2002-2012 Ten years after the electoral acclaim in France

2012-04-02 Thread Aliette GC
2002-2012 Paul Voise, Minor Current Affair, Insecurity & Politics: ten
years after the electoral acclaim in France (editorial)

After a long silence of the publication over the the internet, here is
www.criticalsecret.com #16. So, what’s new since podcasts and 3G
phones ? At this point, the passe-partout of the digital world, in
synchronicity with the urban society, is the open sesame of internet
tablet devices : html5. The reason why this issue is digitally
relevant to the html5 version of an hour long movie is so that it can
be watched on any computer or tablet screen, without consideration for
the browser used to watch it.*

The subject of this current issue of criticalsecret is shedding a
peculiar diachronic light on the renewal of the french presidential
electoral campaign.

- It finds itself at the crossroads of the European supranational
orientation in a financial crisis that obliterates currencies. Thus,
after the signing of the stability pact that forces national economies
upon deserting economic growth, involving the ruin of societies to
ensure the hegemony of financial markets.

- April 2012 comes after the Lisbon treaty, a text that abused the
consulted people over the European constitution and that, among other
things, militarizes the police and binds Justice to the raison d’état.

To fully understand the current french presidential electoral
campaign, and the subversion of the civic consciousness by the opinion
and particularly by the press since the last decade, one needs to go
back to the infamous 2002 presidential campaign and the Paul Voise

This episode inaugurated the end of the republican representation of
the chief of state as elected through ballots.

French citizens critical of the government, not having at their
disposal blank votes which are deducted from the ballots obtained,
(nor do they have proportional representation during legislative
elections) for the most part abstained from voting altogether, with
the remaining part casting a vote of defiance towards the socialist
government and the outgoing president by voting for Jean-Marie Le Pen,
particularly ironic, even comical and omnipresent in the medias at the
time. He crystallized the vote of people frightened by the Paul Voise
beating and house fire, widely publicized by the TV and radio during
the first turn of the electoral campaign.

The movie that deconstructs the 2002 elections point-by-point exists.
It is entitled ‘Paul Voise, […]’ and is directed by Simon Guibert,
Documentary Journalist and radio author, and Arthur Guibert, director,
cinematographer and editor with Alexandre Heraud, investigative
journalist, playing his own character.

Throughout a 57 minute prospective story, this piece presents the
conclusions of a two-year investigation and summarizes a deviance in
the electoral communication around the notion of security that
characterized the radical turn that brought democracy into an
oligarchic autocracy in France.

The movie, shot between 2002 and 2004 was edited in 2005, and then
published in four parts on dailymotion.com in 2006. Criticalsecret
published it in extenso for the first time exclusively on the web and

It is now 2012. The country is mourning because of an event of blind
murderous violence that interrupted the current electoral campaign,
giving back its media omnipresence to the outgoing president and its
government. A president who has himself been elected in 2007 in
exceptional circumstances of mediatization of its autocratic character
and way of life, glorifying the reign of money.

Without any connection except in the timing, an isolated gunman, mass
serial killer, caused seven deaths over three different days: in
Toulouse, the murder of a soldier of West Indian origin, in Montauban
three soldiers of North African origin, all belonging to the same
paratrooper unit, the 17th, back from Afghanistan. Then several days
later, again in Toulouse, at the entrance to a Jewish religious
school, three school children and a rabbi. The young man, an
unemployed mechanic, "allegedly" guilty, will never be investigated,
tried or convicted, because he was shot down by the RAID, a special
task force of the French national police. Then the revelations made by
the highest official of the DCRI, French intelligence agency, imply
that the man could have been a rogue agent, with whom he had had
direct communication and a meeting - this would imply more than a
security watch, according to the former head of the DST, the French
security service agency. If Islamists recruit in prison, is it
possible that so can the DCRI? No one has seen the survey of his
arsenal, or his camera, after the attack, and everyone is wondering
how his films all edited into one film and put to music could reach
the offices of Al Jazeera in Paris after his death, when his mother,
his brother and his sister-in-law had been arrested. Besides, no one
will show this film. Once again it is a case of declarations made
without any pro

Re: The (Letter-) Post Office's last stand ... in Florida(WSJ)

2012-04-02 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Erich M. wrote:

On 03/30/2012 01:57 PM, John Young wrote:

The postal system remains the most secure public communication
system for all its faults and invasive letter opening and craven
cooperation with official spies and their corporate cohorts.

Servus John et al,

Ack to all you wrote with a single exception, squire John. The first
paragraph ought to be in past tense. 

But this shows only how unrealistic you are:

I just started digging into that
topic, what I already know is: Address scanning/reading in, applying 2-D
Codes and timestamps at every stage of transportation. 


In most cases they dont read your mail. Yes, traffic data is important, 
but it is not everything, it could be much worse.


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