Fwd: The Greek elections?

2015-02-02 Thread Alexander Karschnia
   In Germany an appeal was started by Jürgen Link (editor of the
   magazine kultuRRevolution), because the media-coverage of the Greek
   elections has been extremly distorted:


   The appeal is directed towards "German Greeks and Greek Germans", but
   now it is also translated into English, so I guess the spectrum it
   adresses has broadened.

   Very interesting to see, how "Europe" begins to be a point of reference
   also for the far left, for example in the mobilization to come to the
   opening of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt/M. on March 18th:


   2015-01-28 11:10 GMT+01:00 Pavlos Hatzopoulos :

 > On 01/28/2015 02:44 AM, Flick Harrison wrote:
 >> The militant nationalism that Tsipras displayed by visiting the
 >> Resistance memorial makes me think Syriza is stupid, or talking to
 >> the stupid.  The fascist threat isn't rolling into Greece in
 >> panzers; it's a few inches to the right of their coalition partners
 >> ANEL.  Maybe this theatrical bow to violence was actually intended
 >> for a far right audience, either to attract them, or threaten them,
 >> or both?  Surely the Germans are inured to WWII references by now?

 This is really too perverse a reading of this event. Syriza is
 becoming the first truly European political party that has emerged in
 the context of this freaky organisation we call the European Union.
 One needs only to see how Syriza's political agenda is always-already
 European. Its electoral success is inherently linked to the analysis
 of the problem of Greek debt and of Troika austerity policies in
 Greece as a European problem and to the imagining of building a
 European movement against them. More so, it's proposed solution to
 this problem is again inherently European: asking for a European
 conference on debt to deal with the writing off of state debt in
 several countries, demanding a new architecture for the Eurozone,
 proposing some type of European new deal, etc. The worst case
 scenario in the ongoing negotiations with the EU is that Syriza will be
 offered some kind of compromise within the "national horizon" on easing the
 Greek debt and the existing austerity policies, so that the larger
 European problems can remain under the carpet. If Syriza takes this
 possible deal, then it will be transformed to a regular national
 political party.

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Fwd: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Global square meeting on Friday

2015-02-02 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Commoning the commons politics, and the wsf, in Tunis?... yes you can!

-- Forwarded message --
From: ??rsan ??enalp 
Date: 2 February 2015 at 17:56
Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Global square meeting on
Friday 6th of February
To: 2011movements-fsm
<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discuss...@lists.openfsm.net>, squares

Thanks Marita, for the work, also thanks Rami, Carminda, Jasper,
myself, Marisa, Dean, Piran, Miki, Vica and others who has joined and
collaborated on this!

Here is the working pad, where participants can suggest and modify the
agenda: https://titanpad.com/globalsquare17

Below suggestions, to kick of the wiki 'agenda setting' process, that
is open to everyone, made by me.

"Proposed Agenda

0. Check-ins and deciding who will do the moderation, notes, stacks,
and follow up work.

1. Updates and feelings about, as well as any relevant input re the
transnational networking at the grasroots level towards, in, around,
and beyond Tunis WSF 2015 > Quebec 2016 > as well as other events like
ECB action, COOP15, or election of Syriza, and support for Podemos?
the return of Hong Kong protestors,...

2. [Orsan] Presentation of Global Square, on social media, email
lists, to WSF participants and in general.

Adding somehing like this to text, and site, to welcome new people,
inform them more openly.
Hosting initiatives and individuals:

Global Square is an open idea and action to create collaborative and
inspiring commons spaces in around and beyond the World Social Forums.
Anyone who you like to join and collaborate with us ismore then
welcome. Please ask and request anything you need and like to know
about the backgound, processes, and vision we put forward
collectively. [Here I suggest we could give links from engaged people,
their initiatives, and from the GS website - adding these to FB event
as host, making collaboration and core info visible]

3. Proposed events:

[Orsan] Proposal for an open, horizontal, transnational work-group for
an event: "Networking alternative modes of productions bottom up":
inviting those people directly involved in commons, floss, p2p
communities, worker and ciziten coops, and autonomous alternative
solidarty economy networks coming to Tunis, as well as the ngo/cso
type oganisations that for any purposes supporting these groups in one
way or another (draft text is in progress, inc. description, process,
targe groups, content.. will be posted here tomorrow or the day



6. Round up: Follow up work (and who will do what)
Nest meeting date
Checking out"

Bst, Orsan

On 2 February 2015 at 13:34, marita  wrote:
> https://www.facebook.com/events/425777997575039/
> event in facebook to invite people to the meeting
> Marita
> El 29/01/2015, a las 13:02, marita escribi??:
> Call for the next Global square meeting on Friday 6th of February  6pm CET
> time
> Check your local time here: time zone converter
> (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
> Proposal to open a ''Global Square'' during the World Social Forum 2015 in
> Tunis
> Our  squares are homes to our ideas and aspirations, in them we struggle, in
> them we shout  at injustices, in them we share alternatives and build
> dreams. During  the World Social Forum 2015 in Tunisia, the '' Global
> Square '' will be  open to all those who are fighting in the streets to
> build the necessary change.
> Using  the  ''open space'' methodology, the program (clearly indicated on a
> board during the WSF) will be permanently open to the organization of
> assemblies, workshops, creative activities, sharing of knowledge and
> methodologies, etc.
> And this space will also encourage spontaneous   meetings, music and
> creativity...
> Nuestras  plazas son los albergues de nuestras ideas y esperanzas, en ellas
> luchamos, en ellas gritamos las injusticias, en ellas compartimos
> alternativas y construimos suenos. Durante el Foro Social Mundial 2015  en
> Tunes, la ''Plaza Global'' (''Global Square'') se convertira en un  espacio
> abierto para todos aquellos y aquellas que luchan en las calles  por el
> cambio.
> Usando la  metodologia ''foro abierto'' a programacion (claramente indicada
> en un  tablero durante el FSM) estara permanentemente abierta para la
> organizacion de asambleas, talleres, actividades creativas, compartir de
> saberes y metodologias, etc.
> Y este espacio estara tambi??n abierto para  favorecer encuentros
> espontaneos, musica y creatividad...
> FR
> Nos  places publiques sont les h??tes de nos id??es et de nos aspirations. On
> y  lutte, on y crie les injustices, on y partage des alternatives et on y
> construit nos r??ves. Au cours du Forum Social Mondial 2015 en Tunisie,
> ''Global Square'' (''Place Globale'') deviendra un espace ouvert pour  tous
> ceux et celles qui luttent dans les rues pour construire le changement
> n??cessaire
> Utilisant la  m??thodologie de ''forum ouvert'', l