Hi, Shankar,
Thanks for the update. Please discuss with Kang, added on this maillist,  on 
schedule and priority.


Helen Chen

From: Shankaranarayanan P N <shankarp...@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, May 18, 2018 at 10:21 AM
To: Helen Chen 00725961 <helen.c...@huawei.com>, Gildas Lanilis 
<gildas.lani...@huawei.com>, "PATEL, ANKITKUMAR N (ANKITKUMAR N)" 
<an...@research.att.com>, "ritu.s...@intel.com" <ritu.s...@intel.com>, 
"LEFEVRE, CATHERINE" <cl6...@intl.att.com>, "FREEMAN, BRIAN D" 
<bf1...@att.com>, "sa...@research.att.com" <sa...@research.att.com>, 
onap-discuss <onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>
Subject: OOF integration testing

Hi Helen, Gildas,

Following up on our earlier meeting regarding the integration testing, I wanted 
to reach out and provide an update on the progress here as you requested.

We have completed all the pairwise testing with our downstream dependencies 
(AAI, MultiCloud, Policy), and expect to complete the Northbound testing with 
SO in a short while. In order to simultaneously progress alongside the 
integration testing efforts, we have been primarily using the vCPE workflows 
for our pairwise testing.

Since OOF is called by SO for homing in the vCPEResCust instantiation workflow, 
I wanted to check if the following plan for the testing would work:

1. Test the basic Homing workflow for vCPE with minimal constraints 
(https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/HAS+%28R2%29+Beijing+Release+planning). This 
would, in effect, replace the SNIRO emulator stub in R1 flows with OOF homing 
2. Add the HPA and MultiCloud capacity check policies, and test with the 
functional test cases.

This way, we can start off with an initial but meaningful test and make 
progress incrementally by adding more complex policies. Please let us know if 
this sounds reasonable.

Thank you so much for your help with the testing efforts !


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