Re: Post-Exhaustion-phase "punishment" for early adopters

2011-02-08 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog
> Hint: even IPs not pingable from the Internet are being used. Not 
> everyone is an ISP/Webhoster ... with public services. 

I thought that was why we have RFC1918 ?

Re: Mitigating human error in the SP

2010-02-02 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

>>Otherwise, as Suresh notes, the only way to eliminate human error completely 
>>to eliminate the presence of humans in the activity. 
and,hence by reference.
>> Automated config deployment / provisioning.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day... ;-)

A little pessimistic rant ;-)

Who writes the scripts that you use, who writes the software that you use ?
There will always be at least one human somewhere, and where there's a human 
writing software tools, there's scope for bugs and unexpected issues.  Whether 
inadvertent or not, they will always be there.

If the excrement is going to hit the proverbial fan, try as you might to stop 
it, it will happen.  Nothing in the IT / ISP / Telco world is ever going to be 
perfect, far too complex with many dependencies.   Yes you might play in your 
perfect little labs until the cows come home . but there always has been 
and always will be an element of risk when you start making changes in 

Face it, unless you follow the rigorous change control and development 
practices that they use for avionics or other high-risk environments, you are 
always going to be left with some element of risk.

How much risk your company is prepared to take is something for the men in 
black (suits) to decide because it correlates directly with how much $$$ they 
are prepared to throw your way to help you mitigate the risk .;-)

That's my 2  over .. thanks for listening (or not !) 

RE: I don't need no stinking firewall!

2010-01-06 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog
Don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, so I will

All this debate over the pros and cons of firewalls brings the words "Jericho 
Forum" to mind.and their  "principles for de-perimeterization (perimeter 

Just my 2 worth !

Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity

2009-06-03 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

Some things just don't active/active nicely on a budget.

>  Sure, because of inefficient legacy design choices.


I'm not sure I understand your argument here.

Budget is very much an issue when choosing between active/active and 
active/passive.  Nothing to do with "inefficient legacy design".

For example, consider the licensing and hardware costs involved in running 
something like Oracle Database in active/active mode  (in a topology that is 
supported by Oracle Tech Support).

Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity

2009-06-03 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

(by the way before the accusations start flying of spamming , no I don't 
work for Zeus or have any incentive to mention their name... just happen to 
know their product)

Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity

2009-06-03 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

to whoever said ...

>F5's if you like commercial solutions

F5s if you like expensive commercial solutions .

Those with a less bulging wallet may wish to speak to the guys at Zeus 
Technology ( who have a lot of experience in the area and 
a more reasonable price tag.

Contact me off-list and I can give you some names of senior techies there to 
speak to. 

disclaimer that you should research your products  it may be that
for your particular application/environment/business model/whatever F5
may be your tool of choice)

Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity

2009-06-03 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

Tell me about it .. "failover test what failover test"  ;-)

- Original Message 
From: William Herrin 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 16:05:15
Subject: Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 10:53 AM,  wrote:
> - whether you are after an active/active or active/passive solution

In practice, active/passive DR solutions often fail. You rarely need
to fail over to the passive system. When you finally do need to fail
over, there are a dozen configuration changes that didn't make it from
the active system, so the passive system isn't in a runable state.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity

2009-06-03 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

As with all things, there's no "right answer" . a lot of it depends on 
three things :

- what you are hoping to achieve
- what your budget is
- what you have at your disposal in terms of numbers of qualified staff 
available to both implement and support the chosen solution

That's the main business level factors.  From a technical level, two key 
factors (although, of course, there are many others to consider) are :

- whether you are after an active/active or active/passive solution
- what the underlying application(s) are (e.g. you might have other options 
such as anycast with DNS)

Anyway, there's a lot to consider.  And despite all the expertise on Nanog, I 
would still suggest the original poster does their fair share of their own 
homework. :)

- Original Message 
From: Jim Wise 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 15:42:24
Subject: Re: Facility wide DR/Continuity writes:

> On the subject of DNS GSLB, there's a fairly well known article on the
> subject that anyone considering implementing it should read at least
> once :)
> and part 2
> Yes it was written in 2004.  But all the "food for thought" that it
> provides is still very much applicable today.

One thing I've noticed about this paper in the past that kind of bugs me
is that in arguing that multiple A records are a better solution than a
single GSLB-managed A record, the paper assumes that browsers and other
common internet clients will actually cache multiple A records, and fail
between them if the earlier A records fail.  The (first) of the two
pages explicitly touts this as a high availability solution.

However, I haven't observed this behavior from browsers, media players,
and similar programs `in the wild' -- as far as I've been able to tell,
most client software picks an A record from those returned (possibly,
but not usually skipping those found to be unreachable), and then holds
onto that choice of IP address until the record times out of cache, and
a new request is made.

Have I been unlucky in my observations?  Are there client programs which
do failover between multiple A records returned for a single name --
presumably sticking with one IP for session-affinity purposes until a
failure is detected?

If clients do not behave this way, then the paper's observations about
GSLB for HA purposes don't seem to hold -- though in my limited
experience the paper's other point (that geographic dispatch is Hard)
seems much more accurate (making GSLB a better HA solution than it is a
load-sharing solution, again, at least in my experience).

Or am I missing something?

Jim Wise


RE: Facility wide DR/Continuity

2009-06-03 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

On the subject of DNS GSLB, there's a fairly well known article on the subject 
that anyone considering implementing it should read at least once :)
and part 2

Yes it was written in 2004.  But all the "food for thought" that it provides is 
still very much applicable today.

RE: In a bit of bind...

2009-06-02 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog


I have not been following this thread too closely, but I spotted the last 
poster talking about a database backend to DNS.

There are some interesting thoughts on the matter in a Nominet Blog Post here :

Re: MX Record Theories

2009-05-28 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

On Wed, 27 May 2009 09:48:39 -0400,  wrote:
> Actually, I was thinking to myself yesterday that the email world is going to 
> be awfully
> fun when IPv6 sets in and we're all running mail servers with nice long  
> records such as
> fc00:836b:4917::a180:4179.

> You do realize DNS queries aren't passing around addresses in ASCII?  3 
> additional bytes per address isn't going to break the bank.

I think you might have missed the point of my post.

It was a tounge in cheek reply to the poster who suggested bad things happen if 
the DNS message size exceeds 512 bytes.

He was commenting about AOL's MX records which currently weigh in at 507 bytes.

Therefore if we were to hypothesise that the world ends at 512 bytes, then 
companies doing things the way AOL does, but using IPv6 addresses rather than 
IPv4 addresses for their MX records could run into "problems".

Hope that clarifies :)

[no subject]

2009-05-27 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

> fc00:836b:4917::a180:4179

And yes, before anyone points out, I just realised I posted an abbreviated 
example.  :)

Re: MX Record Theories

2009-05-27 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog


> A EDNS referral from the root servers to the COM servers
> already exceeded 512 bytes.  The world hasn't fallen over.

Actually, I was thinking to myself yesterday that the email world is going to 
be awfully
fun when IPv6 sets in and we're all running mail servers with nice long  
records such as


Re: MX Record Theories

2009-05-26 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog


> I thought i'd give you a quick response (and welcome to NANOG) :).


I can't believe that I've already received three very interesting responses in 
just over an hour !

I've been quietly lurking on NANOG for a while, just plucked up the courage to 
post . and might now even find a bit more courage to attempt to contribute 
to some threads !

Glad to see the community spirit still exists !

Keep the replies coming if there are any still on their  way . :)


P.S. Valdis Kletnieks . I've got the feeling that this 

>  That 507 is critically important

if it's true, might potentially explain a few intermittent unexplicable issues 
we've been seeing at some sites  time for some research me thinks :)

MX Record Theories

2009-05-26 Thread gb10hkzo-nanog

Hello all,

First, I hope this is not off-topic for NANOG, please be gentle with me as this 
is my first post.

would be most interested to hear NANOG theories on the variety of MX
record practices out there, namely, how come there seem to be so many
ways employed to achieve the same goal ?  Do you have experience in
more than one of these methods and which do you favour ?

To illustrate my question :

If you query the MX records for, Hotmail or AOL you will receive 4
equal weight MX records, each of the MX records having a round-robin
set of IPs.

Alternatively, some people, particularly the ones that use hosted
filtering, tend to have one MX record, which as multiple round robin
-and- 1728 1728
etc. etc.

(3) And others simply have a more traditional setup using multiple MX records 
and only one IP per MX record with no round robin

what's the big deal ?  Please note I'm not asking which is "better" ...
I am just curious and interested to hear your professional opinions and

Personally, I favour the simple option 3, multiple MX records.

Thanks y'all.