Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-09-02 Thread Jaromil

dear Andreas, John, Armin

On Tue, 01 Sep 2015, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

> to act on these systems is not a matter of clicking like-buttons, and
> it cannot be done in innocently white t-shirts on the streets of a
> shopping mall in vienna. (you may need a tie, or worse...) it may
> mean, for instance, to protest and work to dismantle not only TTIP,
> but also all the trade agreements that the EU has struck or wants to
> strike with 'weaker' countries... :

All your disenchantment looking at a demonstration of 30k people in
Vienna and more all over Austria sounds like seasoned wisdom speaking.

But please do not ignore the fact that this is all new and it may be a
powerful beginning. After living for more than 4 years in Austria as a
strange sort of EU migrant seeking asylum, I can only be surprised
counting these numbers and thinking of how many people I know in .at
that feel isolated when thinking of these political issues.

This is all new: past demonstrations I've joined in Vienna for the
rights of migrants back 13 years ago counted at max a desolating 300
people behind banners in embarassment. If the consciousness on how to
consolidate such a popular sentiment in political action is still
lacking, that is just a signal for new opportunities for transversal
narratives to emerge and march towards some of the horizons that Alex
tries to sketch.

The momentum is there. In 2001 in Genova it was repressed in violence
and that sort of prevarication was a the negative political differential
that marginalized and at the same time united the people present, the
majority being a very similar sort of good-doers Armin mentions. After
the teargas and the beatings we ended up carrying for years the strong
delusion for something that was not made possible to grow.
These now may be different times, lets try to imagine it.

I was also in London on the day Armin mentions, for the anti-war
demonstration: it was 2M people and the voice of Harold Pinter at Hyde
Park resonated through the hearts and minds of many, may he rest in
peace, that good man. On the same day, in Rome, 3M people were on the
streets, incredibly enough without big clashes to distract the media
from the real focus of the event. What was still missing was the big
German speaking critical mass we are observing now.

It may be a slow and naive process in the eyes of pre-millennials, there
may be hoops and hopefully no more Mexican-style mattanzas, but all in
all I read a progression for the last 20 years and there are open doors
for a new political season opening now which we can only fuel with hope
and wisdom, less with disillusion, more with an analysis which is aware
of history and of overall conservative liberal-left vs
individualist-right polarized politics. Long live realistical utopias.
Let's fight to give all migrants a voice - and perhaps an opportunity to


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Hackademia mailing list

2015-09-02 Thread Nancy Mauro-Flude
Hello Biella

On 2 September 2015 at 12:00,  wrote:

> Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:16:53 -0500
> From: Gabriella Coleman 
> To:
> Subject:  Hackademia mailing list
> Hi all,
> Many of us who went to the Chaos Computer Club camp in Germany met
> to discuss the study of hacking (whether through scholarly, activist
> or artistic work). We have created a mailing list to continue the
> discussion and plan for future meetings. Please join if you are
> interested
> List name for subscribing

Thanks for the invitation
​ Nice to see the return of mail list culture happening right now. After
about 10years of subscribing to 'nettime' it seems this is already a place
to discuss the broader study of hacking.

I am curious for you to articulate what the many of you at the CCC, see as
the potentials - limitations and differences between the Hackademia mailing
list and nettime?


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Hackademia mailing list

2015-09-02 Thread Gabriella Coleman

Hi all,

Many of us who went to the Chaos Computer Club camp in Germany met
to discuss the study of hacking (whether through scholarly, activist
or artistic work). We have created a mailing list to continue the
discussion and plan for future meetings. Please join if you are

List name for subscribing

Instructions for joining:

(Hopefully no one here will accuse me/Riseup of being part of, an anti-Muslim group, as happened
quite vigorously on a media anthro list!)

All best,


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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-09-02 Thread John Hopkins

Hallo Armin

simple humanistic themes. On one hand slogans probably need to be so
simple to mobilize so many, but on the other hand the absence of any
deeper political analysis means that those 30.000 will not form the
nucleus of a new political movement ... which made me a bit sad in
the end ...

I wonder if there is any connection between this passive simplicity,
lack of robust intellectual engagement and action, and the 'Like'
button mentality of FB? Not to say that there must be some who can
translate the energy of mass demonstration into personal life-changing
action, but it would seem that this lethargy becomes a deep part of
life in this moment everywhere ... but who/what will wake people to
thoughtful analysis and movement?


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes

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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-09-02 Thread Andreas Broeckmann

armin, folks,

i agree that it is urgent to complement the important humanistic
concerns with a re-politicisation of the so-called crisis; it is
important that we understand that the current arrival of refugees in
(some) european countries, as much as the turbulences on the global
financial markets, are the symptoms of political decisions that have
been taken elsewhere, and at other times. it is good to demonstrate
for a humane treatment of refugees and for open border politics, but
it is also important to intervene politically into the systems that
create the hardship which forces people to flee from their homes
- whether it is military interventions, or the support of corrupt
elites in the countries where the refugees are now coming from, or the
imposition of TTIP-style trade agreements through which EU-produce
is destroying local food markets in africa, forcing the young people
who worked in agriculture off their land, and into the refugee boats,
looking for the work in the very countries where the food is coming
from that is destroying their livelihood at home, for instance in west

to act on these systems is not a matter of clicking like-buttons,
and it cannot be done in innocently white t-shirts on the streets of
a shopping mall in vienna. (you may need a tie, or worse...) it may
mean, for instance, to protest and work to dismantle not only TTIP,
but also all the trade agreements that the EU has struck or wants to
strike with 'weaker' countries... :


Am 01.09.15 um 09:33 schrieb Armin Medosch:

On the other hand it reminded me a bit of that anti-Iraq war demo in
London where 1.5 million went. It was this "not in my name" feeling,
something to do with post-christianity and not wanting to be guilty
of inhuman behavior, but an absence of any deeper political analysis.
Last night's demo had no slogans except for "love", "together" and
"refugees are welcome here" and the speeches also dwelled on such
simple humanistic themes. On one hand slogans probably need to be so
simple to mobilize so many, but on the other hand the absence of any
deeper political analysis means that those 30.000 will not form the
nucleus of a new political movement ... which made me a bit sad in the
end ...

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