Re: nettime Frank Rieger: We lost the War--Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

2006-01-09 Thread Brett Shand
On Sun, 8 Jan 2006 00:11:51 +0100, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
 I don't get it. It is a good analysis. Sings to the right tunes.
 Yet how can a text that starts with We lost the War end with...
 fun. Fun has become an overrated concept all of a sudden.

Oh, I don't about that. Humour is a very powerful tool. Remember Saul Alinsky 
and his Rules for
Radicals? He managed to move some seemingly very immovable forces (e.g. Kodak 
and Mayor Richard Daley
in Chicago) with great good humour. Laughter can move mountains when carefully 


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nettime Brands and Identity in the Age of Neuroscience

2006-01-09 Thread Paul D. Miller

How brands get wired into the brain
18:31 04 January 2006 news service
Shaoni Bhattacharya

A person's liking for a particular brand name is wired into a 
specific part of the brain, a new study reveals. The research may 
provide an insight into the brain mechanisms that underlie the 
behavioural preferences that advertisers attempt to hijack.

It has long been known that humans and animals can learn to 
associate an irrelevant stimulus with a positive experience, for 
example the ringing of a bell with food, as in the case of Pavlov's 
dogs. And neuroimaging studies have recently implicated two regions 
buried deep in the brain - the ventral striatum and the ventral 
midbrain - as having an important role in this learning.

But now work led by John O. Doherty, currently at Caltech in 
Pasadena, US, shows that the actual level of preference is encoded 
in these brain regions, and that people access this information to 
guide their decisions.

The key message of our study is that we are able to make use of 
neural signals deep in our brain to guide our decisions about what 
items to choose, say when choosing between particular soups in a 
supermarket, without actually sampling the foods themselves, says 
Doherty, who did the research while at University College London, UK.

This is because we can make use of our prior experiences of the 
items through which we fashioned subjective preferences - do I like 
it or not? he told New Scientist. The next time we come to make a 
decision we use those preferences.

Pavlovian conditioning
Doherty and colleagues at UCL and the University of Iowa, US, ranked 
the preferences of human volunteers for blackcurrant, melon, 
grapefruit and carrot juice, and for a tasteless, odourless control 

The researchers scanned the volunteers brains using a technique 
called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to detect 
enhanced blood flow in various brain regions the greater the flow, 
the greater the neural activity in those areas.

They developed a Pavlovian-type association by flashing a geometric 
shape on a computer screen and giving a squirt of juice into the 
volunteers's mouths. However, the volunteers did not realise that 
they were being conditioned in this way  they were simply told to 
press a button to indicate on which side of the screen the shape had 

The team measured how the volunteers had become conditioned by 
measuring their anticipation of the juice squirts following an image 
by measuring the dilation of their pupils.

Fast food poisoning
The fMRI scans revealed significant responses reflecting learning in 
the ventral midbrain and the ventral striatum. Crucially, they found 
that the strength of the response correlated with the volunteer's 
like or dislike of the juice.

Stronger neural responses occur in these regions to a cue that is 
associated with a more preferred food said Doherty. This shows that 
when you see a cue that is predictive of a reward, you are able to 
access information about your subjective preferences.

Doherty says this kind of brain programming may have an evolutionary 
function in helping humans and animals predict both good and bad 
experiences in their environment.

For instance, if you learn that a particular fast food outlet gave 
you food poisoning the last time you ate there  it is going to be in 
your interest to know not to go there again once you see the sign 
for that shop in the street he says.

Journal reference: Neuron (DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2005.11.014)

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Re: nettime Frank Rieger: We lost the War--Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

2006-01-09 Thread Florian Cramer

Am Samstag, 07. Januar 2006 um 11:47:29 Uhr (-0500) schrieb Geert Lovink:
 We lost the war. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.
 By: Frank Rieger


 Democracy is already over
 By its very nature the western democracies have become a playground for 
 lobbyists, industry interests and conspiracies that have absolutely no 
 interest in real democracy. The democracy show must go on 
 nonetheless. Conveniently, the show consumes the energy of those that 
 might otherwise become dangerous to the status quo. The show provides 
 the necessary excuse when things go wrong and keeps up the illusion of 
 participation. Also, the system provides organized and regulated 
 battleground rules to find out which interest groups and conspiracies 
 have the upper hand for a while. 

I admire the perfect Carl Schmitt-ian (and by implication, Leo
Straussian) rhetoric of this manifesto: The rhetoric of the emergency
state, political friend-vs.-enemy antagonism, and its view of the status
quo of democracy.



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Re: nettime Frank Rieger: We lost the War--Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

2006-01-09 Thread Geert Lovink

On 9 Jan 2006, at 6:37 AM, Florian Cramer wrote:

 I admire the perfect Carl Schmitt-ian (and by implication, Leo
 Straussian) rhetoric of this manifesto: The rhetoric of the emergency
 state, political friend-vs.-enemy antagonism, and its view of the 
 quo of democracy.

You mean admire like in Oscar Wilde's:

I admire Japanese chairs because they have not been made to sit upon.

You like the text because it's so odd? So untimely? So not like the way 
journalists and theorists like you and me write? I doubt if Frank and 
Rop have read Schmitt and Strauss or have even heard of them and would 
understand the reference you make here.

What I liked about it was that it reported about a war that I had no 
idea about that it was going on. Only at the moment it was over I heard 
about it. On the cover of the German magazine in which the article was 
published, Die Datenschleuder, it says Declaration of Capitulation. 
That's heavy rethoric, no?

It is imho an important text that Frank wrote, as it tells us something 
how the hackers community at large is discussing problems in society 
(even on planetary scale). We should have a debate about it, as is 
happening right now on nettime, and not presume that people have read 
this or that book, in the same way as I do not know Linux details (you 
might, Florian, but I don't). When I read the text I thought it was 
significant as it goes beyond discussing some technical problems and 
solutions and creates a common ground, beyond the hackers communities.

We could look into strategies and tactics. I am still inspired by the 
campaign(s) to prevent European software patents. The Big Brother 
Awards appeal to me. The struggle over RFID is not yet lost, or hasn't 
even begun yet. Privacy in general may not exist anymore, but then, as 
Karin indicates, isn't that a nostalgic position?


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