Re: Doubts tuning MySQL Percona Server 5.5

2014-07-06 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez

I was checking MySQL performance ... Sometimes my database could be working
slow. I have some queries that spend 9-10 seconds updating some columns by
primary key. I'm not sure if is a data base problem ...

Moreover, I have checked tuning scripts and appear these variables.

Good sentence!

Thanks in advance.



Doubts tuning MySQL Percona Server 5.5

2014-07-04 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi list,

I have some doubts adjusting some MySQL variables.
​ I have checked MySQL status and maybe I should to increase some variables

For example:
InnoDB log waits is 103; innodb_log_buffer_size is 8M --> Maybe the next
best value could be 16M?
Table cache hit rate is 12%; Open_tables is 627; table_open_cache is 1024
--> Maybe the next best value could be 2048?
Key buffer hit rate is 93.7%; I have some queries that not using indexes ..
join_buffer_size is 4M --> Next best value? Maybe 8M and then check it

That's all.

I hope your advices.



Re: Optimizing InnoDB tables

2014-06-30 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi Johan,

Thanks for your reply. Theorically the fragmented tables not offer the best
performance to the InnoDB engine, that's correct or not?

I don't know if is a problem or not, is a doubt/question for me. I'm not
sure if is an atypical behaviour.

Thanks in advance.



Re: Optimizing InnoDB tables

2014-06-27 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi Reindl,

Thanks for your attention.

Following the previous mail, I have checked my MySQL's configuration and
innodb_file_per_table is enabled so, I think that this parameter not
affects directly to fragmented tables in InnoDB (In this case).
I would like to know, if is possible, why after execute an analyze table
command on some fragmented table, after that, appears fragmented again.



Re: Optimizing InnoDB tables

2014-06-27 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi Andre,

Thanks for your reply. I have checked the link and my configuration.
Innodb_file_per_table is enabled and in data directory appears a set of
files by each table.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.



Problem with INSERT INTO and UPDATE queries

2014-06-25 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi list,

I have some problems with INSERT INTO and UPDATE queries on a big table.
Let me put the code and explain it ...

I have copied the create code of the table. This table has more than
1500 rows.

​Create Table: CREATE TABLE `radacct` (
  `RadAcctId` bigint(21) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `AcctSessionId` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `AcctUniqueId` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `UserName` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `Realm` varchar(64) DEFAULT '',
  `NASIPAddress` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `NASPortId` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
  `NASPortType` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AcctStartTime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `AcctStopTime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `AcctSessionTime` int(12) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AcctAuthentic` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `ConnectInfo_start` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `ConnectInfo_stop` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AcctInputOctets` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AcctOutputOctets` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `CalledStationId` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `CallingStationId` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `AcctTerminateCause` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `ServiceType` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `FramedProtocol` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `FramedIPAddress` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `AcctStartDelay` int(12) DEFAULT NULL,
  `AcctStopDelay` int(12) DEFAULT NULL,
  `XAscendSessionSvrKey` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`RadAcctId`),
  KEY `user_start` (`UserName`,`AcctStartTime`),
  KEY `nasip_starttime` (`NASIPAddress`,`AcctStartTime`),
  KEY `stop_nasip_start` (`AcctStopTime`,`NASIPAddress`,`AcctStartTime`),
  KEY `acctsesid_user_nasip` (`UserName`,`AcctSessionId`,`NASIPAddress`),
  KEY `user_stop` (`UserName`,`AcctStopTime`)


The next text shows the entries in mysql-slow.log.


# Time: 140625  9:37:45
# User@Host: radius[radius] @  []
# Thread_id: 94892163  Schema: radius  Last_errno: 0  Killed: 0
# Query_time: 2.327159  Lock_time: 0.86  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined:
0  Rows_affected: 1  Rows_read: 0
# Bytes_sent: 19
use radius;
SET timestamp=1403681865;
INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid,acctuniqueid,
username,  realm,nasipaddress,
nasportid,  nasporttype,  acctstarttime,
acctstoptime,  acctsessiontime,  acctau
thentic,connectinfo_start,  connectinfo_stop,
acctinputoctets,  acctoutputoctets,  calledstationid,
callingstationid, acctterminatecause,  servicetype,
framedprotocol,   framedipaddress,
   acctstartdelay,   acctstopdelay,xascendsessionsvrkey)
VALUES ('80004ef0', '78d3fc2661258da5',
'zu629LAYUT',  '', '', '2147503856',
'Wireless-802.11', '2014
-06-25 09:37:26', '-00-00 00:00:00',  '0', '',
'',  '', '0', '0',  'tururu', '00-00-11-11-11-11',
'',  '', '', '',  '0', '0', '');
# User@Host: radius[radius] @  []
# Thread_id: 97905294  Schema: radius  Last_errno: 0  Killed: 0
# Query_time: 2.397604  Lock_time: 0.62  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined:
1  Rows_affected: 1  Rows_read: 1
# Bytes_sent: 52
SET timestamp=1403681865;
UPDATE radacct   SET  framedipaddress =
'',  acctsessiontime = '4199',
acctinputoctets = '0'  << 32 |
'12327909',  acctoutputo
ctets= '0' << 32 |
'294177486'   WHERE acctsessionid = '805063b1'   AND
username= 'fa239DADUX'   AND nasipaddress=


The previous query is converted because I want to use EXPLAIN ...


SELECT framedipaddress = '',  acctsessiontime
= '4199',  acctinputoctets = '0'  << 32
|'12327909',  acctoutputo
ctets= '0' << 32 |
FROM radacct
WHERE acctsessionid = '805063b1'   AND username=
'fa239DADUX'   AND nasipaddress= '';

| id | select_type | table   | type |
possible_keys |
key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | rad

Re: Optimizing InnoDB tables

2014-06-24 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi again,

I have enabled innodb_file_per_table (Its value is on).
I don't have clear what I should to do ...

Thanks in advance.


Antonio. ​

Re: Optimizing InnoDB tables

2014-06-24 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi Wagner,

I'm running ​
​MySQL Percona Server 5.5.30 64Bits. No, I don't have tried to execute
ALTER TABLE (Analyze with InnoDB tables do that, or not?).

Thanks in advance.



Optimizing InnoDB tables

2014-06-24 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi list,

I was trying to optimize the InnoDB tables. I have executed the next query
to detect what are the fragmented tables.

FROM TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ("information_schema","mysql") AND
Data_free > 0​

After that, I have seen that there are 49 fragmented tables. With one
table, I have executed "optimize table table_name;" and "analyze table
table_name;". The result is the same, the table continuos fragmented.

Any ideas? I have followed the mysqltuner recomendations ...

Thanks in advance.



Re: Order column in the second table

2014-06-12 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
​Hi Lay,

If I don't mistake, you can't eliminate "Using temporary" and "Using
filesort" because you are using an "order by". Try the explain again
removing order by and check the output.
When you use an order by, MySQL needs to use filesort and spends some time
sorting the result set. Also, create a temporary table with the rows
prevously. This is the reason.


Antonio. ​

Re: Big innodb tables, how can I work with them?

2014-05-19 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez

Thanks for your replies.

In our case, we can't implement NOSQL solution. Thats requires modify/check
all our application and all services (Including FreeRADIUS that I'm not
sure if it's compatible).

Andrew, I have heard about people that has a lot of data, more than me. I
know that MySQL support this amount but in this case and thinking in the
future, I have this problem with my architecture; how can I grow in
database servers without delete rows in the tables.
I have checked slow queries and now there aren't.
These tables are serving queries from FreeRADIUS service. For example,
SUMs, COUNTS, nomal SELECTs ... Always with a where condition.

Excuse me, what is the meaning of IMO?




Advices for work with big tables

2014-05-16 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez

I write to the list because I need your advices.

I'm working with a database with some tables that have a lot of rows, for
example I have a table with 8GB of data.

How can I do to have a fluid job with this table?

My server works with disk cabin and I think that sharding and partitioning
are technologies that not applies. Work with a lot of data produces that
there are some slow query, even with the correct indexes created.

So, one option is to delete data but, I use a RADIUS system to authenticate
and authorize users to connect to Internet. For this reason I need work
with almost all data. Another solution is increase the server resources.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.



Big innodb tables, how can I work with them?

2014-05-15 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez


I have in my server database some tables that are too much big and produce
some slow query, even with correct indexes created.

For my application, it's necessary to have all the data because we make an
authentication process with RADIUS users (AAA protocol) to determine if one
user can or not navigate in Internet (Depending on the time of all his

So, with 8GB of data in one table, what are your advices to follow?
Fragmentation and sharding discarted because we are working with disk
arrays, so not apply. Another option is to delete rows, but in this case, I
can't. For the other hand, maybe de only possible solution is increase the
resources (RAM).

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.



Re: DBA: please review my.cnf [for Java Hibernate application] and give suggestions

2014-02-12 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi Lukas,

In that case, such as Adarsh has said, you can configure until 70% of your
RAM for innodb_buffer_pool_size.
In your case, with 3GB RAM, I suggest you to configure until 2GB for MySQL:
Minimal for MyISAM (Maybe 32MB), and the rest for InnoDB. Your problem will
be loading data. Maybe your application will work slowly loading data
because there are more data than RAM memory.

Executing the following script, you can see your optimal buffer size for
InnoDB with your data.

SUBSTR(' KMG',IF(PowerOf1024<0,0,
IF(PowerOf1024>3,0,PowerOf1024))+1,1)) recommended_innodb_buffer_pool_size
FROM (SELECT SUM(data_length+index_length) KBS FROM
WHERE engine='InnoDB') A,
(SELECT 3 PowerOf1024) B;

Recommended_InnoDB_Buffer_Pool_Size FROM
SELECT SUM(data_length+index_length)*1.1*growth RIBPS
FROM information_schema.tables AAA,
(SELECT 1 growth) BBB
) AA
) A;

Good luck!



Re: DBA: please review my.cnf [for Java Hibernate application] and give suggestions

2014-02-12 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi Lukas,

What is your default engine? In MySQL there are a lot of parameters that
configure the engine behaviour. Depends on the engine, I suggest you to add
some parameters or others.

Also it's important to know the size of your data. Your configuration is
minimal and by default is not optimal.



Re: LOAD DATA in replication

2014-01-29 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
If I don't mistake, there are some parameters to make that you are saying.

Check statement-based-replication and row-based-replication. I think that
this could help you.



Doubt with sored procedures - II

2013-04-18 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
I have discovered that in MySQL client program I can define "definer" and
"sql security". This is the detail.

Thanks everybody.

Best regards,


Re: Doubt with stored procedures

2013-04-17 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi everybody,

Firstly thanks for your reply.

I'm using MySQL only in one server (I have only one), without replication
and without cluster configuration. I have defined the stored procedure as a
normal user, not as a root. And the call is make as a normal user also.
Occurs with MySQL 5.1.49 on Debian 6.

This normal user has CREATE PROCEDURE privilege and EXECUTE privilege.


Best regards,


Doubt with stored procedures

2013-04-17 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi everybody,

I have a doubt with stored procedures functionality. Is possible that a
stored procedure works with all databases form the server? I have created a
stored procedure on dataBaseA and also works with dataBaseB. Is that
correct? Independently of the user privileges defined.

Thanks everybody.

Best regards,


Re: Defragmentation of MySQL tables, how many times have I to do it?

2013-03-28 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hello Manuel,

Exactly. My objective doing performance MySQL it isn't to free disk space
(it isn't the problem). I would like to get a good performance using cache
and setting good values to configuration variables.

I will defrag tables once per month.

Best regards,


Re: Defragmentation of MySQL tables, how many times have I to do it?

2013-03-28 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Ok. Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Re: Defragmentation of MySQL tables, how many times have I to do it?

2013-03-28 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi Reindl,

Thanks for your reply.

So, is it not necessary (not recommended) to defragment tables if I have a
lot of write operations (writing or deleting)?

Best regards,


Defragmentation of MySQL tables, how many times have I to do it?

2013-03-28 Thread Antonio Fernández Pérez
Hi everybody,

Once I have done the defragmentation of MySQL tables, suggests
me do it again. Is this correct? I think that the idea is that in the
result of the script there are not fragmented tables ...

Any ideas?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
