Am 09.09.2014 um 21:18 schrieb john Culleton :
> Here is the test file:
> --
> \definefontfamily [myfamily][serif][MinionPro Serif]
> \definefontfamily [myfamily][sans][MyriadPro Sans]
> \definefontfamily [myfamily][italic][MinionPro Italic]
> \setupbodyfont[myfamily]
> \starttext
> \rm
> foo
> \startitemize[a]
> \item {\bf Inkscape}
> \item Scribus
> \item Gimp
> \stopitemize
> \stoptext
> ---
> First, nothing prints.
> Second, if I say
> \startitemize[1]
> I get an error on the first \item line.
> I suspect that the default font doesn't have the
> big dot character.
> The system variable OSFONTDIR points
> to /usr/share/fonts
> Obviously there is something that I am missing
> in the font definitions.
All of your three font definitions are wrong because
1. There is only a font with the name “Minion Pro” but no “Minion Pro Serif”.
2. There is only a “Myriad Pro” font but no “Minion Pro Sans” font.
3. The “italic” in the style of the third definition is wrong because italic is
a font alternative. When an unknown value is used for the style the command
uses serif as fallback and therefore overwrites the first line which sets the
serif style as well.
The following example uses the right names (which I used also in the answers of
your previous questions) for both fonts.
\definefontfamily [myfamily] [serif] [Minion Pro]
\definefontfamily [myfamily] [sans] [Myriad Pro]
\item {\bf Inkscape}
\item Scribus
\item Gimp
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