Re: [oi-dev] OI Mate clock-applet crashes

2024-03-04 Thread Stephan Althaus

On 3/4/24 11:17, Till Wegmüller wrote:

In the other case I fixed dconf-editor provided the service but here 
it seems more complicated to figure out which mate package should 
provide this service. Can you do a pkg list on all mate packages?


I hope this is what you thought of:

$ pkg list|grep mate
desktop/mate/caja 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/caja/caja-extensions 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/control-center 1.26.0-2024.0.0.2  i--
desktop/mate/marco 1.28.1-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-applets 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-backgrounds 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-calc 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-dictionary 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-disk-usage-analyzer 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-icon-theme 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-media 1.28.1-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-notification-daemon 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-panel 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-power-manager 1.26.1-2024.0.0.1  i--
desktop/mate/mate-screensaver 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-screenshot 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-search-tool 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-session-manager 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-settings-daemon 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-system-log 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/mate/mate-themes 3.22.24-2023.0.0.1 i--
desktop/mate/mate-user-guide 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
desktop/system-monitor/mate-system-monitor 1.26.0-2024.0.0.6  i--
library/desktop/mate/libmatekbd 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
library/desktop/mate/libmatemixer 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
library/desktop/mate/libmateweather 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
library/desktop/mate/mate-common 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
library/desktop/mate/mate-desktop 1.28.1-2024.0.0.1  i--
library/desktop/mate/mate-menus 1.28.0-2024.0.0.0  i--
terminal/mate-terminal 1.28.1-2024.0.0.0  i--



oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] OI Mate clock-applet crashes

2024-03-04 Thread Marcel Telka
On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 02:36:37PM +0100, Andreas Wacknitz via oi-dev wrote:
> Am 03.03.24 um 14:13 schrieb Stephan Althaus:
> > $ /usr/libexec/mate/clock-applet
> > 
> > ** (clock-applet:9178): WARNING **: 13:29:39.524: Call can set time
> > zone dbus method:
> > GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
> > org.mate.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism was not provided by any
> > .service files
> > 
> > (clock-applet:9178): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:29:39.526: Negative content
> > width -9 (allocation 1, extents 5x5) while allocating gadget (node
> > button, owner GtkToggleButton)
> > terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
> >   what():  Unable to read configuration
> > Abort (core dumped)
> > 
> Please create a fresh account and try with it whether you'll get similar
> results. It may be you personal configuration forcing this error.

Yes, I agree.  There is possibly a remnant from older MATE in your
configuration that is no longer supported or valid in recent MATE 1.28.

If that's the case then there are few possible options:

- it is a bug in MATE, so it should be reported upstream,
- there is some (official) upgrade path from older MATE and we didn't
  follow that,
- MATE does not support upgrades between versions without the user's
  config cleanup.

Either way, this should be analyzed deeper and root caused.

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:  |
|homepage: |

oi-dev mailing list

Re: [oi-dev] OI Mate clock-applet crashes

2024-03-04 Thread Till Wegmüller

Hi Stephan

> ** (clock-applet:9178): WARNING **: 13:29:39.524: Call can set time zone
> dbus method: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The
> name org.mate.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism was not provided by any
> .service files

Ths is the info we need to have in these cases. It shows that the dbus 
service `org.mate.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism` is missing. Some 
googleing from other Operatingsystems shows that this service is 
probably provided by mate-settings-daemon unfortunately in this case the 
service shows also missing on my system `gdbus introspect --system 
--dest org.mate.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism --object-path /` and my 
mate-clock applet is working. Is your applet charshing only on shutdown?

In the other case I fixed dconf-editor provided the service but here it 
seems more complicated to figure out which mate package should provide 
this service. Can you do a pkg list on all mate packages?


On 03.03.24 14:13, Stephan Althaus wrote:

On 3/3/24 14:10, Stephan Althaus wrote:


My clock-applet crashes regularily.

With the latest occurence, i started /usr/libexec/mate/clock-applet 
before i pressed the reload button...

Now i have a core file:

Maybe this part of the pstack shows the reason (?)

- thread# 1391 / lwp# 1391 [pool-clock-appl] -
 7fffaf40aa6a _lwp_kill () + a
 7fffaf39b982 raise (6) + 22
 7fffaf375128 abort () + 58
 7fffaa1eb491 _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv.cold () 
+ 65

 7fffaa1e8376 _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE () + 6
 7fffaa1e83d1  ()
 7fffaa1e864c  ()
_ZN23envvar_config_extension10get_configERKN8libproxy3urlE () + 4b2
_ZN8libproxy13proxy_factory10get_configERNS_3urlERSt6vectorIS1_SaIS1_EERNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE () + 253
_ZN8libproxy13proxy_factory11get_proxiesERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE () + f7

 7fff9cc25bd2 px_proxy_factory_get_proxies () + 92

What should i do now to narrow it down what the reason is (?)

BTW i don't use any proxy settings that i know of :-/



oi-dev mailing list


i forgot, this is the console output of the command:

$ /usr/libexec/mate/clock-applet

** (clock-applet:9178): WARNING **: 13:29:39.524: Call can set time zone 
dbus method: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The 
name org.mate.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism was not provided by any 
.service files

(clock-applet:9178): Gtk-WARNING **: 13:29:39.526: Negative content 
width -9 (allocation 1, extents 5x5) while allocating gadget (node 
button, owner GtkToggleButton)

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
   what():  Unable to read configuration
Abort (core dumped)



oi-dev mailing list

oi-dev mailing list

[oi-dev] Heads-Up: building with libjpeg is broken

2024-03-04 Thread Marcel Telka

If your installation is older than 2024-03-03 or you do not build using
libjpeg then you can safely skip this message.

If your system is up-to-date and you are building anything that requires
libjpeg then please be aware that under some circumstances your build
bits could be broken.

Simple test case showing the problem:

$ cat > jpeg.c <

struct jpeg_decompress_struct info;
struct jpeg_error_mgr err;

info.err = jpeg_std_error(&err);

return 0;
$ gcc -Wall -ljpeg -ojpeg jpeg.c
$ ./jpeg 
Wrong JPEG library version: library is 62, caller expects 80
$ echo $?

If the above is tested on an older system, then the ./jpeg command
completes successfully.

Please note that this depends on how exactly you integrate support for
the libjpeg library, so it is possible that you are not affected.

It is not recommended to merge any PRs for oi-userland that could cause
rebuild of components depending on libjpeg (either ijg or turbo) until
this issue is solved.

Please also note that binaries built before 2024-03-03 that use libjpeg
are not affected.


| Marcel Telka   e-mail:  |
|homepage: |

oi-dev mailing list