[mou] Doug Jenness

2003-03-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Does anyone know Doug Jenness's current email address? Last year he =
moved to southern Arizona.  I don't know if he is still on this =
listserve or not.  Any info. would be appreciated.=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Does anyone know Doug Jenness's current =
address? Last year he moved to southern Arizona.  I don't know if =
he is=20
still on this listserve or not.  Any info. would be appreciated.=20

-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20



2003-03-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This afternoon around 4:30 I found a Eurasian Collared-Dove in the area =
of New Germany in northwestern Carver County.  The bird was perched on a =
tree that overhung Yancy Ave.  This spot is next to a farmhouse just =
after the creek going south on Yancy from Hwy. 7.  The bird showed an =
obvious black collar on the hindneck, dark primaries contrasting with =
the beige body, gray undertail coverts, black outer webs on the =
undertail, and a contrasting white undertail.  I happened to have my =
digital camera with me at the time, and got some photos (one of them so =
far has turned out quite well, showing the undertail).  I realize this =
may be the first record for this species north of the Minnesota River.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This afternoon around 4:30 I found a =
Collared-Dove in the area of New Germany in northwestern Carver =
County. =20
The bird was perched on a tree that overhung Yancy Ave.  This spot =
is next=20
to a farmhouse just after the creek going south on Yancy from Hwy. =
7.  The=20
bird showed an obvious black collar on the hindneck, dark primaries =
with the beige body, gray undertail coverts, black outer webs on the =
and a contrasting white undertail.  I happened to have my digital =
with me at the time, and got some photos (one of them so far has turned =
quite well, showing the undertail).  I realize this may be the =
first record=20
for this species north of the Minnesota River.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] New Germany waterfowl, Carver County

2003-03-19 Thread Bob Dunlap
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The waterfowl flocks are beginning to move through western Carver =
County.  In the New Germany area along Cnty. Rd. 30, there were:
-Canada Goose (many)
-Mallard (a few)
-Lesser Scaup (~75)
-Greater Scaup (2)
-Ring-necked Duck (~50)
-Blue-winged Teal (3)
-Wood Duck (2)
-Common Goldeneye (7)
-Common Merganser (6)
-Hooded Merganser (7)

Flocks of blackbirds, including a few Rusties, were also moving through. =
 Spring is underway!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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The waterfowl flocks are beginning to =
move through=20
western Carver County.  In the New Germany area along Cnty. Rd. 30, =
-Canada Goose (many)
-Mallard (a few)
-Lesser Scaup (~75)
-Greater Scaup (2)
-Ring-necked Duck (~50)
-Blue-winged Teal (3)
-Wood Duck (2)
-Common Goldeneye (7)
-Common Merganser (6)
-Hooded Merganser (7)
Flocks of blackbirds, including a few =
Rusties, were=20
also moving through.  Spring is underway!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Northern Goshawk, Carver County

2003-03-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning I observed an adult (probably male) Northern Goshawk flying =
northwest over Audubon Rd. (Cnty. Rd. 17) in Chaska.  Also down in the =
river valley there were a few Bald Eagles riding the thermals.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This morning I observed an adult =
(probably male)=20
Northern Goshawk flying northwest over Audubon Rd. (Cnty. Rd. 17) in=20
Chaska.  Also down in the river valley there were a few Bald Eagles =
the thermals.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Saw-whets, Red Crossbills and others, Lake County

2003-04-06 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This weekend Rick Hoyme and I birded Lake and Cook Counties.  On Friday =
night we birded along Lake County Road 2, listening for owls.  We =
counted 8 Northern Saw-whet Owls calling, but no Boreals or others.  We =
would have driven down Stoney River Forest Road, but it was covered in a =
good amount of snow.  On Saturday morning, we birded around Two Harbors. =
 We found a group of about 12 Long-tailed Ducks in Agate Bay (same ones =
as earlier in the week?).  Saturday afternoon and evening we birded =
along the Gunflint Trail in Cook County, again looking for owls.  We =
searched for the previously reported Hawk-Owl, but did not find it.  We =
heard only 2 Saw-whet Owls but once again no Boreals (we would have =
driven Lima Mt. Road, but the snow was again too deep). This morning =
(Sunday) we found a male Northern Pintail in the harbor of Grand Marais. =
 We birded back along Hwys. 1 and 2 in Lake County and found the =
following finches:
-Purple Finch (many)
-Pine Siskin (many)
-American Goldfinch (a few)
-Evening Grosbeak (several flocks along Hwy. 1 and Mitawan Rd.)
-White-winged Crossbill (several along Hwy. 1)
-Red Crossbill (along Hwy. 2 near junction with Hwy. 1)
-Pine Grosbeak (along Hwy. 2)

Most of Lake Superior was unfrozen by the time we arrived back in Duluth =
this afternoon.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This weekend Rick Hoyme and I birded =
Lake and Cook=20
Counties.  On Friday night we birded along Lake County Road 2, =
for owls.  We counted 8 Northern Saw-whet Owls calling, but no =
Boreals or=20
others.  We would have driven down Stoney River Forest Road, but it =
covered in a good amount of snow.  On Saturday morning, we birded =
Two Harbors.  We found a group of about 12 Long-tailed Ducks in =
Agate Bay=20
(same ones as earlier in the week?).  Saturday afternoon and =
evening we=20
birded along the Gunflint Trail in Cook County, again looking for =
owls.  We=20
searched for the previously reported Hawk-Owl, but did not find =
it.  We=20
heard only 2 Saw-whet Owls but once again no Boreals (we would have =
driven Lima=20
Mt. Road, but the snow was again too deep). This morning (Sunday) =
we found=20
a male Northern Pintail in the harbor of Grand Marais.  We birded =
along Hwys. 1 and 2 in Lake County and found the following =
-Purple Finch (many)
-Pine Siskin (many)
-American Goldfinch (a =
-Evening Grosbeak (several flocks =
along Hwy. 1=20
and Mitawan Rd.)
-White-winged Crossbill (several along =
-Red Crossbill (along Hwy. 2 near =
junction with=20
Hwy. 1)
-Pine Grosbeak (along Hwy. =
Most of Lake Superior was unfrozen by =
the time we=20
arrived back in Duluth this afternoon.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] Broad-winged Hawk, McLeod County

2003-04-08 Thread Bob Dunlap
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I birded western Carver County this afternoon in the New Germany/Crane =
Creek area.  I found a single Broad-winged Hawk (somewhat early) flying =
on the McLeod County side of Zebra Ave. north of Hwy. 7.  At the ponds =
along Yancy/Yale Ave. were lots of the regular ducks, a Pied-billed =
Grebe, Great Egret, a few Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and a Chipping =
Sparrow. Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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I birded western Carver County this =
afternoon in=20
the New Germany/Crane Creek area.  I found a single Broad-winged =
(somewhat early) flying on the McLeod County side of Zebra Ave. north of =
7.  At the ponds along Yancy/Yale Ave. were lots of the =
regular ducks,=20
a Pied-billed Grebe, Great Egret, a few Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and a =
Sparrow. Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Ross's Geese still present, Scott County

2003-04-08 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This evening I took a couple of friends birding in Scott County.  I =
showed them ducks and geese at the New Prague sewage ponds (north of the =
city on north side of 270th street).  The two Ross's Geese that had been =
reported earlier in the week were indeed still present, along with many =
ducks.  As we watched from the roadside a Western Meadowlark perched on =
a fencepost across the road and sang for us.  We then went to Louisville =
Swamp to watch American Woodcocks display.  We got very close to one and =
heard about 3 others close to the parking lot.  It turned out to be a =
pretty enjoyable evening.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This evening I took a couple of friends =
birding in=20
Scott County.  I showed them ducks and geese at the New Prague =
sewage ponds=20
(north of the city on north side of 270th street).  The two Ross's =
that had been reported earlier in the week were indeed still present, =
along with=20
many ducks.  As we watched from the roadside a Western Meadowlark =
on a fencepost across the road and sang for us.  We then went to =
Swamp to watch American Woodcocks display.  We got very close to =
one and=20
heard about 3 others close to the parking lot.  It turned out to be =
pretty enjoyable evening.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Golden Eagle and N. Goshawk, Carver County

2003-04-13 Thread Bob Dunlap
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There must be a good northward push going on today.  Just watching out =
from my backyard I observed a few migrants such as Ruby-crowned Kinglet, =
Brown Creeper, and Turkey Vulture.  While watching the Vulture fly by, I =
noticed another raptor off in the distance which turned out to be an =
adult Goshawk.  About fifteen minutes after this sighting, I watched =
what I thought at first was another Turkey Vulture fly overhead. I soon =
realized, however, that it looked larger and more like a hawk shape. The =
clincher was when the bird turned and allowed me to see its beautiful =
golden nape.  I yelled "Golden Eagle!" to my dad and he came running =
over.  We observed the eagle for about a minute.  It was probably a =
second year bird, as it had the characteristic two-toned underwing with =
some white underneath and in the tail.  We also saw the golden =
"shoulders." Backyard birding is awesome!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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There must be a good northward push =
going on=20
today.  Just watching out from my backyard I observed a few =
migrants such=20
as Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, and Turkey Vulture.  While =
the Vulture fly by, I noticed another raptor off in the distance which =
out to be an adult Goshawk.  About fifteen minutes after this =
sighting, I=20
watched what I thought at first was another Turkey Vulture fly overhead. =
I soon=20
realized, however, that it looked larger and more like a hawk =
shape. The=20
clincher was when the bird turned and allowed me to see its beautiful =
nape.  I yelled "Golden Eagle!" to my dad and he came running =
over. =20
We observed the eagle for about a minute.  It was probably a second =
bird, as it had the characteristic two-toned underwing with some white=20
underneath and in the tail.  We also saw the golden "shoulders." =
birding is awesome!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Western and other grebes, Carver County

2003-04-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This evening I checked out Tiger Lake in the southwest corner of Carver =
County.  Present were:
-Western Grebe (15)
-Red-necked Grebe (25+)
-Eared Grebe (1)
-Pied-billed Grebe (4)
-Ruddy Ducks (~100)
-Sora (2 calling)
-Virginia Rail (1 calling)
-Yellow-headed Blackbirds (very numerous)

Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This evening I checked out Tiger Lake =
in the=20
southwest corner of Carver County.  Present were:
-Western Grebe (15)
-Red-necked Grebe (25+)
-Eared Grebe (1)
-Pied-billed Grebe (4)
-Ruddy Ducks (~100)
-Sora (2 calling)
-Virginia Rail (1 calling)
-Yellow-headed Blackbirds (very=20
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] New Germany/Crane Creek update, Carver County

2003-09-02 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Today in the New Germany/Crane Creek area of NW Carver County, shorebird =
numbers and  variety have dropped significantly since last week.  The =
ponds are rapidly drying up, and grass is beginning to creep onto the =
dry mudflats.  It looks like the area will be relatively unproductive =
until rain comes.  In the meantime, good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Today in the New Germany/Crane Creek =
area of NW=20
Carver County, shorebird numbers and  variety have dropped=20
significantly since last week.  The ponds are rapidly drying up, =
and grass=20
is beginning to creep onto the dry mudflats.  It looks like the =
area will=20
be relatively unproductive until rain comes.  In the meantime, good =

-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] LBB and Thayer's Gull, Hennepin Co.

2003-09-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
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I must have arrived at Lake Calhoun just after Conny and the others =
left.  The Lesser Black-backed Gull was indeed quite close to the =
western shore, offering excellent looks.  After more gulls came in to =
join the growing flock, I found the adult Thayer's Gull mixed in with =
the numerous Herring Gulls.  Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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I must have arrived at Lake Calhoun =
just after=20
Conny and the others left.  The Lesser Black-backed Gull was indeed =
close to the western shore, offering excellent looks.  After more =
came in to join the growing flock, I found the adult Thayer's Gull mixed =
in with=20
the numerous Herring Gulls.  Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Parasitic Jaeger, Townsend's Solitaire in Duluth

2003-10-04 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Today Chris Fagyal and I birded the Duluth vicinity.  We had a =
rendezvous with Mike Hendrickson on Park Point in the morning, but =
activity there was low at that time.  We then headed to 40th Ave. West =
and found hundreds of Lapland Longspurs, but unfortunately no Smith's =
were to be found.  Mike left, and Chris and I headed up to Hawk Ridge =
around 11:00.  There a Northern Goshawk was soaring overhead as soon as =
we got out of the car.  While standing with the other hawkwatchers, we =
had a surprising flyby of a Townsend's Solitaire.  We tried to follow =
the bird as it flew down the hill from the ridge, but soon lost it.  We =
finished up the afternoon by watching the birds in Minnesota waters from =
Wisconsin Point.  Here we found a Ruddy Turnstone standing on the =
breakwall among the gulls.  While scanning MN waters, we spotted a dark =
jaeger flying west toward Park Point.  As the bird came closer (and =
after watching it for about 20 minutes), we were able to identify it as =
a dark-morph Parasitic Jaeger.  Not a bad bird to end the day with.
The Parasitic Jaeger happened to be my 300th MN year bird.  As far as I =
know, at age 18 I am the youngest person to see at least 300 species in =
MN in a year by at least 6 years.  Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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Today Chris Fagyal and I birded the =
vicinity.  We had a rendezvous with Mike Hendrickson on Park Point =
in the=20
morning, but activity there was low at that time.  We then headed =
to 40th=20
Ave. West and found hundreds of Lapland Longspurs, but unfortunately no =
were to be found.  Mike left, and Chris and I headed up to Hawk =
around 11:00.  There a Northern Goshawk was soaring overhead as =
soon as we=20
got out of the car.  While standing with the other hawkwatchers, we =
had a=20
surprising flyby of a Townsend's Solitaire.  We tried to follow the =
bird as=20
it flew down the hill from the ridge, but soon lost it.  We =
finished up the=20
afternoon by watching the birds in Minnesota waters from Wisconsin =
Point. =20
Here we found a Ruddy Turnstone standing on the breakwall among the =
gulls. =20
While scanning MN waters, we spotted a dark jaeger flying west toward =
Point.  As the bird came closer (and after watching it for about 20 =

minutes), we were able to identify it as a dark-morph Parasitic =
Jaeger. =20
Not a bad bird to end the day with.
The Parasitic Jaeger happened to be my =
300th MN=20
year bird.  As far as I know, at age 18 I am the youngest person to =
see at=20
least 300 species in MN in a year by at least 6 years.  Good=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] 300!- Thanks for the complements

2003-10-06 Thread Bob Dunlap
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My sincere thanks to everyone who has congratulated me on being the =
youngest person in state history to see 300 species in a year.  I hope =
this will be an example for younger birders to look up to, and I hope I =
have shown everyone that birding isn't just for people over 40.  I must =
give my thanks to the two people who have been key to my birding =
successes: my parents.  Without their love and support, I would not be =
the birder I am today.
-Bob Dunlap
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My sincere thanks to everyone who has =
me on being the youngest person in state history to see 300 species in a =

year.  I hope this will be an example for younger birders =
to look=20
up to, and I hope I have shown everyone that birding isn't just for =
people over=20
40.  I must give my thanks to the two people who have been key to =
birding successes: my parents.  Without their love and support, I =
would not=20
be the birder I am today.
-Bob Dunlap


[mou] Short-eared Owl, Carver County

2003-10-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Just a few minutes ago while eating dinner (around 6:00) I witnessed a =
Short-eared Owl flying over the area behind my house.  At close range it =
was really cool seeing it "flutter-flying" similar to a moth.=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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Just a few minutes ago while eating =
dinner (around=20
6:00) I witnessed a Short-eared Owl flying over the area behind my =
house. =20
At close range it was really cool seeing it "flutter-flying" similar to =
a moth.=20

-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Ferruginous Hawk, Lac Qui Parle County

2003-10-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This weekend John Hockema and I, as well as Carol Schumacher on =
Saturday, birded southwest MN.  Saturday was terrible weather for =
birding but today was better.  The highlight of our excursion was =
definitely the juvenile light-morph Ferruginous Hawk that John and I =
found around noon today flying to the east of Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle =
County.  We were totally in awe as the bird flew close overhead.  We =
followed it around some nearby county roads, getting awesome scope =
looks. We last saw the bird flying southeast from Cnty. Rd. 15.  Other =
cool birds we found:
-Black-headed Gull in Iowa- the Spirit Lake bird was present Sat. but =
never flew into MN (dang!)
-13 shorebird species at Heron Lake, Jackson Co.
-100+ Am. Pipits at the Edgerton sewage ponds, Pipestone Co.
While we couldn't find any Smith's Longspurs and missed on the BH Gull, =
the Ferruginous Hawk definitely made it an outstanding trip. Good =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This weekend John Hockema and I, as =
well as Carol=20
Schumacher on Saturday, birded southwest MN.  Saturday was terrible =
for birding but today was better.  The highlight of our excursion =
definitely the juvenile light-morph Ferruginous Hawk that John and =
I found=20
around noon today flying to the east of Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle =
County. =20
We were totally in awe as the bird flew close overhead.  We =
it around some nearby county roads, getting awesome scope looks. We =
saw the bird flying southeast from Cnty. Rd. 15.  Other cool birds =
-Black-headed Gull in Iowa- the Spirit =
Lake bird=20
was present Sat. but never flew into MN (dang!)
-13 shorebird species at Heron Lake, =
-100+ Am. Pipits at the Edgerton sewage =
Pipestone Co.
While we couldn't find any Smith's =
Longspurs and=20
missed on the BH Gull, the Ferruginous Hawk definitely made it an =
trip. Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Black-headed Gull, Smith's Longspurs- SW MN

2003-10-18 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Today Rick Hoyme, John Hockema, Jeff Stephenson, and I birded Jackson =
and Cottonwood Counties.  At 8:30 this morning we were staked out along =
the Iowa/Minnesota border at the north side of Spirit Lake in Jackson =
County, waiting for the Black-headed Gull to fly into MN.  We didn't =
have long to wait, as the gull flew over the road and landed in MN =
waters.  It must have looked quite comical for the Iowa fishermen to see =
us jumping and giving high fives after a gull crossed a road.
This afternoon we birded the Red Rock Prairie in Cottonwood County in =
hopes of finding Smith's Longspurs.  We eventually began hearing the =
twittering of longspurs, and low and behold, we found ourselves in the =
midst of about 75-100 Smith's!  As far as we could tell, there were no =
Laplands mixed in.  It was very interesting hearing the twittering of =
the Smith's, quite different from the rattle of Laplands. =20
Get out and enjoy the birds!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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Today Rick Hoyme, John Hockema, Jeff =
and I birded Jackson and Cottonwood Counties.  At 8:30 this =
morning we=20
were staked out along the Iowa/Minnesota border at the north side of =
Spirit Lake=20
in Jackson County, waiting for the Black-headed Gull to fly into =
MN.  We=20
didn't have long to wait, as the gull flew over the road and landed in =
waters.  It must have looked quite comical for the Iowa fishermen =
to see us=20
jumping and giving high fives after a gull crossed a road.
This afternoon we birded the Red Rock =
Prairie in=20
Cottonwood County in hopes of finding Smith's Longspurs.  We =
began hearing the twittering of longspurs, and low and behold, we found=20
ourselves in the midst of about 75-100 Smith's!  As far as we could =
there were no Laplands mixed in.  It was very interesting hearing =
twittering of the Smith's, quite different from the rattle of =
Laplands. =20

Get out and enjoy the =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Long-billed Dowitchers, Carver County

2003-09-30 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This afternoon at the Mayer sewage ponds in Western Carver County I =
found a pair of juvenile Long-billed Dowitchers probing the mudflats.  =
Also present were a few Wilson's Snipe and Lesser Yellowlegs.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This afternoon at the Mayer sewage =
ponds in Western=20
Carver County I found a pair of juvenile Long-billed Dowitchers probing =
mudflats.  Also present were a few Wilson's Snipe and Lesser=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Great Gray Owls and Sharp-tailed Grouse, Aitkin County

2003-11-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Jeff Stephenson, John and Chris Hockema, and I spent the weekend birding =
Aitkin County and the Duluth vicinity.  Saturday morning/early afternoon =
was spent on Mike Hendrickson's Mille Lacs trip.  We left the group =
around 2p.m. to search for Sharp-tailed Grouse and Great Gray Owls in =
northern Aitkin County.  Just west of Cnty. Rd. 5 a few miles south of =
the town of Palisade, we found 4 Sharp-tailed Grouse feeding in a birch =
tree.  This happened to be John's 300th year bird (Congrats John!).  We =
then drove north on 5 to Cnty. Rd. 18, and drove a couple miles west to =
Pietz's Rd. At the intersection of Pietz's Rd. and Cnty. Rd. 18, we =
found 3 Great Gray Owls hunting along the roadsides (the local family =
group?).  These birds were awesome!
Today (Sunday) we birded the Duluth vicinity.  We searched in vain for =
the Spotted Towhee on Park Point, but did find a pair of Red-bellied =
Woodpeckers as well as a pair of cardinals near the towhee spot.  =
Further down Park Point out from the bus stop/pulloff (bayside) we found =
Black, White-winged, and Surf Scoters.  In the afternoon we, along with =
Mike Hendrickson, searched the Cargill building area in hopes of finding =
a Gyrfalcon.  No luck there, nor back at the towhee spot on Park Point.  =
All in all it was a pretty cold but fun weekend.  Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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Jeff Stephenson, John and Chris =
Hockema, and I=20
spent the weekend birding Aitkin County and the Duluth vicinity.  =
morning/early afternoon was spent on Mike Hendrickson's Mille Lacs=20
trip.  We left the group around 2p.m. to search for Sharp-tailed =
Grouse and=20
Great Gray Owls in northern Aitkin County.  Just west of Cnty. Rd. =
5 a few=20
miles south of the town of Palisade, we found 4 Sharp-tailed Grouse =
feeding in a=20
birch tree.  This happened to be John's 300th year bird (Congrats=20
John!).  We then drove north on 5 to Cnty. Rd. 18, and drove a =
couple miles=20
west to Pietz's Rd. At the intersection of Pietz's Rd. and Cnty. Rd. 18, =
found 3 Great Gray Owls hunting along the roadsides (the local family=20
group?).  These birds were awesome!
Today (Sunday) we birded the Duluth =
vicinity. =20
We searched in vain for the Spotted Towhee on Park Point, but did find a =
pair of=20
Red-bellied Woodpeckers as well as a pair of cardinals near the towhee=20
spot.  Further down Park Point out from the bus stop/pulloff =
(bayside) we=20
found Black, White-winged, and Surf Scoters.  In the afternoon we, =
with Mike Hendrickson, searched the Cargill building area in hopes of =
finding a=20
Gyrfalcon.  No luck there, nor back at the towhee spot on Park =
Point. =20
All in all it was a pretty cold but fun weekend.  Good=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Pine Siskin, Carver County

2003-11-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning there is a Pine Siskin visiting my backyard feeders.  =
Hopefully this means that other finches are on their way to the cities =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This morning there is a Pine Siskin =
visiting my=20
backyard feeders.  Hopefully this means that other finches are on =
their way=20
to the cities too.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Common Redpoll, Carver County

2003-11-23 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning a Common Redpoll visited the feeders in our backyard in =
Chaska.  It has been several years since we have seen one at our =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This morning a Common Redpoll visited =
the feeders=20
in our backyard in Chaska.  It has been several years since we have =
one at our feeders.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Black Scoters, Winona County

2003-11-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning Rick Hoyme, Jeff Stephenson, Chuck Krulas and I found a =
pair of Black Scoters in a raft of ducks off the east side of Prairie =
Island in Winona County.  Other good birds were in Houston County:
-Golden Eagle soaring above Cnty. Rd. 21
-Tufted Titmouse coming to a feeder along Hwy. 26
-Northern Shrike along Gap Drive (western part of county)
-Thousands of Tundra Swans along the Mississippi R.

Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This morning Rick Hoyme, Jeff =
Stephenson, Chuck=20
Krulas and I found a pair of Black Scoters in a raft of ducks off the =
east side=20
of Prairie Island in Winona County.  Other good birds were in =
-Golden Eagle soaring above Cnty. Rd.=20
-Tufted Titmouse coming to a feeder =
along Hwy.=20
-Northern Shrike along Gap Drive =
(western part of=20
-Thousands of Tundra Swans along the =
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Clark's Grebe, Cattle Egret, and others- W. MN

2003-05-04 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This weekend Rick Hoyme and I birded Lac Qui Parle, Big Stone, Chippewa, =
Swift, and Traverse Counties.  The "best" birds were the Clark's Grebe =
among many Westerns at Thielke Lake and a Cattle Egret about one mile =
east of Hwy. 75 along Big Stone Cnty. Rd. 12. =20
Shorebirds were few and far between.  On Friday night, we stopped at =
Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle County.  Here we found all of the expected =
waterfowl plus the following shorebirds: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, =
Baird's Sandpiper, Dunlin, and American Golden-Plover.  There was also a =
mixed flock of geese, including many Canada, many Snow, a few =
Greater-white-fronted, and about 5 Ross's Geese.
Passerines were beginning to show up; we found a few species throughout =
the various parks, including: Yellow-rumped Warblers, Palm Warblers, a =
single Cape May Warbler, many Harris's Sparrows, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, =
Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and an Eastern Wood-Pewee.
At the Plover Prairie in Lac Qui Parle Co., we found a pair of Marbled =
Godwits at the east prairie.
We found Upland Sandpipers in Big Stone and Chippewa Counties.
We encountered a flock of American Golden-Plovers in Traverse County =
this morning. =20
We ran across Gray Partridge in both Big Stone and Traverse Counties.
Big Stone NWR had virtually no mudflats, as the water levels were still =
very high.
We looked for the pair of Eurasian Collared-Doves in Appleton, Swift Co. =
several times without success.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This weekend Rick Hoyme and I birded =
Lac Qui Parle,=20
Big Stone, Chippewa, Swift, and Traverse Counties.  The "best" =
birds were=20
the Clark's Grebe among many Westerns at Thielke Lake and a Cattle =
about one mile east of Hwy. 75 along Big Stone Cnty. Rd. 12.  =

Shorebirds were few and far =
between.  On=20
Friday night, we stopped at Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle County.  =
Here we=20
found all of the expected waterfowl plus the following shorebirds: =
Greater and=20
Lesser Yellowlegs, Baird's Sandpiper, Dunlin, and American =
Golden-Plover. =20
There was also a mixed flock of geese, including many Canada, many Snow, =
a few=20
Greater-white-fronted, and about 5 Ross's Geese.
Passerines were beginning to show up; =
we found a=20
few species throughout the various parks, including: Yellow-rumped =
Palm Warblers, a single Cape May Warbler, many Harris's Sparrows, =
Gnatcatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and an Eastern =
At the Plover Prairie in Lac Qui Parle =
Co., we=20
found a pair of Marbled Godwits at the east prairie.
We found Upland Sandpipers in Big Stone =
Chippewa Counties.
We encountered a flock of American =

Golden-Plovers in Traverse County this morning.  
We ran across Gray Partridge in both =
Big Stone and=20
Traverse Counties.
Big Stone NWR had virtually no =
mudflats, as the=20
water levels were still very high.
We looked for the pair of Eurasian =
in Appleton, Swift Co. several times without success.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] Virginia Rails and Nighthawks, Scott County

2003-05-06 Thread Bob Dunlap
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I took a friend birding this evening in Scott County.  We were looking =
primarily for Virginia Rails and Soras.  We went to look in the marshes =
of Murphy-Hanrehan Park.  In the second cattail marsh on the right going =
south on the main road from the trailhead, we heard at least 3 Virginia =
Rails and one Sora calling.  Eventually we got to see both species come =
out from the cattails, providing excellent views.  We checked Murphy =
Lake for anything good, and saw a couple of Common Nighthawks fly over.  =
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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I took a friend birding this evening in =
County.  We were looking primarily for Virginia Rails and =
Soras.  We=20
went to look in the marshes of Murphy-Hanrehan Park.  In the second =
marsh on the right going south on the main road from the trailhead, we =
heard at=20
least 3 Virginia Rails and one Sora calling.  Eventually we got to =
see both=20
species come out from the cattails, providing excellent views.  We =
Murphy Lake for anything good, and saw a couple of Common Nighthawks fly =

over.  Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Western Tanager refound, Hennepin County

2003-05-11 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Around 6:30 this evening my dad and I went searching for the previously =
reported Western Tanager at Wood Lake Nature Center in Hennepin County.  =
We spent a good deal of time searching for it.  In the trees just to the =
east of the Nature Center (still close to the parking lot) I had a =
fly-over of a tanager shape, but didn't see any color.  This bird landed =
somewhere in the trees at the east end of the parking lot.  Immediately =
after I lost sight of it, I began to hear a two-note chirping call from =
somewhere high up that had sounded familiar from when I listened to a =
Western Tanager tape.  This call was repeated several times from this =
location. I listened to the Western Tanager calls when I got home, and =
was delighted that the calls my dad and I had heard where that of the =
Western Tanager.=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Around 6:30 this evening my dad and I =
searching for the previously reported Western Tanager at Wood Lake =
Nature Center=20
in Hennepin County.  We spent a good deal of time searching for =
it. =20
In the trees just to the east of the Nature Center (still close to the =
lot) I had a fly-over of a tanager shape, but didn't see any =
color.  This=20
bird landed somewhere in the trees at the east end of the parking =
lot. =20
Immediately after I lost sight of it, I began to hear a two-note =
call from somewhere high up that had sounded familiar from when I =
listened to a=20
Western Tanager tape.  This call was repeated several times from =
location. I listened to the Western Tanager calls when I got home, and =
delighted that the calls my dad and I had heard where that of the =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Hooded Warblers and others, Scott/Dakota Counties

2003-05-17 Thread Bob Dunlap
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I birded this gorgeous morning at Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott and =
parts of Dakota Counties.  I found 13 warbler species in the park, the =
most exciting being the Hoodeds and Ceruleans.  The Cerulean Warblers =
were quite vocal this morning between markers 1,2,3, and 4, offering =
pretty good looks.  I found 3 Hooded Warblers in the park: one heard and =
seen between markers 3 and 4, and two heard near marker 9.  Also at =
marker 9 was an Acadian Flycatcher. =20
Along the main road (Cnty. Rd. 75), I heard a Sandhill Crane calling =
from somewhere.  A single Lark Sparrow was also along the road, and a =
male Orchard Oriole was in the trees of the trailhead parking lot.
Get out and enjoy the weather!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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I birded this gorgeous morning at =
Park in Scott and parts of Dakota Counties.  I found 13 warbler =
species in=20
the park, the most exciting being the Hoodeds and Ceruleans.  The =
Warblers were quite vocal this morning between markers 1,2,3, and =
offering pretty good looks.  I found 3 Hooded Warblers in the park: =
heard and seen between markers 3 and 4, and two heard near marker =
9. =20
Also at marker 9 was an Acadian Flycatcher.  
Along the main road (Cnty. Rd. 75), I =
heard a=20
Sandhill Crane calling from somewhere.  A single Lark Sparrow was =
along the road, and a male Orchard Oriole was in the trees of the =
parking lot.
Get out and enjoy the =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Cattle Egret, Least Bittern in Lyon County

2003-06-01 Thread Bob Dunlap
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On the way back from the Rock County MBW (which was outrageously =
spectacular), Rick Hoyme and I birded parts of Lyon County.  Most =
notable was Black Rush Lake WPA just south of Hwy. 23.  There we found a =
couple of calling Least Bitterns, and one of them popped up for a brief =
glimpse.  At the south end of the marsh just past the sign for the WPA, =
we found a Cattle Egret on the hill close to the marsh.  Also in the =
water were three late Snow Geese.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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On the way back from the Rock County =
MBW (which was=20
outrageously spectacular), Rick Hoyme and I birded parts of Lyon =
County. =20
Most notable was Black Rush Lake WPA just south of Hwy. 23.  There =
we found=20
a couple of calling Least Bitterns, and one of them popped up for a =
glimpse.  At the south end of the marsh just past the sign for the =
WPA, we=20
found a Cattle Egret on the hill close to the marsh.  Also in the =
were three late Snow Geese.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Summer Tanager, Kentucky Warbler at Murphy-Hanrehan Park

2003-06-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning I birded Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County, mainly for =
the previously reported Kentucky Warbler.  Around 8:00 this morning the =
bird was singing about 50 yards east of marker 15 on the right side of =
the trail (near the top of the hill).  To get there from marker 14, take =
the path to the right.  The next intersection is marker 15, and again =
take the path to the right (this heads toward marker 16).
About 50 more yards from the Kentucky spot (still going east), the trail =
slopes down to a pond on the right.  It was here where I heard a Summer =
Tanager singing and calling.  Before this spot, I had heard and seen a =
few Scarlet Tanagers, so it was fairly easy to differentiate between the =
two songs.  The Summer Tanager also gave a "pikki tuck tuck" call a few =
times.  I never saw the bird, but it seemed fairly active in moving =
about the treetops.  A couple of weeks ago there was a report of a =
Summer Tanager in Murphy-Hanrehan Park, but where specifically I can't =
remember, so this may very well be the same bird.
Also along this trail was a singing Hooded Warbler.  There was another =
Hooded singing between markers 13 and 14.
There were a few people looking for the Prairie Warbler this morning, =
and as far as I know it wasn't seen or heard.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This morning I birded Murphy-Hanrehan =
Park in Scott=20
County, mainly for the previously reported Kentucky Warbler.  =
Around 8:00=20
this morning the bird was singing about 50 yards east of marker 15 on =
the right=20
side of the trail (near the top of the hill).  To get there from =
marker 14,=20
take the path to the right.  The next intersection is marker 15, =
and again=20
take the path to the right (this heads toward marker 16).
About 50 more yards from the Kentucky=20
spot (still going east), the trail slopes down to a pond on the=20
right.  It was here where I heard a Summer Tanager singing and=20
calling.  Before this spot, I had heard and seen a few Scarlet =
Tanagers, so=20
it was fairly easy to differentiate between the two songs.  The =
Tanager also gave a "pikki tuck tuck" call a few times.  I never =
saw the=20
bird, but it seemed fairly active in moving about the treetops.  A =
of weeks ago there was a report of a Summer Tanager in Murphy-Hanrehan =
Park, but=20
where specifically I can't remember, so this may very well be the same=20
Also along this trail was a singing =
Warbler.  There was another Hooded singing between markers 13 and=20
There were a few people looking for the =
Warbler this morning, and as far as I know it wasn't seen or =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Cinnamon Teal still present, Dakota County

2003-06-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
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As of 4:30 this afternoon the basic-plumaged Cinnamon Teal was still at =
the left end of the 140th Street marsh.  It spent most of its time =
dipping its bill (noticeably bigger than the nearby Blue-wingeds') into =
the water to find food.
After seeing the teal, I found the summer resident Swainson's Hawk =
flying around just south of the chemical plant on the west side of Hwy. =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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As of 4:30 this afternoon the =
Cinnamon Teal was still at the left end of the 140th Street marsh.  =
spent most of its time dipping its bill (noticeably bigger than the =
Blue-wingeds') into the water to find food.
After seeing the teal, I found the =
summer resident=20
Swainson's Hawk flying around just south of the chemical plant on the =
west side=20
of Hwy. 52.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Summer Tanager and Mourning Warbler at Lebanon Hills

2003-06-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Around 11:00 this morning I checked out Lebanon Hills Regional Park at =
the Holland Lake entrance, Dakota County.  I found the Summer Tanager =
calling "pik tuck tuck tuck" at its now tradtional spot but on the right =
side of the trail high in the trees.  Again, there were a few Scarlet =
Tanagers singing nearby as well. =20
On the path that goes around the lake to the west I found a singing =
Mourning Warbler (late migrant?).  Where you would turn to go to the =
Summer Tanager spot (at the top of the hill), continue straight and take =
the path to the left.  The bird was perched and singing at the bottom of =
the small hill.
I did not hear or see any Kentucky Warblers.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Around 11:00 this morning I checked out =
Hills Regional Park at the Holland Lake entrance, Dakota County.  I =
the Summer Tanager calling "pik tuck tuck tuck" at its now tradtional =
spot but=20
on the right side of the trail high in the trees.  Again, there =
were a few=20
Scarlet Tanagers singing nearby as well.  
On the path that goes around the lake =
to the west I=20
found a singing Mourning Warbler (late migrant?).  Where you would =
turn to=20
go to the Summer Tanager spot (at the top of the hill), continue =
straight and=20
take the path to the left.  The bird was perched and singing at the =
of the small hill.
I did not hear or see any Kentucky=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Prothonotary and Cerulean Warblers, Carver County

2003-06-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This evening I went looking for Prothonotary Warblers at the very =
southern tip of Carver County.  There is a trail on the east side of =
Cnty. Rd. 40 about half a mile east of its junction with Hwy. 25.  This =
is mostly bottomland forest next to the MN River, and there are many =
places along the trail with standing dead trees for Prothonotaries.  I =
found one singing about a quarter mile in from the trail's start, next =
to a pond on the right side of the path. =20
There were two singing Cerulean Warblers on this path also: one by the =
Prothonotary spot and the other almost right next to the road where the =
trail starts.
NOTE: Don't even think about going on this path unless you have the best =
mosquito protection you can find.  I wasn't even able to stop and look =
through my binoculars for more than a couple seconds due to the swarms.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This evening I went looking for =
Warblers at the very southern tip of Carver County.  There is a =
trail on=20
the east side of Cnty. Rd. 40 about half a mile east of its junction =
with Hwy.=20
25.  This is mostly bottomland forest next to the MN River, and =
there are=20
many places along the trail with standing dead trees for =
Prothonotaries.  I=20
found one singing about a quarter mile in from the trail's start, next =
to a pond=20
on the right side of the path.  
There were two singing Cerulean =
Warblers on this=20
path also: one by the Prothonotary spot and the other almost right next =
to the=20
road where the trail starts.
NOTE: Don't even think about going on =
this path=20
unless you have the best mosquito protection you can find.  I =
wasn't even=20
able to stop and look through my binoculars for more than a couple =
seconds due=20
to the swarms.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Boreal Chickadee and others, Aitkin County

2003-06-14 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Rick Hoyme, my dad, and I birded Aitkin County Friday and today (6/14).  =
We had excellent birding on both days, with many good finds.

Rice Lake NWR:
-Cape May Warbler (somewhat south of where it is expected in summer?)
-LeConte's Sparrow (many)

Savanna Portage State Park:
-Pine Warbler (singing along the road just south of Wolf Lake)
-Black-billed Cuckoo (excellent looks)

McGregor Marsh at night:
-Yellow Rails (many calling)
-Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (a few singing)

Today (Sat.)
We found about 5 or 6 Sharp-tailed Grouse in a field on the east side of =
Cnty. Rd. 16 about half a mile south of the town of Tamarack.  These =
birds are best looked for in the morning, as we drove by here Friday =
afternoon and evening but didn't find them then.

Snowmobile Trail south of 560th street (across from Pietz's Road)
-Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (singing)
-Connecticut Warbler (singing)
-Boreal Chickadee (singing and gave excellent looks)
-Gray Jay

Get out and enjoy the birds!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Rick Hoyme, my dad, and I birded Aitkin =
Friday and today (6/14).  We had excellent birding on both days, =
with many=20
good finds.
Rice Lake NWR:
-Cape May Warbler (somewhat south of =
where it is=20
expected in summer?)
-LeConte's Sparrow (many)
Savanna Portage State =
-Pine Warbler (singing along the road =
just south of=20
Wolf Lake)
-Black-billed Cuckoo (excellent =
McGregor Marsh at night:
-Yellow Rails (many =
-Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (a few=20
Today (Sat.)
We found about 5 or 6 Sharp-tailed =
Grouse in a=20
field on the east side of Cnty. Rd. 16 about half a mile south of the =
town of=20
Tamarack.  These birds are best looked for in the morning, as we =
drove by=20
here Friday afternoon and evening but didn't find them =
Snowmobile Trail south of 560th street =
(across from=20
Pietz's Road)
-Yellow-bellied Flycatcher =
-Connecticut Warbler =
-Boreal Chickadee (singing and gave =
-Gray Jay
Get out and enjoy the =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] American Bittern, Carver County

2003-06-19 Thread Bob Dunlap
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I spent the afternoon/evening birding western Carver County with Rick =
Hoyme.  We had pretty good birding. Highlights:
-Prothonotary Warbler (trail going east off Cnty. Rd. 40 half a mile =
east of its junction with Hwy. 25)
-American Bittern (north end of Tiger Lake near closed boat access)
-Orchard Oriole (immature male singing near intersection of Cnty. Rds. =
135 and 32.
-Virginia Rail (marsh/ponds along Vega Ave.)

In Sibley County along Hwy. 25 (northeast part of county) we stopped and =
checked out Washington Lake.  Here were:
-Western Grebes (many)
-Eared Grebes (many)
-Red-necked Grebes (a few)
-Ruddy Ducks (many)
-Redheads (a few)
-Black and Forster's Terns

Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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I spent the afternoon/evening birding =
Carver County with Rick Hoyme.  We had pretty good birding.=20
-Prothonotary Warbler (trail going east =
off Cnty.=20
Rd. 40 half a mile east of its junction with Hwy. 25)
-American Bittern (north end of =
Tiger Lake=20
near closed boat access)
-Orchard Oriole (immature male =
singing near=20
intersection of Cnty. Rds. 135 and 32.
-Virginia Rail (marsh/ponds along Vega=20
In Sibley County along Hwy. 25 =
(northeast part of=20
county) we stopped and checked out Washington Lake.  Here=20
-Western Grebes (many)
-Eared Grebes (many)
-Red-necked Grebes (a few)
-Ruddy Ducks (many)
-Redheads (a few)
-Black and Forster's Terns
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] American Avocets, Big Stone County

2003-06-21 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Today Rick Hoyme and I birded Pope and Big Stone Counties.  We refound =
the Avocets in Big Stone County in two places: 2 were at a pothole on =
the west side of Cnty. Rd. 61 just south of Hwy. 28, and 2 more were at =
the pothole about 1.5 miles west of Cnty. Rd. 61 on the north side of =
Cnty. Rd. 54.
In southern Pope County, we were searching for the previously reported =
Snowy Egrets.  We looked at many potholes and marshes, but we never =
found them.  This part of the county has many wetlands, and the egrets =
could have easily been at one we didn't check or couldn't get to.  We =
searched the rookery on Lake Johanna for them without success, but did =
find quite a few Black-crowned Night-Herons roosting with the Great =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Today Rick Hoyme and I birded Pope and =
Big Stone=20
Counties.  We refound the Avocets in Big Stone County in two =
places: 2 were=20
at a pothole on the west side of Cnty. Rd. 61 just south of Hwy. 28, and =
2 more=20
were at the pothole about 1.5 miles west of Cnty. Rd. 61 on the north =
side of=20
Cnty. Rd. 54.
In southern Pope County, we were =
searching for the=20
previously reported Snowy Egrets.  We looked at many potholes and =
but we never found them.  This part of the county has many =
wetlands, and=20
the egrets could have easily been at one we didn't check or couldn't get =

to.  We searched the rookery on Lake Johanna for them without =
success, but=20
did find quite a few Black-crowned Night-Herons roosting with the Great=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Least Bittern, Carver County

2003-06-23 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Around 1:00 this afternoon I surveyed Tiger Lake in SW Carver County.  =
Around 100 Western Grebes were present along with a few young swimming =
close by.  Also on the lake were Red-necked and Eared Grebes, also with =
young. =20
In the cattails on the southeastern side of the lake near Hwy. 212, I =
saw a Least Bittern pop up for a few seconds and then down again into =
the vegetation.
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Around 1:00 this afternoon I surveyed =
Tiger Lake in=20
SW Carver County.  Around 100 Western Grebes were present along =
with a few=20
young swimming close by.  Also on the lake were Red-necked and =
Grebes, also with young.  
In the cattails on the southeastern =
side of the=20
lake near Hwy. 212, I saw a Least Bittern pop up for a few seconds and =
then down=20
again into the vegetation.
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Birds of Becker and Clay County

2003-06-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Yesterday and today (6/28) Rick Hoyme and I birded Becker and Clay =
County.  We spent Friday afternoon and this morning in Becker, and this =
afternoon in Clay. =20
Yesterday afternoon, we saw the Common Moorhen at Hamden Slough NWR.  It =
seems to stay close to the vegetation on the SE corner of the pond.  The =
other interesting birds from Hamden Slough were 3 Greater Yellowlegs at =
the wetland just north of the moorhen pond on the west side of the road. =
 Could these birds be nesting?
This morning we had good birding in Tamarac NWR.  We found 11 species of =
warbler including: Golden-winged, Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow, =
Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Pine, =
Black-and-white, American Redstart, and Common Yellowthroat.  We found a =
pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers along the auto-tour road south of the =
nature center, and a Red-breasted Nuthatch behind the nature center.  =
LeConte's Sparrows were singing in almost every field we visited.
This afternoon we birded Felton Prairie in Clay County. Here we found: =
Orchard Oriole, Western Kingbird, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Upland =
Sandpiper, and Loggerhead Shrikes.
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Yesterday and today (6/28) Rick Hoyme =
and I birded=20
Becker and Clay County.  We spent Friday afternoon and this morning =
Becker, and this afternoon in Clay.  
Yesterday afternoon, we saw the Common =
Moorhen at=20
Hamden Slough NWR.  It seems to stay close to the vegetation on the =
corner of the pond.  The other interesting birds from Hamden Slough =
were 3=20
Greater Yellowlegs at the wetland just north of the moorhen pond on the =
side of the road.  Could these birds be nesting?
This morning we had good birding in =
NWR.  We found 11 species of warbler including: Golden-winged, =
Northern Parula, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green, =
Pine, Black-and-white, American Redstart, and Common Yellowthroat.  =

We found a pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers along the auto-tour road =
south of=20
the nature center, and a Red-breasted Nuthatch behind the nature =
center. =20
LeConte's Sparrows were singing in almost every field we =
This afternoon we birded Felton Prairie =
in Clay=20
County. Here we found: Orchard Oriole, Western Kingbird, =
Longspur, Upland Sandpiper, and Loggerhead Shrikes.
Good birding!
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] possible Summer Tanager nesting, Scott County

2003-07-01 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning I birded Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County, mostly to =
search for the Summer Tanager I heard back in June.  I went back to the =
same spot around 7:00 this morning.  To get to this spot, park along the =
road just west of marker 14 (this is where you go for the Hooded =
Warblers).  Follow the path in and take the path to the right as you =
reach the clearing.  This takes you back to marker 15.  Take the trail =
to your right at 15, which heads east toward marker 16.  About 150 yards =
or so east on this path from marker 15, there is a low, semi-open spot =
with wetlands and tall trees on both sides of the path.  This area is =
just after coming down a hill.  It was here where I heard a male Summer =
Tanager back in June.  This morning, I waited a minute or two, and then =
saw a female tanager fly into a tree on the north side of the path.  I =
had a quick look at this bird, and could only tell it was a female =
tanager, but the wings were not very dark.  Just as I put my binoculars =
on this bird, the male Summer Tanager flew into the same tree and began =
calling "pik tuk tuk".  The male sat there for a minute calling within =
plain sight of me, and then followed the female bird to a tree just =
north of this spot.  I could not find them after this, but this behavior =
was, at least to me, highly suggestive of nesting.  I am not aware of =
any breeding records for this species in MN, nor do I know if Summer and =
Scarlet Tanagers will hybridize.  Just before you come down the hill to =
this spot, there are a few Scarlet Tanagers singing, so it is possible =
that the female bird was a scarlet.
Elsewhere in the park, I found a Henslow's Sparrow still singing near =
marker 40.  A Hooded Warbler was singing conspicuously near marker 15.  =
Between markers 1 and 2, I found Cerulean, Mourning, and Chestnut-sided =
Warblers.  This is the first time I have seen Chestnut-sided here in the =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This morning I birded Murphy-Hanrehan =
Park in Scott=20
County, mostly to search for the Summer Tanager I heard back in =
June.  I=20
went back to the same spot around 7:00 this morning.  To get to =
this spot,=20
park along the road just west of marker 14 (this is where you go for the =
Warblers).  Follow the path in and take the path to the =
right as=20
you reach the clearing.  This takes you back to marker 15.  =
Take the=20
trail to your right at 15, which heads east toward marker 16.  =
About 150=20
yards or so east on this path from marker 15, there is a low,=20
semi-open spot with wetlands and tall trees on both sides of the=20
path.  This area is just after coming down a hill.  It was =
here where=20
I heard a male Summer Tanager back in June.  This morning, I waited =
minute or two, and then saw a female tanager fly into a tree on the =
north side=20
of the path.  I had a quick look at this bird, and could only tell =
it was a=20
female tanager, but the wings were not very dark.  Just as I put my =

binoculars on this bird, the male Summer Tanager flew into the same tree =
began calling "pik tuk tuk".  The male sat there for a minute =
within plain sight of me, and then followed the female bird to a tree =
just north=20
of this spot.  I could not find them after this, but this behavior =
was, at=20
least to me, highly suggestive of nesting.  I am not aware of any =
records for this species in MN, nor do I know if Summer and Scarlet =
will hybridize.  Just before you come down the hill to this spot, =
there are=20
a few Scarlet Tanagers singing, so it is possible that the female bird =
was a=20
Elsewhere in the park, I found a =
Henslow's Sparrow=20
still singing near marker 40.  A Hooded Warbler was singing =
near marker 15.  Between markers 1 and 2, I =
found Cerulean,=20
Mourning, and Chestnut-sided Warblers.  This is the first time I =
have seen=20
Chestnut-sided here in the summer.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Birds of Lake and Cook Counties

2003-07-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
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On Monday and Tuesday (July 7,8), Craig Mandel and I birded Lake and =
Cook Counties.  We spent most of Monday in Lake County looking for =
boreal species.  Of note were:
-Black-billed Cuckoo- Hwy. 2
-Connecticut Warbler- along Hwy. 2 near the Sand River
-Palm Warbler- Hwy. 1
-Black-throated Blue Warbler- Tettegouche State Park

We spent Monday evening searching for the White-winged Dove west of =
Grand Marais along County Road 7.  We did not find the dove, but did =
hear a Vesper Sparrow singing in the field adjacent to the red barn.  =
East of Grand Marais along Cnty. Rd. 58, we found quite a few LeConte's =
Sparrows singing in a sedge marsh on the south side of the road.  We =
also had an awesome encounter with a Whip-poor-will along this road.
We spent most of Tuesday morning along the Gunflint Trail in Cook =
County.  Before driving up the Gunflint, we searched for the dove again =
without success, but did find a Clay-colored Sparrow and Indigo Bunting =
in a field along Cnty. Rd. 7. Along the Gunflint, birds of note were:
-Both Merlin and American Kestrel
-Black-backed Woodpecker- near the North Brule River
-Winter Wrens in several places
-a few Swainson's Thrushes
-Lincoln's Sparrows singing
-Dark-eyed Junco- near the North Brule River
Back in Grand Marais, we found Gray Catbird, House Wren, House Sparrow, =
and House Finch.  A very unexpected sight was a flock of about 10 =
American White Pelicans just west of Grand Marais along Hwy. 61. =20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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On Monday and Tuesday (July 7,8), Craig =
Mandel and=20
I birded Lake and Cook Counties.  We spent most of Monday in Lake =
looking for boreal species.  Of note were:
-Black-billed Cuckoo- Hwy. =
-Connecticut Warbler- along Hwy. 2 near =
the Sand=20
-Palm Warbler- Hwy. 1
-Black-throated Blue Warbler- =
Tettegouche State=20
We spent Monday evening searching for =
White-winged Dove west of Grand Marais along County Road 7.  We did =
find the dove, but did hear a Vesper Sparrow singing in the field =
adjacent to=20
the red barn.  East of Grand Marais along Cnty. Rd. 58, we found =
quite a=20
few LeConte's Sparrows singing in a sedge marsh on the south side of the =

road.  We also had an awesome encounter with a Whip-poor-will along =
We spent most of Tuesday morning along =
the Gunflint=20
Trail in Cook County.  Before driving up the Gunflint, we searched =
for the=20
dove again without success, but did find a Clay-colored Sparrow and =
Bunting in a field along Cnty. Rd. 7. Along the Gunflint, birds of =
-Both Merlin and American =
-Black-backed Woodpecker- near the =
North Brule=20
-Winter Wrens in several =
-a few Swainson's Thrushes
-Lincoln's Sparrows =
-Dark-eyed Junco- near the North Brule=20
Back in Grand Marais, we found Gray =
Catbird, House=20
Wren, House Sparrow, and House Finch.  A very unexpected sight was =
a flock=20
of about 10 American White Pelicans just west of Grand Marais along Hwy. =

-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] Common Moorhen still present, Hennepin County

2003-07-27 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Around 1:30 this afternoon the Common Moorhen made a quick appearance =
while a few others and I watched.  The bird was to the left of the =
previously reported beaver mound near a small area of waterlilies.  This =
area is a ways out from the right (west) side of the observation deck. =
To observe the bird, you have to be patient and wait awhile until it =
reappears from the cattails.  Also in this same area there were two =
Least Bitterns flying around low in the cattails.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Around 1:30 this afternoon the Common =
Moorhen made=20
a quick appearance while a few others and I watched.  The bird =
was to=20
the left of the previously reported beaver mound near a small area of=20
waterlilies.  This area is a ways out from the right (west) side of =
observation deck. To observe the bird, you have to be patient and wait =
until it reappears from the cattails.  Also in this same area there =
two Least Bitterns flying around low in the cattails.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Willet and other shorebirds, McLeod County

2003-07-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning I went to see if I could refind the Reeve that was reported =
in Meeker County.  This morning the spot where it was reported was =
completely dry, so needless to say there were no shorebirds.  However, =
on the way there and back there were excellent mudflats along Hwy. 7 in =
McLeod County about 1/4 mile west of the county line with Carver County. =
 The mudflats were on both sides of the highway, but the north side had =
more shorebirds.  I estimated about 300 individuals, with 11 species =
WILLET- one bird on the east part of the mudflats north of the highway.  =
The bird flew a couple of times showing its awesome black-and-white wing =
Least Sandpiper- many
Semipalmated Sandpiper- many
Pectoral Sandpiper- many
Baird's Sandpiper- ~10
Stilt Sandpiper- ~20
Lesser Yellowlegs- many
Greater Yellowlegs- 6
Wilson's Phalarope- 2
Killdeer- many
Semipalmated Plover- 1

This set of mudflats should be good for a few weeks yet unless it stays =
extremely dry.  Hwy. 7 is pretty busy, but there are good shoulders on =
both sides of the road to pull off on.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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This morning I went to see if I could =
refind the=20
Reeve that was reported in Meeker County.  This morning the spot =
where it=20
was reported was completely dry, so needless to say there were no=20
shorebirds.  However, on the way there and back there were =
mudflats along Hwy. 7 in McLeod County about 1/4 mile west of the county =
with Carver County.  The mudflats were on both sides of the =
highway, but=20
the north side had more shorebirds.  I estimated about 300 =
with 11 species present:
WILLET- one bird on the east part of =
the mudflats=20
north of the highway.  The bird flew a couple of times showing its =
black-and-white wing pattern.
Least Sandpiper- many
Semipalmated Sandpiper- =
Pectoral Sandpiper- many
Baird's Sandpiper- ~10
Stilt Sandpiper- ~20
Lesser Yellowlegs- many
Greater Yellowlegs- 6
Wilson's Phalarope- 2
Killdeer- many
Semipalmated Plover- 1
This set of mudflats should be good for =
a few weeks=20
yet unless it stays extremely dry.  Hwy. 7 is pretty busy, but =
there are=20
good shoulders on both sides of the road to pull off on.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Northern Mockingbird in Scott County

2004-06-13 Thread Bob Dunlap
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This morning around 7:00 I found a Northern Mockingbird perched on a =
telephone wire on the east side of CR 27 about two-tenths of a mile =
south of CR 42 in eastern Scott County.  While I was watching the bird =
flew out of sight.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This morning around 7:00 I found a =
Mockingbird perched on a telephone wire on the east side of CR 27 about=20
two-tenths of a mile south of CR 42 in eastern Scott County.  While =
I was=20
watching the bird flew out of sight.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] State Fair booth

2004-07-19 Thread Bob Dunlap
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MOU members,
If you are planning on volunteering at this year's MOU State Fair =
booth but haven't contacted me yet, please do so.  Here are the shifts =
that are still available. Each shift listed is open for two people =
unless stated otherwise.

Thursday 8/26 (opening day)
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Friday 8/27
9 am to 1 pm (one person already scheduled)
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Saturday 8/28
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Sunday 8/29
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Monday 8/30
5-9 pm

Tuesday 8/31
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Wednesday 9/1
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Thursday 9/2
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Friday 9/3
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Saturday 9/4
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Sunday 9/5
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Monday 9/6 (last day/Labor Day)
9am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

-Bob Dunlap
MOU State Fair Booth Committee Chairman
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MOU members,
    If you are =
planning on=20
volunteering at this year's MOU State Fair booth but haven't =
contacted me=20
yet, please do so.  Here are the shifts that are still available. =
shift listed is open for two people unless stated =
Thursday 8/26 (opening =
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Friday 8/27
9 am to 1 pm (one person already=20
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Saturday 8/28
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Sunday 8/29
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Monday 8/30
5-9 pm
Tuesday 8/31
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Wednesday 9/1
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Thursday 9/2
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Friday 9/3
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Saturday 9/4
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Sunday 9/5
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Monday 9/6 (last day/Labor =
9am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
-Bob Dunlap
MOU State Fair Booth Committee=20


[mou] Update on State Fair shifts

2004-08-02 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Volunteers are still needed to fill shifts for the MOU's state fair =
booth.  Here are the shifts still available.  The shifts listed are open =
for two people unless otherwise noted.

Thursday 8/26 (opening day)
1-5 pm (one person already scheduled)
5-9 pm

Friday 8/27
5-9 pm

Saturday 8/28
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm (one person already scheduled)
5-9 pm

Sunday 8/29
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Monday 8/30
5-9 pm

Tuesday 8/31
9 am to 1 pm (one person already scheduled)
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Wednesday 9/1
5-9 pm

Thursday 9/2
9 am to 1 pm (one person already scheduled)
1-5 pm (one person already scheduled)
5-9 pm

Friday 9/3
5-9 pm

Saturday 9/4
9 am to 1 pm=20
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Sunday 9/5
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

Monday 9/6 (last day)
9 am to 1 pm (one person already scheduled)
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

-Bob Dunlap
MOU State Fair Booth Committee Chairman

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Volunteers are still needed to fill =
shifts for the=20
MOU's state fair booth.  Here are the shifts still available.  =
shifts listed are open for two people unless otherwise =
Thursday 8/26 (opening =
1-5 pm (one person already =
5-9 pm
Friday 8/27
5-9 pm
Saturday 8/28
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm (one person already =
5-9 pm
Sunday 8/29
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Monday 8/30
5-9 pm
Tuesday 8/31
9 am to 1 pm (one person already=20
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Wednesday 9/1
5-9 pm
Thursday 9/2
9 am to 1 pm (one person already=20
1-5 pm (one person already =
5-9 pm
Friday 9/3
5-9 pm
Saturday 9/4
9 am to 1 pm 
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Sunday 9/5
9 am to 1 pm
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
Monday 9/6 (last day)
9 am to 1 pm (one person already=20
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
-Bob Dunlap
MOU State Fair Booth Committee=20


[mou] Avocet still present, Hennepin County

2004-08-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
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As of 7:30 this evening the American Avocet was still present at the =
wetlands behind the Flagship Athletic Club in Eden Prairie.  The bird =
was feeding at the very northern edge of the wetlands, hanging around =
with a group of Canada Geese. Nice find.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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As of 7:30 this evening the American =
Avocet was=20
still present at the wetlands behind the Flagship Athletic Club in Eden=20
Prairie.  The bird was feeding at the very northern edge of =
wetlands, hanging around with a group of Canada Geese. Nice =
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Neotropic Cormorant still present

2004-08-15 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Around 3:15 this afternoon I received a call from Kim Eckert saying that =
he and his MN Birding Weekends group were able to find the Neotropic =
Cormorant in Otrey Township, Big Stone County.
-Bob Dunlap
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Around 3:15 this afternoon I =
received a call=20
from Kim Eckert saying that he and his MN Birding Weekends group =
were able=20
to find the Neotropic Cormorant in Otrey Township, Big Stone=20
-Bob Dunlap


[mou] Volunteers still needed for State Fair booth

2004-08-15 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Volunteers are still needed to fill the remaining shifts at the MOU =
State Fair booth.  Here are the shifts that are in need of volunteers =
(no volunteers currently scheduled for these shifts):

Saturday 8/28
5-9 pm

Tuesday 8/31
1-5 pm

Wednesday 9/1
5-9 pm

Friday 9/3
5-9 pm

Monday 9/6
1-5 pm
5-9 pm

If anyone is willing to take any of these shifts, please let me know no =
later than Wednesday.  Either call me at 952-361-9628 or email me at =

-Bob Dunlap
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Volunteers are still needed to fill the =
shifts at the MOU State Fair booth.  Here are the shifts that =
are in=20
need of volunteers (no volunteers currently scheduled for these=20
Saturday 8/28
5-9 pm
Tuesday 8/31
1-5 pm
Wednesday 9/1
5-9 pm
Friday 9/3
5-9 pm
Monday 9/6
1-5 pm
5-9 pm
If anyone is willing to take any of =
these shifts,=20
please let me know no later than Wednesday.  Either call me at =
or email me at mailto:rmdb...@mn.rr.com";>rmdb...@mn.rr.com.=20

-Bob Dunlap


[mou] Neotropic Cormorant not refound today

2004-08-16 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Today Craig Mandel and I searched for the Neotropic Cormorant in Otrey =
Township, Big Stone County without success.  We checked many of the =
wetlands in the area and looked at many Double-crested Cormorants.  We =
even checked out Big Stone NWR in Lac Qui Parle County, but to no avail. =
 It seems that the Neotropic Cormorant has moved on.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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Today Craig Mandel and I searched for =
the Neotropic=20
Cormorant in Otrey Township, Big Stone County without success.  We =
many of the wetlands in the area and looked at many Double-crested=20
Cormorants.  We even checked out Big Stone NWR in Lac Qui Parle =
County, but=20
to no avail.  It seems that the Neotropic Cormorant has moved=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Shorebirds in Yellow Medicine County

2004-08-21 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Today I birded Yellow Medicine County along with Rick Hoyme, John =
Hockema, Josh Watson, and Carol Schumacher.  We focused on shorebirds.  =
The best spot was Lanners Lake, two miles north and two miles east of =
the town of St. Leo.  Here there were hundreds of shorebirds. Other =
birders have been reporting that this area has been great for =
shorebirds, and today was no exception.  Today we found 13 species =
there, including:

-Semipalmated Plover
-both Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
-Baird's Sandpiper
-Stilt Sandpiper
-BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER (a few in the dry areas away from the water)
-Wilson's Phalarope
-Red-necked Phalarope

Another shorebird spot was at Spellman Lake, which is a little over a =
mile north of CR 2 on CR 8.  This is east of Hwy. 59.  Here there were =
more ducks than shorebirds, but it appears that this area will get =
better in weeks to come.
Finally, we found one Buff-breasted Sandpiper mixed in with a flock of =
Killdeer in a grassy field on the east side of Hwy. 274 about 3 miles =
south of Granite Falls.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Today I birded Yellow Medicine County =
along with=20
Rick Hoyme, John Hockema, Josh Watson, and Carol Schumacher.  We =
focused on=20
shorebirds.  The best spot was Lanners Lake, two miles north and =
two miles=20
east of the town of St. Leo.  Here there were hundreds=20
of shorebirds. Other birders have been reporting that this area has =
great for shorebirds, and today was no exception.  Today we found =
species there, including:
-Semipalmated Plover
-both Greater and Lesser =
-Baird's Sandpiper
-Stilt Sandpiper
dry areas=20
away from the water)
-Wilson's Phalarope
-Red-necked Phalarope
Another shorebird spot was at Spellman =
Lake, which=20
is a little over a mile north of CR 2 on CR 8.  This is east of =
59.  Here there were more ducks than shorebirds, but it appears =
that this=20
area will get better in weeks to come.
Finally, we found one Buff-breasted =
Sandpiper mixed=20
in with a flock of Killdeer in a grassy field on the east side of Hwy. =
274 about=20
3 miles south of Granite Falls.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] Yellow-crowned Night-Heron not refound

2004-08-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Myself and others looked for the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron in West =
Saint Paul this morning without success.  We checked a few other =
lakes/ponds in the area (including Pig's-eye Lake), but failed to =
relocate the bird.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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Myself and others looked for the =
Night-Heron in West Saint Paul this morning without success.  We =
checked a=20
few other lakes/ponds in the area (including Pig's-eye Lake), but failed =
relocate the bird.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County


[mou] Peregrine Falcon, Carver County

2004-08-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
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Around 6:30 this evening I noticed what I first thought was a juvenile =
crow flying short distances from treetop to treetop in a neighbor's =
yard.  It was raining at the time, and viewing from my bedroom window =
made it difficult to identify the bird without optics.  After watching =
it for a couple of seconds I realized that it was one of the larger =
falcons.  When it stopped and perched on a treetop, I quickly set up my =
scope.  I was delighted to see a juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched there =
in the rain.  The bird was cooperative for several minutes, allowing my =
parents to have a look through my scope.  I'm guessing that this was one =
of the birds raised from a Peregrine pair in the Minnesota River valley =
not far from my house, although I've never seen one around my yard until =
-Bob Dunlap, Chaska
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Around 6:30 this evening I noticed what =
first thought was a juvenile crow flying short distances from =
treetop to=20
treetop in a neighbor's yard.  It was raining at the time, and =
viewing from=20
my bedroom window made it difficult to identify the bird without =
optics. =20
After watching it for a couple of seconds I realized that it was one of =
larger falcons.  When it stopped and perched on a treetop, I =
quickly set up=20
my scope.  I was delighted to see a juvenile Peregrine Falcon =
perched there=20
in the rain.  The bird was cooperative for several minutes, =
allowing my=20
parents to have a look through my scope.  I'm guessing that this =
was one of=20
the birds raised from a Peregrine pair in the Minnesota River =
valley not=20
far from my house, although I've never seen one around my yard until =

-Bob Dunlap, =


[mou-net] Smith's Longspurs, Nicollet County

2010-04-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 4:00 this afternoon Chad Gustafson and I found 4 Smith's  
Longspurs at the WMA one mile north of the town of Nicollet on the  
east side of Hwy. 111 in Nicollet County. The birds were frequenting  
the grassy area between the first wetland and the farm fields east of  
the parking lot.

As we initially flushed the birds, we could hear the longspur rattles  
given in flight but as they did not make the usual "dew" calls often  
heard from flocks of Laplands I was immediately interested in the 4  
birds. They circled overhead for a bit and eventually at close range  
we were able to see entire lemon-yellow underparts as well as a black  
"hood," indicating breeding plumaged Smith's. Additionally in flight  
the upper wing coverts stuck out as being bright white and obvious,  
which is a characteristic I have found to be quite noticeable on  
Smith's in the past. We followed these birds as they landed in the  
grass again and were able to get a few quick looks through binoculars,  
confirming their i.d. on the ground.

Chad was able to get a few shots in flight that, when significantly  
cropped, actually show the yellow underparts as well as the diagnostic  
hood and head pattern. A photo will be posted to the "Recently Seen"  
page later. This is a first county record and one of the few records  
away from "known" locations in the state, although as many longspurs  
are difficult to see well and at close range I'm guessing there are  
more that go through undetected.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Smith's Longspur update, Nicollet County

2010-04-10 Thread Bob Dunlap
As of noon today (Sat.) the group of 4 Smith's Longspurs was still  
present at the previously reported location at the WMA 1 mile north of  
Nicollet on the east side of Hwy. 111. The birds appear to be  
frequenting the area at the top of the prairie hill northeast of the  
parking lot.

At least two of the birds are rather approachable, offering stunning  
looks of this hard-to-find species in MN. I'll post another photo to  
the "Recently Seen" page in a bit. At least one of the birds appeared  
to be a male molting into breeding plumage (not quite there yet).

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Cinnamon Teal present as of 1:30pm, Carver County

2010-04-18 Thread Bob Dunlap
The Cinnamon Teal is currently at the location described earlier by John Cyrus. 
Note however that the flooded field is south of the farmhouse on the west side 
of the road. This is about 1.5 miles south of hwy. 212 on Salem Ave.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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[mou-net] Louisiana Waterthrush, Brown County

2010-04-24 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around noon today I found a Louisiana Waterthrush foraging along a  
wooded stream just north of the small town(?) of Iberia in Brown  
County. Iberia is located a few miles south of Sleepy Eye on Hwy. 4  
then a couple miles east and north on CR 24 in the central part of the  
county. The main road through Iberia is a gravel road (260th Ave.),  
and if you follow this just past the north side of town you will come  
to a small wooded stream that goes under the road via a culvert; this  
is right before you go over a bridge which crosses a larger  
stream/river (Cottonwood River?). The bird was foraging here along the  
small stream mostly on the west side of the road. I was first alerted  
to the bird's presence by its call notes which it gave intermittently.  
I was able to get a few photos of the bird, one of which I have placed  
on the "Recently Seen" page.

This is apparently not a first county record, but the farther west you  
get in southern MN the more difficult this species is to find.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Baltimore Oriole, Le Sueur County

2010-04-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
Late this afternoon I found an adult male Baltimore Oriole near Ottawa  
township in Le Sueur County. This is the first time I have seen one in  
the state prior to May 1.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] White-faced Ibis(es?), Nicollet County

2010-05-01 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 4:00 this afternoon Chad Gustafson and I flushed two ibises  
along with a very large flock of ducks from the back pond at the WMA 1  
mile north of the town of Nicollet on the east side of Hwy. 111. These  
birds were only seen in flight, and it was only after looking at a  
couple photos I was able to capture of the birds that I was able to  
make an identification. One of the birds was clearly an adult  
breeding-plumaged White-faced Ibis, i.e. it had obvious white  
feathering surrounding the eye in addition to a red eye and pinkish  
facial skin. The second bird was unidentifiable in the photo. I have  
uploaded a photo of the two birds (cropped extensively) to the  
"Recently Seen" page. The bird in the upper right of the photo is the  
White-faced, and the trailing bird in the lower left is the  
unidentified individual. While many of the ducks came back to land in  
the pond during the next hour, the ibises did not and we were unable  
to relocate them in searching the area.

Also of note today were a Marbled Godwit along with a smattering of  
other shorebirds at Cobb River WPA in southern Blue Earth County and a  
very early (singing) Warbling Vireo near Ottawa Township in Le Sueur  

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Marbled Godwit, Nicollet County

2010-05-02 Thread Bob Dunlap
I went back to the WMA 1 mile north of Nicollet on the east side of  
Hwy. 111 to see if the two ibises from yesterday had returned. I did  
not find any ibises, but there was a Marbled Godwit flying around and  
calling throughout most of the time that I was there. Occasionally the  
bird would join a group of Wilson's Phalaropes and yellowlegs foraging  
in the back pond.

Also on the way back to St. Peter I had a close look at a Swainson's  
Hawk as it flew over Hwy. 99 halfway between Nicollet and St. Peter.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] White-faced Ibis, Blue Earth County

2010-05-23 Thread Bob Dunlap
There is a breeding plumaged White-faced Ibis on Perch Lake in southern Blue 
Earth County. The bird is visible from the south end of the lake along Lakewood 
Rd. There is also a flock of about 300 small shorebirds at this location.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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[mou-net] Henslow's Sparrow, Polk County

2010-06-25 Thread Bob Dunlap
Late this morning I found a singing Henslow's Sparrow at the northwest  
corner of the intersection of CR 44 and 350th St. southeast of  
Crookston in Polk County. This bird is at (or possibly beyond) the  
extreme northwest limit of the species' range.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Sabine's Gull in Stevens County

2010-09-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
John Hockema just called to report that Ben Fritchman, Chris Hockema,  
and himself found a juvenile Sabine's Gull on the south side of Gorder  
Lake southwest of Morris in Stevens County. They originally found the  
bird at 5:45p.m. and observed it flying west-northwest out of site at  

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Harlequin Duck update, Scott County

2010-12-26 Thread Bob Dunlap
At 2pm Sunday myself and several others observed the Harlequin Duck  
fly from the area of open water on Blue Lake into the sewage pond to  
its south. The bird could not be relocated once it landed in the pond.  
The consensus was that the bird probably spends its time feeding (on  
fish?) in the open area on Blue Lake during most of the day and spends  
the night in the warmer water of the sewage pond. If you do go looking  
for the bird, you might need to check both bodies of water (note that  
the sewage pond can only be glimpsed from its north side through the  
fence). Additionally, at some point this bird might even decide to  
spend some time at the Mill Pond and vicinity at Veterans Memorial  
Park in Shakopee about two miles to the west along Hwy. 101.

The path leading north from the gate (the so-called hunters' parking  
lot...see Craig Mandel's post) at the Wilkie Unit is very walkable as  
the snow has been trampled down. If you park at the main parking lot  
just to the east and decide to take the longer walk, I'd bring some  
snowshoes as the snow is very deep and not nicely trampled.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Golden Eagle observer

2010-12-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
My apologies for not including my name with my recent post about the  
Golden Eagle in Kanabec County via my cell phone. It was I who  
observed the bird with Bob Williams.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Brant, Grant County

2011-04-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 5:20pm today a Brant was found by Shawn Conrad, Dedrick Benz, and   
myself about a quarter mile west of CR 7 on the north side of 120th st. We,  
along with John and Chris Hockema, Ben Fritchman, and Dave Bartkey, are  
currently watching the bird in this location. This is a flooded field filled  
with hundreds of Greater White-fronted Geese.

Bob Dunlap
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

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[mou-net] Brant has flown

2011-04-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
At 5:50 the Brant flew north with a large group of Greater White-fronted  
Geese and thus has presumably left from the area.

Bob Dunlap
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

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[mou-net] West-central Minnesota waterfowl

2011-04-10 Thread Bob Dunlap
A group of birders consisting of John and Chris Hockema, Dedrick Benz,  
Dave Bartkey, Ben Fritchman, Shawn Conrad, Alex Watson, and myself  
held its third annual "Wang Chung Waterfowl Weekend" this weekend in  
west-central Minnesota, with a focus on the four counties of the  
"windowpane" (Douglas, Grant, Stevens, and Pope). Other counties  
birded included Traverse, Swift, Wilkin, Clay, Becker, and Otter Tail.

In addition to the already posted Brant and Cinnamon Teal found  
yesterday, the group had several highlights from Friday afternoon  
through today (Sunday). Perhaps most notable were waterfowl and goose  
numbers: on Friday (4/8), large flocks (with one numbering near 5,000  
birds) of Snow, Greater White-fronted, and Ross's Geese as well as  
Tundra Swans were observed along the Hwy. 75 corridor from northern  
Traverse County to southern Wilkin County. The majority of fields  
adjacent to the highway in this area are currently flooded and  
probably will remain so for at least a few days yet, attracting very  
large numbers of waterfowl and most of the state's regular species  
(excluding Mute Swan and sea ducks). Good numbers of geese were seen  
in western Grant County and northwestern Stevens County yesterday  
(4/9) as well; the best location was south and west of the town of  
Herman in Grant County (where we found the Brant). Just about any  
flooded field in the windowpane counties held several species of duck  
yesterday, while most ponds and lakes remained mostly frozen and  
therefore unattractive to large numbers of waterfowl.

Here are some other highlights from our weekend:

- 6 species of geese on Saturday (Canada, Cackling, Greater  
White-fronted, Snow, Ross's, and Brant)
- single flyover Red Crossbill and Bohemian Waxwing at the group  
campground at Lake Carlos State Park north of Alexandria in Douglas  
County (Saturday morning)
- early American Golden-Plover in a flooded field in southwestern  
Otter Tail County (Friday afternoon)
- early pair of Swainson's Hawks along CR 20 in northwestern Stevens  
County (Saturday afternoon)
- flock of around 25 Bohemian Waxwings feeding on crabapples in the  
town of Deer Creek in eastern Otter Tail County (Sunday afternoon)
- breeding-plumaged Snow Buntings and Lapland Longspurs in several  
locations throughout the weekend

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Smith's Longspur in St. Peter, Nicollet County

2011-04-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
This afternoon I went to walk through Gustavus Adolphus College's  
Coneflower Prairie, a 70-acre grassland making up the western side of  
the college's Linnaeus Arboretum. Around 2:45 I flushed a bird at very  
close range from the southern side of the hill in the center of the  
prairie. The bird was clearly an adult male Smith's Longspur, with  
vibrant yellow underparts, darker upperparts and wings with bright  
white median coverts, a bold black-and-white facial pattern, and  
obvious white outer rectrices. The bird called in flight as well; a  
rattle somewhat slower and perhaps sweeter than that of Lapland  
Longspurs, without any "dew" calls given (such calls are  
characteristic of Laplands). The bird flew one tight circle around the  
prairie hill and then opted to fly west a few hundred yards, seemingly  
landing in the farm field across the gravel road to the west of the  

This is the second year in a row that I have found Smith's Longspur in  
Nicollet County, and nearly on the same date (last year's four birds  
at the Nicollet WMA were found on April 9 but remained until April  
11). The location/habitat of today's bird is strikingly similar to  
that of last year's birds: very short-length prairie grass (about  
ankle high right now) and near/at the base of the highest point in the  
immediate area. Other birds sharing the Coneflower Prairie this  
afternoon included several Vesper Sparrows, a pair of Horned Larks,  
and a silent meadowlark.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Common Moorhen in Rice County

2011-04-30 Thread Bob Dunlap
Dave Bartkey just called to report a Common Moorhen at River Bend  
Nature Center in Faribault. He said the bird was skulking in and out  
of the cattails in the lower pond by the parking lot.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] White-faced Ibis, Nicollet County

2011-04-30 Thread Bob Dunlap
Currently looking at an adult White-faced Ibis in breeding plumage at the  
WMA 1 mile north of Nicollet on east side of Hwy. 111. First wetland east of  
the parking lot.

Bob Dunlap
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

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[mou-net] 9 Ibises and American Avocet, Nicollet County

2011-05-02 Thread Bob Dunlap
This afternoon Chad Heins and I observed 9 ibises in flight over the  
WMA 1 mile north of the town of Nicollet on the east side of Hwy. 111.  
Viewed from below it was nearly impossible to discern any color  
details on the birds, but in all likelihood these were White-faced  
Ibises. The birds never landed while we watched, and eventually flew  
west out of side (in the direction of nearby Swan Lake).

We also flushed an American Avocet from the shallow wetland furthest  
north; walk the trail east of the gravel parking lot and follow it as  
it curves north around the first wetland to the second one on your left.

In the grasses north and west of these ponds were many sparrows,  
including a migrant Le Conte's.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Clark's Grebe, Nicollet County

2011-05-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
Kim Eckert's MBW group is currently looking at a Clark's Grebe on Oak Leaf  
Lake just west of St. Peter on the south side of Hwy. 99. The bird is  
associating with a few Western Grebes. There is also a late Greater  
White-fronted Goose on the south end of the lake.

Bob Dunlap
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[mou-net] Ibis in Fillmore County

2011-05-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
John Hockema just called to report a plegadis ibis at the farm pond  
3.5 miles south and 1 mile east of Preston (the same pond were a  
White-winged Scoter was being seen a few weeks ago). He first found  
the bird around 8:15 this morning.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] GLOSSY IBIS, Fillmore County

2011-05-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
John Hockema just called to report that the previously unidentified  
ibis in Fillmore County has now been identified as a Glossy Ibis. The  
location again is the farm pond 3.5 miles south and 1 mile east of  

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Warblers and other migrants at Seven-Mile Creek County Park, Nicollet County

2011-05-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
This evening I went to see what the morning's storm and strong  
southeasterly winds had brought to Seven-Mile Creek County Park south  
of St. Peter. From 6-8pm I found the following warblers in several  
nice waves:

Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler (the second-most numerous warbler)
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart (the most numerous warbler)
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilson's Warbler

Other new arrivals/migrants included:

Great Crested Flycatcher
Yellow-throated, Blue-headed, and Philadelphia Vireos
Swainson's Thrushes

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks in Watonwan County

2011-05-14 Thread Bob Dunlap
Chad Heins just called to report that he flushed two Black-bellied  
Whistling-Ducks from a wetland in Madelia near the grain elevators off  
of Hwy. 15. He said the birds headed north after flushing; Chad is  
still in the area and will update me again if he finds refinds them.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks refound, Watonwan County

2011-05-14 Thread Bob Dunlap
Chad Heins just called to report that Andrew Krenz is currently  
looking at the two Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks at the wetland at the  
Intersection of Hwy. 60 and Hwy. 15 in Madelia.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Acadian Flycatchers, Rice County

2011-08-05 Thread Bob Dunlap
This morning a friend and I went hiking at Caron County Park in Rice  
County (on the west side of Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park) and found  
three Acadian Flycatchers along the main wooded trail north to the  
falls area. Two of the birds were singing the full "pit-SEET!" song  
and a third was only giving calls sounding much like a squeaky toy.

We also found a Willow Flycatcher at the Dennison sewage ponds south  
of CR 31 just west of town.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Blue Grosbeaks and other notables in southwest MN

2011-08-08 Thread Bob Dunlap
Bob Williams and I spent some time birding in the southwest corner of  
the state yesterday and today. Perhaps what was most interesting to us  
was the number of Blue Grosbeaks that we found (this has to be one of  
the best years for this species in MN). All of the birds were males  
either heard singing or seen perched in the following locations:

Jackson County - one singing yesterday along CR 23, 2 miles south of  
Jackson (second county record)

Nobles County - at least one, maybe two birds yesterday on the power  
lines along CR 6 a half mile west of CR 4

Rock County - two singing at Blue Mounds State Park this morning south  
and east of the lake/picnic area on the north side of the park,  
another singing at the intersection of 90th Ave. and 171st St.

Pipestone County - one on the power lines this morning along CR 2 a  
half mile east of Ihlen, another singing north of the Edgerton sewage  

Also of interest in Rock County were two Henslow's Sparrows on the  
north side of Blue Mounds State Park. Both were heard singing this  
morning; one can be heard from the park road near the bison viewing  
platform, and the other can be heard about 100 yards south of the  
lake/picnic area parking lot along the prairie trail that parallels  
the bison fence. This species has shown up in an impressive number of  
southwest counties this year.

Yesterday there was also an early Red-necked Phalarope in the  
western-most pond (which is apparently being drawn down) of the Hills  
sewage ponds in Rock County.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Common Gallinules and Least Bitterns, Nicollet County

2011-08-10 Thread Bob Dunlap
This evening Don Scheese and I went canoeing on Swan Lake and enjoyed  
a gorgeous outing on the water. Putting the canoe in the water on the  
northeast side of the lake at the public boat access, we almost  
immediately heard the vocalizations of a Common Gallinule (formerly  
Common Moorhen) on the east side of the channel.

Out on the lake, we observed no less than ten Least Bitterns, 6 of  
which we saw and 4 more that we heard; most of the ones we saw were  
observed in "islands" of sparse cattails in the middle of the water  
(separated from the contiguous denser marshland on the periphery of  
the lake).

Upon our return to the boat launch, a Common Gallinule was actually  
visible for a short period of time on the east side of the channel as  
we approached. Within a minute, the vocalizations of a Common  
Gallinule were heard again but farther to the south of us, leading me  
to believe there at least two birds present. It might be possible to  
see or hear these birds from the public boat launch without getting  
into the water.

There was also a Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling from somewhere on one of  
the large wooded islands in the northeast part of the lake south of  
the boat launch, and many Western, Red-necked, and Eared Grebes  
scattered across the open water.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Purple Sandpiper still present 12:30pm Sunday

2011-10-16 Thread Bob Dunlap
As of right now the Purple Sandpiper is actively foraging all over 230th
Ave. between the two bodies of water in Swift County. A bit odd seeing it
right in the middle of the road I must say.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Common Redpolls, Ramsey County

2011-10-28 Thread Bob Dunlap
There is currently a small flock of Common Redpolls in my backyard a few
blocks west of the U of M campus in St. Paul. Harbingers, perhaps?

Bob Dunlap
St. Paul, MN

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[mou-net] Scissor-tailed Flycatcher present Saturday morning Duluth

2011-10-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is currently perched on the barbed wire fence
in the same location as yesterday afternoon in Duluth.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Snowy Owl still present North St. Paul

2011-11-20 Thread Bob Dunlap
The Snowy Owl is currently sitting on top of one if the school buses in the
bus lot just north of CR B on the west side of McKnight Rd. The bird
appears to be a female or juvenile. Approach with care.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] White-winged Crossbills, Ramsey County

2011-11-29 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 10:15 this morning I was somewhat surprised to find a small flock (~
10 birds) of White-winged Crossbills feeding at the top of a white spruce
at College Park on the south side of Doswell Ave. a few blocks west of the
University of MN-St. Paul campus. The birds were vocalizing frequently
until the flock stopped feeding and flew off to the north. There are a lot
of white spruces in the area so it's possible the birds could be relocated
in some nearby neighborhood. I haven't noticed any other reports of
crossbills south of Sherburne County, so perhaps these are the first and a
sign of finches to come.

Bob Dunlap
St. Paul, MN

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren still present, Chicago County

2011-12-20 Thread Bob Dunlap
The Carolina Wren made about a minute-long appearance at the visitor center
feeders at Wild River State Park around 1:15 this afternoon.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Glaucous-winged Gull rebound at Canal Park noon 12/23

2011-12-23 Thread Bob Dunlap
Mike Hendrickson just refound the bird sitting on the water out from the
breakwall at Canal Park with Herring Gulls.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Western Tanager not present, Hennepin County

2012-01-21 Thread Bob Dunlap
Several of us looked for the previously reported Western Tanager in Maple
Grove late this afternoon without success, and it sounds like no one was
able to find it this morning either. According to others, the homeowner
last saw the bird on Thursday.

Bob Dunlap
Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] White-winged Crossbill, Ramsey County

2012-02-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 4:45 this afternoon I observed a lone White-winged Crossbill feeding
atop a white spruce in the Upper Buford Circle area of the University of MN
campus in St. Paul. The spruces on campus have a good crop of cones this
winter so perhaps it'll stick around or even encourage more to stop by.
There has also been a Brown Creeper in this area since January.

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] American Woodcock, Ramsey County

2012-03-07 Thread Bob Dunlap
Just after sundown this evening I was very surprised to hear an American
Woodcock perform its aerial courtship display near my house a few blocks
west of the U of M St. Paul campus. There's not much woodcock habitat in
the vicinity so this early migrant will undoubtedly move on, but this is
over two weeks earlier than my previous personal FOY woodcock in MN.

Bob Dunlap

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Greater Yellowlegs, Dakota County

2012-03-09 Thread Bob Dunlap
This morning Matt Dufort and I found a Greater Yellowlegs along the north
shore of the Cannon River as it feeds into Lake Byllesby on its western end
(just north of the border with Goodhue County). In querying the MOU
seasonal reports database it appears that there are two other reports of
Greater Yellowlegs already this month: one on March 6 and one yesterday on
March 8. All of these birds are occurring well before the recent median
early date of March 27, and prior to this year there is only one record
from the first half of March (3-1-2008).

Also on the lake (mostly in Dakota County) were hundreds of Greater
White-fronted Geese, about 30 Snow Geese, a smattering of Cackling Geese
among the many Canadas, and probably close to 100 Northern Pintails among
other waterfowl.

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Black-necked Stilt in Blue Earth County

2012-04-21 Thread Bob Dunlap
Chad Heins just called to report that he and Andrew Krenz are looking at a
Black-necked Stilt on the southwestern corner of Lily Lake in the town of
Lake Crystal, Blue Earth County.

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Black-necked Stilt not refound

2012-04-21 Thread Bob Dunlap
The Black-necked Stilt at Lily Lake in Blue Earth County has not been
relocated later this morning despite several observers' efforts over the
past couple hours.

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] White Bear Lake shorebird spot, Ramsey County

2012-04-30 Thread Bob Dunlap
In addition to the Pig's Eye Lake shorebird spots posted recently by Erik
Collins, Ramsey County has another spot that is currently attracting
shorebirds: the west side of White Bear Lake. Park along Banning Ave.,
Stewart Ave., or Morehead Ave. north of Lake Ave. and walk south across the
road to the paved walking trail from which you can view the lake shore.
Around noon today I found only Killdeer and Lesser Yellowlegs, but I'd
imagine other species will appear here yet this spring. A Bonaparte's Gull
and Forster's Tern were also sitting on the rocks farther out among the
Ring-billed Gulls.

Bob Dunlap, Ramsey County

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Northern Mockingbird, Watonwan County

2012-04-30 Thread Bob Dunlap
Andrew Krenz just called to report a Northern Mockingbird at the DNR
station south of Hwy. 60 west of Madelia. He said the bird was on the
southwest corner of a burned area.

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Golden-winged Warbler, Ramsey County

2012-05-02 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 11:30 this morning I was surprised to hear a singing Golden-winged
Warbler at the west end of Battle Creek Park on the southeast side of St.
Paul. Just to be sure it wasn't a hybrid, I waited for the bird to show
itself and was subsequently treated to some nice views of a breeding adult
male. Other than that, the only warblers I found in the park were Palm and

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Nelson's Sparrow, Ramsey County

2012-05-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
I'm listening to a singing Nelson's Sparrow right now at Crosby Farm Park
in St. Paul. The bird is singing from the cattails on the east side of the
boardwalk, opposite the wooden dock and blind, on the west side of the park.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Laughing Gull in Watonwan County

2012-05-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
Chad Heins just called to report that he and Andrew Krenz are looking at a
Laughing Gull on Sulem Lake southwest of Butterfield in southwest Watonwan
County. He said the bird may be injured as one of its wings looks a bit odd.

Bob Dunlap

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Laughing Gull NOT

2012-05-12 Thread Bob Dunlap
After further discussion from Chad and others, it sounds like the Laughing
Gull in Watonwan County reported earlier this evening is actually an
injured Franklin's Gull.

Bob Dunlap

Robert Dunlap
Graduate Research Assistant
Natural Resources Science and Management
University of Minnesota
Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Email: dunla...@umn.edu

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[mou-net] Northern Mockingbird, Murray County

2012-05-15 Thread Bob Dunlap
Around 9:30 this morning I found a Northern Mockingbird on the west side of
290th Ave. a little north of CR 47 in the southeast corner of Murray
County, just west of Talcot WMA. The bird was frequenting a hedgerow in
front of a house just off the road.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Northern Mockingbird correction

2012-05-15 Thread Bob Dunlap
The Northern Mockingbird in Murray County I reported earlier is along 290th
Ave. just south of CR 3, not north of CR 47.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] BB Plover and Ruddy Turnstone, Ramsey County

2012-05-17 Thread Bob Dunlap
I'm currently looking at both a Black-bellied Plover and a Ruddy Turnstone
on the beach of the northwest side of White Bear Lake out from Lake Ave.
and 10th St.

Bob Dunlap

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[mou-net] Henslow's Sparrow, Ramsey County

2012-05-25 Thread Bob Dunlap
I'm listening to a Henslow's Sparrow at Tamarack Nature Center in White
Bear Lake. The bird is singing west of the wetland with dead trees in the
southwestern end of the large prairie in the western side of the park.

Bob Dunlap

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