[ns] Codes in NS2

2011-05-16 Thread Rajesh M.S

HI, i'm trying to implement the channel aware detection algorithm for reducing 
the selective forwarding attack in wireless mesh network in NS2, can anyone 
help me in implementing CAD Algorithm or can i get the code for this algorithm 
n TCL scripts for 2 scenarios
With normal packet losses (due to bad channel quality or medium access 
 * Create Mesh network of nodes with minimum of 16 or 25 nodes.
 * Make a node at one end of the network as Source and node at the other end as 
 * Assign normal packet losses due to channel quality & collisions and 
calculate threshold value.

Scenario 1: With no attacker in the network & CAD algorithm 
 * Source initiates UDP/CBR traffic to send packets to destination.
 * Get the results of how many packets received by destination out of all 
packets send by source and show it in graph (PDR).
Scenario 2:With attacker & no CAD algorithm
 * Randomly assign an intermediate node as attacker and drop packets 
 * Get the results of how many packets received by destination out of all 
packets send by source and show it in same graph (PDR).
Scenario 2: With attacker & CAD algorithm
 * Randomly assign an intermediate node as attacker and drop packets 
 * Use CAD algorithm to identify the attacker by checking with threshold value 
of normal packet loss and send the packets in other path not involving attacker.
 * Get the results of how many packets received by destination out of all 
packets send by source and show it in same graph (PDR).

Re: [ns] help how to apply evolutionary algorithm in NS2

2011-05-16 Thread fauzan prasetyo eka putra

the function EA in NS2 to get best solution about the problem relay message..is 
used OLSR because we can set parameter in message and capable OSPF 
etc...function EA is same like GA...i hope u can help me please

From: ÞÕÇÏ Úíäì Ýì ßá ãßÇä mohammed 
To: fauzan prasetyo eka putra 
Sent: Wed, May 11, 2011 7:45:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ns] help how to apply evolutionary algorithm in NS2

what is the evolutionary algorithm in OLSR that used to run 
--- On Wed, 5/11/11, fauzan prasetyo eka putra  wrote:

>From: fauzan prasetyo eka putra 
>Subject: [ns] help how to apply evolutionary algorithm in NS2
>To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
>Cc: ns-users@ISI.EDU
>Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 4:45 AM
>hi..i m trying to optimize relay message methods in mobile ad hoc network 

>evolutionary algorithm in OLSR.
>I thought of simulating the network and apply evolutionary algorithm in 
>NS2..could everyone help me..or may could
>you give me solution what must i do, to implemented EA in NS 2...thanks.

[ns] web traffic

2011-05-16 Thread Estuans Interius

Hi, I have just started to use ns-2 to demonstrate the performance of
proposed our AQM controller compared to the others. Therefore, I need to
construct a traffic. I use a dumbell network with FTP sources, however, I
believe in that to show the performance of the proposed controller under a
mix traffic will be better. My mind confused on connecting http application
agent to the TCP sources. Will the http agents be connected similar to ftp
connection? Is there someone to send me a simple program which generates
http traffic for a dumbell network\

Thanks for all your interest and time consuming


Re: [ns] Ns-users Digest, Vol 89, Issue 15

2011-05-16 Thread marllus lustosa

Hi! Try to work with module MANNASIM (http://www.mannasim.dcc.ufmg.br/). It
provides a graphical interface for generating scripts. Also, available
are various
protocols (LEACH, DSDV, AODV, DSR, DDF ...). I am currently working with him
, if you want help just send me e-mail. marlluslust...@gmail.com /

> Message: 12
> Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 20:36:21 +0530
> From: Sachin Pal 
> Subject: [ns] Fwd: [Re] LEACH Sorce code for NS2
> To: ns-users@isi.edu
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> hello...
> I am working on the WSN.Please send me LEACH sorce code for ns2.
> parameters are those i m working...
> a) network deployment areas are 50?50 and100m?100m
> b) initial energy of each sensor node is 1 Joule
> c) sensor nodes are randomly deployed in the given area
> d) each tree is used for 10 rounds
> e) each experiment is conducted for 3 simulation scenarios and the average
> is used for documentation
> f)base station is located at the center of the sensor network
> g) MAC layer, 802.11, is used in simulation
> thanks
> sachin pal
> ___
> Ns-users mailing list
> Ns-users@isi.edu
> http://mailman.isi.edu/mailman/listinfo/ns-users
> End of Ns-users Digest, Vol 89, Issue 15


Marllus de Melo Lustosa - lattes -> http://bit.ly/dlm86f / HomePage ->
Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação - UFPI
Departamento de Informática e Estatística - DIE
Grupo de Pesquisa e Estudos em Redes de computadores - GoPER -


2011-05-16 Thread salahedin rehan


Try using this line:

Node* node =0;
node = Node::get_node_by_address(node_ID);
MobileNode* nd = (MobileNode*)node;
I think u have to include “#include ”, hope this helps...

Good luc, 

De: El hadi Cherkaoui 
Para: NS user 
Enviado: dom,15 mayo, 2011 19:19

--- En date de : Dim 15.5.11, El hadi Cherkaoui  a écrit :

De: El hadi Cherkaoui 
À: "NS user" 
Date: Dimanche 15 mai 2011, 19h35

dear all 

I can not find the c++ instruction to get the position of a node at a given 

I don't need to extract this information from the trace file because i need to 
get it during the simulation and not after it finish... 

Thanx a lot

B. R

[ns] Simulating RSSI in ns-2

2011-05-16 Thread Alexandra


I need to test a localization algorithm for wifi networks that uses RSSI
readings for ranging. Is there a way I can do this with ns-2? I have RSSI in
field measurements for a small number of nodes and I would like to test my
algorithm on a scenario that has a more considerable number of nodes.
Is there a way I can accomplish this with ns-2? Does it offer simulated RSSI

Many thanks!

[ns] can not change RED to original form (without gentle)

2011-05-16 Thread Aquila Yoma

Hi everyone,

i just want to know how origin red works. But since default red was change
to gentle-red (
http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/archive/ns-users/webarch/2001/msg01414.html) i
can't change it back to the original one

i already change the queue parameter in my tcl file
Queue/RED set gentle_ false
and/or change the /ns/tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl gentle parameter to false, but
nothing happen
is there anyone know how to fix this

thanks for attention,

-aquila yoma