Re: From .txt to MySQL

2004-10-19 Thread Amer Neely
Hash: SHA1
| Hi..
| I have 30 text file that contains of sort of data about
| wheather...Each text file contains the information about weather
| in one day. So, i have 30 text file, which contains all the info
| about weather in 30 days(1 month). All the attributes in all the
| text files are same (date, date, rain scalar, celcius), but the
| the data / value in there are absolutely different. So, how i
| can dump all this data into mysql?...I have create a table named
| weather in Mysql, and the attributes in this table are same with
| my text files...
| My question is, how can I dump all the data from text file into
| mySQL without specifies the names of the text file..It's mean
| that, we only specifies the extention of text file (*.txt) then
| by that way i can dump all into mysql?...
You could also append all your text files into 1 large one, assuming they all have the 
same kind of
data in their respective columns. Make sure your field names in your table match up 
with the number
and type of data you are going to import, and are in the same order.
Get the text into some format recognized by MySQL (CSV for example).
Then you can use the 'load data local' MySQL construct to populate your weather table.
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Amer Neely, Softouch Information Services
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Re: From .txt to MySQL

2004-10-19 Thread Egor Egorov
"roime puniran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My question is, how can I dump all the data from text file into
> mySQL without specifies the names of the text file..It's mean
> that, we only specifies the extention of text file (*.txt) then
> by that way i can dump all into mysql?...

You can write a script to import all text files in php or MySQL.
See - this
may help.

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From .txt to MySQL

2004-10-19 Thread roime puniran

I have 30 text file that contains of sort of data about
wheather...Each text file contains the information about weather
in one day. So, i have 30 text file, which contains all the info
about weather in 30 days(1 month). All the attributes in all the
text files are same (date, date, rain scalar, celcius), but the
the data / value in there are absolutely different. So, how i
can dump all this data into mysql?...I have create a table named
weather in Mysql, and the attributes in this table are same with
my text files...
My question is, how can I dump all the data from text file into
mySQL without specifies the names of the text file..It's mean
that, we only specifies the extention of text file (*.txt) then
by that way i can dump all into mysql?...
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