Re: Social robotics, cognitive bomb

2019-10-20 Thread olivier auber
@Mar Herman.

Thanks for your relevant thoughts and quotes (Olaf Sporns, Networks of the
Brain, and the Washington Post paper).

In my book Anoptikon, I rely on the research in neuroscience of Guillaume
Dumas & all (Institut Pasteur, Paris), who study experimentally the
influence of level of reciprocity allowed by a the network through which we
communicate on the synchrony of our brain activities. I also rely on the
work of Diederik Aerts & all (Free University of Brussels) on quantum
cognition, i.e. the way our concepts may be entangled just like particles,
and conversely how particles behave just like our concepts. On this basis
(+ Dessalles' approach of costly signaling theory, already quoted), I
define three types of asymmetries (1-logical, 2- attentional, 3- temporal)
that structure our cognition very fundamentally. These cognitive
asymmetries are not to be confused with what is usually called "biases". On
the contrary, the fact that we consider some of our choices as "biases"
reveals in some extend one of our cognitive asymmetries.

In short:
1- Our logical asymmetry which makes choose rare and unexpected solutions
can be understood, not as a human bias to be exploited, but as a jewel of
2- Our attentional asymmetry which seems to determine our social profile in
an almost automatic way, could find a cultural remedy as soon as we show
its automatisms.
3- Our temporal asymmetry, which is rooted in the belief in the omnipotence
of optical perspective, could be overcome by a new reference framework
based on anoptical perspectives.

@John Hopkins

A propos " going back to Shannon's information ideas " and  "All organisms
will consume available energy at some maximum rate until it is gone.This,
life requires".
In a paper called 'Search for Terrestrial Intelligence' written prior to
Anoptikon, I imagined five typical extra-terrestrial civilizations
(Devoratus, Formabilis, Imitativus, Pervasus and Legitimus) that may or may
not overcome the cosmic stupidity supposed to extinct every intelligent
life form after a certain time If the fifth one only may survive; it is
because this Legitimus civilization found means to manage its information,
its network topology and its and signaling activities. In Anoptikon, I
tried to give more arguments to sustain this assumption, notably by
considering seriously Dessalles' extension of Shannon's theory. In sort:

- Information is a drop in complexity (unexpected, difficult to obtain,
simple to describe).
- Information only exists if it can be “read”.
- Information is what “survives”.

I hope that this will give others the idea to pursue research paths that
are less focused on energy (which always concludes with our extinction) and
more on information and networks (which could help to escape this fate).
I thought I saw a sign of this change in the second point of Greta's
message (stop your blah blah), but it is clear that we are only at the
"weak signal" stage. If, however, she were to realize one day that the
greatest danger we are facing is not climate change nor species extinction,
but our incessant disputes that make us unable to respond in a relevant and
appropriate way to all major challenges.

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Re: Social robotics, cognitive bomb

2019-10-17 Thread olivier auber
@Max Herman
I do not have in mind any particular reference related the link between
meditation practice and social signal theory. It can be assumed that if
meditation has spread quite widely, it is because it has been selected as
an adapted behaviour capable of providing an evolutionary advantage, at
least to those who practice it. We can also suspect that this is in line
with the transformation of our social profile I was talking about. But I
have no argument to say so. However, I wonder if the non-production and
non-consumption of signals is not an ideal beyond reach, if in reality we
can neither not-transmit nor not-receive.

 @John Hopkins
Indeed, I suppose everyone accepts the general idea that the structure and
functioning of society is closely linked to the availability of usable
energy sources. However, in social signal theory, there is a cost aspect
(we also speak of the "costly signal theory") that is not linearly related
to the absolute energy consumption measurable in Watts hours or Joules.
Cost is obviously a quantity related to the quality of social ties. To go
further, extensive researches should be conducted to link the shape of our
social profile and our overall energy consumption. My hypothesis that
remains to be demonstrated is that a Z-shaped curve would be much more
beneficial to the survival of our species than our current S-shaped curve.


On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 5:25 AM John Hopkins  wrote:

> Olivier --
> For a model of what our down-side-of-the-Hubbert-curve global situation
> might
> look like, and practices that might well be embraced for this inevitable
> de-industrialization process that cannot be stopped by any technological
> implementations, only slightly slowed through radical human behavior
> shifts:
> Greer, John Michael. The Long Descent: A User’s Guide to the End of the
> Industrial Age. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Publishers, 2008.
> If anyone would like a pdf, ping me off list...
> It, as you can see, was published in 2008, but the premise, the draining
> of the
> very finite reserves of hydrocarbons, globally, and social trajectories
> that it
> imposes are the same as now, except we are a bit further along on the way
> down.
> The arrival of intensive fracking for natural gas only slowed the drain
> slightly, and as fracked gas resources are depleted on average far faster
> than
> conventional wells, this slow-down of the demise will be short-lived... It
> will
> be the lack of available energy that will more-or-less slowly constrict
> our
> lives from the present of excess to lives of far less in every way. Greer
> argues
> against the apocalyptic collapse that is envisioned; but also against any
> technological 'silver bullet' that might, against all thermodynamic laws,
> generate infinite energy for all to consume at will. It's a good read for
> understanding where/how things will likely happen (and are already
> happening) --
> especially in terms of your transforming 'social profile' idea. Because
> the
> structure and operation of the social is deeply intertwined with the
> availability of usable energy sources...
> JH
> On 14/Oct/19 05:47, olivier auber wrote:
> > Thanks César
> >
> > As you have understood, I am speaking from a perspective borrowed from
> the
> > cognitive sciences, particularly the social signal theory. Other aspects
> > are also developed in my book.
> >
> > - Executives who fly for a yes or no, do so to send social signals.
> > - People locked in their homes and stuck on social networks do it to send
> > social signals.
> > - Eating beef is a social signal.
> > - Have children too!
> >
> > My hypothesis is that the social profile of our species is likely to
> > change. We will certainly not stop sending social signals, otherwise we
> > would turn into stones. It is the shape of the profile that could evolve.
> > It could move from the S-shaped comprising two non-competitive classes C1
> > and C3 and a single competitive class C2, to a z-shaped where C1 and C3
> > would become competitive while C2 would become less so.
> >
> > In my book I put forward some arguments that suggest that this
> > transformation is underway and why we should encourage it.
> >
> > The consequences are enormous, including in terms of energy and the
> > environment, because signal production is extremely energy-consuming.
> --
> ++
> Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
> hanging on to the Laramide Orogeny
> ++
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Re: Social robotics, cognitive bomb

2019-10-14 Thread John Hopkins

Olivier --

For a model of what our down-side-of-the-Hubbert-curve global situation might 
look like, and practices that might well be embraced for this inevitable 
de-industrialization process that cannot be stopped by any technological 
implementations, only slightly slowed through radical human behavior shifts:

Greer, John Michael. The Long Descent: A User’s Guide to the End of the 
Industrial Age. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Publishers, 2008.

If anyone would like a pdf, ping me off list...

It, as you can see, was published in 2008, but the premise, the draining of the 
very finite reserves of hydrocarbons, globally, and social trajectories that it 
imposes are the same as now, except we are a bit further along on the way down. 
The arrival of intensive fracking for natural gas only slowed the drain 
slightly, and as fracked gas resources are depleted on average far faster than 
conventional wells, this slow-down of the demise will be short-lived... It will 
be the lack of available energy that will more-or-less slowly constrict our 
lives from the present of excess to lives of far less in every way. Greer argues 
against the apocalyptic collapse that is envisioned; but also against any 
technological 'silver bullet' that might, against all thermodynamic laws, 
generate infinite energy for all to consume at will. It's a good read for 
understanding where/how things will likely happen (and are already happening) -- 
especially in terms of your transforming 'social profile' idea. Because the 
structure and operation of the social is deeply intertwined with the 
availability of usable energy sources...


On 14/Oct/19 05:47, olivier auber wrote:

Thanks César

As you have understood, I am speaking from a perspective borrowed from the
cognitive sciences, particularly the social signal theory. Other aspects
are also developed in my book.

- Executives who fly for a yes or no, do so to send social signals.
- People locked in their homes and stuck on social networks do it to send
social signals.
- Eating beef is a social signal.
- Have children too!

My hypothesis is that the social profile of our species is likely to
change. We will certainly not stop sending social signals, otherwise we
would turn into stones. It is the shape of the profile that could evolve.
It could move from the S-shaped comprising two non-competitive classes C1
and C3 and a single competitive class C2, to a z-shaped where C1 and C3
would become competitive while C2 would become less so.

In my book I put forward some arguments that suggest that this
transformation is underway and why we should encourage it.

The consequences are enormous, including in terms of energy and the
environment, because signal production is extremely energy-consuming.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
hanging on to the Laramide Orogeny

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Re: Social robotics, cognitive bomb

2019-10-14 Thread olivier auber
Thanks César

As you have understood, I am speaking from a perspective borrowed from the
cognitive sciences, particularly the social signal theory. Other aspects
are also developed in my book.

- Executives who fly for a yes or no, do so to send social signals.
- People locked in their homes and stuck on social networks do it to send
social signals.
- Eating beef is a social signal.
- Have children too!

My hypothesis is that the social profile of our species is likely to
change. We will certainly not stop sending social signals, otherwise we
would turn into stones. It is the shape of the profile that could evolve.
It could move from the S-shaped comprising two non-competitive classes C1
and C3 and a single competitive class C2, to a z-shaped where C1 and C3
would become competitive while C2 would become less so.

In my book I put forward some arguments that suggest that this
transformation is underway and why we should encourage it.

The consequences are enormous, including in terms of energy and the
environment, because signal production is extremely energy-consuming.

Olivier Auber

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 1:18 PM César García Sáez 

> Interesting approach Olivier!
> It's clear that Greta has sparked something, as latest posts in this
> mailing list are about her :)
> Last week, I was thinking the same topics you discuss in the conclusions:
> "To face all the challenges, environmental and others, we must invent new
> ways of doing a society. To do this, we must be aware that our world is
> woven with invisible (anoptical) perspectives on which we can act: our
> social robotics can be overcome."
> IMHO, it's all related to generations and time. I'm 40 yo now, and I was
> raised with this ideal of study and work diligently and you could retire
> with good conditions. (It's breaking down due to demographics but...).
> Younger generation was born inside social media: they could be famous,
> feeding the social machine while being data generators.
> But for the younger generations like Greta, the message is clear: these
> bastards are playing a huge party on behalf of my future!! They are flying
> non-stop around the world for random meetings, they are wasting their time
> producing stupid videos to feed the different algorythms ... Why should I
> sit down and wait until they die to discover they wasted the planet to run
> their senseless routines?
> I'm wondering if some of our habits will be seen in the future as barbaric
> as middle ages ones. In particular, I have four "horsemen":
> - Executives and "busy" people traveling X.000km for a meeting, or random
> conference, and back in 24 hours.
> - Being producing and consuming content all day long will be seen has
> smoking indoors. Rude, nasty, unnecessary.
> - Eating meat non stop, or beef in particular, might look as we look the
> Roman empire vomit inducing feasts.
> - Birth control measures could be proposed on unprecedent scales to limit
> human footprint.
> These are just four kind of "design fictions" but quite aligned with
> current trends. Transport, commerce, everything could change if social
> norms change from this.
> Let's see how this evolves!
> César
> -
> El lun., 14 oct. 2019 a las 9:10, olivier auber ()
> escribió:
>> Besides the apparent unity of the climate processions, Greta Thunberg is
>> a matter of very violent disputes in all sectors of society. One may wonder
>> whether this general discord does not promise a global social warming that
>> could be more dangerous than the climate’s one. I am looking here for a
>> cold explanation of this phenomenon and a way to defuse it. I rely on an
>> analysis grid borrowed from cognitive sciences developed in my latest book
>> Anoptikon, an exploration of the invisible Internet: escaping from Darwin's
>> hand.
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>> #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
>> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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> --
> *César García - @lahoramaker*
> ¡Descubre el mundo maker!
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Re: Social robotics, cognitive bomb

2019-10-14 Thread César García Sáez
Interesting approach Olivier!

It's clear that Greta has sparked something, as latest posts in this
mailing list are about her :)

Last week, I was thinking the same topics you discuss in the conclusions:
"To face all the challenges, environmental and others, we must invent new
ways of doing a society. To do this, we must be aware that our world is
woven with invisible (anoptical) perspectives on which we can act: our
social robotics can be overcome."

IMHO, it's all related to generations and time. I'm 40 yo now, and I was
raised with this ideal of study and work diligently and you could retire
with good conditions. (It's breaking down due to demographics but...).
Younger generation was born inside social media: they could be famous,
feeding the social machine while being data generators.

But for the younger generations like Greta, the message is clear: these
bastards are playing a huge party on behalf of my future!! They are flying
non-stop around the world for random meetings, they are wasting their time
producing stupid videos to feed the different algorythms ... Why should I
sit down and wait until they die to discover they wasted the planet to run
their senseless routines?

I'm wondering if some of our habits will be seen in the future as barbaric
as middle ages ones. In particular, I have four "horsemen":
- Executives and "busy" people traveling X.000km for a meeting, or random
conference, and back in 24 hours.
- Being producing and consuming content all day long will be seen has
smoking indoors. Rude, nasty, unnecessary.
- Eating meat non stop, or beef in particular, might look as we look the
Roman empire vomit inducing feasts.
- Birth control measures could be proposed on unprecedent scales to limit
human footprint.

These are just four kind of "design fictions" but quite aligned with
current trends. Transport, commerce, everything could change if social
norms change from this.

Let's see how this evolves!

El lun., 14 oct. 2019 a las 9:10, olivier auber ()

> Besides the apparent unity of the climate processions, Greta Thunberg is a
> matter of very violent disputes in all sectors of society. One may wonder
> whether this general discord does not promise a global social warming that
> could be more dangerous than the climate’s one. I am looking here for a
> cold explanation of this phenomenon and a way to defuse it. I rely on an
> analysis grid borrowed from cognitive sciences developed in my latest book
> Anoptikon, an exploration of the invisible Internet: escaping from Darwin's
> hand.
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> #is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> #  more info:
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*César García - @lahoramaker*
¡Descubre el mundo maker!
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Social robotics, cognitive bomb

2019-10-14 Thread olivier auber
Besides the apparent unity of the climate processions, Greta Thunberg is a
matter of very violent disputes in all sectors of society. One may wonder
whether this general discord does not promise a global social warming that
could be more dangerous than the climate’s one. I am looking here for a
cold explanation of this phenomenon and a way to defuse it. I rely on an
analysis grid borrowed from cognitive sciences developed in my latest book
Anoptikon, an exploration of the invisible Internet: escaping from Darwin's
#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject: