Re: hot summer in Europe

2015-06-13 Thread Simona Levi

My 5 cents on the subject:

24M: It was not a victory for Podemos, but for the Indignados' movement

We are increasing our competencies and the fronts we?re fighting on, not 
imploding into a
single brand.
And it works ;).

All the best,


El 13/06/15 a las 12:24, Felix Stalder escribi?:

> After Barcelona, now Madrid [1]. Majors from the M15 movement are now
> in charge of the two biggest cities in Spain. Greece is on the brink
> of being sacrificed on the altar of orthodoxy. The war in the Ukraine
> is grinding on. Is 2015 turning into 1913? Who knows, but it's gonna
> be a hot summer in Europe for sure.
> [1]

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hot summer in Europe

2015-06-13 Thread Felix Stalder

After Barcelona, now Madrid [1]. Majors from the M15 movement are now
in charge of the two biggest cities in Spain. Greece is on the brink
of being sacrificed on the altar of orthodoxy. The war in the Ukraine
is grinding on. Is 2015 turning into 1913? Who knows, but it's gonna
be a hot summer in Europe for sure.



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