[ns] Finding set of nodes transmitting at a particular instance of time

2008-04-06 Thread Sanket Joshi


I would like to find all nodes that are transmitting a packet at a
particular instant. Is it possible to obtain all the packet objects at a
particular instant of time in ns-2. If yes, then the information whether a
particular node is transmitting a packet is present in the packet header.
Thus, I can find the transmitting nodes.


[ns] ns-2.29 installation problem: trace.c compilation error

2008-04-06 Thread Salih ML

Has any one encountered the following error while installing 2.29. I
 tried installing the 2.29.1 & 2.29.2 but still got the same error:

 -Drng_test -I. -I/home/ns/ns-allinone-2.29.2/tclcl-1.17
 -I/home/ns/ns-allinone-2.29.2/include -I/usr/include/pcap -I./tcp
 -I./sctp -I./common -I./link -I./queue -I./adc -I./apps -I./mac
 -I./mobile -I./trace -I./routing -I./tools -I./classifier -I./mcast
 -I./diffusion3/lib/main -I./diffusion3/lib -I./diffusion3/lib/nr
 -I./diffusion3/ns -I./diffusion3/filter_core -I./asim/ -I./qs
 -I./diffserv -I./satellite -I./wpan -o trace/trace.o trace/trace.cc
 ./sctp/sctp.h:705: error: extra qualification 'SctpAgent::' on member
 make: *** [trace/trace.o] Error 1
 Ns make failed!

I checked the FAQ or ns-problems page but couldn't find the answer there.

I am trying to compile the code on a Ubuntu machine:
Linux x 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux



Re: [ns] How to implement flooding for wired nodes (IP_BROADCAST usage)?

2008-04-06 Thread feel2chat

there is an example script: /ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/tcl/ex/flooding.tcl

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 12:00 AM, srupesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I am a beginner  for ns2. I want to test flooding in wired nodes. I
>  went through the posts related to it but couldn't find the solution.
>   There is a link related to this issue but there is no solution--->
>  http://mailman.isi.edu/pipermail/ns-users/2006-January/053762.html
>  is it possible to invoke user defined recv() method implicitly after calling
>  Connector::send()??
>  anybody please give the information for this problem??
>  I am posting both C++ code and tcl code here..
>  I defined a new packet header here..
>  #ifndef BCAST_PKT_H_
>  #define BCAST_PKT_H_
>  #include 
>  #include 
>  #define HDR_BCAST_PKT(p) hdr_bcast_pkt::access(p)
>  struct hdr_bcast_pkt {
>  nsaddr_t   pkt_src_; // Node which originated this packet
>  u_int16_t pkt_len_;  // Packet length (in bytes)
>  u_int8_t   pkt_seq_num_; // Packet sequence number
>  inline nsaddr_t&   pkt_src() { return pkt_src_; }
>  inline u_int16_t& pkt_len()  { return pkt_len_; }
>  inline u_int8_t&   pkt_seq_num() { return pkt_seq_num_; }
>  static int offset_;
>  inline static int& offset() { return offset_; }
>  inline static hdr_bcast_pkt* access(const Packet* p) {
>  return (hdr_bcast_pkt*)p->access(offset_);
>  }
>   };
>  #endif /*BCAST_PKT_H_*/
>  implementation of IP_BROADCAST
>  int hdr_bcast_pkt::offset_ ;
>  class MyAgent : public Agent{
>  public :
> MyAgent();
>  protected :
> int command(int argc,const char*const* argv);
>  private:
> //int  my_var1;
> //double   my_var2;
> nsaddr_t   ra_addr_;
> void my_func(void);
> void my_bcast(Packet *p);
> void recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*);
>  };
>  static class bcastHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass {
>  public:
> bcastHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass("PacketHeader/bcast",
>sizeof(hdr_bcast_pkt)) {
> bind_offset(&hdr_bcast_pkt::offset_);
> }
>  } class_bcast_hdr;
>  static class MyAgentClass : public TclClass {
>  public :
> MyAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/MyAgentOtcl") {}
> TclObject* create(int argc,const char*const* argv) {
> return (new MyAgent());  
> //(nsaddr_t)Address::instance().str2addr(argv[4])
> }
>  } class_my_agent;
>  MyAgent::MyAgent() : Agent(PT_bcast) {  //nsaddr_t id
> //bind("my_var1_otcl",&my_var1);
> //bind("my_var2_otcl",&my_var2);
> //ra_addr_ = id;
>  }
>  int MyAgent::command(int argc,const char*const* argv) {
> if(argc == 2) {
> if(strcmp(argv[1],"callmyfunc") == 0) {
> my_func();
> return (TCL_OK);
> }
> if(strcmp(argv[1],"sendpkt") == 0) {
> Packet* newpkt = allocpkt();
> //some packet configuration
> my_bcast(newpkt);
> //recv(newpkt,0);
> return (TCL_OK);
> }
> }
> return (Agent::command(argc,argv));
>  }
>  void MyAgent::my_func(void) {
> Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
> tcl.eval("puts \"Message from my_func\"");
> //tcl.evalf("puts \" my_var1= %d\"",my_var1);
> //tcl.evalf("puts \" my_var2 = %f\"",my_var2);
>  }
>  void MyAgent::my_bcast(Packet *p)
>  {
>  hdr_cmn* hdrcmn = HDR_CMN(p);
>  hdr_ip* iphdr = HDR_IP(p);
>  hdr_bcast_pkt* ph  = HDR_BCAST_PKT(p);
>  //ph ->pkt_src_ = ra_addr_;
>  ph ->pkt_len_ = 64;
>  // set all the necessary things for the common header
>  hdrcmn ->size_= IP_HDR_LEN + ph->pkt_len();
>  hdrcmn ->ptype_   = PT_bcast;
>  hdrcmn->next_hop_ = IP_BROADCAST;
>  hdrcmn->prev_hop_ = this->addr();
>  hdrcmn->direction() = hdr_cmn::DOWN;
>  hdrcmn ->size_= IP_HDR_LEN + ph->pkt_len();
>  hdrcmn ->ptype_   = PT_bcast;
>  // setting the ip header
>  iphdr->saddr() = this->addr();
>  iphdr->sport() = 254; // 1-254
>  iphdr->daddr() = IP_BROADCAST;
>  iphdr->dport() = 254; // 1-254
>  iphdr->ttl() = 32;
>  //Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_, p, 0.0);
>  send(p,0);
>  Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
>  tcl.eval("puts \"Message from my_bcast()\"");
>  }
>  void MyAgent::recv(Packet* pkt, Handler*)
>  {
> Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
> tcl.eval("puts \"1Message from recv()\"");
>  hdr_cmn* hdrcmn = HDR_CMN(pkt); //Access the common header for the received
>  packet:
>  hdr_ip* hdrip = HDR_IP(pkt); // Access the IP header for the received
>  packet:
>  cout << "node " << this->addr() << "received from

[ns] installation problem???????????????????

2008-04-06 Thread mohamed saad

salam alikom

i already set environment but i want to sure that was set correctly i guess 
that i set it wrong how i sure that i set it correctly

gazak allah khairn

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[ns] Fwd: installation problem

2008-04-06 Thread mohamed saad

i was working on mandrake10

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[ns] installation problem

2008-04-06 Thread mohamed saad

salam alikom

 after i installed ns-2 i set environment how i know i set the environment 
correctly and how i run ns2

gazak allah khiran

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[ns] installation problem

2008-04-06 Thread mohamed saad

salam alikom

 after i installed ns-2 i set environment how i know i set the environment 
correctly and how i run ns2

gazak allah khiran

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.