[newsletter] December 2017 RDO Community Newsletter

2017-12-05 Thread Mary Thengvall
Having difficulty with the formatting of this message? See the message

Thanks for being part of the RDO community!

Housekeeping Items
Fedora OpenStack SIG - Please reassign packages

We've created the Fedora OpenStack SIG
 to allow shared maintenance
of clients and an easier sync from RDO. In order for this to happen, we
need you to reassign OpenStack-related packages and core dependencies to
the SIG. Note: if these are currently located in rdoinfo
, then
they should already be owned by the SIG.

More information: https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/
Reminder about mailing list changes

In case you missed it in last month’s newsletter
, we’ve made some changes
to the mailing list setup. Here’s a recap:

   - This list - the RDO Community Newsletter - is now delivered to the
   address newsletter@lists.rdoproject.org rather than the old
   - The main rdo-list mailing list has been split into two lists -
   d...@lists.rdoproject.org and us...@lists.rdoproject.org - in order to
   make the users mailing list more welcoming to operators and users of RDO,
   while the more technical, development-centric discussions will take place
   on the dev mailing list.

tl;dr: You don't need to do anything if you want to keep receiving this
newsletter. However, if you wish to post to either the dev list or the
users list, you will, of course, have to send to the new addresses. You can
see the list archives and manage your preferences at lists.rdoproject.org.
RDO Office Hours

In case you missed the announcement in early October
, the
RDO Office Hours have changed. Here’s the new structure:

   - Bi-weekly meetings
   - Duration: 1h
   - Next meeting is on Dec 12, 2017
   - New timing: 13:30 UTC to 14:30 UTC

Unfamiliar with RDO Office Hours? They were established to keep up with
increasing participation in RDO. We use this time to triage tickets, add
more EasyFix items
and provide mentoring to newcomers. There are occasional presentations by
special guests as well.

For instance, Attila Darazs (adarazs) and Sagi Shnaidm (sshnaidm) gave an
overview about the config project during RDO Office Hours on Oct 17. It’s a
fascinating conversation about how we add and manage RDO package
repositories as well as how we roll out different CI jobs against Tripleo
and RDO. Check out the log

the summary of the conversation

Community News
Queens Milestone 1 Test Day (Nov 16-17)

We recently had a test day for Queens Milestone 1. It was a learning
experience, in that very few people attended and even fewer actively helped
to test the new release. We discussed the outcome in a recent RDO meeting

came to a few conclusions:

   - The current format no longer works, as it came from a time when we
   didn’t have automated testing
   - While the automated systems are great, a new plan is needed for
   upcoming test days
   - Having a test leader would help keep things on track
   - We either need clear instructions that attendees can follow, or a test
   install of RDO cloud already set up so that folks can put it through the
   paces of various testing scenarios

To this end, for our upcoming test days, December 14-15th, we’ll be
providing a test cloud running RDO packages of Queens Milestone 2, which
you can use to run tests on a live OpenStack cloud without having to deploy
it yourself. For more details about how this will work and to sign up for
login credentials, please read the description on the mailing list:

For even more information, see David’s blog post:

Haikel Guemar will be the test leader for the December test days, and we’re
interested in your feedback on how to make these days more collaborative
and effective for the community.
Infrastructure core administrators

Congrats to Attila Darazs (adarazs), John Trowbridge (trown), and Sagi
Shnaidm (sshnaidm) who were named as part of the the config-core group for
review.rdoproject.org. This group takes care of managing all configuration
for the Software Factory instance used by the RDO project.

Javier Pena created a new website that gives information about this group,

[newsletter] March 2018 RDO Community Newsletter

2018-03-06 Thread Mary Thengvall
Having difficulty with the formatting of this message? See the message online
at http://rdoproject.org/newsletter/2018/march/


Hi, RDO Community! I hope you like marshmallows and peanuts because we're
into Rocky and it's going to be quite a road. TL;DR: Queens was released,
we're excited that Cloud SIG meetings are back, and we're loving the idea
of stable Fedora repositories for OpenStack. But that's not all – be sure
to read the rest of the newsletter to stay up to date with what's going on
in our community.
Housekeeping ItemsPony Mail Revamp (aka mail.rdoproject.org)

You might remember that we launched Pony Mail back in January
. We’ve now put the
hostname mail.rdoproject.org in place and made the experience a little
better. As a quick refresher, we have this Apache PonyMail
 open source software in place as a web-based
interface to our mailing lists. This lets you, among other things:

   - Revive an old thread from before you were subscribed
   - See basic statistics about participation in mailing list threads
   - Advanced searching features
   - oAuth authentication - if there's an auth source you want to use
   that's not there, let us know, and we'll add it
   - Compose email in the web interface or in your own mail client, as you
   - Keyboard shortcuts! (Press H for a list)

RDO ChangesRDO Queens Released

We’re extremely happy to announce the general availability of the RDO build
for OpenStack Queens! This is the SEVENTEENTH release from the OpenStack
project, which is the work of more than 1600 contributors from around the
world. Super big thanks for all your help - we could not do this without
the RDO Community!

There’s more information in the detailed blog post from Rich Bowen:

Collaborating with Kolla for RDO Test Days Post-Queens Release

In true community form, we’ll be joining forces with the Kolla
 core contributors during our RDO
test days. We’ll supply the bare metal hardware and their core contributors
will be able to deploy and operate a cloud with real users and developers
poking around.

Keep an eye on the Etherpad  and
mailing lists for more information on the upcoming test day
, tentatively scheduled for 15-16

Stabilized Fedora repositories for OpenStack

In case you missed the discussion at the Feb 7 IRC meeting, we’re starting
to move toward using stabilized Fedora repositories for OpenStack. As
Haïkel Guémar detailed in a follow-up email thread


*Since Fedora has proven to be an unstable platform for OpenStack, we plan
to provide "stabilized" repositories. The concept is quite simple: we
provide a snapshot of Fedora repositories and then gate updates through CI.
Any updates that fails CI will be blacklisted or overridden, we will also
provides packages overrides for the ones we can't update in Fedora.*

The plan is to have everything set to change over during the Rocky cycle.
Given how much work this will entail, Haïkel has pulled together an Etherpad

 with more information, including the goals, technical requirements, and
any open concerns.

Please contribute to the conversation either via the mailing list

 or Etherpad

 if you have any questions.
Community NewsCloud SIG meeting restarting

The Cloud SIG is back up and running, thanks to the prompting of Rohit
Yadav and Daan Hoogland! Hat tip to Rich Bowen for his help in getting it
off the ground.

The meeting will take place every Thursday at 15:00 UTC in the
#centos-devel channel on Freenode. Take a look at the Etherpad
 for the running
agenda and the Cloud SIG page
 on the CentOS wiki for
more information.

Recent Blogpost Roundups

Every two weeks or so we post the latest OpenStack and RDO-related
blogposts to blogs.rdoproject.org. In case you’ve missed the last few, you
can find them here:

If you blog about OpenStack, RDO, or anything related to those topics, feel
free to add your RSS feed to the RDO planet.ini
so we’re aware of it!

Community Meetings

Every Wednesday at 15:00 UTC, we have the weekly RDO community meeting on
the #RDO channel on Freenode IRC. The agenda for this