Re: Routing Loop

2008-03-15 Thread Danny McPherson

On Mar 15, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:

There's also somewhat odd data in RADB (look at the changed: line):

descr: SES-Newskies Customer Prefix
remarks:   SES-Newskies Customer Prefix
changed:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20080314

This is in the middle of RIPE-managed swamp space, a /19 definitely
doesn't belong there.

Yeah, I saw that a bit earlier and it did seem incredibly suspicious
given the timing.  Had I seen anything in the routing system itself for
that explicit /19 related to this I would mentioned it, but nothing  

Amazingly, a query to the NOC at SES Newskies yielded a near-
immediate response, which said they added it a few days back because
they were updating some policies and noticed it existed in a prefix  
list for
one of their upstreams, that it appeared to be legacy, and that they'd  

it removed.

All the more reason RIR allocation authentication used to seed IRR
information would be of value for routing policy specification, let  

informational purposes.


Re: Kenyan Route Hijack

2008-03-15 Thread Danny McPherson

A bit more analysis of this at the moment, and a few recommendations
and related pointers is available here:


Kenyan Route Hijack

2008-03-15 Thread Danny McPherson

[more accurate subject line]

On Mar 14, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Felix Bako wrote:

There is a routing loop while accesing my network from  
some networks on the Internet.

| This is a test done from looking glass.

1 ( 4 msec 0 msec 0  
2 ( [MPLS: Label 78  
Exp 0] 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec

3 ( 8 msec 8 msec 0 msec
4 ( [MPLS: Label 80  
Exp 0] 0 msec 4 msec 0 msec
5 ( 4 msec 0 msec 0  
6 ( [MPLS: Label 78  
Exp 0] 0 msec 0 msec 4 msec

7 ( 64 msec 0 msec 4 msec
8 ( [MPLS: Label 80  
Exp 0] 0 msec 4 msec 0 msec
9 ( 4 msec 0 msec 0  
10 ( [MPLS: Label  
78 Exp 0] 0 msec 4 msec 0 msec
11 ( 4 msec 0 msec 4  

According to RIPE BGP play data looks to me like AS 6461
(Abovenet) began announcing about 10 hours
ago, pulling traffic away from AS 39615 and triggering your
reachability problems (Note times are UTC):

# 1/361  2008-03-15 03:05:27   Path Change  from  29636 6461 2914 8513  
25228 36915

  rrc01   to  29636 2914 6461
# 2/361  2008-03-15 03:05:27   Route Announcement   20485 2914 6461

About 17 minutes later AS 6461 they withdrew the route announcement:

# 41/361  2008-03-15 03:22:56   Route Withdrawal ( 4777 2497 2914 6461 )

And another 12 minutes or so later they began announcing it

# 42/361  2008-03-15 03:35:26   Path Change  from  29636 6461 2914  
8513 25228 36915

   rrc01   to  29636 2914 6461

Seemed to be a bunch more instability with this prefix around 5:53:

# 66/361  2008-03-15 05:53:40   Route Announcement   25462 6461

And then some withdraws around 7:43:

# 183/361  2008-03-15 07:43:48   Path Change  from  8468 6453 6461
rrc01   to  8468 3491 25228  
25228 25228 25228 25228 36915


With considerable oscillation for around 40 minutes between the legit
path via AS 36915 and the path via AS 6461.

And the latest was this transition from AS 6461 back to the 36915 path
about 2 hours ago, but only by a few ASNs, I suspect because those ASNs
explicitly modified policy (either preference or filtering) to  
de_prefer the

AS 6461 path.  This is illustrated pretty nicely with BGP play:

# 335/361  2008-03-15 14:59:43   Route Withdrawal ( 1916 3549 6461 )
# 361/361  2008-03-15 15:00:27   Path Change  from  13645 3356 6461
rrc11   to  13645 3491 25228  
25228 25228 25228 25228 36915

BGP Play applet here:

Although most folks are definitely still preferring the AS 6461

An interesting bit is that the current announcement on routeviews
directly from AS 6461 has Community 6461:5999 attached:
  6461 from (
  Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, external, best
  Community: 6461:5999

According to this, that community is used for "internal prefixes":

"6461:5999 internal prefix"

A "sh ip bgp community 6461:5999" currently yields 130 prefixes
with Origin AS of 6461 and that community.  Nothing more specific
than a /24, although many many adjacent prefixes that would
presumably be aggregated normally are announced as well.

The closest adjacent prefix to 194.9.82/24 they're announcing
is 194.9.40/24, which is one of their prefixes:

*> 0 0 6461 i
*> 0 0 6461 i

Unfortunately, the AS6461 forwarding loops still exists, and most
ASNs still appear to be preferring their path over yours per BGP
AS path route selection rules:

Sat Mar 15 11:55:27 MDT 2008
14 (  188.278 ms   
172.714 ms  174.984 ms
15 (  176.234 ms   
174.013 ms  174.109 ms
16 (  173.230 ms   
172.892 ms  174.765 ms
17 (  174.721 ms   
175.256 ms  174.738 ms
18 (  174.437 ms   
220.815 ms  180.961 ms
19 (  177.564 ms   
181.966 ms  174.771 ms
20 (  176.028 ms   

Re: Customer-facing ACLs

2008-03-07 Thread Danny McPherson

On Mar 7, 2008, at 12:55 PM, Justin Shore wrote:

This question will probably get lost in the Friday afternoon lull  
but we'll give it a try anyway.

What kind of customer-facing filtering do you do (ingress and  
egress)? This of course is dependent on the type of customer, so  
lets assume we're talking about an average residential customer.

We did ask some of these questions in the latest Infrastructure
Security Survey, available here:

Or here if you'd prefer not to register:

We're in the process of putting the next round of questions
together, so if there are things you'd like added please let us


Re: RIPE NCC publishes case study of hijack

2008-02-29 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 29, 2008, at 11:49 AM, David Ulevitch wrote:

Of course... In fact, wouldn't it even providers benefit from having  
some logic that says "don't ever accept a more specific of a  
customer-announced prefix?"

Sure, that'd suck less, I guess, although then you have to punch
holes for multi-homed customers, etc.., which is actually trivial if
policy is generated automatically based on RPSL or the like and
the policy is registered accordingly.  But I still prefer explicit route
policy where what an AS is permitted to announce is all that's
permitted and any other prefixes are discarded.  Any policy that
allows lots of more specifics to be announced in case of route
hijacking to me is like putting a band-aid on a headache.

Customers might not like that though... :-)

Right, it's breaks fail-over with multi-homing, in particular.  As far
as other more specifics for TE and the like, well, they're certainly
welcome to register those prefixes such that they can be reflected
in routing policies, but this would also ease announcements of
unintentional more-specifics.

I don't consider this one of those 'YMMV' things.  Today, if
providers explicitly filter at all they filter customer routes based
on some IRR data or other internal database.  They may put a
few safety nets in place for bogon prefixes and certain prefix
length policies or ASNs, or perhaps not accept their own aggregate
or more specifics from peers.

However, they accept everything else from peers, which means
tomorrow, when this happens again, all they can do is get pissed
because some monkey on the other side of the world fat-fingered
a 2 instead of a 3, or forget to attached a no_advertise, no_export
or other explicit non-transit community to a blackhole route .. and
now some other site "that presumably matters" is offline, or half
reachable, or whatever...

Further, we can keep experiencing more extraneous route table
bloat because of folks advertising more specifics of their own
aggregates in order to minimize any impact a potential hijacking
might have to their own space..

Or, we could start implementing explicit inter-provider filtering.

Explicit policy on all inter-domain peers, customer or provider, based
on RIR allocations, IRR objects and RPSLish language, and work on
removing deployment barriers (e.g., stale IRR data, allocation
authentication, IRR update vulnerabilities, router configuration scale
and load issues, TTM for newly announced prefixes, etc..),  with
real deployment likely in an incremental bi-lateral manner between
ISPs that employ IRR data for customer route policy today and already
have tools to manage and deploy new policy.

I challenge providers to step up here, the onus is on you and nothing
else is going to make this problem go away.There's tangible
incremental benefit to any provider that institutes such a policy, and
by it's very nature, the right ISPs will encourage other sites on the
Internet to begin employing IRRs and similar mechanisms, if for no
reason other than to enable propagation of their own legitimate routes
more quickly.


Re: RIPE NCC publishes case study of hijack

2008-02-29 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 29, 2008, at 7:46 AM, David Ulevitch wrote:

The report states:

Sunday, 24 February 2008, 20:07 (UTC): AS36561 (YouTube) starts  
announcing With two identical prefixes in the  
routing system, BGP policy rules, such as preferring the shortest  
AS path, determine which route is chosen. This means that AS17557  
(Pakistan Telecom) continues to attract some of YouTube's traffic.

It's worth noting that from where I sit, it appears as though none  
of Youtube's transit providers accepted this announcement.  Only  
their peers.

A simple artifact of shortest AS path route selection.  In addition,  
providers employ policies that apply preference for prefixes learned  

customers over those learned from peers, assuming they're of the same

Had those same providers explicitly not accepted the /24 announcement
from AS 17557 via their peers you wouldn't have been affected at all.

The point is -- Restrictive customer filtering can also bite you in  
the butt.  Trying to require your providers to do a "ge 19 le  
25" (or whatever your largest supernet is), rather than filters for  
specific prefix sizes seems a worthwhile endeavor so you can de- 
aggregate on the fly, as necessary.

Deaggregation in order to mitigate less specific route hijacking is a  
that in most cases only half fixes the problem, if that.  If providers  

have those policies in place it'd be /32s that were being hijacked and
route table growth and churn would be far worse than it already is.

You prevent this by ubiquitous deployment of explicit customer and  
provider prefix filters, you don't open things up more so that when  

occur, folks can try to hack around them.


Re: [admin] [summary] RE: YouTube IP Hijacking

2008-02-25 Thread Danny McPherson

I'd hear to see who does it, and get them to present the "operational
lessons" at the next nanog!

On second thought, I guess one thing has changed considerably
since 15 years ago.  Rather than ~5000 monkeys with keyboard
access to manipulate global routing tables, there are likely well
North of 250,000 (>25k active ASNs * 10 meat computers per),
which is surely well on the conservative side.

The bottom line is [still] that ISPs should at least explicitly
filter prefixes from customers and networks from which they
provide transit services.


Re: [admin] [summary] RE: YouTube IP Hijacking

2008-02-25 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 25, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Alex Pilosov wrote:

Well, in this case, they *aren't* filtering! (unless I am  

what you are saying, due to repeated use of 'their').

What I'm saying is that best case today ISPs police routes
advertised by their customers, yet they accept routes implicitly
(including routes from address space that may belong to their
customers) from peers.  Seems a little hokey, eh?

Oh yeah, d'oh! Thanks for correction. But that is also an important  

against PHAS and IRRPT filtering - they are powerless against truly
malicious hijacker (one that would register route in IRR, add the
right origin-as to AS-SET, and use correct origin).

Yep, pretty much.

Sure, if they want to dedicate an engineer to it, automate policy
deployment and deal with brokenness by turning steam valves.

I'd hear to see who does it, and get them to present the "operational
lessons" at the next nanog!

Maybe Curtis V. would present what ANS was doing in
1994 :-)  But now we've even got things like BGP route
refresh, incrementally updatable filters, and BGP
soft reconfiguration to ease the deployment burden.

There have been two or three panels on this exact topic
in the past, you can find them in the index of talks.
Unfortunately, the problem hasn't changed at all.  Perhaps
we could just replay those video streams :-)


Re: [admin] [summary] RE: YouTube IP Hijacking

2008-02-25 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 25, 2008, at 12:51 PM, Alex Pilosov wrote:
** Nobody brought up the important point - the BGP announcement  
are only as secure as the weakest link. No [few?] peers or transits  
filtering "large" ISPs (ones announcing few hundred routes and up).  

are a great many of them, and it takes only one of them to mess up
filtering a downstream customer for the route to be propagated.

Yes, that was my implicit point to Pekka.  Even if you do everything
feasible today (i.e., explicitly filter customers, some amount of policy
for peers, and perhaps a few hacks for multi-homed customers), you're
still pretty much screwed if someone announces your address space.
Heck, you're as likely to accept the announcement as anyone.

** Paul Wall brought up the fact that even obviously bogus routes  
(1/8 and

100/7) were accepted by 99% of internet during an experiment.

I'm not sure why this would surprise anyone.

** What I'd like to see discussed: Issues of filtering your transit
downstream customers, who announce thousands of routes. Does  
*anyone* do


Lots of folks do.  The interesting bit is that even then, those
same providers would accept perhaps even those customer
routes from their peers implicitly.

* Typos vs Malicious announcements

** Some ways of "fixing" the problem (such as IRR filtering) only  

the typos or unintentional announcements.

You mean as opposed to intentionally malice acts?  Well,
not completely.  See Pekka's email, for example.  Of course,
it does vary widely across IRRs, etc..

There's full agreement that IRR
is full of junk, which is not authenticated in any sort.

Mostly, though not completely.

** Things like PHAS won't work if hijacker keeps the origin-AS same  

getting their upstream to establish session with different ASN)

NO, that's not even necessary.  Simple originate the route from
the legit AS, and then transit it with the local AS as a transit AS.
AS path manipulation is trivial.

** What I'd like to see discussed: Who (ICANN/RIRs/LIRs) is actively
working on implementing "chain of trust" of IP space allocations?

* Ways to address the issue without cooperation of 3491:
** Filtering anything coming out of 17557

Bad idea.

** Suggestions given:
** What I'd like to see discussed: Can an network operator, *today*,
filter the "possibly bogus" routes from their peers, without manual
intervention, and without false positives?

Sure, if they want to dedicate an engineer to it, automate policy
deployment and deal with brokenness by turning steam valves.

* Yelling at people who don't filter

That's been productive for over a decade now.

** Per above, 3491 isn't the only one who filters. In fact, claims
were made that *nobody* filters "large enough" downstreams. (beyond



Re: BGP prefix filtering, how exactly? [Re: YouTube IP Hijacking]

2008-02-25 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 25, 2008, at 6:08 AM, Pekka Savola wrote:

In a lot of this dialogue, many say, "you should prefix filter".  
However, I'm not seeing how an ISP could easily adopt such filtering.

So, this is no excuse for not doing prefix filtering if you only do  
business in the RIPE region, but anywhere else the IRR data is  
pretty much useless, incorrect, or both.


(Yeah, we prefix filter all our customers.  Our IPv6 peers are also  
prefix filtered, based on RIPE IRR data (with one exception).  IPv4  
peers' advertisements seem to be too big a mess, and too long  
filters, to fix this way.)

Do you explicitly filter routes from your upstream or transit providers?
E.g., if one were to announce, say, a more specific of one of your
customer's routes to you would you accept it?  What about someone
else's address space?

The only full set of prefix filtering I've ever seen implemented (i.e.,
BGP customers AND peers) was b y ANS during my days at iMCI
~95.  It was extremely painful at times, even for us, if we wanted to
advertise new address space we had to update IRR objects and
wait on their nightly push of updated routing policies at ANS.  We
generated our own routing policies automatically off our IRR, which
mirrored others as well, and explicitly prefix filtered customers with
some fixed prefix and AS path-based policies applied to peers.  If it
 became really urgent, then we'd call ANS and have them manually
update their policy, and subsequently 'bounce' the route
announcement to trigger transmission of a new update.

This was long before incrementally updated filters and things like
BGP route refresh ever existed.  Prefixes and AS-MACROs had to
be right in the IRRs or the policies wouldn't be updated.  It's to bad
other folks didn't follow suit.

As for this event, a slightly different spin here:


Re: BGP TTL Security

2008-02-14 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 14, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Ben Butler wrote:

I have validated via trace in both directions as being 1 hop.

I have read another article that implies the default behaviour at the
other end will to be send TTL 1 not 255 and consequently I need to
configure both ends to get the session to
come back up.  An access list reveals all the packets I am receiving
have a TTL of 0.

The session re-establishes if I configure:

neighbor ttl-security hops >=192

<=191 and the session stays down.

After a prodding offlist I reread your message and understand
what point you're making now.  Indeed as you suggest above
the normal configuration should be 'ttl-security hops 2' or 'ttl
security hops 1'.

Not for sure, but I'd have to speculate that if this is only
working for you with 'ttl-security hops >= 192' perhaps your
peer is setting the TTL in it's packet to 64?  I believe that's
the default TTL for Linux, Foundry and a couple others.
Juniper's default TTL is 1 eBGP (though configurable), and
64 for iBGP, multihop, etc. IIRC.

In order to implement this effectively the peer would need to
be setting the transmitted TTL to 255.

And my apologies if my previous message seemed a bit
negative, that was certainly not my intention.


Re: BGP TTL Security

2008-02-14 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 14, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Ben Butler wrote:

<=191 and the session stays down.

Which is proper bizarre!

Is it necessary to configure this on both side for the session to
re-establish.  Is this a Cisco bug?

You're missing the fundamentals of what protection this
mechanism is meat to provide.  A remote attacker can
craft a packet such that it yields a TTL of 2, 1 or 0 at
the target system.

However, what a remote attacker can't do is craft a
packet that yields a TTL or 255 or 254, for example.
You probably want both values to be 254 if you've
got one intermediate hop between the peers.


Re: Route Reflector full mesh

2008-02-06 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 5, 2008, at 11:56 PM, Adhy wrote:

1. If the update is propagated from RR1 to RR2 then RR3, will the
ORIGINATOR_ID on the update mesg still RR1 ?

Yes, the originator ID is preserved, while the cluster
list would be additive.

2. and will the CLUSTER_LIST being used ? the cisco specs only said
that the CLUSTER_LIST being used if the update mesg is reflected from
clients to non clients. how about from clients to other client (which
this client also a RR for another cluster) ?

There are typically two models for deployment within a cluster.
Either fully-meshed clients with no client-to-client reflection, or
clients that only peer with the RRs, with client-to-client reflection.
If client-to-client reflection is employed then the RR will attach
the RR attributes, including the originator ID set to the router
ID of the client, and the local cluster ID value will be added to
the cluster list.

We did see some routing information loops on early deployments
where client-to-client reflection is employed AND the RR would
reflect a route back to a client that it learned from the client.  The
issue here is that the client is now required to know it's a client
and poison updates it receives if the originator ID value equals
the local router ID.  The strict "don't reflect a route learned from a
client back to that client because if you do a client would need
to know about RR and know it's a client" behavior changed from
RFC 1996 to RFC 2796 (perhaps so that some implementations
could optimize message copy across client groups).

I've assumed that both ORIGINATOR_ID and CLUSTER_LIST is always used
when route is being reflected and come to conclusion that the loops
will not occur. Is it correct ?

Yes, when acting on behalf of a client, or if received and
already attached to a prefix, unless sent to an eBGP peer.
The originator ID should be preserved if it already exists.

The real offshoot with RRs employing unique cluster IDs sharing
common client sets is that you trigger unnecessary replication of
updates, additional churn, require additional BGP RIB space
in RRs, and require that routing information originated by a client
be poisoned by that client potentially multiple times, rather than
avoided through routing topology.  Unique cluster IDs within
topological clusters can be especially problematic hierarchical
route reflection.

Specifically to your question, see this text in Section 8 of
RFC 4456:  "A BGP speaker SHOULD NOT create an
ORIGINATOR_ID attribute if one already exists".  I'd consider
modification/replacement of an existing originator ID value
brokenness, and the topology you illustrate broken anyway.


Re: Blackholes and IXs and Completing the Attack.

2008-02-02 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 2, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Ben Butler wrote:

So, given we all now understand each other - why is no one doing the

Some folks are doing this, just not via some third-party
route servers.   For example, either via customer peering
sessions, or other BGP interconnections between peers.

I'm not sure it's ideal to employ third-party route servers
for this purpose, as it only increases the attacks/error
surface.  I suppose if folks rely on it for native peering
then it might be reasonable.

At the end of the day if an IX member doesn't want the announcements
don't peer with the blackhole reflector, simple, and it will get Null
routed as soon as it hits my edge router at the IX - it would just  
more sensible to enable people to block the traffic before it  

the IX and further back in their own networks.

Yes, helping to ease effects of collateral damage from
large-scale attacks by conveying drop policies to upstream
ASes for prefixes which you originate.  And perhaps as
significant, being able to allow the target AS to remove
those policies dynamically, rather than having to contact
each upstream AS that appears to have imposed them
manually out-of-band.

I think Paul's comments were more regarding the fact
that destination-based blackhole routing for mitigation
*effectively completes the attack*, which is often times
undesirable.  Inter-domain source-based blackhole
routing is pretty much a non-option.

One other offshoot is that advertised more-specifics
are going to further contribute to routing AND forwarding
table bloat, and a single new prefixes might result in
10+ new paths in the iBGP RIBs.

If you do implement something like this you may wish to
scope advertisement only to adjacent ASes via
NO_EXPORT or the like, to scope both more-specific
propagation, and to ensure that some lack of consistent
drop community semantic interpretation doesn't hose

Also, if you impose this as a standard attack response
mechanism recall that you lose visibility of attack scales,
and knowing just when to resume normal forwarding
policies is a bit more complex.  As such, your policy sets
may want to provide hooks that enable selective prefix
advertise/withdraw drop policies so that it can be applied
or removed incrementally.


Re: Blackholing traffic by ASN

2008-01-30 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jan 30, 2008, at 4:33 PM, Justin Shore wrote:

I'm sure all of us have parts of the Internet that we block for one  
reason or another.  I have existing methods for null routing  
traffic from annoying hosts and subnets on our border routers today  
(I'm still working on a network blackhole).  However I've never  
tackled the problem by targeting a bad guy's ASN.  What's the best  
option for null routing traffic by ASN?  I could always add another  
deny statement in my inbound eBGP route-maps to match a new as-path  
ACL for _BAD-ASN_ to keep from accepting their routes to begin  
with.  Are there any other good tricks that I can employ?

I have another question along those same lines.  Once I do have my  
blackhole up and running I can easily funnel hosts or subnets into  
the blackhole.  What about funneling all routes to a particular ASN  
into the blackhole?  Are there any useful tricks here?

I'd recommend you exercise extreme caution with any such

Specifically, if the origin[?] AS that you're wanting to drop all
traffic from gets wind of such a policy, they could easily announce
other prefixes that result in your dropping that traffic, introducing
a more effective DoS vector.  Other ASes could easily spoof an
origin AS and trigger such a policy application as well.

You should probably do this explicitly based on prefix and null
route from some centralized route server w/uRPF and not as a
matter of automated policy based on a given AS Path set.

If you're simply worried about destination reachability to prefixes
provided by those ASes in question, then you could employ a
BGP filter on ingress dropping prefixes with those ASes in the path
-- although I think your query was more concerned with ingress
traffic from those ASes, not egressing destined to those networks.

Finally, as Ferg said, networks of that sort seem to find a need to
diversify their connectivity periodically -- all the more reason to
avoid such policies.


Re: European ISP enables IPv6 for all?

2007-12-17 Thread Danny McPherson

On Dec 17, 2007, at 10:37 PM, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:29:21 -0800
"Christopher Morrow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

how does it improve data security exactly?

Back in 1994, it was expected to be true because v6 would mandate
IPsec, and v6 would be deployed long before the installed base of v4
machines would be upgraded to IPsec.  Obviously, that's not what
happened; while IPsec was indeed late in coming, v6 was even later, so
the original belief has been OBE.  The mythos, however, hasn't caught
up.  Similar statements can be made about stateless autoconfig vs. v4

Perhaps the concept also holds true because there's a
smaller target market for the moment, and attackers are
all about ROI.  We've certainly seen this at other layers of
the stack.  However, not sure I'd posit as such.

In a slightly more realistic vein, a huge address space makes life
harder for scanning worms.  As Angelos Keromytis, Bill Cheswick, and I
have pointed out, "harder" is by no means equivalent to "impossible",
but the myth, new as it is, still propagates.

As will the worms and malware, I suppose, though perhaps
with more thought-out propagation vectors that employ not
only local prefix scanning, but nifty things like walking or the like for presumable denser host existence.
Then again, who needs self propagation, when client-side
attacks seem to be more than sufficient.


Re: Slate Podcast on Estonian DOS atatck

2007-05-24 Thread Danny McPherson

On May 24, 2007, at 4:58 PM, Bill Woodcock wrote:

First of it's kind that it targeted a country.

No, at the very least, Moonlight Maze and Titan Rain came before.   
But by

today's standards, Moonlight Maze would have been trivially small.  I
don't have any numbers for Titan Rain.  Anyone know how it compared  
to the

4mpps of this attack?

A data point based on some information we have from looking
at inter-domain traffic and attack attributes across ~40 ISPs
(~1 Tbps) over ~250 days now (and rolling):

Days seeing at least one attack exceeding a given threshold:

> 6 Mpps 1
> 5 Mpps 12
> 4 Mpps 33
> 3 Mpps 53
> 2 Mpps 91
> 1 Mpps 149

Total attacks exceeding a given threshold:

> 6 Mpps 1
> 5 Mpps 17
> 4 Mpps 82
> 3 Mpps 135
> 2 Mpps 352
> 1 Mpps 813

The above is from the perspective of *a single ISP*, so the aggregate
of the attack is likely to be far greater (cross-ISP correlation of  

are NOT reflected in _this dataset).  Mpps and greater attacks make
up far less than 1% of the attacks we see (we've have data for ~142k
known attacks over this period).

More on this in the near future and note that none of the above is
meant to marginalize the Estonian attacks in any way, 4 Mpps is a
lot depending on where it's directed and how it's mitigated - it's
ALL about perspective.


OT: 2007 Infrastructure Security Survey

2007-05-14 Thread Danny McPherson

It's time for the Infrastructure Security Survey again, figured
I'd include all of nanog@ in the query for respondents this
time around (per request[s]).

If you're willing to complete the survey please go here to
receive a token (which will be mailed to you with a URL
for response input):

Many of you have seen some of the data from the survey
at previous NANOG sessions and ISP Security BOFs.  You
can find the previous editions of the survey report here
(if you'd prefer a non-marketing polished version just drop
me a line):

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please
let me know.

Thanks in advance!


ISP Security BOF @NANOG 40

2007-05-13 Thread Danny McPherson

Can you please try to slot the ISP security BOF into the
first day (Monday) of the agenda?  Something has come
up and I have to leave late Monday night.

Thanks for your consideration!


OT: ISP Security BOF @NANOG 40

2007-05-11 Thread Danny McPherson

Kevin Lanning (ATT) and I will be moderating the ISP
Security BOF at NANOG 40 in Bellevue.  As usual, if
there are security-related topics you'd like to hear about,
would rather not hear about, or would like like to present,
please drop us a line ASAP.


-danny & kevin

NANOG 39 ISP Security BOF Agenda:

- The root of a log: Extracting Intelligence from the Woods
- Botnet C&C: Extirpate or Infiltrate?
- netdisco introduction - Bill Fenner
- Defending the NANOG Network: How the local net is geared for  
security (Randy B. moderator)

- Open Microphone

Re: BOGON Announcement question

2007-05-07 Thread Danny McPherson

On Apr 30, 2007, at 9:15 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

On Apr 30, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

Collector: CIXP
Last update time:   2007-04-27 07:36:30Z
Origin:  29222

My question is, why am I not seeing more issues because of the

because everyone with enough clue to watch what they receive has  
filters in

place to prevent their hearing it?

And even if they didn't, what important IP space in that /2 is not  
covered by more specifics?

A whole lot if any of those more specific were withdrawn and
the /2 were to pick up for them...


Re: botnets: web servers, end-systems and Vint Cerf

2007-02-17 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 17, 2007, at 6:42 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:

Is there a significant difference between the "many" ISPs implementing
walled gardens and other ISPs as far as infection rates?

One might presuppose infection rates are exactly the same, at
least until that ISPs user base upgrades, patches, auto-updates,
AVs, anti-spywares, whatever..  or finds a new ISP.  I wonder how
long it'd take for such a policy institution to impact an entire 100%
user base?

I'd likewise be quite keen on seeing empirical evidence on trends
in cleanliness and/or churn from any of those ISPs in question, the
3 "huge" ones in particular - any of those folks *NOG-types?

Likely my last message on this tread, as I foresee the "OT
curmudgeon" mounting up (hint to them: "delete").


Re: botnets: web servers, end-systems and Vint Cerf

2007-02-17 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 16, 2007, at 11:41 AM, J. Oquendo wrote:

After all these years, I'm still surprised a consortium of ISP's  
haven't figured out a way to do something a-la Packet Fence for  
their clients where - whenever an infected machine is detected  
after logging in, that machine is thrown into say a VLAN with  
instructions on how to clean their machines before they're allowed  
to go further and stay online.

"Umm, Mam, I'm sorry, but before you make that emergency
call we'll need to go to www.update.nnn and update the OS
on your machine, seems you've got some malware there at
home somewhere and you're going to need to take care of
it for me, OK?"

"Sir, before you can continue watching the World Cup or Super
Bowl you'll need to remove the spyware from your son's PC."

If you ask me, traffic providers (NSP's/NAP's) and ISP's don't mind  
this garbage coming out of their networks, if they did they'd  
actually ban together and do something about it.

Its obvious those charging for traffic will say little. Minimized  
traffic means minimized revenue.

IIRC, most North America providers have fixed-rate broadband subscriber

All I see is "No we despise that kind of traffic" along with a  
shrug and nothing being done about it. I'm sure if some legislative  
body somewhere started levying fines against providers, the net  
would be a cleaner place. For comments on 100 million infected  
machines... Doubtable. Anyone can play fuzzy math games, heck I  
just strangely figured out that MS is costing me an arm and a leg!

While I understand your frustration, lest we not forget, providers  
are in

the business of making money, and solutions of this type today only add
to churn, additional operational expense and liability.  It's not  
quite so

black and white as you make it, unfortunately.

With that, as Sean points out, providers are trying to address the  

in an business-savvy manner and some do seem to have reasonable (IMO)
solutions underway.  But be careful what you ask for, some of these
solutions you're mandating might very well resemble SiteFinder-style
schema's (or far worse) in order to justify the investment by the  


Re: botnets: web servers, end-systems and Vint Cerf

2007-02-17 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 16, 2007, at 10:12 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

You misunderstand. The problem of securing machines *IS* solved. It is
possible. It is regularly done with servers connected to the Internet.
There is no *COMPUTING* problem or technical problem.

The problem of the 100 million machines is a social or business  

We know how they can be secured, but the solution is not being

So, you're saying we can secure them so long as we put
them behind NAT AND humans don't use them?


Re: Do routers prioritize control traffic?

2007-02-17 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 12, 2007, at 9:10 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

They are used for BUSINESS traffic. Also, since these controls make
routers work harder, there is no point in using them where there  
are no

traffic problems.

I concur, it only matters when it matters (i.e., when there's
resource contention).

Most providers build their core networks with enough
headroom so that there are no traffic problems.

It's not a matter of just forwarding capacity, it's a matter of control
plane processing capacity, a variable typically orders of magnitude
less than the the former.

And the fundamental problem of QOS means that you only use it
where you have to. QOS works by delaying or discarding packets. It
is hard to sell that as a valuable service to ordinary users.

I believe Christos's query wasn't about ordinary users or transit
traffic, it was regarding "control (e.g., routing) traffic".  I wouldn't
consider network operations or control traffic "ordinary users" and
suspect that if network operators aren't limiting "what" and at what
rate that "what" is permitted to impact the control plane then their
ordinary users should be very concerned.

A usual example of this is DDOS attacks much larger than 10
Gbps sustained, throwing bandwidth at the problem yields little
or no return.


Re: Route Reflector architecture and how to get small customer blocks in to BGP?

2007-01-28 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jan 28, 2007, at 9:06 AM, Joe Provo wrote:

Select the latter.  Modifying networks statements for move/add/changes
invites trouble.  Carefully constructed policies to redistribute
your connected or static routes into iBGP and tagged appropriately
are a win. At the very least, you can limit to subnets of "my  

prefixes"; If possible, leverage the nice aggregation and limit to
"my network's local prefixes" and you scope potential future havoc.

I'm not a big fan of redistribution as I've been bitten by it a
few times.  One of the biggest issues is that if a policy is being
updated and some periodic redistribution process runs the
policy at that instant is applied and things not in the policy at
that snapshot are not applied (intuitive enough - now).

For example, if you're redistributing routes into BGP and coloring
with a community based on a route match policy and some of those
routes aren't in the policy snapshot then they won't be "colored"
with communities or the like and may be leaked or not advertised
otherwise.  This is particularly ugly when you've employed "implicit
permit" external advertisement policies where routes that aren't
tagged with some value are passed by default.

Two lessons learned for me:

o If you're going to use redistribution - or not - ensure that all
external advertisement policies require explicit match of advertise
communities and default is to deny

o Don't unnecessarily touch policies or blindly overwrite them
periodically, utilize incrementally updated prefix lists as much as

Given the two conditions above I'm not as wary of redistribution
and it may ease configuration managed as Joe suggests.


ISP Security BOF @NANOG 39

2007-01-13 Thread Danny McPherson

For some crazy reason I've agreed again to chair the ISP Security BOF
at NANOG 39 in Toronto.  If you've got items you'd like to discuss, like
to see discussed, or would prefer not be presented, please let me
know ASAP.

The two agenda items for the moment are meant to be, in the very spirit
of a BOF, loose panel discussions on the following topics:

The root of a log: Extracting Intelligence from the Woods
Botnet C&C: Extirpate or Infiltrate?

If you'd be interested in sharing your views, please let me know,
although RSVP is not necessary.  Slides are welcome but not

Thanks in advance, see you in Toronto!


Re: BGP unsupported capability code

2006-08-18 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 17, 2006, at 10:57 PM, Joe Maimon wrote:

If A tries to peer with B, and B sends a BGP capability 64 to A, if  
A does not support that capability what would proper and/or  
reasonable behavior for A be?

Speaker A MAY send a NOTIFICATION message with Open
Message Error/Error Subcode "Unsupported Capability" and
a data field listing capability 64 as the trigger for the
NOTIFICATION to speaker B (thereby terminating the session).
However, RFC 3392 does NOT require that the local BGP
speaker terminate the connection, which has particular utility
when considering the implications such a hard requirement
may otherwise impose on functions such as dynamic BGP

(a "published" source for it, if you could possibly do so.)

a) send

unsupported capability code 64 lengh 6
## 2006-08-17 19:17:05 : [bgp/stack]: send NOTIFICATION msg  
code (Open-Error)
subcode(Open Message Error: Unsupported Capability) to peer  
w9.x4.y7.z9 via socket 415

b) ignore it

c) admin defined

rfc3392.txt only appears to address the case where if A tries to  
peer with B, and B sends a BGP capability 64 to A, if A does not  
support that capability, B MAY terminate the connection with the  
above notification.

(section 3 paragraph 5)

If the peer doesn't support the capability and this is conveyed
from A to B via a NOTIFICATION message (as illustrated in the
log message above), then given the scenario you provide B
SHOULD NOT include the capability (64) in any subsequent
OPEN message sent to A when attempting to reestablish a
BGP connection -- IF B so chooses to attempt to automatically
reestablish a connection.  Note that the above says SHOULD

I'm not quite sure what your point above is, as I think the
document sufficiently outlines the required behavior.

Although BGP is perhaps (?) still of interest to the NANOG
community, I suspect such protocol intricacies are not and
would submit that queries of nature are best directed to


Re: i am not a list moderator, but i do have a request

2006-08-13 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 13, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

which is, please move these threads to a non-SP mailing list.

R  [  41: Danny McPherson ] Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has  
become useless

R  [  22: "Laurence F. Sheldon]
R  <  45: Danny McPherson >
R  [  62: "Laurence F. Sheldon]
R  [ 162: "J. Oquendo"] Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be  
done with botnet C&C's?

R  < 211: "Payam Tarverdyan Ch>
R  [  66: Michael Nicks   ]

i already apologized to the moderators for participating in a non- 
ops thread
here.  there are plenty of mailing lists for which botnets are on- 
nanog is not one and should not become one.  nanog has other useful  

Interestingly enough, I lurk here 99.999% of the time. I comment
on this thread and folks ask to move it to a non-SP mailing list?   

non-operational, but this certainly has direct implications on SPs and
I'm of the opinion it's quite relevant - well, certainly as relevant  
as the

past recent threads:

SORBS Contact
New Latop Policies
Fingerprinting and SPAM ID
MPLS Gear for Outside Plant
[perhaps] Fedex Contact
Citrix Load-balancing
Detecting Parked Domains

I suppose it's more "what I feel like reading and sending email  
about", as

opposed to whether/what's on topic or not.  I'm done with this thread on
NANOG - else the slew of "me too" responses on this "list moderator"  

will divert attention from alternative cruft...

Wondering if I should send a message to NANOG every time I see a thread
of questionable NANOG relevance,


Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

2006-08-13 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 13, 2006, at 8:35 AM, Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr. wrote:

Danny McPherson wrote:

As importantly, broadband SPs are trying to move to triple (quad)
play services, how tolerant do you think your average subscriber is
to losing cable television services because their kid downloaded some

At least one of us would applaud an effort to hold people  
accountable for what

they and their kids do.

Oops, I see how you could spin it that way...  Let me spin it back..

What if the malware your kid's PC (or better yet, your PC) was just
infected with came through a virus received in email for which no fix
was currently available and the resident AV solution was unaware?

Now you can't watch the game tonight, or your favorite show, or use
skype to chat with your daughter in Europe, or check your email, [or
call 911?] all because the malware triggered something on the network
side that resulted in you being "walled gardened"?

My position here is aligned with Sean's and Arjan's.  IF you were able
to offer any such "walled-garden" services it's not simply a binary  

there's a large array of variables that need to be accounted for
technically - entirely independent of the economic ones surrounding
services that are hardly profitable already.

I believe there exists a significant opportunity here for such value- 
for broadband and other services alike, but it's at least initially  
going to

be a rather complicated one.


Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

2006-08-13 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 9, 2006, at 4:04 AM, Arjan Hulsebos wrote:

Maybe so, but that argument doesn't buy me more helpdesk folks. The
same holds true for the  bandwidth argument, especially now that
bandwidth is dirt cheap.

On the other hand, it shouldn't be too difficult to come up with a
walled garden profile for subs that have infected PCs, basically
allowing only access to a filtering proxy, so these subs can download
their patches and antivirus updates through it.

In addition to "they still need to be able to download patches and
attempt to fix their system" you may not be able to shut off all  

for the subscriber regardless - e.g., they've got voice services and
you're killing their emergency dialing capabilities?

As importantly, broadband SPs are trying to move to triple (quad)
play services, how tolerant do you think your average subscriber is
to losing cable television services because their kid downloaded some

Minimizing subscriber churn and targeting profitable services are  

most of these solutions today only make the problem worse - when
something breaks with vanilla Internet access the first person the
subscriber calls is the SP, and the resources cost for fielding those  
exceeds even that of the amortized capital costs for the service -  

deeper into losses.

I half believe that Net Neutrality itself wouldn't be an issue if  

were able to run profitable businesses in broadband service markets.
Adding security to the mix only compounds the problem.


Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

2006-08-05 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 5, 2006, at 3:17 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:

Hopefully, by their nature SPs will always be a bit reactive.  Unless
I want them to, I don't want SPs messing with my traffic.  Its my  
to connect anything I want, send anything I want, do anything I  
want with
my Internet connection. On the other hand, when I do complain I  
want the
SP to instantly be able to stop anything I don't want, even when I  
know what it is, and be able to track every bad thing that every  

even before I knew it was bad but not keep records of what anyone has
done. And of course, I don't think I should pay extra for it.

I think I touched on this lightly in one of my previous posts on
this topic - but yes, I completely agree..


Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

2006-08-05 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 4, 2006, at 12:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


perhaps.  i'm partly of the mind that botnets, p2p networks, manets,
and other self-organizing systems are the "wave" of the future (or  
even the
present) and the technologies, per se, are not inherently "evil" or  
even bad.

Well, that clearly depends on your prescription for "self-organizing".
I certainly wouldn't categorize the botnets I'm referring to as self-
organizing, in particular when they're being employed in a _very
organized manner - most always unbeknownst to each systems
ultimate owner, and more and more often in such a way that allows
A botherder to employ them for an ever-expanding array of
malicious activities.

imho, it is short sighted to try and curtail, mitigate, and eradicate
these types of technologies -  its kind of like trying to kill off  
SMTP because
it only sends spam, FTP because its only used to distribute PR0N...  
and HTTP
because its only used by peadophiles stalking my daughters on  

better to understand how these things are used and figure out how to
determine INTENT and then filter on that instead of technological  

Right, hence my point.  By and large, SPs don't have the time or
resources to police the greater Internet, and therefore, they respond
in a very reactive fashion when some malicious activity *that* warrants
action dictates.  Taking out known botnet C&C infrastructure is more
proactive and at least from my perspective, continues to yield a
discernible impact.

It's all about ROI - and anything more than reactionary measures
only moves them further from profitability.  Putting solutions in place
that allow the SPs to recoup costs associated with playing sysadmin
for customers are the only way they'll be able to give dedicated
focus to the problem.

just my contrarian 0.02 rupias.

I'd expect no less Bill :-)


Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

2006-08-03 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 3, 2006, at 4:22 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

But shutting them down, that's like the police arresting
all the informants.  It doesn't stop the crime, it just
eradicates all your easy leads.

What're folk's thoughts on that?

I'm not sure I'd liken shutting C&C infrastructure down to
"arresting the informants".  I think that's quite a bad analogy,
actually, as informants are [often] third parties while C&C
infrastructure is used to convey actual execution instructions
- which are very often much more than DoS, as John pointed


Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless

2006-08-03 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jul 30, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Gadi Evron wrote:

The few hundred *new* IRC-based C&Cs a month (and change), have been
around and static (somewhat) for a while now. At a steady rate of  
change which

maintains the status quo, plus a bit of new blood.

In this post I ask the community about what you see, against what  
we have

observed, and try and test my conclusions and numbers against your

*SPs* today deal with command and control infrastructure on a
very tactical basis, and as for specific bots themselves, even
more tactically (i.e., usually when some incident requires that
they take some response action).

They're very incident driven from that respect, and with an attempt
to focus on revenue and services profitability, it just amplifies the
problem.  That is, they're busy turning the steam valves and putting
out fires - who has the time for strategizing and waging a global
war on organized crime and it's employment of botnets that yields a
negligible return on a considerable investment, just cutting deeper
into their losses?

[disclaimer: the above is a gross oversimplification and many SPs
do far more, but it's largely applicable across a broad spectrum of

Heck, they rarely have time to chase DOS attack sources past their
network perimeter and today report less than 2% of *actionable*
attacks to LEOs.

It's an ROI game...

While you could spin botnet resurrection a hundred ways, taking out
the bots themselves, even if it's often times only as temporal function,
is the low hanging fruit and something SPs can understand and

I agree that the root of the problem is the miscreants perpetrating
these crimes, and they need to be prosecuted, but the responsibility
falls far wider than the SPs.

I also accept the references provided by Paul and others, but what's
the near-term alternative?


Re: Interesting new spam technique - getting a lot more popular.

2006-06-19 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jun 15, 2006, at 7:06 AM, Kristal, Jeremiah wrote:

I don't think it was Extreme that filed it, or at least they didn't
write it.  It was the good folks at Qwest engineering who came up with
the idea, which was implemented (for some low value of implemented) by
Extreme.  The authors had moved on by the time the RFC was published,
but they were certainly Qwesties (and probably CSN before that).

Nope, not at all CSN..

*think* the same idea was floated to Cisco at the same time; their  

was offered in beta not long after Extreme moved super/sub-VLANs into
public release.

Yep, pointer here, for folks interested in the current state of that
work within the IETF:

Unfortunately for those of us who had to actually implement said
abomination, it didn't quite work as well as promised.  In fact I was
just trying to decide which was more painful, taking over a hosting
network with 90% of their hosts in one VLAN (VLAN2, they asked for  

advice when they first started to attempt to migrate), or supporting
super/sub-VLANs in an operational environment.  Customers hated both,
but at least they saw better performance once the hosting network was
broken up per-customer VLANs.

Indeed, as there's a discernible gap there from concept to  

implementation to network engineering, beta/EFT, and from network
engineering & beta/EFT  to deployment & operationalizing any such
technology.  If you disregard any of these phases, for whatever reason,
it'll likely to come back to bite you.

Customers hated it because of some very serious operational flaws.   

stuff was to be expected, like seeing broadcast traffic in all subs
under a super-VLAN.

As with any new technology, some amount of education is often
required when change occurs.  In this case, a reasonable response
would be to first ask if anything was broken as a result, and if not,
then to explain the benefits such a service model provides from
a billing, Internet address conservation and security perspective.
Customers hating something simply because they liked and are no
longer seeing broadcast traffic seems a bit intractable to me.  This
is the perfect example where a small amount of education can go
a long way.

Now, if something is broken, OTOH, that's different.

Some stuff was truly flawed, like having some small
percentage of packets leaking across sub-VLANs.

  Residential customers
don't mind, and probably would never notice.  Large corporate clients
who are putting important servers in a hosting environment get rather
concerned when you start seeing traffic (including cleartext login  

from their neighbors on their interfaces.

Indeed, and this is clearly an implementation bug, and potentially,
a security vulnerability, if an attacker could determine how to elicit
such a behavior.

Trying to convince your vendor that this (and other) flaw exists when
you're the only client using it in production, and you're pushing
several orders of magnitude more traffic than their labs, can be
slightly frustrating.

Again, this is why it's important to be able to clearly articulate
such a problem, and why phases 2 & 3 above are so critical,
and why each new application of such a mechanism requires
revisiting the entire process.

I personally felt that this was a solution in search of a problem.   

enterprise hosting division on an RBOC was probably not the best place
to deploy it.

IIRC, the "enterprise hosting solution of an RBOC" wasn't the
intended initial application, though I do suspect such a solution
would provide considerable advantages in a deployment such as
that - again, assuming it was engineered and operationalized

The current low-end hosting environment is a problem that fits pretty
well, but based on my experience in that segment, there is a much  

return on investment in paying a couple of engineers well enough to
manage your VLAN allocations correctly and use existing (generally
secondary market) hardware and tools.

While I'm not sure about any of the deployment details beyond the
initial problem set, which falls pretty much squarely within your "that
fits pretty well" category, I would be interested in hearing what your
solution to such a problem is?  Certainly, some amount of engineering
needs to be applied, and customers that justify their own IP subnets
should be handled as such, but in this day and age, I'd hope that
most folks separate customers into different Link layer broadcast
domains, and employ some bit of cognition WRT Internet address
space conversation.


NANOG 37: Security BOF Agenda

2006-06-05 Thread Danny McPherson

Hash: SHA1


- -danny

- --

Security BOF - NANOG 37
Moderators: Danny & Roland

- ---
Probing Open Recursive Name Servers
John Kristoff

Analyzing the results of remote open recursive name server
probes.  We look at the effectiveness of different probing
techniques against different sets of data including reflectors
used in recent attacks, other known open recursives and a
large set of DNS server queriers.  Some of the who and what
are open will be briefly examined as as well as some
unexpected responses to our probes that may invite further

- ---
Infrastructure Security Survey Results
Craig Labovitz

- ---
Does Web 2.0 = Security 0.0?
Roland Dobbins

'Web 2.0' hosted applications are going mainstream; recent events
have highlighted the fact that not only enterprises, but millions of
small businesses, SOHO users, and individuals who depend upon
these applications are adversely impacted when disruptive network
events occur.  However, there has to date been little or no
engagement between the traditional computer security community,
the operational security community, and the developers/providers
of these applications.

What can be done - and what *should* be done, and by whom - to
help integrate 'Web 2.0' application providers into the operational
security community?  What role, if any, should nsp-sec play?

- -
Email question for discussion from Monika Machado

What tools are used by network operators for event correlation and
aggregation and how effective are these tools for trending, analysis
and reacting to incidents?

- ---
Open MIC/Discussion

- -

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)


Re: metric 0 vs 'no metric at all'

2006-01-03 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jan 3, 2006, at 1:03 AM, Daniel Roesen wrote:

So the spec is fuzzy about how "no MED vs. MED=0" should be  
treated, but

vendors seem to largely agree to "no MED == MED 0". I know of no
deviation, except the old ERX bug which got fixed (ERX treated "no  

as best, even better than MED=0 - contrary to documentation).

I recall some earlier implementations from "well known" vendors that
had varying behavior for MED processing as well.

Fortunately, the update to RFC 1771:

is considerably more explicit about this behavior, as well as a slew
of other previously-left-to-the-implementation items ironed out
through a great deal of  implementation and deployment experience.

The "BGP Experience" and "BGP MED Considerations" Internet-
drafts provide a good bit of additional insight into some of these


Re: BGP AS Sets in the wild

2005-08-23 Thread Danny McPherson

On Aug 23, 2005, at 4:36 AM, Abhishek Verma wrote:

I was looking at for the BGP routes and i
dont see any AS-Sets whatsoever. Are BGP routes with AS-SETs not
generally leaked into the wild?

Is this the case?

Not quite, see below..

I am under the impression that AS_SETs are generated whenever there
are some routes that are aggregated.  Is there any other way also to
generate AS_SETs in BGP?

Well, yes, but mostly via proxy aggregation type stuff, which isn't
real common these days (i.e., dynamic proxy aggregation on behalf
of downstream ASes).

Yep, quite a few (I was just looking at this a while back for something
else).  As of a few hours ago, route-views had 45 unique prefixes that
contained AS_SET path attributes.  Interestingly enough, ~60% of those
AS_SETs only contain a single AS -- hrmm.  It's also interesting to see
some of these AS_SETs, albeit only a couple, contain private AS space,
I'm wondering if some naive implementations "remote-private-as"-type
knob is letting them slip by inside AS_SETs on egress.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] grep { oix-full-snapshot-latest.dat | wc -l
[EMAIL PROTECTED] grep { oix-full-snapshot-latest.dat | grep \> | wc -l
[EMAIL PROTECTED] grep { oix-full-snapshot-latest.dat | grep "^...[0-9]"
* 1 0 2914  
1668 10796 {11060,12262} i
* 1 0 2914  
1668 10796 {11060,12262} i
*>  0 14608  
4323 {33127} i
*>  0 14608  
4323 {32510} i
* 0 2914  
4323 {18664} i
* 1 0 2914  
1668 10796 {11060,12262} i
* 0 2914  
3356 10796 {11060,12262} i
* 0 2914  
10913 10913 26134 {30060} i
* 0 0 2914 701  
11486 {15297} i
* 0 0 2914  
7911 2552 {25662,25887} ?
*>  0 14608  
4323 {29704,65102} i
* 7 0 2914  
3561 26085 {14776} i
* 0 0 2914  
1299 8764 8764 8764 {31006,34037} i
* 0 0 2914  
7911 14041 {16519} i
* 0 0 2914  
7911 14041 {12145,16519} i
*>   0 293  
10886 1701 {270,65200} ?
* 0 0 2914 701  
668 {132,3381} i
* 0 0 2914 701  
668 {22,5957,14077} ?
* 0 0 2914 701  
668 {13} i
* 0 0 2914 701  
7381 {3561,6419,12178} i
*>  0 14608  
4323 {29704} i
* 6 0 2914  
5511 18747 {12180,23383,23520} i
* 0 0 2914 701  
26617 {17079} i
* 6 0 2914  
5511 18747 {26596} i
* 5 0 2914  
4766 3608 3608 3608 17832 {9494} i
*   258 0 2914  
4688 4688 4688 {18071} i
* 0 2914  
4323 {11636} i
* 0 2914  
4323 {21593} i
* 0 0 2914 701  
7381 {14455} i
* 0 0 2914 209  
721 27064 6026 {65535} i
*>  0 14608  
4323 {32258,32418,32434} i
*>  0 14608  
4323 {33395} i
* 0 0 2914 701  
7381 {14455} i
* 0 0 2914  
4436 14390 {27481} ?
* 0 0 2914 701  
11486 {12156} i
* 0 2914  
30167 20412 {14507} i
* 0 0 2914  
7911 6517 {21953} i
*>  0 14608  
4323 {5710} i
* 4 0 2914  
9299 9299 7491 {23862} i
*  0 11608  
2914 6453 7491 {23862} i
*  0 11608  

2004-06-02 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jun 2, 2004, at 12:36 PM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
If it walks like a duck, and it sounds like a duck, it is probably a 
RFC1918 sourced space, most likely from misconfigured NATs and such,
account for only a very small amount of the bogon-source packets which 
But worms, OTOH, seems to be much more persistent.
Most of the DoS attempts by volume don't fall into the category of
questionable. When you see a 100Mbps stream (from a single ingress
interface, with consistant TTL's) of IP proto 0 or 255, or tcp port 0, 
classic SYN flooders (SYN w/no MSS) or stream (randomized seq# and 
ack# on a packet w/TH_ACK flag only) targetting a specific IP/port 
with a
source address of iph.ip_src.s_addr = random(), it is pretty easy to 
those apart from the usual background noise of a worm.
Some days it helps to actually have an operational network, instead of
being a researcher. Even without interesting tools it isn't terribly 
to look at your PNI graphs, match up the hundreds-of-meg spikes with
specific DoS incidents, and go from there. Not to point fingers at 
in particular, but it seems to be the same foreign networks who tend to
have little control over their spammers.
Heh..  I certainly don't consider myself a researcher, or an
operator (any longer) for that matter (though I do have access
to a significant amount of both research and operational data
and tend not to call a duck a goose simply because I heard
a quack :-)

2004-06-02 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jun 2, 2004, at 10:56 AM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
What people may being seeing is that poorly randomized source attacks 
being automatically filtered by uRPF loose or other means before they 
reach the target. I keep track of my network border filter counters, 
believe me spoofed attacks are not going out of style,
How do you discriminate *DDOS attacks employing source address spoofing*
from broken NATs, rampant worms, PMTU and other related misconfiguration
resulting in backscatter and similar garbage - with filter counters?  
tactically deployed filters in order to mitigate a specific attack to a 
destination would likely glean some value WRT the validity of the source
distribution for a given attack, but not generally deployed filters for 

And exactly what represents "spoofed" by your definition?  Note again 
I explicitly called out **DDOS attacks employing source address 
which is non-inclusive of spoofing in general employed by worms and the
like, or common misconfigurations and brokenness that results in the 
of random garbage floating about.

 especially from foreign and certain smaller networks.
I'd be extremely interested in any empirical evidence you have to 
this, and in better understanding exactly how you determined "foreign 
certain smaller networks" were indeed the source of many of these 

As a customer of someone who does this kind of filtering and maintains
sufficient border capacity, you may never see the gigabits of src 
protocol 0 or 255, port 0, 40 byte syns w/no MSS option, etc, and 
that these attacks are out of style because the only ones that get 
are the WinXP MSS+SACK unforged drone SYNs.
I agree, if it's filtered before someone observes it, it won't be
observed :-)
However, distinguishing between coordinated DDOS attacks that employ 
address spoofing and "run of the mill" spoofing (by worms and the like) 
simple misconfiguration of some sort resulting in "backscatter" is key.


2004-06-02 Thread Danny McPherson

On Jun 2, 2004, at 9:25 AM, Jon R. Kibler wrote:
The sad fact is that simple ingress and egress filtering would
eliminate the majority of bogus traffic on the Internet -- including
(D)DoS attacks. If all ISPs would simply drop all outbound packets
whose source address is not a valid IP for the subnet of origin,
and all inbound packets that do not have valid source IP addresses,
the DDoS problem would be (for all intents and purposes) fixed. If
proper filtering was done, then any DoS attacks would have to have
either valid source IP addresses, or IP addresses that spoofed IPs
within their network of origin. In either case, identifying and
shutting down the attackers would become a greatly simplified task
compared to the mess it is today.
Why no filtering by ISPs? "Because it takes resources and only benefits
the other guy" -- unless your network is the one under attack.
Maintenance of the ACLs should not be the issue. A single ACL for each
subnet would be all that would be required for egress filtering. About
30 ACLs on an inbound border router would be required for ingress
filtering. Keeping the ingress ACLs current is a brain-dead task -- 
subscribe to the bogon mailing list at

ACLs have had a bad reputation for greatly slowing down routers. That
may have been true in the past, but properly written ACLs do not seem
to have a significant impact on most new routers. Yes, they may cut
peak through-put a few percent -- but if you are running that close to
the edge, it is time to upgrade anyway.
IMHO, there is absolutely no excuse for not doing ingress and egress
filtering. In fact, if you are an ISP, I would argue that you are
negligent in your fiduciary responsibilities to your customers and
shareholders if you are not filtering source IP addresses.
Fancy solutions may make great marketing, but simple proper router
filtering is a very workable lower-cost solution.
(Step down from soap box.) At least, that's my $0.02 worth.
While I mostly agree with your sentiment, one minor detail..
Based on recent observations of many folks, "spoofing is out of vogue".
So much so that some recent discussions I've had with several folks
lead me to believe that less than 1% of DDOS attacks today employ
source address spoofing.  As such, the value of techniques such as
backscatter analysis and traceback decrease as well.
I suspect that [at least] the perception of wide-scale BCP 38/uRPF and
the sheer size and firepower of botnets today has resulted in a very
significant decline in source-spoofed attacks.  Clever folks actually 
within the local (sometimes classful) subnet, making it slightly more 
to identify the concerned host (IF your traceback functions ever make
it to the "true Internet ingress" segment where a host resides, which
is more often than not unlikely).

I suspect this is largely because we do such a poor job fixing
compromised hosts that miscreants needn't worry much about losing
significant portions of their botnets to traceback and cleanup - as
Rob suggests, they're more concerned with losing them to other
This is also representative of the inversion in attack methods over the
past several years (i.e., the inversion from TCP-SYN type stuff to raw
UDP-fill-the-pipe style attacks).
Nonetheless, ingress filtering certainly helps significantly.

Re: handling ddos attacks

2004-05-20 Thread Danny McPherson

On May 20, 2004, at 8:10 PM, Tim Wilde wrote:
Call your local branch of the US Secret Service, if you're in the 
and ask for their electronic crimes division.  If you're not in the
states, contact your comprable local authority.  They can work with 
you to
coordinate with other jurisdictions, etc.

You may have some luck directly with the local police at the point of
origin, but it generally helps to have a broader agency involved to
coordinate matters.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has actually been successful
prosecuting an attacker for launching a "distributed" DOS attack.
I suspect it occurs very INfrequently (with the recent trend in
extortion aside, as it often results in "paper trails") --
Any pointers?

Re: handling ddos attacks

2004-05-20 Thread Danny McPherson

On May 20, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Mark Kent wrote:
I've been trying to find out what the current BCP is for handling ddos
attacks.  Mostly what I find is material about how to be a good
net.citizen (we already are), how to tune a kernel to better withstand
a syn flood, router stuff you can do to protect hosts behind it, how
to track the attack back to the source, how to determine the nature of
the traffic, etc.
There's lots and lots of really-useful-very-often-multi-vendor
stuff here:
In particular, under the bootcamp and CPN-summit stuff.  Though it may
seem vendor-specific per logos and the like, I know of several (more
than three) vendors that have contributed to this content, most of 
which is
very practical and generally informative, and should be applicable to 
deployed vendors.  There's also some VOD stuff here that expands some
areas of the content:

Re: BGP Exploit

2004-05-12 Thread Danny McPherson

On May 12, 2004, at 2:41 PM, Mark Johnson wrote:
What if sessions were attacked without MD5 in place. We would just see
session resets. As these happen anyway frequently at peering points is 
any straightforward way to determine if the vulnerability caused the 
Depends on why it happens frequently.  If it happens because
you've got Network/Transport Layer or underlying connection problems
then there's some other brokenness you should probably be more
concerned with.
If you're referring to session resets because of a peer or user
action then something akin to "Last reset due to FOO" can likely
be gleaned from "show bgp neighbor" output, especially since BGP
performs "graceful shutdown" via notification messages under normal
I.e., you should probably be very concerned with any session
reset for which no valid explanation is available via CLI or
other means.


2004-04-16 Thread Danny McPherson

Merike & I are chairing the NSP-SEC BOF at NANOG
in SF in a few weeks.  Anyone with topics you'd
like to see discussed, or topics you'd like to discuss,
please let us know ASAP.

-danny & merike

Re: UUNet Offer New Protection Against DDoS

2004-03-03 Thread Danny McPherson

On Mar 3, 2004, at 11:24 AM, Stephen Perciballi wrote:
To the best of my knowledge, MCI/UUNET ~was~ the first to implement 
this.  I've
been using it for well over a year now.
Indeed.  One could even get "fancy" and set of different community
sets to allow customers to drop traffic only on peering routers (as
opposed to customer or all routers, etc..).  The "Customer-Triggered
Real Time Blackhole" tutorial that Chris, Tim and I gave in Miami
talks about how to go about doing this.
One step further is uRPF coupling with blackhole routing for sourced-
based drops, though I suspect you probably won't want to do this
with customers :-)
Finally, the BGP Flow Specification stuff provides a start at a more
granular BGP-based method by employing new AFI/SAFI.  If you've got
feedback please pass it along.


Re: BGP - weight

2004-02-14 Thread Danny McPherson

On Feb 14, 2004, at 5:23 AM, Sven Huster wrote:

Dumb question:
If I apply a equal weight to all our transit/peers, will
that affect route announcements to iBGP or eBGP peers anyhow?
Yes, given that it's a local parameter (i.e., not BGP,
per se, though it does impact what's installed in the BGP
RIB and what's subsequently advertised to your peers),
you'll likely begin preferring more routes via eBGP
learned peers per subsequent attributes in the best path
selection algorithm (e.g., MED, AS_PATH, even LOCAL_PREF)
won't be considered.
We got a very simple setup:
- 2 routers on the border to transit/peers (that's were i want
  to set the weight)
- 1 edge router to customers
- core router running BGP as well
What I want to achieve is that traffic leaves through
the border router it arrived, rather than have it bounced
Perhaps you should first look at other reasons why this may
be occurring (e.g., accepting MEDs from one peer and not the
other, accepting MEDs from both but different policies are
employed to derive their values, AS_PATH "suggests" a better
path, etc..) -- then comes preference for eBGP over iBGP.
We had some recent issues were it looks like the core got
"out of sync" with the border (looks more like a sw issue than
just convergence delay) and packets bounced back and forth
between them.
This could be any of a number of things..  Without more
information I'd be hesitant to start tweaking knobs.
I know this doesn't solve the cause but the before digging
for the initial reason I want a quick workaround.
"Weight" is a very influential parameter.  I'm not a big fan
of configuring routing policies that are entirely local to a
system, for obvious reasons.  But I do suspect it would
accomplish what you're trying to achieve.

Re: Hey, QWEST clean up your network

2003-08-29 Thread Danny McPherson

On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 09:51 PM, John Brown wrote:
Given general operational nature, I posted to NANOG, so that:
1. money can talk, others will see one view of this provider
Don't talk with other peoples money, talk with your own.  If
you plan to post to NANOG, it'd be a wise assumption that a
significant subset of the folks here reside on other lists
you post to as well.
2. operationally maybe something will get done
Perhaps.  Though if/when it does, it'll be Qwest and
you that will be involved, no one here.
3. policy wise maybe this provider will change its policy
Perhaps, though given the discussions on this and a
hundred other lists in the last three weeks, I'm not
sure providers know what to do.  As Sean points out,
every other email contradicts the previous.
If I filter, I'm responsive, clueful & saving the Internet.
When something breaks as a result, I'm clueless and trying
to play netpolice, violating my SLA, plain suck, and need
to just worry about delivering packets.
4. Qwest said their people had installed the ACL's properly
   my evidence is to the contrary.
Hence the need to further engage with Qwest, folks here
will be of little benefit at the end of the day.
The customer that was impacted is certainly considering
their options.  I suspect they will vote with their checkbook.
PS: Slew == 1 Private email list, 1, Well known public list
1 Local Public-ish list.
Slew != as large as it may have sounded...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall a strikingly
similar message posted to several mailing lists regarding
very similar topics and the same provider within the past
.. 4 days (no, it was 2 days)?  Had it not been for that I
wouldn't have bothered posting.  One attempt to humiliate
your provider in order to trigger some action is perhaps
arguable, two or more is just plain annoying.
Policies are sometimes in place for good reasons, sometimes
because the makers of said policy are void clue. To assume
they are inplace for good reason is a leap imho.
So providers should play netpolice or Internet-Firewall-provider
some amount of time, depending on _your gauge of the activity of
a given incident?  Folks need to realize that if large networks
didn't have policies of this sort in place they'd be blocking pretty
much every port on every interface by now..
You can't have it both ways...


Re: Hey, QWEST clean up your network

2003-08-29 Thread Danny McPherson
Not sure how many places you intend to post this or related
messages, but if you've got a problem vote with your money.
Whining to NANOG and a slew of other mailing lists and still
giving money to Qwest seems silly to me...
Likewise, the Qwest folks likely aren't quite as clueless as
you've attempted to portray them over the last few days, silly
policies (policies that are clearly in place for a reason) can
be fixed -- and I assure you, above all else, money talks...

On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 09:25 PM, John Brown wrote:

Seems like QWEST doesn't have any edge ACL's in place to deal
with this lovely worm issue.
Count   Source Prexix, rounded up to a /16


2340TOTAL Packets out of 2500 for 2 seconds
This is ICMP and TCP MS bad traffic for a 2500 packet
capture on a DS1 that is directly connected to Qwest.
Ergo, Qwest is the transit provider.  Capture period
was about 2 seconds.  ICK
According to Qwest Tech/Noc people they can't leave
filters up for more than 1 day.
Given that this worm has lasted more than 1 day, I'd
think its reasonable to leave filters up for say more
than one day 
The other thing I learned from QWEST IP-NOC was that
it seems managment decided *NOT TO* filter packets related
to this worm issue at the edge..
john brown
AS 10480 and others

Re: Lazy Engineers and Viable Excuses

2003-08-26 Thread Danny McPherson

On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 07:32 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:

You of course are correct with the trusting of the data, but
we are in a somewhat of a chicken and egg situation.  If people don't
trust the IRR, they don't filter on it, and then the data is
allowed to get out of date.  But people who maliciously add bogus
(or excessive route objects for example) are easy to track down.  This
is what the maintainer objects are for and why the IRR software keeps
logs of the messages (including headers) that are submitted.

I fully agree with the cart/horse chicken/egg analogy.

If SPs began employing IRRs more fully and more work
went into commercialization of IRR infrastructure and
tools (and perhaps some RIR feedback loop were created)
they'd improve.
Instead, folks are running about designing new protocols
far more complex than BGP already is, that *still* require
some "authority".  When in reality, 99% of the
vulnerabilities could have been solved with what was in
place 10 years ago.
Folks are striving for "perfect security", which is fine,
but they've ignored the reasons why we don't even have
"crappy" security.

Lazy Engineers and Viable Excuses

2003-08-25 Thread Danny McPherson

If folks were to implement explicit prefix filtering
*everywhere* it wouldn't be necessary to filter only
bogons and other miscellany explicitly.  Something of
this sort would only "lower the lazy bar" (is it
possible?) for the clueless and/or lazy (those which
Rob's list currently accommodates, which is better than
nothing, BUT.. -- no offense Rob, I'm pretty sure our
beliefs are aligned here :-).
If folks want to filter, please, please, PLEASE, employ IRR
infrastructure and filter customers *AND* peers explicitly.
If your vendors have issues with this, push them to fix it.
Then you don't have to worry about bogons, max-prefixes,
route hijacking, de-aggregation, or...
Then we can worry about IRR infrastructure hardening and
accuracy and derive explicit data plane filters from the
output, as well as other tangible benefits.
Is it really that hard?



2003-08-15 Thread Danny McPherson

*** can't find Non-existent 
Some news outlets are reporting this is actually Microsoft's plan,

Sure it was, and it's probably the best thing MS could have done (for
themselves AND the larger Internet) given the circumstances.
After all, infected systems aren't going to stop scanning and DOS 
from a huge number of compromised hosts targeting
IPs is simply going to result in increased network utilization for a 
of garbage traffic that'll either be dropped as a result of congestion 
some networks, blackholed on others (from the folks that care no more
about MS being DOS attacked then the next guy, but do care about their
networks availability and the Internet in general), or hit some severely
crippled server(s).

MS has bugs, sure, and there's probably no excuse for lots of them.
However, it could have been linux or any other OS.  Folks give MS a
hard time for the same reason they give Cisco a hard time -- because
their products are nearly ubiquitous.  I'm not going to dive into some
huge rant here (others have articulated this point nicely already),
some folks are much more passionate than I about the issue and I
don't care to spend the cycles arguing something I care little about.
MS isn't going away any time soon, like it or not, and the only way
problems of this sort (that have been disclosed) are going to be
cleanly resolved is by end users patching their systems.

PS: If folks are going to rant about MS products being horrible they
might want to consider using non-MS products and posting to NANOG
from non-MS mail clients/systems *8^).

Re: BGP route tracking.

2003-08-14 Thread Danny McPherson

On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 11:34 PM, Danny McPherson wrote:

Current_Total:   120,475
Max_Total:   123,814
Average_Total:   122,029
I failed to consider that today's average has been skewed by the outage
data being factored for the last 10 hours or so towards the "Daily 
I looked at yesterday's daily average which was 122855, just over 800
more prefixes.

Current v. Average: 98.73% (1554 prefixes)
So comparing yesterday's average to today's current I get closer
to the value Rob and others posted:
Current v. Yesterday's Average:98.06% (2380 prefixes)


Re: BGP route tracking.

2003-08-14 Thread Danny McPherson

Here's some of what I've seen at this point:

[table format might be munged by some fonts]

PrefixDaily   Daily
Length   *Current Max Average
/24   65,900  68,497  67,259
/239,904  10,157  10,027
/229,053   9,211   9,110
/216,035   6,106   6,045
/208,485   8,560   8,487
/198,175   8,221   8,161
/183,007   3,031   3,005
/171,693   1,705   1,690
/167,293   7,396   7,326
/15  473 473 469
/14  263 263 262
/13   98  98  97
/12   55  55  54
/11   12  12  11
/106   6   5
/9 4   4   3
/819  19  18
Current_Total:   120,475
Max_Total:   123,814
Average_Total:   122,029
Current v. Average: 98.73% (1554 prefixes)

* Current Based on my Snapshot @9P MDT 8.14.2003

Note: This data came from an Arbor system on a regional network.  
a bunch more qualitative and quantitative data I'll munge through when 
I get
a chance, could be interesting.  If folks are looking for anything in 
let me know, I can likely dig it up...


Re: Best Practices for Loopback addressing (Core routers & VPNCPE)

2003-06-06 Thread Danny McPherson


> I was wondering what are the choices made by Service Providers on the
> loopback addressing.
> The context is an IP/MPLS Backbone providing both Internet and BGP-VPN
> services.

If the BGP Identifier, which is used for connection collision resolution and
path selection (among others seemingly random things) conflicts you'll have

In my experience even mediocre IP addressing frameworks typically don't have
issues with RIRs when space is appropriately justified (i.e., there
typically aren't issues with loopback and inter-router address space

What I'd be more concerned with is loopback IP allocation and it's effect on
aggregation, stability, and other network policies (e.g., source-interface
type stuff).  For example, using a single contiguous block for all loopback
IPs significantly simplifies filtering policies.  OTOH, you may opt to
provide more optimal aggregation and allocate loopback IPs from the same
block as p-t-p IPs (per router, POP, region or other) such that less
information needs to be carried internally in your IGP (or BGP).

RFC 2519 provides some guidelines for inter-domain route aggregation.  A
slew of other documents and books provide IP address allocation guidelines
as well.


Re: Route Supression Problem

2003-03-12 Thread Danny McPherson

> Thus the application effect being talked about.

Sure, I understand that.  I was making a different assumption...
That the sources of traffic were likely from downstream ASs, not
"ISP A", or even B or C, and as such, the multiplication could 
happen per prefix.

However, without knowing the number of "penalizing events", what 
constitutes a penalizing event, and aggressiveness of your peers 
suppression policies -- or the source distribution of the traffic, 
it's tough to tell.


Re: Route Supression Problem

2003-03-12 Thread Danny McPherson

Hrmm... Then care to take a stab at explaining the findings 
in the document that Randy referenced earlier?


> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Danny McPherson) writes:
> > > Dampening is done on the eBGP router where the route enters the AS, and,
> > > unless I'm mistaken, per route/path and not per prefix. So the flapping
> > > that ISP A sees from ISP B is a completely seperate thing from the
> > > flapping that ISP A sees from its customer's customer as far as the
> > > dampening algorithm is concerned.
> > 
> > Nope.  It's per-prefix.
> Nope. It is per-path.
>   Pedro.

Re: Route Supression Problem

2003-03-12 Thread Danny McPherson

> Dampening is done on the eBGP router where the route enters the AS, and,
> unless I'm mistaken, per route/path and not per prefix. So the flapping
> that ISP A sees from ISP B is a completely seperate thing from the
> flapping that ISP A sees from its customer's customer as far as the
> dampening algorithm is concerned.

Nope.  It's per-prefix.  Have a look at the pointer Randy provided.

I think one of the section of RFC 2439 alludes to this as well.


Re: Who uses RADB? [was BGP to doom us all]

2003-03-03 Thread Danny McPherson

Yes, at iMCI (we) had our own registry, MCI-RR, but we only used it 
(in addition to data from the other IRRs) to generate customer prefix 
filters, not peers.

Cable & Wireless still uses the RR, now know as CW-RR.


> As I remember and I could be wrong, its been a few years now, when I worked
> for iMCI we did and we moved over to C&W we still did.

Re: Who uses RADB? [was BGP to doom us all]

2003-03-01 Thread Danny McPherson

> You forgot the other one - expense.  AFAIK all of the registries have fees
> or require you to be a customer.  If there is no operational value

First problem, you see no "operational value".

> for me why would I want to spend the money?

Money changing hands no longer makes the IRR a dis-interested third party 
or research project, they now have a vested interested in object integrity 
and availability, and perhaps can afford resources to support these and 
other enhancements.

> I realize most of you work for companies that consider a million dollars 
> chump change but that is not the case everywhere.  If you can give me a 
> convincing reason to register my routes in a RADB I will - but at this 
> point I have yet to see it.

When one of your peers starts filtering inter-provider based on IRR and
your prefixes aren't permitted, or one of your peers advertises you more-
specifics for your customers prefixes, or better yet, your routers are 
compromised and used to disrupt service to some now very unhappy multi-
million dollar online enterprise that will seek reimbursement -- maybe 
that'll help convince you...  

> What does a RADB tell you about a non-transit network that you can't see
> from BGP and WHOIS?  There is no more security in RADB than there is in our
> current method of notifying our peers of the netblocks we are announcing.

You should read up on it, there's a bit more capability there than just a
prefix and POC email address.


Re: Who uses RADB? [was BGP to doom us all]

2003-03-01 Thread Danny McPherson

> as you say for customers only. Inter-provider we have basic bogon checking plus 
> maximum prefix. Its too unwieldy to build when you have peers exchanging 
> thousands of routes... theres a belief that the peer should be behaving 
> responsibly tho and this is a condition of most bilateral peering contracts.

Unfortunately, contracts don't fix mis-(or malicious-) configurations on
compromised routers or from a peers disgruntled worker.

> Going back to the original topic on this thread I would expect a deliberate 
> attack on BGP routing to come from a customer not a provider such as Level3, if 
> they are filtering in turn to their customers we have a reasonable amount of 
> sanity checking going on

A large provider I worked for in the past had a router maliciously configured 
to inject a more-specific prefix for a very "popular network".  Even the "popular
networks" provider sent the traffic to us.  Had explicit prefix-based inter-
provider filtering been in place it would not have occurred, or at least "the
whole Internet" wouldn't have been affected. 

With the IRRs and inter-provider filtering it's the whole chicken and egg thing.  
Inter-provider filters aren't in place because no one cares about IRRs (even 
though they have other operational value as well).  Vendors don't support the 
amount of prefix filters required because they say no one uses them.  Heck,
lots of folks still don't ingress filter routes (or packets) from their

When ANS used to employ inter-provider filters the biggest problem was getting 
them updated and bouncing routes or sessions.  That's no excuse anymore 
because pretty much everyone supports the ability to incrementally update filters, 
and BGP Route Refresh fixes the bounce the session/route thing. 

So, let's recap why no one uses them (as many have said already in the related
thread):  Laziness.  The same laziness that results in the slew of other things 
many folks have pointed out not being addressed.


Re: Who uses RADB? [was BGP to doom us all]

2003-03-01 Thread Danny McPherson

> > Who actually uses RADB to build filters other than Verio?  While my
> > experience with other providers is limited Verio is the only one (of the
> > ones we have used) who used RADB entries for BGP peers.
> Level3 do atleast. Most European providers do.

For customers, though not inter-provider.


Re: Cascading Failures Could Crash the Global Internet

2003-02-06 Thread Danny McPherson

RFC 3439 talks of coupling & amplification and it's relation
to the Internet.


> Sigh, there are differences between tightly coupled networks, such as
> the electric power grid and loosely couple networks like the Internet.
> But there are also some similarities, such as electric grids use DC
> interconnections to limit how far AC disturbances propagate; the
> Internet uses AS interconnections to limit IGP disturbances from
> propagating.
> The actual article requires payment to read

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

>   Yes, but if i continue in my ideal situation of people
> (mostly) filter their bgp customers, so they won't announce the
> 1918 space, or similar.  even the large peers filter out each other
> so they don't pick up 1918 announcements.  Plus people use Robs 
> "Secure IOS Template" to drop extraneous bgp announcements for
> unregistered/unassigned space (from IANA).

What you're doing makes plenty of sense, we agree 
on that.  I just wanted to be sure folks understood 
it doesn't validate "valid" sources. 


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

> "reachable-via any" means you're only going to drop the packet if you
> don't have *ANY* route back to them. 

What's a route?  An IP RIB instance?  A BGP Loc-RIB instance?  An IGP LSDB
IP prefix entry?  A BGP Adj-RIB-In instance?

I think you mean "if you don't have *ANY* **FIB** entry for the 
source address".

If I peer with two large providers on the same router and both 
have prefix D.1 behind them and advertise the prefix to me, it's
likely that only one of those two paths is going to make it into 
the BGP Loc-RIB (and subsequently, the IP RIB then FIB).  

If I use ANY FIB entry as proof that it's a valid source then 
that only addresses RFC1918ish space and only suggest that I 
first need to generate an invalid BGP route for the prefix, then 
spoof the packets.  This doesn't fix spoofing with global IP

If I use only entries that occur in the RIB and associate them 
with the receiving interface and receive a packet with an SA of 
D.1 from the peer whose path wasn't installed in the BGP 
Loc-RIB then I'll drop it.  (And there's nothing broken with 
this configuration -- it's why we have routers with 1 million 
BGP paths but only 150K routes/fib entries, as I'm sure you 

If you're going to do source address validation then you need 
to associated all potential valid paths for a given prefix with 
the associated ingress interface, else it's mostly useless.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

>   install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
> interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:
> "ip verify unicast source reachable-via any"
>   This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
> have a way to return them in your routing table.

Of course, this is the IP RIB and may not include all the 
potential paths in the BGP Adj-RIBs-In, right?  As such, 
you've still got the potential for asymmetric routing to 
break things.
>   Juniper has a somewhat viable solution to the 100% source
> validation for bgp customers.  they will consider non-best
> paths in their unicast-rpf check on the customer interface.  This
> means that even if is best returned via your
> peer instead of via the provider the packet came in, but they
> are advertizing the prefix to you, you will not drop the packet.

What's a "bgp customer"?  Can they support 500K+ uRPF entries here?


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

> If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.

I strongly doubt any of the large providers perform dataplane source 
address validation from peers.  Heck, I doubt any perform explicit 
route filtering on routes learned from peers at the control plane.

Ideally, one would first employ some mechanism to generate 
*explicit* ingress BGP route filters.  With BGP Route Refresh 
the largest offshoot (manual session reset or "bouncing the
route") is no longer necessary.

>From there, you could either use BGP's Adj-RIBs-In in some 
uRPFish thing, or employ the same set of BGP route filters 
for source address filters.

Of course, then the lack of registry route object integrity, 
secure update mechanism, etc.., etc... comes to question.


Re: Routing Protocol Security

2002-08-13 Thread Danny McPherson

I know of several incidents where invalid routing announcements 
were maliciously employed in order to cause reachability problems 
to the destination prefix network.  

It still bugs me that router vendors don't provide the capability 
to support inter-provider filters (read: 10s or 100s of thousands 
of instances).  But heck, some providers still don't even filter 
routing announcements for customer prefixes explicitly.  This is 
a HUGE vulnerability.

Likewise, employing the same set of inter-provider filters at 
the data plane as ingress source filters would suppress the 
bulk of these cheesy spoofed-source address attacks.  This is 
another HUGE vulnerability (providing a solution in hardware
is a bit more difficult -- though not impossible!).  But heck,
some providers still don't employ customer ingress filtering.

Of course, then the vulnerability would be the registries, and 
subsequent components therein.  

The again, at least the former was done many moons ago, though 
wasn't real successful given the network, 24 hour turnarounds, 
etc..  However, things like BGP Route Refresh and the like could
alleviate most of the offshoots  of the time.

Now, back to the router vendor support issue, if that's what
you were soliciting input on...?


Re: Survey on IBGP persistent route oscillation problem

2002-03-21 Thread Danny McPherson

> Beside, you have to run the command on a router that might hit the
> problem  it depends a lot on your peering locations and partners.
> If you run Cisco commands on wrong router, you would not see any
> problem and may get in wrong conclusion !!

This is why you have to read the draft and understand 
where the problem _could occur.

> Does not fix, but it would lower updates thus help to identify
> update loops.

I see these as entirely orthogonal -- but, OK.


Re: Survey on IBGP persistent route oscillation problem

2002-03-21 Thread Danny McPherson

> We have a similar situation (RR + always-compare-MED off), and the BGP table
> version keeps changing at 1K/min ( I
> suspect some
> route meet the criteria of IDR-oscillation draft. But in real world, it's
> very hard to pick
>  up the pattern depicted in the draft from a huge log of debug bgp output.

It's actually quite trivial to identify.  Have a look at:

Juniper syntax would result in the same..

> 1.  How many time do our operator really find and affected by the 
> problem depicted in  draft-ietf-idr-route-oscillation-01.txt

I know of more than a few, and would bet that if additional folks 
took the time to look, they'd realize it was occurring as well.

> 2. From my experience, most flapping seems to be oscillation route 
> which escaped the eBGP damping protection. And for this, we need 
> adjust damping parameters from RIPE 220 to make up.

Nope.  Dampening doesn't resolve this because it occurs

> 3.   Anyone see oscillation been magnified when injected 
> into RR (cluster structure) ?

Not sure I understand what you mean by "magnified"?

Have a look at the Cisco FN, it's useful in understanding and 
identifying the problem.
