mask did not extend above the beak.


Good birding,

Josh Christian



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[mou-net] Golden Eagle

2009-03-21 Thread Nathan Schirmacher
  After having a not so great morning at the Sherburne Refuge i went home. I 
decided to keep the bins out just in case and it paid off. I noticed a good 
deal of eagles were moving through while i was watching Basketball. Then i 
noticed a strange one so i got my bins on it and sure enough it was a Immature 
type Golden Eagle(Golden head, windows, two tone tail). That made my day and a 
great yard bird. Good birding to all and i hope some geese can come next. 

Nathan Schirmacher


Mille Lacs County


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[mou-net] Golden Eagle in Brown County

2009-03-21 Thread drbop
At about 12:30 I had great looks at a juvenile Golden Eagle on Hwy 257 at the 
SE corner of Linden Lake just east of Hanska.  Also lots of waterfowl at WMA 
just north of Nicollet on Hwy 111 in Nicollet County including flocks of Snow 
Geese and Greater White-fronted Geese overhead.
Bob Williams, Bloomington 
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[mou-net] "archery range"

2009-03-21 Thread Jim Mattsson
I've had several inquiries about the "archery range". This is a unit of
Spring Lake Regional Park located at the intersection of Fahey Ave. and Pine 
Bend Trail
west of Hastings. Take Hi 52 and exit on Hi 55 east toward Hastings.
Turn north on Fahey just east of  where CR 42 meets Hi 55 from the
south. Go one mile and park in the lot and look at the trail map on the
kiosk. Find the spot on the map showing the observation area and go
there. A park bench awaits. 

This morning (Sat) at 9:00am there
were very geese present...then, almost on cue, several hundred
white-fronts arrived from field feeding to the south with 17 Ross's Geese in 
Hundreds of geese and ducks continued to arrive over the next hour or so 
many Cacklers and one blue morph Snow Goose. The majority of the geese
tend to land out of view on the north side of the islands. Photo
opportunities are rather limited due to distance, by some nice aerial
shots are possible with luck. All the dabblers are present, as is a
flock of 2- 3 thousand Aythya divers,  but a scope is a must. 

This has been a banner year for white-fronts and Ross's in Dakota County. Good 

Jim Mattsson

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[mou-net] Black-backed Woodpecker - Cass Lake

2009-03-21 Thread Shawn Conrad
This morning I was working in the Cass Lake area.  During my travels, I saw
a female Black-backed Woodpecker on Oak Point Rd, .6 mile E of 371, several
miles S of Cass Lake.

Other phenological notes:

- Brown Creepers singing (not just calling) in Cass County.
- Trumpeter Swans and the common early waterfowl in open water at Cass Lake
and Federal Dam
- LOTS of Bald Eagles
- Northern Hawk-owl on 73 NOT present
- Flock of juncos in Cass Lake
- No larks, longspurs, or buntings seen on any of the fields in NE Cass.
- My FOY Red-winged Blackbird in Cass Lake

Shawn Conrad

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[mou-net] FW: great story

2009-03-21 Thread Carol Crust
Thought this story was worth sharing.  Karen Bearden is an East Coast very
active Birder Friend.  Carol Crust

-Original Message-
From: Karen Bearden [mailto:chickadeebird...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:34 PM
To: Karen Bearden
Subject: great story


This is an amazing story from a birder in NJ that was shared on the 
Carolinabirds listserve. Stunning photos and a great poem, too.

Happy, SAFE birding!! Peace, Karen

Last Sunday, I fell on the jetty at Barnegat Light State Park
while photographing Harlequins and other sea birds. I am sharing
the following with you for a couple of reasons, 1) I am still here
to tell the tale and 2) hopefully, you will all be very, very careful
whenever and wherever you go birding.

As I found out,it doesn't take much to get into a dangerous situation.
August has been trying to rein me in for a couple of years 
has taught me my lesson.

Please click on the following link to see a poem and some of the 
memorizing the occasion:



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[mou-net] Ruffed Grouse drumming, 3/19, Hibbing

2009-03-21 Thread Shawn Conrad
Just for the sake of phenology, I thought I'd report that I heard a
Ruffed Grouse drumming several times in an area north of Hibbing on

My records aren't the best, but this is about a week earlier than I've
noted my first drumming grouse in past years.

Shawn Conrad

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