Re: [spectre] Lex CEU

2017-04-04 Thread heath bunting
dear janos

long time no see

it appears to me that like many other countries, hungary is disengaging 
from imperial vassal statehood and returning to nationalism

this is potentially a good thing, as the rule of international law is 
incompatible with imperialism and nationalism at least has the option to 
be compatible with international law

the nationalist option for compliance with international law is contingent
upon followers of the rule of law embracing the new reality of thinking 
and acting on a national scope

if the left continues to adhere to the discredited and failed ideology of 
globalism, it will be unable to formulate a coherent policy and course of 

whether soros is a good or bad guy doesn't matter anymore, there is not 
enough energy to sustain a global imperium thus making global designs 

as civilisation collapses over the coming decade, when must continuously 
reduce the scale and scope of our ambitions and do so in advance of people 
of already reduced scale and scope

as good people, we must become smaller and dumber faster than the bad 
smaller and dumber people

we must occupy the survival slot in the remaining eco system that is 
reserved for slugs before the slugs themselves, otherwise we will find no 
comfort in the anthropocene extinction

hope all is well with you


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On Tue, 4 Apr 2017, János Sugár wrote:

>SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Laurie Penny on Brexit, March 29

2017-04-04 Thread barbara strebel
   War of Nerves Laurie Penny,  March 29

   Brexit, Pursued by Despair

   Brexit is just the latest alibi to mask the austerity con

   Brexit is just the latest alibi to mask the austerity conThe referendum
   was the flame; Article 50 is the fuse. Today, after months of
   recrimination and fear, the deed was finally done. Britain�s unelected
   Prime Minister triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, setting the
   legal machine of international relations on an unstoppable course
   towards Brexit. Britain was committed to the complex and painful
   operation of leaving the EU within two years�with or without the
   anesthetic of a workable trade deal.

   The new right wants you to believe that Brexit ignited spontaneously
   out of a broad Western backlash against racial tolerance and decadence.
   It wants you to believe that these are your �legitimate concerns.� But
   as the craven svengalis of triumphant neoconservatism and the gurning
   spivs they stand behind try to scrawl their own ugly slogans over the
   pages of recent history,  remember that it could have been

   Remember this, because people will try to erase it from the story.
   Brexit is happening because the people of Britain have been through
   eight years of savage and senseless austerity. If you take away all of
   the things that make community life possible�not just the libraries but
   the youth centers, the after-school clubs, the parks and citizens
   advice centers�if you do all that and then fix it so people can hardly
   even afford to leave the house, presuming they have energy out of their
   exhausting jobs, then communities atrophy.

   The economic case for the decimation of public spending has been
   thoroughly rubbished by everyone from Nobel prize-winning economists
   to, you know, actual people who saw the arteries of their lives
   constricting while the rich carried on getting richer and the national
   debt continued to rise. The political justification was always
   threadbare, based on the notion that the Labour party, who happened to
   be in power at the time of the 2008 financial crash, was entirely
   responsible for everything��The Mess Labour Left Us In� was the refrain
   that just wouldn�t quit as the invertebrate centre left scuttled and
   cringed its way into culpability for a crisis it did not, in fact,

   Some of what we have lost in this drab decade can be tallied in figures
   and facts, unpopular as those are these days. Food banks were
   practically unknown in Britain before the Conservatives took power. Now
   one million people rely on them, and millions more go hungry in what
   is still one of the wealthiest countries on earth. Middle-class youth
   have grown into adulthood without jobs or the prospect of security,
   becoming a �lost generation� in a catchphrase that has fallen out of
   favor not because it has lost relevance but because it was embarrassing
   to the authorities.  School buildings are rotting and crumbling.
   London has been scrubbed clean of the working poor. Thousands of
   disabled people have died as a direct result of cuts to the meagre
   benefits that were keeping them housed and healthy.

   Somehow, this is no longer being spoken of. Yet these are the
   conditions in which racism, xenophobia, and bigotry flourished. People
   need someone to blame, and they were directed to kick downwards. Of
   course they were.

   It�s all the stranger that the language of austerity has vanished from
   the political agenda because it�s only going to get worse.

   This is going to hurt, however you slice it. The cost of the Brexit
   negotiations that begin today will include, at very best, a leap in the
   cost of living and further cuts to already decimated public services as
   the country struggles to foot the bill over years of political
   uncertainty. The Prime Minister is clearly banking on the prospect of
   making Britain a naked tax haven, which will be disastrous for the
   working classes. Major banks and businesses are already toddling off to
   the continent, stupefying the willy-waving Brexit apologists who were
   convinced they were all here for the weather. Those promised 350
   million pounds a week for the National Health Service are not coming.
   In fact, the NHS�the real institutional pride of the nation, beloved of
   everyone apart from the very wealthiest, and already on its knees after
   years of deliberate Tory defunding�will struggle to survive as more
   cuts are imposed and thousands of foreign doctors and nurses face
   deportation or are simply harassed and overworked until they leave. Why
   would anyone want to stay wiping bottoms and washing wounds in a
   country that claims to hate you? The last time a victory was this
   Pyrrhic, there were thirteen thousand bodies on the battlefield at
   Heraclea, and nobody went home happy.



2017-04-04 Thread János Sugár

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